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/lit/ - Literature

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12145022 No.12145022 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post the worst reviews you can find on Goodreads, that are still in the top 3 reviews on the page by default sort.

Pic related: top review for As I Lay Dying
I would have been sure this was written by sub-16 year old if she hadn't mentioned going to college.

>> No.12145035

>Actually sifting through the garbage written by pink-haired teenagers
y i k e s

>> No.12145049

I'm a masochist. I know what I'll find but I can't help myself, and then get triggered by the stupidity.
Though it's not really "sifting" when these are the reviews that float to the top.

>> No.12145055

>I don’t get it
>therefore it’s bad and you’re just an elitist snob if you like it

Why would you admit to not getting it in the same breath you call anyone who liked As I Lay Dying a snob? And then this brainlet has the audacity to call herself “bright”.

110-120 IQ morons who think they’re geniuses are a plague upon the earth. Infinitely worse than idiots who know they’re dumb.

>> No.12145063

>110-120 IQ morons who think they’re geniuses are a plague upon the earth. Infinitely worse than idiots who know they’re dumb.
Agree with your general point, but you're being very generous by implying this girl has an above average IQ.

>> No.12145078

Fuck. I'm the same. I don't take part in any social media (unless you count 4chan shitposting) yet can't help from browsing threads about twitter/goodreads/goybook etc.
What deep, unfulfilled need lies at the heart of this degenerate self-flagellation, bros??

>> No.12145084

You desire to feel superior to these people by mocking them at their worst in comfortable anonymity.

>> No.12145101

The worst are the ones that are like "I actually love classics - Fahrenheit (or insert whatever entry level lit here) is one of my favourite books, so I can say as an expert that Ulysses (or insert whatever more challenging lit here) is bad."

Probably to feel better about ourselves, for being smarter than these retards. It's fun at least to make fun of them like here, but I do it often enough without venting my frustrations anywhere and am just left just feeling vaguely disgusted.

>> No.12145108

>in comfortable anonymity
I assure you I used to be an asshole who would happily point these things out to their face. I try not to be a dick anymore and hold my tongue in public.

>> No.12145109

>at their worst
Please, if they proudly, openly display such idiocy they deserve to get mocked.

>> No.12145120

How are you guys so confident in your intelligence? Since I quit university I can't help but think of myself as a brainlet and I can't voice my opinions anymore

>> No.12145165
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I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.

At first I didn't believe reviews like these existed until last week.

>> No.12145167

>Probably to feel better about ourselves
Sheeit nigga, I think that's it but not in the sense most people (like >>12145084) would assume
I have a feeling that these types of outspoken, barely (if at all) above average IQ twits often seem to do quite well for themselves by most socially accepted standards, whereas over-thinking socially compromised fuckups like myself spend so much time too much time e.g. justifying our existence in this world to ever amount to anything that would be impressive to most people, if anyone.
For myself, it's precisely the fact that I'm NOT confident in my intelligence that leads me to abhor the type of cretin who confidently sprays nonsense about shit she doesn't understand.

>> No.12145168

I might be a special case as I’ve got a tested IQ of 145, but honestly the overwhelming majority of people have always felt extremely stupid to me. Even at the top-level university I’m attending right now people just seem to pick up on concepts I immediately get very slowly, if at all.

>> No.12145192

>furry pic
I don't even need to read it to know it's insanity

>> No.12145198

>Since I quit university I can't help but think of myself as a brainlet
I had that problem after I had to drop out after a breakdown.
>tfw I've since had both my therapist and psychiatrist tell me totally dependant of each other that my problems stem from my intelligence.
Ego boost for sure.

But anyway, you should try looking at the facts in a detached manner. I still feel insecure sometimes, but looking at it logically, I can state that I must be at least above average in intelligence from my abilities.
You should always doubt your opinions, but if they get past your best counterarguments, state them.
And don't be scared about voicing your opinions here. Everyone on this site bullshits and makes wild claims all the time, it's part of the culture.

>> No.12145201

A furry who's favorite book is Crime & Punishment. I don't even know what to make of this.

>> No.12145212

Consider my neurobiological equivalents of almonds thoroughly activated.

>> No.12145223
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>btw I'm trans!!

>> No.12145238

It could be worse. I'm sure I have an average IQ, I just think my county in the country includes even dumber people than I. Everyone around me cannot grasp objective analysis, and they repeat superficialities. At least in a university, there must be someone to connect with. All I have is posting on /lit/.

>> No.12145242

>I have a feeling that these types of outspoken, barely (if at all) above average IQ twits often seem to do quite well for themselves
I know the feeling. I clicked on the OP profile and she claims to be a "published author" for one - doesn't mean she's successful, but there's plenty of her kin among the Rupi Kaurs of the world. It's depressing how much of the greatest literature will simply never be successful because it will alienate most people.
Though of course, you can be easily accessible and great too.
The redeeming factor is that all the rubbish will be lost to the tides of time soon enough.
>that leads me to abhor the type of cretin who confidently sprays nonsense about shit she doesn't understand.
Yeah, I can agree with that too. I pretty much never insult greatly respected authors (I can think of only one exception) who are part of the canon, because I assume if I dislike them, I'm missing something and just not "getting" it. I don't assume I know better than the best literary minds. Doesn't mean I can't have opinions, I just don't straight up say "x is shit". Except maybe just to shitpost on this board.

>> No.12145245
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>tfw couldn't even understand logarithms in high school

>> No.12145249
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>> No.12145260

Let me guess: Being and Time?
the "understanding of philosophy and being" gives it away - she understood so little that she couldn't even say anything about the content of the book further than its title.

>> No.12145262

What book?

>> No.12145337

Faulkner is legit awful though, his work were closer to puzzle books than novels

I know most of /lit/ is going through their early 20s I am so intelligent poseur phase but making your writing intentionally cryptic is not clever, it's pretentious.

>> No.12145357


>I don't try to impress others by liking ambiguity
>I don't like ambiguity

Holy shit, the absolute state of humanity.

>> No.12145361

freaking epic family guy gif my fellow 4channeler

>> No.12145374


It's not intentionally cryptic. When you read it a second and third time, it becomes among the greatest literary experiences of my life.

>> No.12145392
File: 215 KB, 1248x608, Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 22.34.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodreads really doesn't like Heart of Darkness - or Conrad in general.
>average score 3.42 - way below any other book in similar esteem I've said.

>> No.12145397

>Not getting the book.jpg

>> No.12145398

gives it four stars?!?!?!?!
thats some real dare i say it NPC thinking there.

>> No.12145418
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The third review down is basically the same thing.
Tbh, I don't feel like I fully "get" Conrad myself, but even I can see the beauty of his prose.

>> No.12145438

Goodreads also doesn’t seem to like Moby Dick very much either. Are there any other adorned lit classics that get a split reception on Goodreads?
Inb4 all of them

>> No.12145470

>implying uinversity has anything to do with being intelligent

>> No.12145472

Madame Bovary.
Goodreads audience needs the protagonist of a book to be a moral model of behaviour. They can't deal with nuance; it needs to be clear what the book wants you to feel about something.

>> No.12145494

>female humour

>> No.12145506

Gulliver's Travels has a lower rating than Twilight

>> No.12145523

I know and I was doing well too, it was depression that made me drop out. Yet I've lost all self-esteem when that happened. I thought I was capable of pulling through.

>> No.12145623

>I know and I was doing well too, it was depression that made me drop out. Yet I've lost all self-esteem when that happened. I thought I was capable of pulling through.

Anon, I've been through the exact same thing. Getting into reading lit actually helped me rediscover my confidence. I'd lost interest in reading and been pursuing solely STEM subjects since the age of 16, but when I found that my STEM related interests (Physics, Maths, programming) just reminded me of what I'd lost in dropping out, I diverted my interests, poured all my energy into literature and philosophy, devoured years worth of reading in months while only having part time employment. And gained back my confidence.

I almost have the opposite issue now, I find it hard to relate to those around me. Casual conversation is fine, but there seem to be few people who have both the education and intelligence to really hold my interest in conversation, so I'm becoming more and more introverted.

>> No.12145663

different anon here, this is encouraging to hear. i'm going back to school for comp sci in january, i took a year off school and i've spent the last few months doing the same thing you did, reading philosophy and the lit suggested classics, starting to feel much better about everything. i already don't feel like i can relate to people though so i don't know what to do with that

>> No.12145686

>i already don't feel like i can relate to people though so i don't know what to do with that
I don't know, because it feels like a futile struggle against the tide sometimes trying to force myself into social situations I don't enjoy.
But at the same time, I feel crushed with loneliness.
It's the worst: I prefer being alone, but I want people I feel close to, and the only way to get that is to spend time with them to build those bonds.
For the time, I'm just concentrating on self improvement, both mind and body.

>> No.12145731

Fuck me wasn't there a longer copypasts that used very similar phrasing to this or am I just fucking losing it from all the drinking and drugs

>> No.12145815

Notice the reviewers all women, are all the authors male? This could be so called activism mobilized by marxist professors to devalue male authors on the basis of them being male.

>> No.12145833

>posting a goodreads-tier review in a thread about goodreads review

>> No.12145841

goodreads sounds like the facebook of review sites

>> No.12145919
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you guys are such faggots
'ha I'm so much more intelligent than everyone around me I can't even make friends. No one is even any where near my level hahaha a whyamisolonely'
because you're complete fucking faggots that's why.
No one gives a shit how much you know about dead russian cocksuckers or fat communists manifestos, except maybe other fartsniffing faggots like yourself. If you want to live a full and interesting life, you can't go around feeling superior about quite possibly the least important part of you.

>> No.12145934

Lol, 120 IQ? This is a Dunning Kruger rich post.

>> No.12145965

It's just that Goodreads userbase is just female and most writers of classics are male
What's a good review site though? I like stuff like goodreads and rym for cataloging my shit, but the userbase is always retarded on average.

>> No.12145978

Go look at the catalogue, multiple blogpost threads filled with pretentious trash. This board is filled with narcissists who lack the self awareness to avoid saying those things we all thought when we were dumbass teenagers.

>> No.12145979

I think one of the posts you're referring to is mine. I have no trouble making friends, I just feel alienated from them and prefer my own company.
>No one gives a shit how much you know about dead russian cocksuckers or fat communists manifestos, except maybe other fartsniffing faggots like yourself. If you want to live a full and interesting life, you can't go around feeling superior about quite possibly the least important part of you.
>missing the point this bad
It's not about impressing other people, it's about being bored by them.

>> No.12146036
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I didn't always hate women.

>> No.12146057

>, it's about being bored by them.
a problem completely of your own making. You are boring. Interesting people exist completely outside of any measurable intelligence quotient. I could be friends and find a meaningful fullfilling connection with a particularly sassy pig if one happened to cross my path.
You remind me of myself, when I was 10. Grow up.
I am filled with disgust.

>> No.12146065
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>> No.12146081

OP said bad reviews though.

>> No.12146193

Retards are people too, my dude. You're a bitter shitposter, but I bet deep down you still have some redeeming qualities.

Hot take.

>> No.12146205

I really dislike when people think they are funnier than they are.

>> No.12146221

>The title story shames it's lone

>> No.12146250

>Not appreciating existential dilemmas that constitute human experience.

>> No.12146255

Women lack empathy.

>> No.12146292

>this anti colonialist book is bad because I don’t like colonialism or white people

Why are women allowed to vote again?

>> No.12146475

And you're again misinterpreting. It's not about my qualities, or what people think of me at all. I don't have trouble getting people to -like- me at all.
I actually used to feel the same as you in my late teens. I spent years trying to convince myself of the fact that any human interaction
It didn't work. Now I'm just accepting that I prefer being alone, save for some rare people I love to converse with.
> Interesting people exist completely outside of any measurable intelligence quotient.
You obviously don't have a clue what you're talking about here.

>> No.12146488

>Retards are people too, my dude.
Of course they are. Why does that preclude them from being mocked, especially when they claim to be "bright"?
Yeah, you can take the high road and be above it, but it's entertaining.

>> No.12146508

The more above average in IQ you get before genius, the worse person you are to yourself and the people around you.

>> No.12146528

>expecting a board filled with anti-social above average intelligence teenagers to not have some sort of superiority complex

>> No.12146532

>above average intelligence

>> No.12146565

>Score 780/800 on verbal portion of SAT
>Score 172 on LSAT
>Coworkers, friends, acquaintances, etc. all tell me I'm intelligent just from speaking to me
>Teachers lauded me for my writing from middle school to college
>Since I've graduated college, I've sold essays, run a popular short story blog where I receive lots of compliments on my writing
>One of my short stories will be featured in an anthology soon
>On track to read 80 books this year including longer works like The Wealth of Nations, Democracy in America, and most of Dostoevsky's longer works
>Only 24 and ages 18-22 were basically swallowed up by alcohol and depression

That's why. If you have no external indicators that you're intelligent, it's best to default to the assumption that you're average.

>> No.12146583

Imagine writing a six-paragraph book review and literally not mentioning the work for the first three. This guy should write for Pitchfork.

>> No.12146603

>being depressed and addicted to alcohol at 22
Why do you think you're intelligent?

>> No.12146627

>was addicted
>not anymore

Anyways, if you read you should know that depression and addiction go hand in hand, they each feed off the other and they have no respect for intelligence.

Stephen does a good job describing this when he talks about his own addictions in, "On Writing". Ernest Hemingway and Jack London both struggled with alcohol. That's the way it goes sometimes.

>> No.12146630

*Stephen King

>> No.12146631

>posting on a momgolian basket weaving picture forum
>implying he’s intelligent based on arbitrary numbers decided upon by the culture of brainlets that is western society, which also continues to debase said numbers for the average brainlet
>basing his intelligence on the cocking sucking his “university educated professor” did
>basing his intelligence on what the brainlets that surround him have to say
>taking into account the comments the medically retarded post on his “blog”
>being this much of a doo doo head

>> No.12146635

you kind of sound like a pseud faggot midwit. a lot of people got high 700’s on the SAT’s lol

>> No.12146646

Ok, let's prove it. Link to your blog or some of your short stories that can be online or gtfo

>> No.12146649

I mean, statistically you can measure how many people scored in the high 700s on their SATs. It's less than 1%.

And how would you measure intelligence then, if not based on external indicators like tests or the praise of others.

>I'm smart because I think so! I don't do well on tests and other people think I'm an idiot but I'm secretly a genius! I have nothing to back this claim but it's true!

Everything has my real name attached to it. I don't want one of you idiots sperging out in the comments section or trying to contact my employer or girlfriend.

>> No.12146652

Is defending your intelligence on 4chan an indicator of intelligence?

>> No.12146656

It's an indicator of boredom.

>> No.12146657

>Everything has my real name attached to it. I don't want one of you idiots sperging out in the comments section or trying to contact my employer or girlfriend.

How convenient. Copy-paste it here then. Try with the shortest story you got

>> No.12146668

And you would google it and find my real name on my blog. No.

You can choose to believe me or not. That's on you.

>> No.12146696

Like a give a shit about you or your life. Let's say I do. What's the worst I can do to you? Leave a mean comment? Getting blocked on social media by your G_F (grow up)?

It's not about believe me or not. You're hear telling people you're a genius, I'm asking to reveal your intelligence. If you're good you'll win me over- I might even become a fan of yours

>> No.12146716

This isn’t /b/ or /adv/ nobody is going to hack you, fucking sperg.

>> No.12146721

Low self esteem and in need of a pick me/pat on back

>> No.12146727

but he's right

>> No.12146755

Social media and public roads are the only places youll see a persons true stupidity

>> No.12146757

/lit/ has a worse userbase on goodreads overall.

Okay yeah goodreads is filled with SJWs who dislike books for petty reasons but at least they can formulate their own opinions. This board is filled with Harold Bloom cocksuckers who worship a book purely because it has a high reputation.

>> No.12147292

You might not like subgenii but at least we have a church.

>> No.12147303

>I would have been sure this was written by sub-16 year old if she hadn't mentioned going to college.
I literally went to college at 16.

>> No.12147310

>it's precisely the fact that I'm NOT confident in my intelligence that leads me to abhor the type of cretin

the sentiment of this is good but stop writing like such a wannabe posh cunt, youre sounding like what you hate

>> No.12147537

People i have added from /lit/ on goodreads generally post decent reviews (at least if you're comparing to the rest of the site)

>> No.12147620

college girls are mentally sub-16 though

>> No.12147647

based and redpilled

>> No.12147822
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homie I just told you I could be best friends with a pig and you turn around and whine about being foreveralone again.
obviously the pig likes me, I'm fucking awesome. But it's a two way street. I chose to see the good in Mr. Porker.

>> No.12147832

I believe you Anon, I wish I was as intelligent as you

>> No.12147860

Unfortunately, she probably does.

>> No.12147864

>before the split

>> No.12147869

These threads are always the most disgustingly middlebrow threads going.

They're always circle jerks by brainlets who are no more intelligent than those they mock.

>> No.12147889

You just gotta find your people.

>becoming more and more introverted
You mean "withdrawn".

For me, going to university meant finding, to an extent, "my people" - hyper-intellectual weirdos who will happily overanalyse anything with me / each other.

It's Oxford. Full of both plebs and interesting people. And no, you don't have to be rich to go (unless you're American, I guess). I literally get money for being poor, it's p comfy.

Do you go to university? I'd highly recommend it for the social life alone. However, I do wonder if I'd have been as socially content elsewhere.

>> No.12147952

Ah, you're making me feel worse!
I had a breakdown my final year of A-Levels and got shitty grades in my final exams.
Everyone around me told me not to spend a year reapplying/retaking exams, so I went through clearing to a shitty uni.

>> No.12148119

What a shit thread. What a putrid thread.

That is all.

>> No.12148127

Why the fuck did they tell you that? It's the stupidest thing you could do. There's literally no point in getting a degree from a bad uni. It would have been better to not go to uni at all, but retaking would have been best. It's what I did, when I discovered I'd had ADHD all my life.

Jesus, what uni did you go to?

>> No.12148144

Not gonna s
I wish I hadn't, but I was severely depressed and not myself, and both my parents and my therapist told me that it didn't matter what university I went to, (they constantly told me of so-and-so who went to said shit university and now lectures at Harvard whenever I tried to argue that it mattered to me) and that I should just go. In the mental state I was in, I'd completely lost confidence in my own convictions.

Tbf, I'm not sure I would have managed the resits it took literally years until I managed to recover my mind from my breakdown.

>> No.12148154

I'm sorry you received such advice. I'm glad you recovered, though. You thinking about retaking now you're better? It's never too late, if you want to do it.

>> No.12148310

So it is true that failed novelists end up as critics.

>> No.12148405

we get it, you vape

>> No.12148429

Congratulations, you're as well adapted to your environment as a tapeworm is to an intestine.

>> No.12148803
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I will take that as a compliment.

>> No.12148837

reading this makes me feel as if everything I've written in the past is trash.

>> No.12148846


This one makes me incredibly angry every time I think about bad goodreads reviews.

>> No.12148852

The good old terrible Goodreads reviews thread. I have missed you buddy.

>> No.12148857

110 IQ is not that impressive, all the more so than IQ is computed from multiple kind of tests. She might be must better at maths than reading comprehension for instance.

>> No.12148863

I'm not confident in my intelligence, but it's always fun to see someone being retarded (to some extent). Also be confident in your intelligence. It might not be much but it's all you have. Just cultivate a reasoned awareness of your limits.

>> No.12148868

Tbh stories were the main point is raping a girl leave me rather tepid to say the least.

But I guess she missed the point.

I like that she wrote "good writing to me" at least she understands she's coming from a biased perspective.

>> No.12148903

I'd agree with you, I have had some very enoyable conversations with hobos in the past years (well one of them was a former student of philosophy but he was an exception).

>> No.12148911

Did he say that he is impressed by people with an IQ of 110, or that he thinks she doesn't have an above average IQ?

>> No.12148931

This one could be good is there it didn't so strongly of creative wirting major.

>> No.12148985

What book doe

>> No.12149009

>I could be friends and find a meaningful fullfilling connection with any boring person
I am very interested by this because everyone around me lacks hobbies or interests. They repetitively complain and lack analysis or problem solving. It could be that I am around mostly boomers and I am only 30. I am able to listen well, and most conversations are 80% them talking vs 20% me. I truly feel people are just boring and ambitionless though.

>> No.12149041

This reads like a parody.

>> No.12149218

110 is above average. That girl does not seem to be above the average of people I've talked to. That's all I meant.
Basically this

>> No.12149224

Sadly, it's pretty typical for the Goodreads userbase/people that just read YA.

>> No.12149254

Great find.
This sort of thing is why I argue against anyone when people say "at least they're reading" when you gripe about the quality of books people read.
There's no merit to just reading, anymore than there is to watching TV. Browsing this board is still reading. The only time when the mere act of opening a book and reading it, regardless of its quality is commendable is for someone learning TO read.

Read YA if you want to for fun, but if that's ALL, or most of what you read, it's a big warning sign for your maturity and intelligence.

>> No.12149607

Have you clicked on her profile? It gets better. She apparently:
>lives in Australia with her piano and the goal of reading every book in existence. Consequently, her brain has overflowed with words and she spends her days writing novels to make you laugh or cry (or both).
>read every book in existence
How long do you think until she gets to Joyce?

And Goodreads calls her the "#1 best reviewer" for Australia.
I'm not even annoyed, it's just bizarre.

>> No.12149620

Imagine having read 3000 books, but they're all written for children.

>> No.12149742

I would bet my house and both kidneys her IQ is well below 110.

>> No.12149759

Not compared to the general population, which is the point. Not being able to discern the subject of something is a signifier of low intelligence, btw.

>> No.12149761
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>> No.12149834

I am very confident that I am thoroughly mediocre

>> No.12149855
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Still gets me to this day.

>> No.12149859
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>> No.12149868
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>> No.12149873

is stoner actually bad?

>> No.12149875
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>> No.12149880
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>> No.12149890
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>> No.12149897
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>> No.12149917

not at all, he just found it boring and probably is some jaded creative writer under a mountain of debt

his first and only real criticism is in the last paragraph, and it's literally just
>the character changed and it wasnt believable waaaah
his wife was a cunt before her father's death, and she was a cunt after her father's death

>> No.12150013

Being and Time

>> No.12150442

>then read this book ever again
Just about sums up the whole thing

>> No.12150467

It's dumb as fuck to force yourself to spend hours reading something you're not getting anything out of.
Always better to return later, when you're better able to appreciate it.

>> No.12150967

Stoner is one of the greats, if you can't appreciate it you're beyond a midwit

>> No.12151976
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>> No.12152042

Literally what every person is doing on the internet, not really different from making fun of flat earthers or people who write on their Facebook wall "Happy Birthday Earth, 2018 years have passed since the creation of the Planet!!!" every New Year's Eve. You aren't superior either by participating but criticising the action.

>> No.12152044

"People enjoying themselves and having a laugh? Can't have that, better make this about some moral question of elitism."

Seriously kill yourself because you are very sad.

>> No.12152066

I have a lot of confidence, and can know for sure that I'm intelligent based on the fact I seem to be able to pick up things more easily than other people and have made some realizations most people haven't. That being said, I don't know I'm mediocre-tier intelligent or above average-tier intelligent (that's a weird way to put it but I can't describe it any other way). I do often second guess myself and think that I might be a retard all along, but then I think that if I were a retard I wouldn't criticise myself but rather believe that I'm some genius who absolutely knows better than everyone (which I'm not, I know my limits).

>> No.12152085

It's like girardfag encountering the sherlock fandom.

>> No.12152096

Did you even read the thread?

>> No.12152104
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You sound like a brainlet

Show scores in the %99th percentile on Stanford Binet or gtfo

>> No.12152149

She has passion and a lot of free time

Not the best reviewer and a horrid writer, but she does something

Cant even get mad at it

>> No.12152166

I don't understand this IQ fetishism meme. It's like you people forget about fluid and crystallized intelligence. The fluid intelligence might very well be in midwit range but it's painfully obvious the crystallized intelligence is abysmal. Why can't be just go back to calling obviously dumb people dumb? Being genuinely dumb is more of product of not enjoying thinking and avoiding it, if you don't look for patterns or spend any time in contemplation you aren't going to know anything besides simple heuristics to enable turning your brain off. with the exception of people who are clinically retarded, you aren't going to find people are obnoxiously dumb due to their IQ.

>> No.12152235
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I think it goes something like

> you cant judge a book by its cover

You're welcome, now you are a less dumb person yourself

>> No.12152312

Its not cryptic though.

>> No.12152329

You can get by at university without being that intelligent, and you can fail at university while being intelligent, but university students do on average have higher IQs (110-120) than the wider population.

She probably does, having been to university. But being intelligent isn't the same thing as having taste, or having acquired taste. It also might mean she's not particularly intelligent with language, but might be better with maths etc. STEM students often have abysmal taste in arts and literature for instance, and often can't grasp just where their lack of aesthetic understanding is falling short.

>> No.12152767

who else skips all the autists arguing and just clicks the pictures in these threads

>> No.12153087

>you aren't going to find people are obnoxiously dumb due to their IQ.
Ever hear of the middle east?

>> No.12153501

>She probably does, having been to university
Oh please, the majority of women go to university these days.

>> No.12154183
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>the majority of women go to university these days

>> No.12155249
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What quality.

>> No.12156135

That's the dumbest thing I've read on /lit/ today/

>> No.12156168


I do

>> No.12156444

>Conrad writes an expose of white supremacism and colonialism
>criticised for white supremacism and colonialism
I guess at least life is better for the Congolese now?
Sometimes I have to remember not to lash out at 3rd worlders just because their "supporters" in the West are trash

>> No.12156448

You're right.
I tried posting a thread to see what these peoples' favourite reviews were. 0 replies.

>> No.12158008
File: 29 KB, 877x203, interesting and deluded1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here my man
and guess the book

>> No.12158970

Made me really want to read it. T. Sworn not to read Ameri*an books.

>> No.12159565
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>> No.12159808

When someone else's stupidity becomes self evident, my confidence increases. The internet is a wealth of stupidity. The anonymity makes it easy to voice that cheap confidence without worrying about social consequences. If someone's insecure they don't post. It's all pretty simple