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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 288 KB, 1280x848, Life-Philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12156002 No.12156002[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is fucking retarded. It has never solved a problem nor has it produced anything of value (especially since the Greeks, and ESPECIALLY since the scientific revolution). It is mental masturbation of the highest degree and in its contemporary form is pedantic, unintelligible, and pointless combinations of ideas that have come before them, totally arbitrarily.

Read fiction.

>> No.12156672

this is a fantastic shit post , 9/10

>> No.12156676

Read The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.12156767
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I mean, you are not wrong about what you said about philosophy, but if you consider fiction any better, then you're a fucking retard. Fiction is a million times more useless and gayer than philosophy. Fiction is just utter pretentious shit in comparison.

>> No.12156775
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wrong, mostly because people go into philosophy expecting more than they do when they go into fiction. How could anything be even less useful than philosophy?
fuck yourself

>> No.12156780

Read MAGA Mindset by Mike Cernovich to see why you're wrong.

>> No.12156788

pure empiricism is for mega brainlets

>> No.12156813

give me the quick rundown buddy

>> No.12156826

Underlying your rejection of non-scientific epistemology is yet another "pointless" philosophy. You do understand that, correct?

>> No.12156829


>> No.12156830

This book is not for the weak hearted. It gets right to the point and hits topics that the "old media" won't accurately touch...globalism, betrayal of the middle class by politicians and a complicit media establishment cult that allows it to happen unchallenged.
This book should be required reading for all civics, politics and communications classes.

>> No.12156837
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Guys, intellectually I'm all spooked out. I can't stand philosophy because of all the unfalsifiable garbage. Many fields like economics etc are just applied common sense and stamp collecting. I see novels as nothing but entertainment despite pretentious people claiming life / philosophical insights and tons of people will consider you a disgusting plebeian if you don't initially read shitloads of boring as fuck canon novels.

I think I am painfully adapting to the idea of the Internet age / information overload by abandoning any pretension that I can be an all rounder or even dilettante in everything. There are ten trillion books called "Introduction to [broad and important field]", even if you only have one of each field.

History is similar to novels. Shitloads of reading along with a shitload pretension thrown on top telling you that you truly cannot know nothing unless you have an in depth understanding of the Greeks / Romans / Christianity / USA / WW1 / WW2 / financial systems / or shitloads of other topics I can't stand it. And then there's current events. I don't care about climate change, outer space, inequality, China, the EU, applied psychology, the education system, diversity, Russia, South America, refugees, nutrition, mental health, and more. Admitting just one of these would make me an iredeemable idiot, no doubt.

I tell myself every day that I'll soon work intensely on one thing but I can't bear to do this. If you're really good at one thing then there are people lining up to call you a tard for not watching opera or being able to run a marathon or whatever shit. So I do nothing.

Every "thinker" is at their core an utter fucking fraud. Nietzche is a Tony Robbins tier Rorschach test. Science and mathematics provide non trivial insights but only in ultra specialised ways that probably require autism to appreciate. I listen to In Our Time podcasts and Bret Easton Ellis podcasts and I think at heart everyone cares about nothing more than social drama.

>> No.12156840

Wrong, saying that people who are ostensibly intelligent should stop wasting their time with useless bullshit is not a philosophy in the sense that muh hegelian kantian deleuzian landian shit is

>> No.12156841

isn't he israeli?

>> No.12156873

Yeah, it's even more useless. It doesn't inspire scientific breakthroughs, generate new cultural forms and in general further the development of human consciousness.

>> No.12156969
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>> No.12157616

I want you to know that you're a worthless faggot. Do literally anything at all you stupid fucker

>> No.12157637
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>being this fuckign mad
Fiction achieves even less than philosophy mate. What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.12157641

most good fiction is about philosophy

>> No.12157651
File: 2.07 MB, 216x216, _2_pmgBeM4SzDBFqE98vDTIJinb_rOw93YKfNSBc0qs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has never solved a problem
It gave birth to science you peon!

>> No.12157714


>> No.12157767

Ask yourself: do you really think adult men who clearly write, speak, and think at a higher level than 99% of /lit/ really just drooling onto a page? Do you really believe that you, in your 20s, have seen through life's work of someone like Whitehead or Hegel or Kant? Do you, apparently "ostensibly intelligent" yourself, really believe this?

>> No.12157770

You haven't read my work yet.

>> No.12157776

He already made that convenient little exception in his post.

>> No.12157787

What did Whitehead or Hegel or Kant do again that improved mankind or the human condition?
Go ahead, I'll wait.

Okay, so one invention in 2500 years. One that is more likely to be chalked up to simple curiosity than "philosophy". Pathetic.

>> No.12157828

There is a distinction between knowledge of and knowledge how. The latter is the province of engineering, politics, the former is the domain of philosophy, mathematics, history. The two sets interact and mutually depend on each other in ways you don't understand.

>> No.12157929

>Cognoscere vs sapere
>Kennen vs wissen
That's only a problem in the English language. Greek has 5 words for different types of knowledge (tekhne, gnosis, episteme, sophia, phronesis).

>> No.12157987

it's not a "problem" in the english language you autist, the semantics of the definition don't matter. Use any placeholder you like. He's only saying there's a distinction between abstract fields and more applied ones.

>> No.12158129

I think you are letting /lit/'s elitism get to you and can't handle the bants. Don't take it too seriously.

>> No.12158135

I know its useless in a sense that the things I read and learn will never be put in practice or get discussed most of the times. I wish I had better hobbies, but thats it.

>> No.12158162

did u just copy and paste this comment from that thread u started last week

>> No.12158307
File: 58 KB, 400x290, Kant_and_Rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly Ayn Rand's problem with a large swath of the philosophic cannon. Your post is precisely correct up until she entered the scene.

>> No.12158997

>people who are ostensibly intelligent should stop wasting their time with useless bullshit is not a philosophy
what a gem this fragment is

>> No.12159008

Hey kid, philsophy has been a science since the scientific revolution.

>> No.12159012

>ESPECIALLY since the scientific revolution
When does the next season of Young Sheldon start?

>> No.12159020

>philisophy and fiction are useless
Not saying you're wrong but its not as useless as posting on 4chan desu
If you care exclusively about usefulness why the fuck do you post here

>> No.12159159

You need to go deeper, dood.
Reading itself is fucking retarded. Real men just live real life, make money and fuk bitches, they don't read shit. They don't even know that 'fphilozophey' thing really is. If you say this word to them, they'll think you're some kind of fag.

>Read fiction

The only thing you need to read in life is user manual for your new iphone and maybe some comments on reddit/facebook about Kim Kardashian, so you'll have something to talk about with bitches after you made enough dosh to fuk them.

>> No.12159175

I've seen this post before

>> No.12159211

>If you're really good at one thing then there are people lining up to call you a tard for not watching opera or being able to run a marathon or whatever shit.

no, it's even worse. It's that if you're that good people will line up to one-up you and constantly challenge you expertise of the subject. Because that's what people do. Opposing them and constantly defending your [expert] status should (in theory) help you to improve even further, but eventually it gets really annoying and you have to be a fanatic to continue living like this. And in the end you'll realize that it's all just vanity and storms in a glass of water.

>> No.12159233

>What did Whitehead or Hegel or Kant do again that improved mankind or the human condition?

What do you mean by "improve"? Thats a normative statement and the subject of philosophy u fucker.

>> No.12159261

Science is philosophy brainlet

>> No.12159294


>Nietzche is a Tony Robbins tier Rorschach test

>tfw you realize that this board is 2deep4u

>> No.12159308

This is wrong. Philosophy is science. It's the theorhetical science of ideas.

>> No.12159495

I imagine, that philosophy can be hugely important. You might kindly ask /lit/ to help you imagine the current world bare the thought of any major philosopher.
What is right about a philosophy is usually assumed, while what is wrong turns into talking points for refutation. Combining the latter can easily give the interested observer OPs impression.

>> No.12159532

Case in point

>> No.12160165

Reality is an illusion

>> No.12160173

you got it wrong, illusions are real.

>> No.12160176


>> No.12160492

>Guys, intellectually I'm all spooked out.
I think that's why you need a moral/ethic system too. If you have a virtuous society with members trusting each other you can have experts in different fields and they can come together, sharing the work load and all that. But If you distrust each other you just end up with your described scenario where everyone questions you and belittle you even if you're perfect because they don't belive you anyway and can't see it themselves.
But I guess it's hard for us to accept that humans arent supposed to handle life alone, here on 4channel.