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/lit/ - Literature

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12150288 No.12150288 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, what language are you learning?

You are learning a second language, aren't you?

>> No.12150330

Last week I was answered this question, but nobody told me that's good.... So, I'm learning English...

>> No.12150350

Chinese. Characters are pretty cool once you get useed to them. Also wypipo are impressed by the characters, chinese people are excited that americans study their language and alot of people circle jerk to china today

>> No.12150364
File: 131 KB, 724x1024, study cell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are learning a second language, aren't you?
People are too busy indulged in masturbation and sex to have any motivation left over for productive efforts. There minds and motivation have become focused on their next orgasmic hit beyond anything else. Once attained, the prolactin surge that follows is the coup de grâce of their motivation the rest of the day. They can still get things done, it just requires discipline and not motivation, which produces work, out of frustration rather than greatness.

>> No.12150419

>second language
I'm on my sixth

>> No.12150424

You don't even speak English LMAO!

>> No.12150502

Damn how do you learn a language i want to learn spanish

>> No.12150664

Duolingo doesn't work for me language very well.

>> No.12150680

Ukrainian so that I can go to some desolate and impoverished ukrainian village, buy a cute 15 year old wife and make her work with me in my hazelnut plantation,

>> No.12150762

I'm going to, but I need more time for this. I feel like I'm wasting my time on mundane shit like my STEM studies and job instead of focusing on self-fulfillment.
anyway, my first language is Polish, I know English on a satisfying level, I learned German, but I haven't practiced it for a long time, I know some Spanish basics, but the languages I want to learn the most are French and Russian. Hopefully next year I'm gonna make it

>> No.12150830

Beating you at 8 anon. ;)

>> No.12150838

Übe dein Deutsch anon. Es ist unbedingt die schönste Sprache der Welt.

>> No.12150841

Language-learning is a meaningless skill. In 15 years machines will translate texts better than any human.
t. knows 3 languages, so fuck off

>> No.12150851

this is the gayest opinion you could have

>> No.12150856

Ich lern Deutsch
So much German lit and philosophy I want to read but I don't want to rely on translation.

>> No.12150863

While it may be ok to drop the "e" when speaking, writing it that way makes you look like a Turk.

>> No.12150864 [DELETED] 

okay let me just press the magic fast forward button to 2024

>> No.12150865
File: 449 KB, 640x560, 5f45222616aa8cfe0b3278384a9d3d99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When i was a kid i had a problem with learning language as i was raised around 3 of them; french, english, and urdu. I would basically make a frankenstein's monster dialect where i would swap words in and out. The ESL teachers just had me work on english as a child and now it's the only language i speak.

>> No.12150866

what language brother

>> No.12150868

no im not

>> No.12150875

I hope technology regresses 100 years in the next 15 years.

>> No.12150880

What does this have to do with anything? The process of language learning changes quite significantly from young child to adult

>> No.12150884

Make that 200 years, actually.

>> No.12150894

I was doubting, mostly because I'm dutch.
Is 'Ich bin Deutsch zu lerne' correct German?

>> No.12150911

>두 번째 언어

>> No.12150919

English IS my second language, puto

>> No.12150948

>Is 'Ich bin Deutsch zu lerne' correct German?

>> No.12150974

Ancient Greek, shit is rough. Never had to deal with so many cases, and the syntax is kind of confusing.

>> No.12151008

Duolingo is absolute dog shit for Chinese. For translations for example if you write "Yesterday I went to the movie theater" instead of "I went to the movie theater yesterday" it would mark you incorrect. And it's not just one translation question that has this problem, I'd say like +80% of them.