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12160138 No.12160138 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read before Nietzsche to not misunderstand him? And in what order should I go about reading him?

>> No.12160151

Skip through all of his books and note down the people who he mentions, read them and afterwards read Nietzsche himself.

>> No.12160156

Good advice.

>> No.12160166

So who are the central of these?

>> No.12160167

Plato, Kant, Schopenhauer would be the most important I'd say. I'd read him chronologically.

>> No.12160172

Also, Heraclitus and Parmenides

>> No.12160175

And Heraclitus

>> No.12160183

and what should you read before reading those who inluced Nietzche to not misunderstand them too?

Just read nigga

>> No.12160186

Kaufmann's Nietzsche

>> No.12160191

Ignore the misreading meme. Have a solid understanding of History Western philo. Prescocratics-Kant and Schooenhaur and then just read him yourself. As someone who’s done upper level research on N, the fork in the road in the scholarship is reductive and unsatisfying anyways. The only way you can misread him is to A). Read him as a nihilist or B). Not try to do what he says, namely think through the very ends of your values and see whether they truly allow you to vent your strength.

>> No.12160193

Or Hegel. Since its Hegel who studies change in societies philosophically not Heraclitus.

>> No.12160194

No no no no no no no no no worst advice one could give short of “just read the wikipedia.” Kaufmann’s interpretation IS NOT taken seriously in the contemporary scholarship for a very good reason.

>> No.12160196

Will this cover them?

Or is this just a good >>12160183
>Just read

>> No.12160197

N does not give a fuck about Hegel lol

>> No.12160335

how much food you think got stuck in this fuckers mustache

>> No.12160339
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>> No.12160350

Just don't read will to power because it's fake.

>> No.12160799

Beyond good and evil seems like an easy read, compared to zarathustra

>> No.12160826

Honestly, the best preperation for N. is to understand the modern condition.To understand how his prophecy has become true. Read the Platonic dialogues, if you really want to, and you're p. much ready to go. N. is very accessible in the sense that you can get a grasp on his basic ideas pretty easily. His works are extraordinary deep though, and he anticipated almost every important (and even the unimportant abortions like Hicks and Harris) continental philosopher of the 20th century.

Genealogy of Morals, Birth of Tragedy and Thus Spoke Zarathustra are the most important works.

>> No.12161404

I have the complete collection - should i read it all or just some dialogues?

>> No.12161434

Don't forget about French moralists - Montaigne, La Rochefoucauld, Chamfort and so on. Nietzsche loved them and borrowed his fragmentary/critic style from their work

>> No.12161448

Kaufmann’s translations are good and I wouldn’t listen to anything a modern scholar had to say about N. Reading Kaufmann’s nietzsche is autistic and goes against what N says about his own works.
Its not fake at all retard, there are passages which were mistranslated or omitted but Kaufmann and others have remedied the attempts by fascists to mutilate the work.

>> No.12161474

Bad advice
Know la Rochefoucauld, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Emerson, Carlyle, Schopenhauer
Know the enlightenment in general, (volataire, rousseau, locke, etc)
Know Darwin, Malthus, and Herbert Spencer in general.

But once you've read them you know everything Nietzsche has to teach you.

>> No.12161480

Don't do this, Kaufmann didn't know what he was doing. There plenty of competent translations. None of his writings is hard to get into English, even most of the stylistic are conserved.

>> No.12161500

This is a good comment anon. I'd argue Will to Power would've been mightier than Zarathustra had he actually organized the ER text appropriately before he died.

I'd say Geneology is a good place to start, Beyond Good and Evil and Gay Science are good follow ups (though this is by no means a mandatory ordering), then you can go for Twilight of the Idols, Zarathustra, and fill in the gaps with the rest of the texts. Birth of Tragedy is a whole other ballgame, but by the time you understand Dionysian Pessimism you should be able to fit it in nicely with your overall understanding of his works.

Agree and disagree. If by modern you lump Deleuze in there, that's where i have to depart. And there are other valuable voices for sorting through the concepts (Kofmann, Clark, Ansell-Pearson, and Dienstag come to mind). but yeah OP honestly just avoid any commentaries for along time. A lot of them are hit or miss.

>> No.12161507

What should I read before Nietzsche to not end up like him? I don't want to get cucked and have a mental breakdown over animal abuse.

>> No.12161516

Is this here where Jung comes in?

>> No.12161540

just read, faggot. Why do you need someone to hold your hand through everything?

>> No.12161549

>What should I read before Nietzsche to not end up like him?
Skip him and read Carlyle and Weininger

>> No.12161561

I meant all modern philosophical discourse, if you read philosophy after N, Heidegger or Wittgenstein you didn’t deserve to even hear about them to begin with. Its swill and the most insidious excuse for intellectual discourse.

>> No.12161596

I can't think of another translator who captures N's eloquence as well as Kaufmann does.

>> No.12161599

>greatest philosopher had brain aids

>> No.12161682

>I can't think of another translator who captures N's eloquence as well as Kaufmann does.
lmao this board

>> No.12161692

W-was he wr-wrong?

>> No.12161777

lmao just read nigga hahhahahaha
like its just a book nigga you dont need prerequisites hahahahahaha
youll just forget most of it after anyway hahahahahaha

>> No.12161785

by the time you're done with Nietzsche you'll understand. Nietzsche isn't a nihilist, he hated nihilism

>> No.12161843

If it's not too overbearing, there's no harm in reading most of them. There are other sources detailing the best reading order of Plato, and googling them shouldn't be too difficult.They all tell you to start with the Apology, and from there read as many as you can stomach. They're generally pretty nice texts.

>> No.12161844
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>> No.12162706

skip all of them and read something interesting

>> No.12162826

>no names
Wonderful contribution, faggot.

>> No.12163016

Emperical moral absolutism.

>> No.12163078

Nietzsche really isn't as hard to understand as people make out. As long as you aren't philosophically illiterate you'll be fine.