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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 126 KB, 624x622, Syracuse-University.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12158421 No.12158421 [Reply] [Original]

What school? What are you studying? Favorite book?

I know there are other Syracuse anons on here. I'm studying History and my favorite book is War and Peace.

>> No.12159065


>> No.12159088

University of Adelaide
I like Moldbug
Anyone else in Aus that's nrx pilled?

>> No.12159213

Any Johnnies?

>> No.12159267 [DELETED] 

I graduated from UF with a degree in Historyand joining the Air Force.

The Master and Margarita.

>> No.12159270

University of Kansas
The Iliad

>> No.12159279

who can tell me about Xavier University

>> No.12159307

CUNY Queens
The Book of Disquiet

>> No.12159354

Stanford undergrad.
Classics grad student now in Arizona, teaching Latin / Greek
If On a Winter's Night a Traveller; or Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.12159417

Devry University
Computer studies
The Giver

>> No.12159543

Reminder that university is where wealthy children go to get their class membership cards and make mom and dad proud because they were too busy playing video games, dicking around online and/or getting high to actually think about what they would like to do for a living, want to elongate their childhood by 5 years, and be smugly proud of themselves for doing it as if it wasnt literally the easiest and most obvious option on the table.

>> No.12159580

Oh boy another thread about ivy league bragposting and anti-ivy league disgustposting

>> No.12159585

yup, sounds like me

>> No.12159595

Grab a torch anon, we're rounding up kids with trust funds!

>> No.12160231

delete this

>> No.12160233

>I know there are other Syracuse anons on here
Syracusean here, study physics and classics,
Brothers Karamazov
Have you taken LIT 226? It's a great class

>> No.12160307
File: 25 KB, 300x250, HCcHTqr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, have you taken any classes with Prof. Champion? Ancient Rome or Greece?

I was bragging in that Lasch thread a few days ago that we have his daughter here as a prof in the history dept.

>> No.12160642


>> No.12160655

Honestly this. Undergrad was such a waste of my life. I shouldn't have had to go through that bullshit to go into medical school. Should be 1 year undergrad max.

>> No.12160724

State CC
Paramedic AAS, but thinking of taking some extra classes in either Chemistry or Computer Network Security, and would appreciate feedback from any anons studying in either field.
My favourite book is probably Hero of Our Time, I read it about once a year. Intellectually I’d have to say it’s The Ruin of Kasch however. Really looking forward to Calassos new book coming out.

>> No.12160886

A&F Undergrad
The First Philosophers
guy from previous thread also from LSE pls come back

>> No.12160908

I am convinced that students at elite private universities are intellectually inferior to us proles at merely respectable schools

Spiritually inferior, that's obvious. The only people who could survive the modern admissions process are neurotic termites who have been groomed since birth to believe that associating with a selective superbrand university will prove they're geniuses. Fundamentally, these are eusocial creeps obsessed with status and attention. They are not people so much as they are insentient and fleshy nodes of social information. Look at their faces and you will see they've got that "Innsmouth look," a sort of hollow and perfectly groomed, over-socialized self-satisfaction characteristic to sociopaths and Nancy Pelosi. Sometimes I feel the urge to pop their heads like pimples and see all the likes and "good boy" pats on the bottom come pouring out like pus.

Intellectually inferior, though? But don't the exceptional test scores which their parents bullied them for prove that truly we are among gods?


For one thing, if standardized test scores were an actual measure of intellectual ability and not distantly correlated with it, then the only thing that universities with 4% admissions rates should need to look at are the test scores themselves. And once upon a time they WERE. Harold Bloom, Ezra Pound, and T.S. Eliot--these were mediocre high school students who were of the correct social class and who performed relatively well on entrance examinations, and thus were admitted to the halls of Yale, UPenn, and Harvard, respectively.

But in the age of the Chinese Striver, the Prep Class, the Teacher Recommendation, the Tiger Mom, the only thing that matters are "leadership skills," "extracurriculars," and "personality." The test scores are just the credentials which allow you to even be considered (because, as admissions officers know, just about anybody can do well on a test).

The whole system is so stupid and outrageous that the only people who are dumb enough to trust it are the students who survive the meatgrinder themselves. People want to go to Harvard because Harvard is selective--not because Harvard is a particularly good school with an interesting history where you would learn important things. Harvard is not a university, Harvard is a networking opportunity, a live-in job fair, a real live, interactive LinkedIn page.

What's more is that just about EVERYBODY has caught on by now--except the students at these schools! The rubes! The morons!

One day we're going to look back and laugh at how stupid the whole farce, the whole PERFORMANCE was

>> No.12160914

This copypasta? Is this going to be a regular occurence?

>> No.12160931


>> No.12161062

MGIMO University
International relations
Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt

>> No.12161069

University of Virginia
Studying econ and history
The Sound and the Fury

>> No.12161088

Yeah, took Greece last year and Rome next semester, we had to write a total of 6 pages the entire semester, I didn't know she was a professor, he kind of just talked about doing drugs a lot

>> No.12161245
File: 48 KB, 500x451, 1543601098303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you said this in the last thread. You're disillusioned with life we get it. Life's always been unfair get over it. You just secretly wish you were one of those wealthy children with class membership cards because they got away with bullshit you didn't

>> No.12161247


>> No.12161253

you're probably not wrong, but where's you actual counter argument anon

>> No.12161261

University of Alabama
Philosophy/Classics, pre-law track
Doctor Faustus by Mann

>> No.12161267

>"Fuck trust funds kids"
>heh you wish you had a trust fund too

t. trust fund kid

>> No.12161269

I read it as cunny. Fuck this site and what it’s done to me.

>> No.12161447

>couldn't get into a good school
>tries to exorcise inferiority complex by name calling
>"people that succeed in the system are bad because the system is bad!"
lol how's state school going for you

>> No.12161473

Humboldt State
On the Road

>> No.12161499
File: 25 KB, 600x337, 105598207-4ED3-REQ-GOINGT-HAVE-112818.600x337[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eusocial creep detected

The only thing I'm going to exorcise is your disgusting need to sniff ass, gossip, and perform. And I'm going to do so by squeezing your oily head until it pops open, you stupid node

>> No.12161575

Did you take Greece last fall? if so I was in your class

i guess i should be more subtle when sitting in Bird and browsing /lit/ now

>> No.12162558

emory aka normie fuckin central baby

>> No.12162612

I thought about going to Syracuse just because they sent me mailers and things. I live in California.

>What school?
UCLA (graduate program). Did my undergrad at UC Santa Barbara by way of University of Missouri and Santa Monica College. Did abroad study at King's at Cambridge.

>What are you studying?
Public Policy.

>Favorite book?

>> No.12162634

Not that guy, but if you'd familiarize yourself with higher education you'd probably stop ragging on those people (as I've stopped doing) once you realize how many shitty students also exist at the more prestigious institutions. There probably isn't as big of a difference separating students from state schools as "elite" universities as you'd think. At either the majority are unremarkable—perhaps the families and children of those at elite schools are slightly better at navigating through bureaucracies. A higher proportion are probably smarter, but how high of a percentage? (And how much does "genius" factor into success anyways?)

If we wanted to right now we could probably compile a fairly comprehensive list of notable authors who never attended college at all.

>> No.12162651

>Heh heh heh how's that state school going for you ;) I'm going to get a MIDDLE management position in the technocracy and you'll have to take orders from ME


>> No.12162734

>harold bloom was part of the correct social class
> Bloom's parents worked in the garment industry

>> No.12162800


>directs his class angst upward, not inward

Embarassing d e s u

>> No.12162806

t. Mid-range IQ person justifying his carefree position in life.
We'll send you to the countryside one day. Just wait.

>> No.12162814

If college was a matter of IQ, acceptance would be an IQ test, stupid.

>> No.12162815
File: 104 KB, 2466x700, 51573375-272A-4F91-A24F-E1369F86D05F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else /superiorbreed/ here? If not, get off my board, you filthy subhumans

>> No.12162818

I'm moving to atl, what are you studying?

>> No.12162822

Whats Princeton like compared to other schools based anon?

>> No.12162953
File: 87 KB, 1110x480, choose-st-andrews-1110x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St Andrews
Maths, Computer Science and Russian
I Am a Cat

>> No.12162958

Got rejected from Oxford the other day :l

>> No.12163111

He was an NYC Jew who attended Bronx Science

Being a Jew in 20th century New York was the modern equivalent of being a member of the landed gentry in Tudor England and basically became a free pass into the Ivy league after WWII

>> No.12163441

Oh shit, I was. I fell asleep a few times the beginning of the semester, but besides that i was quiet, and birds always crowded as hell so good call

>> No.12163466
File: 19 KB, 313x286, 1543538818780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks any trust fund kids go on 4chan


>> No.12164456

bio/poli sci - you going to tech or something?

>> No.12164466

Georgia Gwinnett College
Western Civilization
Kokoro or Symposium. I can't decide.

>> No.12164695
File: 11 KB, 228x221, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wildlife Science
Moby Dick

>> No.12164725

Have a friend that transferred from tier 2 to Brown. The big takeaways he said were it’s 1. More intellectually stimulating and 2. People just seem to care about doing the best they can and learning more, and it’s a cool atmosphere where you know everyone there is going to do something great afterwards.

I’m just as butthurt as the rest of you that I didn’t get into Tier 1, but it sounds pretty great honestly.

>> No.12164785
File: 376 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-University_of_Michigan_seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did my undergrad in English and Philosophy at UW-Madison, in grad school at Michigan now. Any other Badgers or Wolverines here? Or Panthers? I did a year at UW-Milwaukee before transferring to Madison.

>> No.12166087

>it’s a cool atmosphere where you know everyone there is going to do something great afterwards.

>> No.12166309

Union College (the decent NY one)
Double Major Comp Sci and Philosophy
Finishing up the Apology - Crito - Phaedo stuff, then either House of Leaves or the Symposium

Any of y'all Syracuse anons know Ricky "Reports" Sayer? Old friend of mine from middle school.

>> No.12166345

That's what's wrong with the world, brainlet.

>> No.12167872

Lmao I didn't think I'd see any GGC people here, I dropped out of that school.

>> No.12167877

That's all true
So what though?

>> No.12167894

You have to change your life.

>> No.12168050

I don't know how
Doubtful that I would have the willpower anyways

>> No.12168055

>t. trust fund kid
like it's a bad thing

>> No.12168104

>tfw no trust fund
middle class meme fucking sucks