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/lit/ - Literature

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12139820 No.12139820 [Reply] [Original]

Heard /ourguy/ is back in the book review game. Will he go for it?

>> No.12140011


>> No.12140052

Pewdiepie - the epitome of moral nihilism in modern entertainment for young people - teaching new generations to be indifferent to the absurdities of 21st century leftism - /ourguy/? Epic cringe.

>> No.12140064

>teaching new generations to be indifferent to the absurdities of 21st century leftism
Seems like a good start in terms of deprogramming them. What's the issue? Would you like him to be radicalizing them against it? I would, but preaching indifference is probably as much as one can ask for. I've never watched anything by this guy so I don't know much about him or what he does.

>> No.12140069

oh, look there goes another reactionary right oriented knuckledragger.

>> No.12140078

As opposed to what, someone zogged to the deepest trenches of their brain like you? How could any white not be a nationalist given what's happening in the west now.

>> No.12140083

tell 'em champ

>> No.12140087

Who would have thought a let's play youtuber would do way more to advance the redpill than /pol/ and stormfront could ever hope to achieve?

>> No.12140127

Oh boi another leftkek that thinks going lmao stupid rightists actually adds anything.

>> No.12140236
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>one board becomes host for radical counter-culture bunch of people, in turn of events becomes notorious so all bored and boring people flunk to it to reaffirm their limited views and belief further radicalising themselves and imposing worldview that no longer is concerned with reality but having one's beliefs excerted on it
>same people flunk other boards and treat them as de nature tools and resource alternatives for politically agitated asocials
>somehow istead of unique or interesting everything in this asian kelp farming and selfhelp complimentary forum loses it's charm and becomes all the same token vocabular venting slot machine for educationally stunted or incapable, more and more chanting same programmed tokens while they are ''against systemic programming that jews imposed'', more and more leeching and decreasing levels of intelectual exchange to the point of sewer rats
>why am I even here, it's not going to be the same, I am at foult thinking that there was something of worth other then namedropping here in first place

>> No.12140386

Good post

>> No.12140394


>> No.12140423

Leftism does not exist in the 21st century. Do you think Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel are leftists?

>> No.12140538


>> No.12140540

This is probably the most ill-informed post I've read in a while. What a cluttered mess your mind must be.

>> No.12140634

Literally didn't even bother reading

>> No.12141395
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And it's not even summer yet

>> No.12141407

Please work on your writing skills, jesus.

>> No.12141423

>iF yOuR nOt a ComMuNiSt tHeN yOu ARen'T A LeFtISt

>> No.12141742

>Do you think Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel are leftists?
There's no question they are. Perhaps more psychopathic proxies of global jewery, but that's what leftism means these days.

>> No.12141771

Man, you’re dumb.

>> No.12141805
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>> No.12141811

Social democracy and much of neoliberalism is definitely left leaning. HURR IF YOU INCORPORATE CAPITIALISM IN ANYWAY IT AINT LEFTY KIDDO

>> No.12141818

Not an argument.

>> No.12141870

If you're not willing to openly blare to the world your love for the DPRK then you are not left. FACT

>> No.12141875

Bad writing, but the concept is good. Can people from /pol/ understand to not shit up /lit/ with primitive argumentation and ad-hominem/retardation? This is /lit/, it used to be people who supported /pol/ positions were able to convey themselves in a manner which came off across as poignant and intelligent, I in fact agree with common /pol/ stances on the Jews and demographic shifts. But the leakage from rebbit has made /pol/ a brewing port for immaturity and low intelligence confirmation bias. Keep the /pol/ tier tactics and stupidity on /pol/, bring your intelligence like /pol/ used to utilize just a mere two years ago.

>> No.12142089

>I in fact agree with common /pol/ stances on the Jews

Then you should understand that such stances and the jewish problem generally have nothing to do with pol, and are in fact embedded in the literary tradition of western civilization, from Tacitus to Dante to Shakespeare to Pound. So shut the fuck up. We talk about jews here and there are plenty of places you can go like redditt where they don't if you don't like it.

>> No.12142143

This is what I'm talking about, the inability to understand basic and rudimentary posts and instant offense on insult because he sees a post that doesn't automatically spout that Jews should all die and they need to be gassed. This is the exact post that my reply was about, showing the inability to articulate coherency, ability, nuance or tact. You are nothing but a buzzword spewing shitposter who has infested the site with obnoxious rhetoric that would be favorable to people if put in a coherent or intelligent way, but is extensively off-putting because such a lowly animal is screaming at the top of his lungs about Jews. You have ruined everything /pol/ once was, I bet you think that Blacked threads and five word OPs were the baseline and blood of what /pol/ once was. You're nothing but a shitposter, and it's why I and many others migrated here to escape you mentally handicapped rebbitors and facebook retards. Your ilk ruined the entirety of /pol/s reputation. Thank fucking God you haven't found (rescinded), I would track your IP and shoot you myself if that were the case.

>> No.12142191

>Jews should all die and they need to be gassed.
Wuhwuhwoh, bud... Only jews say stuff like that when they're hoaxing.

>screaming at the top of his lungs
Who is? You? I was explaining the rules for you.... You're welcome...

But I am no shitposter and stated with pith that the JQ did not come from pol, a place I am not even familiar with. I said it belongs here and is a part of the tradition we celebrate.

>> No.12142235

Nice boomer shit, you facebook/rebbit retard. You are literally an immigrant from another site and your new is exerting from every gland you have in your body. Nowhere in my posts did I state that talking about Jews and their malicious intentions should be shunned from /lit/. Discussion on it should be encouraged and every facet of literature and debate should be explored when it comes to that topic because it pertains to the integrity of the West and all it holds dear. But your disregard for board etiquette and blatant ignorance on each individual board culture is nothing but a blight on 4chan; shoving Jews and /pol/ ideals into every topic, every discussion, making all efforts to always direct topic towards /pol/ in such a low ability, small minded way is what makes 4chan despise you dumb fucking boomers and/or idiots. No one would really give a shit if you point out the hypocrisy of Jews if you deliver it in a tasteful and intelligent manner. But you continuously dive into shitposting and pathetic rhetoric that it makes many denizens of 4chan compare you to apes, bugs. Have you no tact? Intelligence? Understanding? You are by all definitions a parasite, unable to do nothing but present the most handicapped of drivel, an ideologue who Hitler most likely have executed himself for being so weak in presentation and conduct. He would consider you a Russian equivalent, an Italian perhaps, because of your failure to actually come off as presentable and respectful. It's why I have no respect for boomers, you have no ability to think, just do. Fucking dumb ape. Again, I must point out very few people actually care if you shit talk Jews, most people on 4chan probably have negative connotations about them anyway, even on boards like /lgbt/ and /a/. But you come across as the dumbest of the dumb, the most average and dense that possibly could be. Go back, or post in a manner on which people can actually take you seriously. Either or, I just am happy you idiots have never actually found (rescinded), faggot. I hope you never do.

>> No.12142264

Stop bullying the boomer anon.

>> No.12142513

Still not sure what your point is bruh.

>> No.12142670

Programming myself to be instantly against the Jews and their proxy's is much easier and better than trying to engage with their bullshit.

>> No.12142915

>It's why I have no respect for boomers, you have no ability to think, just do.
Also this.

>> No.12142922

I think he is angry about the low effort /pol/-shitposting.

>> No.12142923

>Donkey Shot

Is that the Swedish pronunciation?

>> No.12142928

>not thinking about shit is easier
>probably uses the npc meme unironically

>> No.12143009

i like his book reviews, is he really gonna continue them?

>> No.12143045

pretencious shit, he obviously was lurking on /gif/ for his stupid videos, when he saw the /lit/ board , he entered here lurk some threads that tent to repeat everyday and are about the same, and looked some books, and then began his pretentious reviews , where you clearly can denote that he doesnt really know about real substance and vanguard elements.

>> No.12143051

You're using a lot of words improperly.

>> No.12143055

the story is correct though he is a performative pseud faggot who should be thrown in a volcano

>> No.12143066

He's the most subscribed Youtuber and he's using his platform to get young people to read. Fuck you.

>> No.12143077

And so?, one thing doesnt remove the other, its nice that he's encouraging the reading to younger audiences, but from that to go as far to say that is ourguy or that he has some great knowledge, fuck off

>> No.12143081


>> No.12143087


get the fuck off my board

>> No.12143151

Took an immense amount of time to write it. The anon is an autist. He's also clearly new himself, since 4chan has always been shit.

>> No.12143270
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Very friendly and lighthearted thread, mates
Keep it up

>> No.12143286

He inspired me to start reading again, I used to read a lot as a kid before I got access to Internet communities.
I've been having thoughts of starting to read before watching his book reviews but I guess this is what pushed me over the edge.
I ordered Bear by Marian Engels and No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai (the latter being featured on pewdiepie's show)

>> No.12143307

>americans talking about leftists

Lmao. You're all neoliberal cuckolds to capitalism. All your parties are far right. The only ones doing any good are the people in your "ANTIFA." I am saying this unironically. Goddamn, I seriously hate yanks. Ignorant morons.

>> No.12143347

neoliberals are, at the very least, leftists enablers, and at worst crypto-leftists. They want to get rid of borders in other to achieve "free trade", but while doing so they they hand sovereignty to supranational organizations that control the economy to a much greater extent, opening up the possibility of "world communism".

>> No.12143422

Watching /pol/fags assume that Pewdiepie is a hardcore natsoc or some shit because he made jokes and mocked sjws is pathetic and really makes you think.
Sam Hyde did this and i'm not sure if he was joking but it made him look like a fuckwit.

>> No.12143481

I think it's nice that Pewdiepie is encouraging zoomers to read. He's a good man.

>> No.12143506

As if it means a fucking thing if some shut-in discord moron is nationalist.

Do you do anything for your country or community? Aside from btfo libtards in your circle jerks?

>> No.12143580

>same people flunk other boards and treat them as de nature tools and resource alternatives for politically agitated asocials
reads like this
>same popeople funk lo tither botavite dards as de nature tools treat thand emu rescore alterlically naties for agasocial sand

>> No.12143590

did writing all that shit make you feel smart, retard?

>> No.12143604

He has never pretended to be a knowledgeable or intellectual person, he's pretty honest about being a beginner to reading. There's nothing pretentious about his book review videos because he doesn't try and analyse the deeper themes or messages of the books he's read, he just reads them and gives his honest opinion about what he liked and what he didn't like. His main purpose with these videos isn't to be an academic, and he doesn't make the slightest attempt at being one, it's just to read books (which he says he enjoys a lot more than playing video games), and encourage his massive audience of young people to start reading books as well.
It's a good outreach.

>> No.12143612

capitalism and socialism as definitions of right and left are an outdated, obsolete dichotomy of the 20th century.

right and left in the 21st century is about the social, not necessarily the economic.

>> No.12143614

>shilling e-celebs
>on /lit/ of all places
tell me the reason why you had to kill a thread for this

>> No.12143641
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>> No.12143647


>> No.12144766

dont bully pewdiepie he is a good boi i would pat his head and give him a snack

>> No.12144806

>felix gets all his ideas from 4chan!
dumbass, half his videos are straight plagiarism from reddit, it's far more likely he got his interest in books from that site
he probably got his ironical antisemitism from 4chin tho

>> No.12146271

ye its just all satire here :^)

>> No.12146285


Kek, I believed that to be true for second.

>> No.12146500
File: 62 KB, 480x597, terrible boomer shit.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you owned those libs buddy!

>> No.12146521

Anyone. Internet celebrities are the guidance and reference for modern kids. Message boards and blogs are for dinosaurs.

>> No.12146524

/lit/ is a Communist board. Get out.

>> No.12146525

shadilay, brother

>> No.12146558


>> No.12146568

No its performative as cajoling people to read does not actually cause them to gain anything from the act, he’s a pseud because he does not give anything like an indication the books have altered his consciousness or raised his self awareness or capacity for artful expression. I never said he was pretensious or had pretensions to any sort of erudition, all that was implied is that he is a human black hole who is not receptive to beauty and could never transfer that kind of power to others, faggot.

>> No.12146665


>> No.12146689

No, she isn't. Germany hasn't been allowed to be any form of right wing since the jews hoaxed them for not allowing jews to rule over Germany.

>> No.12146692

what exactly is she conserving?

>> No.12146701

Retard. He reads what people recommend him in the comments and on Twitter. He doesn't read /lit/'s standard collection of memes nor repeat /lit/'s standard 'opinions'.

>> No.12146740

I mean, he did read stoner, so maybe it's a mix of both

>> No.12146768

>what's happening in the west now
What is the DCEU Lantern gonna be the black one or something?

>> No.12148123


>> No.12148148

Wow i guess hitler was a socialist too.

>> No.12148158

socialism was coined and used before marx

>> No.12148428

as any cultural force grows in number the general stock of it will change to be lower brow, smaller minded, less intelligent and generally more repulsive. size correlates strongly with impalatability in this way. its also the case that growing in number is also the only definer of success and strengthening there is. just understand that this is inevitable if it is to achieve its task and that you should have expected it, its rather silly of you to be vexed for not expecting it desu.

>> No.12148483

Why do people who believes Jews are ruling the world so full of themselves ?

Isn't it obvious to you that such an oversimplification of the world is at best childish and at worse totally idiotic. Plus, not being able to have any form of argument about it except memes furthers the proof of your own stupidity.

Obviously 4chan, cesspool of all
Cannot be thinkers at all
Claims to enjoy literature
Although they aren't mature

Goat fucker
Jew sucker
Or nazi hoes
It is all that shall never be
Again and
Washed away by the sea
We pretend
That it all shall never be

I got off my original point then decided to make poems out of it. It's really bad. I hope I get roasted enough to get convinced to never come back here again.

>> No.12148490

Go fuck yourself

>> No.12148492

Try as I might to hate him, and as frivolous and expendable as he is, I still kinda like him. He gives zero fucks. Or perhaps its his piercing blue eyes.

>> No.12148629

America was a goddamn mistake.

>> No.12148747

It was, I'm sure we would've had far better relations with the natives. It's so young too, it's like an annoying baby with a gun that everybody has to support.
Europe would be Great Germany if it weren't for them so I guess we owe them.

>> No.12148782

>not deliberately being a dead weight on society to accelerate the downfall of the current system

Are you even trying to save the West?

>> No.12148996


You serious...?

>> No.12149191

Keep fighting the good fight, no matter what they say.

>> No.12149262

Germany is younger than the US. So is Italy, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Greece, Romania, among others. And the UK is only 70 years older.

>> No.12149286

pedantic stupidity

>> No.12149303

Why do so many people hate Jews? They're not very pleasant people, not they're not evil either.

>> No.12149308

>Make a legitimate antimarxist thread
>Gets deleted
>This thread is still up after 2 days
Nice job at hiding your biases you filthy marxist jannies.

>> No.12149309
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>they're not evil either.

>> No.12149316

>they're not evil either.

>> No.12149317

>I unironically think all Marxists should be lined up and shot, all works of Marxist theory thrown in a fire, and a damnatio memoriae ordered on all Marxist theorists, especially Marx himself.

anti-marxist or not I can understand why the jannies might not appreciate a thread about wanting people lined up and shot

>> No.12149344

Marxists aren't people tho....

>> No.12149352


>> No.12149364
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>Marxists aren't people
>Nazis aren't people
and here I am, an enlightened centrist, laughing at you both. you're both literally the same.

>> No.12149377


Take the vargpill. welfare is redpilled and being a taxpaying worker means funding the demise if your nation

>> No.12149815

The easiest thing is usally the wrong thing to do.

>> No.12149842

Most leftists on /lit/ are so fucking toxic. Not even worth replying.

>> No.12149845

>blue eyes white dragon
>dark magician

>> No.12149889

Well, the organized Jewish community is extremely powerful. They control the US through lobbies, the media in most countries, and banks all around the world.
You're just attacking a strawman, someone who screams racial slurs at other people. You've probably been inoculated with this image by the media, so you dismiss these "crazy tinfoilhat conspiracies"

>> No.12150079

Reactionary is objectively a compliment. Attempting to use it as an insult merely outs you as a troglodyte or a Jew.

>> No.12150088

>Tries to cringe post
>Nobody responds

Try not to embarrass yourself lefty. You got shrekt, trying to use your enemy's weapons when you aren't smart enough to understand them is a mistake.

>> No.12150237

good goyim

>> No.12151129


>> No.12151726

Wish the right had some respect for itself. The benchmark for a right wing figure is pretty low if PewDiePie is accepted and loved. He's a fraud and should be shown to the bin by the right

>> No.12151797

"The right" has to win people over slowly through the culture just as jews used the culture primarily during and after the 60s to slowly bake into the cake the disastrous ideas that are ubiquitous and destroying western civilization today. Drawing a line in the sand and being stubborn is a bad strategy at present. Perhaps pewdipie is a fraud, idk, but he seems to have a lot of influence with young people and a net positive effect, so stop counter-signaling and purity spiraling.

>> No.12151835

>consequences will never be the same

>> No.12151840

>Leftism does not exist
>politics is a tapestry - not a line
If so, then I understand your point.

>> No.12152660

/pol/ was, as usual, right, and became awful the day it was flooded by spics and various uprooted people.

>> No.12153060
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>this thread

>> No.12153069

right wingers have been pushed out of all the universities, they have to start low to regain their positions

>> No.12153467

No I totally realize the power held by the jewish community. But acting like chimpanzee isn't going to help us any way.
It may be a strawman or it may be a lot of people I know. Who are by the way dumber than their fucking feet. I've never seen someone i considered as even vaguely intelligent and educated hold and defend a real anti-semitic ideology. Anti-zionistic is like top shelf, you're not in the retarded mass anymore but still a bit dumb.

And I have to ask you a question. Through theses lobbys what are they trying to achieve ? I mean as a group since apparently the jews are all working together against us.

Because you say i dismiss them, but it's precisely because I don't that I say this. I admire the jews for their ability to fuck all of us so hard while we kindly smile back at them.
The inevitable whining of edgy white kids doesn't scare them.WW2 would have never got rid of them, it actually made them stronger than ever.

>> No.12153503

There's nothing even pointing to him being right wing, but he's hardly worse than any left wing entertainer out there.

>> No.12153816

>be symptom of the disease
>"nah bro I'm the remedy"

>> No.12153863

vomiting is both a symptom of food poisoning and a remedy.

>> No.12153908

So you're okay with being likened with something that gets flushed down the toilet once it's over?

>> No.12153992

I don't get too upset over word games desu.

>> No.12154108

>I've never seen someone i considered as even vaguely intelligent and educated hold and defend a real anti-semitic ideology.
That's because no one is allowed to.

>Through theses lobbys what are they trying to achieve ? I mean as a group since apparently the jews are all working together against us.
Power and control over us and our society. Jews are tribal and use an ethnic strategy to acquire power and resources as a parasitic people who has to live in other people's countries.

>I admire the jews for their ability to fuck all of us so hard while we kindly smile back at them.
If you are white then you should breed out or off yourself. This slave mentality, complacency, and righteous weakness is precisely the deadweight attitude we need to lose if we are going to expel the jew. Get your act together or stay out of the way.