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1215206 No.1215206 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best and worst systems of magic in your opinion, /lit/?

I think Harry Potter's system is one of the worst I've ever seen. It seems awfully random and has almost no limit.

>> No.1215210

It could be said that that's a good system of magic. A lot of the time magic is so regulated that it stops being "magic" and starts being "science". It all depends on how you would like to define magic.

>> No.1215208

what do you think is the best system of magic?

>> No.1215212

Harry Potter's system is based on absurdity, whimsy and word play. I see no problem with that, anything else is just taking magic way too seriously.

>> No.1215217

I really disliked Vance's "Dying Earth" system (where people would forget spells after their cast) because of it's influence on the Dungeons and Dragons game.

>> No.1215218

HP's "system" is only a system inasmuch it is used to systematically dig the characters out of Rowlings plot (black) holes.

>> No.1215221

examples please.

>> No.1215223

Moorcock is the white beard systemizer here. Got it from Crowley, no surprise.

>> No.1215231

Some awesome shit?
The Bartimaeus Series. Jonathan Stroud was all like "Oh, you wanna have a normal book where people cast spells and shit? Fuck you, here's a fuckton of spirits." I enjoyed it.

>> No.1215233

*systematizer. suppress those cringes.

>> No.1215239

Best: It's magic I ain't gotta explain shit

Worst: It's science but with more sparkles

>> No.1215244

This. And Rowling does it well.

>> No.1215245

Time Turners.

Fuck. Those.

Also, the power of love can apparently kick evil around like a tin can...But apparently, only Harry Potter can benefit from the love of his parents.

Everyone else Big V killed? Their parents just didn't love them, I guess.

>> No.1215254

Time turners were only used once, and the whole book was a build up to them. How is that a plot hole?

>> No.1215266

Time Turners I'll give you. They were all handwaved away by her having them destroyed in the battle at the ministry of magic. But the power of love shit was pretty thoroughly explained in the book. It also didn't mean Voldemort couldn't *kill* him, it just meant they couldn't physically touch.

Actually, in terms of the first book, it might have come out of nowhere. It was used pretty well throughout the series as a whole though.

>> No.1215268

The worst magic system is the one from The Sword of Truth:

"You can do anything you want with magic because you don't have any preconceived notions of what magic can or can't do!"

>> No.1215273

I think the problem is more "lol why don't they use them to solve all their problems lol".

>> No.1215277

Cause its against the law. Not magical law, regular law.

>> No.1215288

Oh man. I liked the first book, but after that it was all "CONAN THE LIBERTARIAN"

>> No.1215290

The worst magic system - the one most destructive of the human spirit - is the one where people write paperback originals about FANTASY FUCKING BULLSHIT and people like you eat it as though it were a nice juicy dick, making untalented people RICH while making your own inner lives POORER.

>> No.1215301

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrel has the most splendid system of magic I've seen. Any kind of gentleman would agree with me, I'm sure. Those who would not lack whimsy in their soul.

>> No.1215304



>> No.1215312
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Dude, those books were the tits. I have such a hard on for all that demon summoning, oracles and pentacles shit.

>> No.1215339

This would stop Harry being able to use them. Not everybody. Like I said though, she covered her arse by having them destroyed.

>> No.1215388

Dude, we should get together and do some brocaine and read those books. I can't remember the names for shit, but the goddamn Jackal and the cook were badasses.
Shit, man. What was your favorite part? I don't really know if there's any one part, but I remember a bunch of great moments, like when Jacob in the second book dicked with that guy's spellbook... this motherfucking post needs some more goddamn obligatory profanity that shit was so AIDS-ridden awesome.