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12149557 No.12149557 [Reply] [Original]

What jobs do you philosophy majors have or plan on getting? I'm really contemplating law school but I'm afraid I'm too lazy to be good at it.

>> No.12149579

i unironically serve coffee to some corporate stooge. i'm a fucking gofer

>> No.12149686

did you ever think about law school?

>> No.12149692

Is there anyone completely repulsed by employment but found something they enjoyed regardless? I just can't think of anything that i want to be doing everyday. But i have to do something.

>> No.12149973

None I changed to stem after realizing this

>> No.12149976

Bureaucratic administration needs policy people who know how to think good.

>> No.12149997

I'm a brainlet, besides the Academia, where do philosophy majors work?

>> No.12150004

Home depot

>> No.12150043

My mistake, I wanted to know where they want to work, not where they actually work.

>> No.12150073


>> No.12150078

Is there a place besides education/academy where they can work?

>> No.12150086

Whatever you do just stop considering law school right now, it's a terrible draining profession unless you're a sociopath.

>> No.12150115


>> No.12150117

unironically the only reason anyone puts up with employment is to feed a wife and kids. just don't get married and don't have children. a single man can enjoy life on surprisingly little. the biggest problem is the eventual estrangement of your married friends. try to redpill some of them before it's too late.

>> No.12150178

that was me a decade ago. graduated from ucb now i'm in the gig economy. I asked myself just yesterday... could I ever recapture that firey ambition? and I can't. corporate lawyers disgust me. 15 hour days befuddle me. money, status, etc, seems so remote, like a far off island I visited once and remains shrouded in a fog.

Maybe i'm mentally ill; parasitic, cowardly, delusional, sad sac loser lacking the will to get his shit together or even see the point of trying. or maybe i'm just content with getting my needs met, hanging out with my girlfriend, reading books, thinking, meditating.

wha'd you guys think, confused or clear eyed?

>> No.12150189

Sure but even without kids you still have to work.

>> No.12150234

I honestly feel like I don't belong in any career and no form of employment could ever make me happy

>> No.12150271

lemme guess, your mother was ice and your father was angry all the time.

>> No.12150293

careful of social pressures, what you’re desiring is fair

>> No.12150294

stay at home daddy

>> No.12150295

You can work in public relations or the media if you have no conscience or shame

>> No.12150331

I'm a philosophy major and fuck law school. Im going to do philosophy with my philosophy degree.

>> No.12150365

I'm an easily manipulated non-entity and got into business due to my parents influence. I don't think it's an interesting subject at all and my prospects for work are either corporate, which I would probably hate, or taking over my father's business, which my father himself in a moment of honesty admitted is utterly joyless.
I kind of want to drop out and study philosophy, but I hate almost everything associated with it besides the philosophical works themselves, and specially, I hate my country's academia.
I don't seem to have any shot at living even a minimally satisfying life. I wonder if I should kill myself.

>> No.12150380

Just get a minimum wage job and live an ascetic life in a tiny apartment spending all your free time reading and working out

>> No.12150389

I love my mom and never knew my father growing up

>> No.12150392

Better getting a mediocre office job when you can hopefully just slack off a read. Minimum wage work fucking sucks.

>> No.12150403

Why do you ask this?

>> No.12150415

This is what im doing i havent done the slack off and read at desk stuff yet, want to wait like a year or so till i do that

>> No.12151100

sounds like buddenbrooks

>> No.12151128

Don't go to law school. It's unironically a bad decision at all levels. I did really well on the lsat, got a bunch of offers to elite law schools, and turned them all down to be a teacher.

The actual practice of law sucks. It's insanely time intensive, the debt is insane, the stress is insane- lawyers suffer from depression and alcoholism at considerably higher levels than the general population. That's not even taking into account the opportunity cost of three years of missed work, the saturated market, and dismal wages for about 80% of practicing lawyers. Just don't do it. If you have the brains for it, go into computer science. If you want a more lit job become a teacher or an editor or something.

>> No.12151132

janitor or something

>> No.12151147

>If you have the brains for it, go into computer science.
is it worth it to go back to school for a second bachelor's? Worried that I'll be too old by the time I finish that degree up

>> No.12151182

What does it matter when philosophy is your one chance to glimpse the divine?

>> No.12151192

Because, as I'm sure you well know, the divine has defaulted on the bill payments, and keeps taking up fridge space with his aunt's leftovers.

>> No.12151203

>computer science
>not saturated

t. pajeet

>> No.12151222
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I work at a surf shop

>> No.12151235


Go to school to be educated, not trained like a monkey to preform. Double major in STEM and liberal arts. If you can't do this, either out of personal inability or some ridiculous rule, don't go to university. There is no need for more mindless drones slaving away at their programming job. The fact that you're here shows you can probably do at least a minor in a liberal art as well, but there were so many at university that couldn't hold any discussion on anything outside of their chosen field. Be more

>> No.12151243


>> No.12151278

You got me. No one ever makes spelling mistakes.

>> No.12151363

im currently a phil major at ucb. reading this was VERY encouraging, anon.

>> No.12151381

But what does that matter? If the aunt was metaphysical, in essence, only then could the leftovers mean anything at all. What -is- fridge space anyway? I can just keep nibbling on other’s food, as the quid pro quo of being a philosophy grad. Mutatis mutandis I will be fed, and well. Thine stomach knows only the limits of thine heart.

Also I pick up money off the ground outside WalMart.

>> No.12151384

I do this, listen to audiobooks or just find a private place and whip out my kindle

>> No.12151401

It was dear old Diogenes who said, after all, "If only one could satisfy the stomach as masturbating" or something to that effect. Sure, the aunt may very well be a spectre, a haunt in the hollow as it were. But the leftovers are of clear substance, made evident by the disgusting excuse for a human who actually eats them.

>> No.12151454 [DELETED] 

but you wouldnt have to make very much money at all, whereas if you have a wife and kid you should probably try to make a lot of money

>> No.12151509

you got more advice on either? I'm interested in working in editing but not sure where to start, also not sure if teaching is as great as it sounds

>> No.12151514


>> No.12151521

i'm about to go into a programming degree starting in January. please convince me to pursue philosophy instead. used to study English through my sophomore year of college before taking a year off

>> No.12151538

double major and you will be a king, trust me, you'll have the practical skills of a CS major but the worldview of a philosophy major.

>> No.12151550

depends on what your ambition is rooted in. Mine was built on a house-of-cards foundation, emotional avoidance. you compensate the emptiness with a glut of the dominant cultural currency. once I got to know my emotions and found a girl with unwavering love (secure attachment), all my goals changed on their own.

As long as you're already a secure, honest with yourself person, you'll be fine anon. if not...it's gonna get pretty dark.

>> No.12151562

thanks anon

>> No.12151593

>double major
desu, unless you are really deadset on this, I would choose between the two. You'll be spreading yourself too thin and if you wanted to get a cs job you'll find that you don't know as much as you hoped to know, and if you wanted to be a based phil major, you'll find that you really don't know all too much and all of your essays will be of lower possible quality because you were spending so much time doing cs homework. There is a lot of intersection between the two fields though, but I do not believe that it warrants a double major.

>> No.12151603

you could argue that what he'd lose in ultimate job cash, he'd make back in the richness of phil.

>> No.12151608

Thats a good point, but from what I hear only really top cs students get jobs. I could obviously be wrong though, and he may just be super intelligent

>> No.12151636

no idea where you heard this, if you go to a decent school and you get mediocre grades you'll find work, it's mostly about sideprojects anyway for a lot of applications. Major does not put you at a disadvantage, you will not be spread too thin with a double-major. If you choose to drop phil, that's fine, but major in something else, such as stats. Wasting four years and coming out with nothing but a CS degree is a waste. Also, no company looks down on double majors. I would know, I worked at a career center for 4 years - but don't take my word for it, visit your uni's center and do your own research.

>> No.12151639

also, phil/CS is very common because of the intersection of ethics and tech, especially AI and AGI. This is the only common humanities combo with CS, however. CS is usually paired with another STEM, usually stats (knowing stats is very relevant in the industry atm), or econ (relevant if you want to work in corporate/finance CS)

>> No.12151642

children are a secular chance at immortality. a piece of who you are lives on in them.

>> No.12151652

>humans will be the one species that doesn't go extinct

>> No.12151653

>no idea where you heard this
I hear it here all the time tbqh. All the stem people on sci say it

>> No.12151665

fair, and I can't refute that because I have just as much of a claim to legitimacy as them, being an anon on a different board. So what do you do? well, try visiting some job boards, seeing what the requirements are, how many jobs there are, etc. Visit a government statistics website to see what the industry trends are. Visit your uni career center and talk to them, see if you can network with professionals in CS. In sum, do your own fucking research.
>believing what sci says

>> No.12151673

thanks for your input anons. I'm enrolling in Arizona State's online program, they (supposedly) have a top rated computer science program and (again, supposedly) graduates from ASU/their online program have a high hiring rate after graduation. the online degree is like a year and a half of classes taken 7 weeks at a time with work every day. my thought was that i could take philosophy classes at the local community college and get an associates degree, but at the same time, is an actual degree worth more than just reading in my spare time instead of fucking around on /lit/? would there be any benefit from an associates degree compared to just having the knowledge and doing a lot of reading and research? older or experienced anons pls direct me because i have no idea what the fuck i'm doing

>> No.12151700

as far as philosophy goes, you can learn quite a bit doing self study. You could even be better than most philosophy majors probably. However, nothing beats having to actually write about the topics you are interested in. You are actually being forced to prove what you have learned from the text you are reading

>> No.12151709

not sure how good community colleges are (not from the US), but from my research not particularly good. The rigor of an academic institution (for the undergraduate population) reflects the institution's average student. You can't place princeton standards on a local college. As such, you're best not wasting your money on the college.

The situation would have been different if you were studying at some one institution where you could take both a major in CS and Phil.

I must remind you, however, that this is /lit/, and much better sources exist for you to make your decision than the musings of some anons that read halfway through the Republic for their elective POL100 credit.

>> No.12151711

I rent a room to a friend from high school finishing his CS degree. He is a senior. The university he/we went to is, I'd say, second rate (certainly in CS and anything STEM), though it has a big name in the state. He was hired out of his summer internship by a major bank to code for them in another city nearby. It won't be fun or fulfilling work, but it's certainly well paid. If you major in CS, you'll probably have a lot of work options, but it likely won't be work you'll enjoy.

>> No.12151715

that's a fair point. i definitely wouldn't retain or probably comprehend as much on my own if i didn't have to write papers on them

>> No.12151743

that's a good point. it's definitely a different situation than in person university. top kek at your last comment that's also very true. i'll do some more research. thanks anon

that's my biggest problem. i think i'll be good at CS and have decent job security but i'm pretty concerned i won't be happy. when i was younger i reeeally wanted to be "rich" but now that i'm almost 21 im realizing after pretty much a whole lifetime of treatment resistant depression i'd rather be happy and money isn't what i'm after. (sorry for the diary entry) i guess part of happiness is security and if i'm decent at CS or even at a shit company making more than average US yearly salary i can work towards being happier

i really appreciate everyone who's offered their input and advice, i don't have anyone irl who can give me some insight and help me think through shit

>> No.12151804

It's never too late is what most people say. But then even if you're 22, old enough to have graduated, it seems as though the world has left you behind.
Consider a part-time/open university degree, so at least you can make progress in other areas and avoid the stagnation of being a student.

>> No.12151830

The myth of the saturated computer science workforce is only true of Silicon Valley. People assume that because they can't break into the key industry of one of the richest areas in the world it is like that everywhere but there is a surplus of work for computer scientists elsewhere.
There is also huge potential growth in non-established computer markets.

>> No.12151850

A joint degree is a nice idea but I don't see how it avoids one becoming a drone. Most Humanities departments seem completely unable to fill the philosophical void in our culture than everyone has become aware of in the past few years. Either you are taught the outdated 20th century boomer syllabus or instead a crash course in social justice and the virtues of NATO.

>> No.12152404

Join the Air Force.

>> No.12152951
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I have unironically heard that Phil majors are highly desired in high finance as qualitative analysts. https://youtu.be/b3uc2VEJirE

>> No.12152957

I work a data entry job. I think a lot of people on 4chan, from my experience, are datacuck s

>> No.12152970

on that image why isn't mathematics the most mathematical topic?

>> No.12152973

how is history of science that intelligent? isn't history of science mostly pure ideology retroactively created that makes no sense if you check the actual history?

>> No.12152977

>ywn never attend a Creative Wriging college class
why live brehs

>> No.12153893

thanks, anon. i really needed that

>> No.12154080

Honestly just get a degree from a presitgious institution regardless of what it is and you're set. You should be more worried where you're majoring rather than what you're majoring in. That's what employers care about most, with the only exceptions being vocational degrees directly related to a job you won't get without one (like medicine)

>> No.12154640

High quality response.

>> No.12154894

Monkeys certainly make mistakes.

>> No.12155691

imagine having that talent at 22. anyone who says it's not genetic is lying or stupid.

>> No.12155699

single mother upbringing. you never find a case where ennui prevails but the upbringing was sound. (excluding genes associated with sociopathy, ODD, borderline, etc)

>> No.12155993

seeing some people in this thread saying they want a job just to do something, even if they hate the idea of having a job. thought i'd share what i do for a living and how i see it.

i'm a mailman, i deliver mail by bike and when i finish my route i go home. if there's a lot of mail we work later, from 8-17 maybe. if there's very little mail we work from 8-13.30 or sometimes even less than that. it's a job where you take one day at a time, and you are providing a small but meaningful service to the community.
you spend the morning sorting the mail that you're supposed to deliver into slots, then you pack that mail into the bike and head out. it's simple, fairly thoughtless, but at least it's not pointless. it's simple, but it's also not too easy. there's barely time for lunch, the office supplies are the cheapest the company can afford, some of my coworkers are retards (literally, i think one of my coworkers is disabled, i saw her drool once), and the pay isn't really that good.
on the other hand, old ladies always stop and talk for a couple of minutes. people always hold the door for the mailman and shoot a smile my way. kids look amazed when i fly by on my bike and dogs always give me a hard time.
the point is that at least i know that even though my job is simple, and hard work, it's needed. it's a job where i can spend the days daydreaming about whatever i want and still go home with sore legs, a good mood, and with a feeling like i've done something.

i don't make a whole lot of money, and my coworkers are mostly retards, but at least the work doesn't take my backbone or my soul from me like so many "high status" jobs seem to do for so many men. i'm not saying don't get educated, and i'm not saying don't pursue your career if you want to. i'm just saying there is joy to be found in simple work even if you might think life is just bills and endless expectations.

>> No.12156046

be a man and pick up a trade
good hours, good money, practical skills and you won't be a limp-wristed fag anymore

>> No.12156151
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I got my MA in Philosophy and English Literature (joint) a few years back. After a few miserable years working as a support worker with adults with autism, I am now a self-employed dog walker.

Its not the most lucrative business in the world, but it pays more than I expected and it makes me genuinely happy.

>> No.12156153

I wanted to be a filmmaker but I'm far too lazy. Alternatively I'd like to NEET it for the rest of my life or become a monk but one of those indolent monks who reads all day.

I find myself stuck in an academic coach job, teaching English in a school to a bunch of underachievers. When only ten or so smart and motivated kids turn up to the sessions it's actually quite an enjoyable job. That doesn't happen anymore though. I just had a group of twenty five 14 year olds, barely any of whom were listening and those that were listening could rarely hear me and when they could they didn't understand what I was saying. Quite a few of them were mocking me under their breath to their friends.

I'm not cut out for this job. I'm lazy, I'm a bad explainer, I can't improvise, I have a weak voice that I can't project, I'm not intimidating or charismatic enough to gain their respect. I've only been here two months and I'm beyond fed up. I've been working in education for three years and I don't know why. I don't know what else I can do or who would take me. I just want a little job to save little money - a job with not a lot of responsibility and hours preferably.

Thanks for skimming over my blogpost. I'm going to neck myself now.

>> No.12156197

I'd prefer to keep my dignity

>> No.12156206

Have you thought of working in a supermarket or getting a job with Amazon?

>> No.12156550

Tried for ages to get a job in a supermarket as a stop gap but they must have all smelt my flightiness a mile off. Also I've volunteered in a charity shop for a couple of years and I'm such a retard on the till, you wouldn't believe. If that had been an actual job, I would have been fired by now. An amazon job sounds worse than my current one.

The good thing about working in a school is that I finish earlier than most and the holidays. I can't tell if it's working that's killing my spirit or being surrounded by teenagers who mock me and think I'm shit.

>> No.12156611
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i'm a philosophy major undergrad, phd in government/jd grad

i've been the campaign manager for 2 US congressmen and currently run a political lobbying/consulting firm outta DC, as well as sit on the board on a hedge fun specifically dealing in bespoke tranche opportunities

love what i do, love what i studied, love combining the two, love it all.

>> No.12156651

How did you involve yourself in lobying? Do you have good social skills? How much books do you read? I am really interested in your career path. Do tell me about your life

>> No.12156740
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thanks man, ill answer what i can

i go into lobbying after working within the actual structure of campaigns; among other things, i was really interested in problems of rhetoric and conversion throughout my undergrad and grad career, so finding ways to actually apply the various philosophical theories of persuasion i had encountered became and still is a major part of my general life's work. i really, really enjoy taking esoteric concepts born in philosophy/political theory and churning them into hard campaign and PR strategies. to be honest, i also have an inbuilt penchant toward duplicity--it's not that i lie a lot, it's that i enjoy crafting realistic myths and i'm pretty good at it. it's my way of aestheticizing the world in the manner of kant and schiller: i find my work the perfect example of "play" i've personally encountered

ima be straight up honest with you since this is anonymous and i'd rather just answer you directly, so please excuse the obvious egotism: yes, i have great social skills, and would consider myself a particularly charismatic person--others seem to agree. the essence of my charisma is drawn from weber and geertz and shils: 1. i am very good at owning and bearing honestly my own unique soul (this sounds lame, but is the basis of much of it), and 2. i am very good at relating myself to the "center of things," both politically/economically and spiritually/metaphysically. i manage both the material and idealistic aspects of my character in the same way one might manage a custom-made suit. i very much enjoy walking into a wall street boardroom and being the guy who can quote shakespeare--as long as you are not a pretentious cunt about your learning, knowledge in these contexts really is power, and i know how to mine that power with considerable precision.

i read constantly and non-stop. truly, the source and essence of my wealth and power has been knowledge. it has not only granted me an exceptional career, it has also saved my life, in some really real and profound ways. i own a private, hand-selected 10,000 book academic library and share as much of it as i can: senators, businessmen, artists, authors scientists and academics associated with DC pass through it, and i love being the nexus of a type of intellectual salon-culture. i'm currently reading: "the committee: a study of policy, power, politics and obama's historic legislative agenda on capital hill" (bryan marshall and bruce wolpe); "the sit room: in the theater of war and peace" (david scheffer); "the seer in ancient greece" (michael flower); "the problem of political authority" (michael huemer); "german idealism: the struggle against subjectivism, 1781-1801" (frederick beiser); and "emotion and high politics: personal relations at the summit in late nineteenth-century britain and germany" (judith hughes)

>> No.12156773
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come, come, inhale this pesticide, it will only hurt but a moment

>> No.12156794

brb writing you as a character into my story

>> No.12156921

This made me laugh so hard, thank you.

>> No.12156961

Do you have any advice for a law student to practice his social skills? Have you always been a confident and social person? How old are you?

No need to read what is past here:
I started philosophy at the top university on my country but i drop it because i saw what my future was. A sad mysantrope meek teacher. So i joined law school to "impact the world in more meaningfull ways and to improve my social skills". A retarded excuse. I just wanted to change something in mynlife as it could change myself.
I dont read or write, but inconsider myself a voracious reader and a good writer. Just because iam delusional.
When i changed majors i actually had the fantasy of becoming like you and i still have that hope but my lazyness and lack of social skills are a monumental obstacle to achieve that ideal.
I get the part of spoking your soul with sincerity y also think thats the trait of any good piece of art and i see why i am a failure of a person. I lie. Constantly. I am ashamed of myself so i always make things up (even the more trivial things). I would like to be like you. I dont know you but i am really glad you have a meaningfull job and a good life. Sorry for this horrible post.

>> No.12156970

nice larp

>> No.12156997

what kinda books you like?

>> No.12157007

same. the audiobooks and mindfulness is great. don't mind, the judgment as time goes on, but i do wish i had a bit more job security...worrying about the next recession

>> No.12157035

gotta be the latter. too bad you can't beat the little fuckers with a switch like the goo' 'ol days

>> No.12157070

>really real
care to offer any tangential evidence that any of this is true?

>> No.12157219
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>care to offer any tangential evidence that any of this is true?

no i really dont. but i am curious, on simply a theoretical level: what would you take to be evidence? if i substantiated one part of my claim, would the other parts become credible to you? does it matter which part?

>> No.12157445

Yeah I'm really starting to realize how fucked up I am as a result of my childhood

>> No.12157545

Based stooge

>> No.12158170


>> No.12158214

I have genuinely considered punching one of the kids and spending the rest of my days an imprisoned, unemployable yet happy man.

>> No.12158323

your affected speech is the tell. You've spent time memorizing words from books you "should" be reading and never polished them off in conversation to know how to sound like an actual human being.

Not that I care if you want to play pretend on the internet, catfish away m8.

>> No.12158333

Currently looking at a customer service advisor role, however once I graduate I might come back to law school and become a barrister, not a barista.

>> No.12159765
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that's not even close to answering my question, you moron. i couldn't care less about actually convincing you, or counteracting your mock-sherlock-holmes-poker-table-tell bullshit (simply, you're wrong); what i care about is what it would in theory take to convince you.

obviously you don't believe me, i don't care why you don't, i only care about what it would take, in your mind, to get you to believe me.

>> No.12159854

Take a picture of that library

>> No.12159933

Hmm and what would you have to see in that image for it to count as proof?

>> No.12160366

i feel ya. it takes you to that place, where you just want to sit back and watch it all burn slowly around you

>> No.12160384
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I'm sick of not being able to get a job. Applications don't go anywhere. People think I'm trying to scam them because I'm intelligent and sociable. There must be a catch! This guy is leaving something out! He must be a corporate spy!

>> No.12160488
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Hey man! I'm a mid-20's white dude who is well-read, charismatic, articulate, eloquent etc and I live in DC! Would you consider having a fellow /lit/ poster as a full- or part-time paid intern?

>> No.12160517

ended up going to trade school after, paid off my loans real quick after apprenticeship and make my own hours/way more money and still have time to read or write whenever i want

>> No.12160531

If you're just looking to make money, it makes more sense to go to pharmacy school than trade school if you already have your bachelors degree. Trade school, apprenticeship, and landing a good gig takes about 3 years total.

>> No.12160534
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do you actually live in DC etc., or are you just mocking me?

>> No.12160571
File: 107 KB, 720x470, 3B53D692-A314-4E71-9189-F25E89A1D859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of career should I pursue if tons of people tell me I’m good at explaining difficult concepts to others in an easily understandable way? I’m working on IT right now (which is probably where I honed this skill because end users are often retards) but I would shoot myself if I had to do it for the rest of my life. I enjoy helping people but the corporate nature of the job and indifference of companies to your existence really kills it for me.

>> No.12160577


>> No.12160584

I do, I take the red-line metro every day and I went to high school in Montgomery country. I'm away from DC for around two weeks atm but I would definitely be interested in interning if you guys did that. After I get back around the 15th-16th we could meet and get coffee etc. If you wanted to learn more about me in the meantime I'm free to chat and email etc despite not being in DC.

you can reach me at cervantes18314@gmail.com

>> No.12160611

I’ve unironically thought about it but I have so many of my own sins that I couldn’t even imagine being someone’s confessor. I do such a bad job caring for even the one soul God has entrusted me with - how could I possibly provide adequate care for others’ as well? To be a bad layman sends one man to hell, but a bad priest could endanger countless others.

>> No.12160619

seeing that little green frog wiggle made me happy

>> No.12160627

As long as you aren't using your position to commit sin, I don't see it being bad. In fact, it might even be better because you know the cost first hand.

>> No.12160644

How do I become a priest?

>> No.12160656

If you’re Orthodox like me, you talk to your priest, then get approval from your bishop to go to seminary where you eventually go get ordained as a deacon then eventually a parish priest. From there the bishop assigns you to a parish. If you want to be married, you gotta do it before you’re ordained.

>> No.12160763
File: 8 KB, 229x220, Pope Pepe I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're Catholic, talk to a priest about a vocation and he'll direct you to the proper diocese.
Alternatively, you could become a non-diocesan priest by becoming a first a monk and expressing the vocation, and alternatively still, you could become a member of Opus Dei and be invited to the priesthood there, which, if I'm not mistaken, still practice their usual careers but with the collar on.

If I believed in God, I would do it. I can't say I do though. Considering this, it would just feel disingenuous and fake. I think most prelates enter for social acclaim or familial pressure which I feel is wrong too. Honestly, the only reason to join in my opinion is if you have ambitions for the papacy. Slim chance but I'd say it's more realistic of a goal than say becoming president.

>> No.12161640

maybe it's dickish to point this out, but the entire christian belief system is based on eye-witness testimony, and books written 50 years after the fact. Why would anyone side with eye-witness testimony, in which there are numerous instances of falseness and fraudulence, over the laws of physics, in which there are no instances of even a single violation...?

>> No.12161655

then again, even if there's no god, lord knows the dollar's no profit, so pop that collar anon.

>> No.12161681

the whole "programming is mindless drone work" meme is kinda baseless. Sure there is a lot of debugging and and updating but a lot of the work is really engaging and requires considerable creativity. You can get lucky and work with a small team of really smart, well read people. But whatever, makes dismissing technology as a career bearable.

>> No.12161697

I mean, don't expect any sort of work to make you happy. be thankful if you have a job that you can tolerate. there is a reason you're being paid to do it.

>> No.12161706

the world needs far fewer people like you

>> No.12161753

>undergrad honors in phil and poli sci
>masters in poli sci

currently working in content marketing and affiliate marketing. making about 30-35K about 14 months out of grad school. Next year I plan on branching into solo work, ranking a website i build linking to affiliate car insurance sites and selling it after a year for 300-400K. The guy i write content for just sold one of his for a million.

>> No.12161759

i should mention, that's 30K from home having to deal with literally no one. And maybe 30 hours of labor a week.

>> No.12161764

does the work stimulate you, touch that creative or sensitive side?

>> No.12161795



>> No.12161905

Sensitive, no. Creative, somewhat. I write about things every day. usually thousands of words. Of course, it's too entice people to purchase a service or product but I mean, I don't mind doing this when I'm 23, 24, 25. In my later 20s I'll probably settle into a career apart from marketing but I grew up poor and fuck staying poor. I crave security more than anything. I'm still productive creatively, to an extent, so this life will suffice.

Marketing is far more creatively satisfying than academia ever was, btw

>> No.12161915
