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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 60 KB, 900x767, 357-1421-shakespeare-traditional-home-office-writing-desks-rustic-cherry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12139358 No.12139358 [Reply] [Original]

Talk about your story to keep these poor threads alive four more days Edition

What works inspired your story?
How long had you been thinking about the story before writing it?


>> No.12139457

Is it too late to start?

>> No.12139500

you've got less than 4 days, so unless you're ready to write 12,500 words a day for the next 4 days then yeah

>> No.12139947

Nothing in particular inspired my story, though a few years ago, I read the Godspeaker trilogy and after I analyzed the feeling and thought it'd be really cool to write a similar story. Over time the idea has changed and refined in my head, but I guess this is the manifestation of that original feeling.

There are two main viewpoints in totally different regions - a runaway princess and a mad sorceress. The princess is innocent and surrounded by her five trusted companions and she is trying to reach a city to the north, with lots of fantasy landmarks between. The sorceress has her one main traveling companion and tries her hardest not to use her powers as she heads to the princess's home. It's slowly revealed that she avoids using them because in order to use the powers, she needs to burn her own memories.
tl;dr at the end of the book the princess, with only three of her companions left, reaches a mysterious oracle with curses her to the power the sorceress (the VP was really her in the future). Over time, she forgets why she is returning "home" and that it's home at all, and as her memories faded, she began to assume she was heading there to murder the king (because her companion (corrupted at one of the cursed landmarks and a totally different person) has been suggesting it) and the book ends with the sorceress's viewpoint finally arriving at the home city.

>> No.12140296

This sounds very appealing to me. How far along are you?

>> No.12140497
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>What works inspired your story?
those would have to be the Werewolf the Forsaken core rule book, various Kyell Gold books, "The Long Good-Bye" from Hyperion.

>How long had you been thinking about the story before writing it?
at least since high school, so 8 or 9 years now. I've always thought I'd write a fantasy or science fiction story, but I'd never really considered incorporating a romance element. That didn't happen until the middle of October. I was disappointed by Kyell Gold and 'Tank Jaeger's' books. None of them were terribly compelling and I wanted to write something that is.

>> No.12140772
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I tried to rush for nanowrimo but it's difficult to change my habits. I go two or three days without writing, then have a session where I vomit up about 3-4k words. So, according to my log, I've only wrote five times in November and have about 20k words.
At this point, the princess has reached the first landmark, which is an entire forest which had been petrified by a love-mad witch whose whispers now haunt it. The future her, the sorceress, is currently making her way through a swamp. The last chapter I wrote had her setting up camp and then being attacked by undead beneath the mire during the night.

>> No.12141032
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god fucking damn it

I really tried this year, I was going hard on this shit and I still managed to fuck it all up in the end. I was on track to make the 50,000 until around 1 week ago, I binge played skyrim and it screwed me out of my free-time.

I guess there's always next year.

>> No.12141572

You still have time

>> No.12142204

More a general writing question, but what should your strategy be as an author looking to be published for the first time? Submit to any online shit-zine that will have you? Actually look for a decently reputable journal that you enjoy and try there? Give up and self publish and hope some bored anon bothers to read you?

I literally have no exposure to the literary world outside of /lit/. I know people here like to meme about how ded literature is but it seems to be at least somewhat alive given the amount of magazines and journals you can find. Plz help.

>> No.12142590

This depends on what you are hoping to publish. If you're a short story writer, get short stories published anywhere. Soon, you'll have a resume of random magazines and will be able to get published far easier. Start at the bottom and earn your way to the top.

If you write novels,>>12118855

>> No.12142972
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>I go two or three days without writing, then have a session where I vomit up about 3-4k words

We are on the same wavelength. This happened to me after a wopping 6k word kill. Then I had nothing for about 3 days after ward.
Just got 3k today and it feels good. Phew.

How is Scrivener, by the way? Is it good enough to pirate?

If anyone is struggling with their word processor I recommend: calmlywriter.com
Shit is distraction free and displays your word count as you type.
They have some tie-in plug with grammarly, but you have to manually activate for it to do anything, so I dont think its a concern.

I only just reached 36k today, my man. Keep truckin'!
You can do it!

>> No.12142980

I like your premise, I guess the challenge is not to make the twist too obvious the second people hear 'memory deletion' but also to give the reader some misleading impression about how the two plotlines will collide for tension.

> technical niggles

- defensibly should read defensively
- when it neared the surface should be had neared to avoid tense mismatching
- the ',erecting their tent,' parenthesis should probably be a full clause

>> No.12143155

I'd actually been working on a different thing with similar themes for a while and got the idea for this one as a sort of thematic sequel. It was fun to just start something new, and I've managed more of this than I had in several months on the other.

The idea at the start was to be a bit Murakami slice-of-life style, meditative everyday stuff but with a comic turn. As I've gone on this month it's got a bit more mystery-flavoured as a result of my trying to get a plot in. Nothing supernatural, just plot hooks about other character's aims and a soft love triangle.

>> No.12143167

>What works inspired your story?
A Tenryuu doujin by Dam Labo

>How long had you been thinking about the story before writing it?
About eight months, although it changed pretty drastically in the leadup to NaNo

>> No.12143247

I love Scrivener, even though I barely use any of it's features. Being able to click all of the scenes on the left and label them, write in fullscreen and export in one click with endless personalization is everything I need. I pirated my copy years ago, but I've been thinking of buying it because of how much it has helped. I'd recommend pirating and trying it for sure.

Yes, that's been something I'm struggling with in the sorceress chapters, and right now it's probably really obvious but I'll handle polishing the mystery in one of the rewrites.

>technical niggles

>- the ',erecting their tent,' parenthesis should probably be a full clause
I ain't got no degree in this shit bruh, can you explain this again in layman's terms?

>> No.12143287
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>he threw away his literary aspirations for the a terrible video game

>> No.12143311



I just feel like the sentence is too busy. If you say "They stopped, erecting their tent" that makes it sound instantaneous, but you also describe some sort of decision making process. It just reads a bit funny that way.

>> No.12143371
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>put my story into the NaNoWriMo word counter
>it's 50 words bigger
tfw gonna make it

>> No.12143859

2k left. Get fucked, normies.

>> No.12144552

What genre are your stories, anons?

>> No.12144717

> I'd recommend pirating and trying it for sure
Man, that sounds cool. Thanks for the recc, anon. I'll definitely try it out!

>> No.12145363

I'm not really sure. It's post-post apocalypse australia about a mechanic and robot, but it's not written like genre fiction so it doesn't feel right calling it "sci-fi." It's mostly focused on the main character's (the robot) growth as a person

>> No.12145887
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>15k words to go
T-That's alright, I'll just write 5k words a day

>> No.12145988

Mainly Dragonlance, a novel I forget the name of involving a magic system I thought was neat, and a Pathfinder campaign my friend ran that wasn't a complete trainwreck of furry bullshit. It was only partially a trainwreck of furry bullshit.

The first book was five years of drafts, rewrites and revisions because I didn't want it to be a steaming pile of garbage. Now that I've polished my writing skills enough to feel comfortable and I'm on the second book, I guess only about three months. I didn't plan the sequel out that much until the first was fully revised.

>> No.12146085

during your next writing break go take a typing speed test then multiply your WPM by 60 to get your words/hour

>> No.12146202


I believe in you, anon.

>> No.12146212

I don't know if it'd be accurate but I'd call it sci fi slice of life. I like your premise, artificial intelligence finding their humanity is something that I'm working on as well.

>> No.12146298
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Huh, well there you go. So I've got about four hours of typing to do. Double it for small breaks to think of what to write, and eight hours really isn't so bad.

>> No.12146640

I wish this was how writing worked. I could easily type 5k by dedicating one hour, according to your calculation. Gods, I wish I was a robot.

>> No.12146664
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>One hour and a half gone by.
>Only 900 words so far.

Like trying to get a goddamn wall to dance the Watusi.
I can walk up to the bricks, I can bow and cajole, but I cant make this fucker move!

>> No.12146971

That's 896 more words than I have after 4h today but easy wrote almost 8k yesterday. Fuck my brain.

>> No.12146989
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I know where youre coming from, man. All of my shit has been pants-on-head sporadic.

Why cant the words come when we summon them?
How do the published wizards do it?

>> No.12147031

It's not even THAT hard for me to follow a long term schedule, it's just the lack of regularity in the workflow that's annoying. Even during the productive days, I often spent half of the time getting nothing done; even when there are no distractions and I know what I have to write next; and then suddenly it clicks and the "productive-artist-mode" kicks in. Or like today, it doesn't.

>> No.12147036

>then suddenly it clicks and the "productive-artist-mode" kicks in.

This is the little bastard, right here. How do I tie this to a chair and make it get to work.
King said half of the battle was showing up, and I have been, just like you. But its so frustrating when my brain doesnt want to turn over and start.

>> No.12147645
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Closing in on it. Fuck fuck fuck.
This hurts.

Writing some fantasy-horror bullshit, btw.
Vampires inspired it. Vampires and Westerns.

I was stewing over another story about a month before Nano started, then I jumped ship and boarded the novel train with nothing but an vague idea under my belt and a prayer.

>> No.12147912
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Im going to bed. Im beat.
See yall tomorrow.

>> No.12147928

What are you going to do with the final product? Are you going to self publish on Amazon?

>> No.12148195

Send it to every publishing house I can find, before giving up after countless rejection letters and self publishing on amazon

>> No.12148214

>sending to publishers
Don't do this. Do some research; everyone today needs an agent. All of the publishers that you want to be contracted to don't even accept non-agented manuscripts. Write a query letter and send it out to any agent mildly interested in your type of story. THEN give up after countless rejection letters and self publish on amazon.

>> No.12148221

Sit on it for a while before a proper hard edit. Send it to agents. Maybe try again.

Self publishing never. I wouldn't shill well, and I've got no interest in vanity editions.

>> No.12148227

Anyone else doing the exact daily amount daily?
Reading everyone elses input even my friends makes me feel like im the odd one out?

>> No.12148326

2k guy here. It's about a more-or-less failed writer getting dragged on a trip by an inter-dimensional bounty hunter and general fixer. At times it's a political thriller, at others a Lovecraftian hellscape.

>> No.12148361

Cool but once you present two related timelines with contrasting MCs, the twist would pretty much be guessed by most readers.

>> No.12148373

I was looking into writing a new series and I kept hearing women bitch about “there’s not enough strong/female/black protagonists in stories”. I can write anything so I said fuck it and plotted a multibook sci fi adventure series with a young black female protagonist and a cast of 90% females without mentioning the forced/internet/3rd wave feminism that seems to be ruining a lot of recent books/Star Wars films. The story actually works out pretty well without coming across as disingenuous or feeling like it caters to a certain group. It just is what it is. We’ll see.

>> No.12148874

90% female cast sounds as unrealistic as the usual dick fest cancer. What's the in-story reason for most men dying?

>> No.12149229

>47k words
>just about to enter the third act

>> No.12149289
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It’s not a huge cast.

1. adventurous girl
2. Middle aged warrior type woman
3. Robot. (No gender)
4. An older woman survived an attack by putting her own brain (removed with an auto doc) to then put it in what looks like a bubbling jar atop a “1950’s style” clunky robot. A la original lost in space. In time she has an identity crisis when the change gets to be too much and she’ll have trouble coping
5. An eyeball atop tentacles type alien that uses bipedal power armor. It’s female and with brood.
6. A fizban/obi wan/Gandalf/ type older dude
7. Tons of faceless enemies both male and female (firefight fodder)
8. MC’s best friend (sidekick and anchor to old life) kinda looks like Merida from Brave
Main Big Bad is a mass changing woman bent on killing the heroes. ( see Mass Master from the comic book Powerpack crossed with the alien queen chick from that game Starcraft. She leads a band of sci-fi “Legion of Doom” types but all their supposed superpowers are based on actual science

The genders of the characters really doesn’t mean squat except for the eyeball alien who is actually giving birth.
You could seriously flip a coin on sex but it’s the conflicts of the characters that are what’s most important. Trying to steer clear of a standard Heroes Journey template to work with more layers. Been there, done that, not looking to retrace steps

>> No.12149386

>6. A fizban/obi wan/Gandalf/ type older dude
Aww, what a missed opportunity. The (old) male mentor dude is such a tired cliche. Though I guess it's somehow balanced out by the middle aged warrior woman.

Though the rest sounds aight, assuming the antagonist has some decent reason to go for the cast. Mass changing powers sure sound fun to fuck around with, specially in a more visual medium.

>> No.12149489

Why is everyone writing genre fiction lol

>> No.12149493
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Old dude is gravely wounded in the opener and sticks around to give MC “Excalibur” in the form of an “engineers gauntlet” which he created as a young man when building the utopian space station the MC grew up in. It’s something like a science based Swiss Army knife for building but if tinkered with it becomes a multi-weapon for the MC to use. I googled and YouTubed “most dangerous chemicals and substances” to find the most volatile shit you might not want used against you and then reworked it for a sci-fi effect. If you ignite Chlorine Triflouride and push it through a
Pressurized tine you’ve got a flame thrower that burns at 2400 degrees.
Do the same with liquid helium and you’ve got a “freeze ray”
If you line small cartridges withTeflon you can keep flouroantimonic acid rounds that seriously act like “alien/xenomorph acid” and eats through anything.
It’s all real science but if you saw the boring descriptions off and bend a minor rule or two, you’ve got some fun shit to play with.
There’s also silicone based lifeforms, white holes, time dilation (interstellar movie) and a host of other things.
I’m at 30k words. Should be done by valentine’s day.

>> No.12149508

Oh and before people start yelling “infinity gauntlet” it’s actualy closer to that game Dead space with all the nuts and bolts instead of wish fulfillment

>> No.12149548

because us genre fiction writers can manage to not neck ourselves before finishing a novel, unlike the perpetually disenfranchised, perpetually depressed, perpetually uninteresting literary fiction writers :^)

>> No.12149785

There are more than just the two viewpoints, they're just the main viewpoints. And the way I wrote it makes everything clear, because I wanted it to be, but any similarities aren't distinct within the actual text. That being said, as I said here >>12143247 the difficulty starts once the loss of memory -> powers idea is explained, it'll likely be obvious to anyone looking deeper than surface level.

>> No.12149933

Because any genre is just a marketing gimmick, so might as well go for one that offers the best commercial opportunities.

>> No.12150670
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I was doing the daily initially, but I realized I that I had missed a few days because I jumped into the challenge after it had started.
So I wrote more to catch up.
Add in some blocked/ dry-spell days where nothing came to me, and I was pretty much obligated to go balls to the wall for word-count.

>> No.12150674
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You act like I have a choice!

>> No.12150698


I need to edit the hell out of it ( and then possibly illustrate it) so it cant go anywhere except my desk for a little while.

>> No.12150714
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>I kept hearing women bitch

Tumblr and the out-of-touch media machine that reports on their freakshow dont represent "women" at all.
You got memed.
Hope you can make some quickbux off your story, though. If you can get someone on /co/ to draw a cartoon cover for you, you might be able to get some traction around the internet.
One of those robots better be trans too, or youre dead meat.

>> No.12150729
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Im going in for 5k today, too.
Let me off this wild ride.

>> No.12150769

too bad
you're going to end up writing more novels, there is no way off

>> No.12150789
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Anon, pls. ;_;

>> No.12150847

The robot identifies as both a ham sandwich AND a tire iron so everyone can just cool their jets

>> No.12150862

>ham sandwich


>> No.12150972
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>earlier in contest, plenty of time/ words ahead
>writing is ok at best
>got slack, now on a tight deadline, have shitloads of words to go
>writing my best work ever

>> No.12151142

Only two days left
Hope you niggas are writing

>> No.12151170
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no can do home slice, I'm drinking tonight
then again I've got less than 1400 words left to win and I've only just started the third act.

>> No.12151177

my book is a basically a ripoff of The Terror, but instead of British sailors trying to navigate the northwest passage, it's Spanish conquistadors in the jungle, and instead of a polar bear monster it's a jaguar monster

>> No.12151218

6k left to go. And three more parts I gotta finish writing to have this finished manuscript done.

It's turning more into a genre fiction novel that an exploration of lost identity, so I'm going to throw a sex scene with a chick with a dick in there somewhere.

>> No.12151477

A-are you me from the future?

>> No.12151485

I like it already. Do native tribals play a role?

>> No.12151493


>> No.12151539

>Not being drunk constantly while writing
Not gonna make it

>> No.12151922
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>What works inspired your story?
shitty animes like OreImo; Eromanga Sensei; My Sister, My Writer
>How long had you been thinking about the story before writing it?
About 20 minutes? Idk I got kinda drunk and rethought my last plan for a story with something more casual and serializable for a noob like me.

About 10k words in. Obv not gonna make it, but that's 10k words I didn't have back in October.

Have a shitty preview of the last thing drunk me wrote I guess

>> No.12151939

Even if it sounds unlikely, go tor it. Try to get 50k. Spend every waking moment writing away.

>> No.12151941


That kids gonna squeal like a pig, isnt he?

>> No.12151947

I don't have nearly enough alcohol to do this.
That said, lol okay why not. I'm taking til December 12th tho, since I didn't start writing this piece until November 12th.

>> No.12151957
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>Feminine benis

This place gets more and more fun everyday.

>> No.12151966


Well that wasnt the gif I wanted but hey, we'll go with that.

>> No.12151975

You know there's actually a guy writing his novel about a futa robot, right?
It's me https://pastebin.com/F1f6LVjK

>> No.12151987
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Carry on!

>> No.12152015
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>> No.12152062

There's only two lewd scenes

>> No.12152092

did you just assume my alcoholism

>> No.12152144


Well now what will I do with my time? ;_;
I want to read lewd stories, not craft one of my own!
>tfw procrastinating on your own work

I g-guess I could always get back to writing..

>> No.12152464

I started incredibly late and have not really been sticking to the 1600 words a day rule. I have however been writing every day and I'm going to finish it, within a couple of days at least. I kind of fucked myself in a way because what it is technically, is a sequel to an idea that I have yet to write. So the early part is just godawful, and going to need the most editing of the entire novella.I mean honestly the entire thing is godawful, but I'm learning a fucking lot from just vomiting words onto the paper.

The inspirations are stuff like, Parker, Daniel Boone Mysteries, Dennis Lehane. Genre shit.

I thought about it for two months. Not every hour of every day, but just a vague idea I sat down and started writing in the middle of November.

>> No.12152992
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we're almost there, boys! one final effort! i'm at about 47k right now.
my story was inspired by my buds and some silly shit we did for talk like a pirate day, some dumb jokes, and warcraft, kinda. has the same sort of tech and magic vibe going.
i came up with the villain first, probably a couple weeks prior to the start of november. then, i came up with the story around him.
it's time for a story about pirates, magic bullshit, and a cowboy.
>tfw you think of the perfect opportunity to make a parallel to the opening in the epilogue

>> No.12153238

>parallel to the opening in the epilogue
It's usually cheesy but damn if I don't always love it

>> No.12153245

this sounds real fun, i want to read it

>> No.12153298

>smash out 5k words today
>only 8.5k left to write, and two days to do it
Gonna make it lads, get hype

>> No.12153323
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thnks bby
hava a shitty flashback/dream as well

>> No.12154427

I'll start sprinting the last 1400 words
after this coffee, or maybe this and the next one

>> No.12154835
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Got this in an email from a published friend of mine. Looks like last years Nanowrimo work may quickly bear fruit yet, lads.

>> No.12155025
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keep it up, brotherman! you've got this!
i love making callbacks to the opening with my endings in my shorter works, but this is the first time i've hit it this hard with such a similar sentence. feels good, and i love the cheese a lot.

>> No.12155115

Congrats, anon. That's the dream right there.

>> No.12155136

validated with 30 more words than what libreoffice counted

still not done with the third act, we're going to be at 52k or more during the climax and post climax sex scene

>> No.12155143
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should I stay home and write or go out and get laid anons

p.s. it's a sf dystopian interstellar travel short story. and the girl is asian.

>> No.12155148

Have you reached the goal? Go out. Not yet? Get those fingers on the keyboard.

>> No.12155153

oh and inspired by PKD, Lies, Inc. recent read

>> No.12155162

i'll get to typing then. maybe I can do both. Have about 5k words written lmao

>> No.12155164
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getting laid doesn't take that long unless you're one some stuff

>> No.12155644


For inspiration or to get in the mood

>> No.12155801

But what if my book isn't about pirates, vikings, or cowboys?

>> No.12155980

Maybe it has a character that is mentally ill and thinks he's a pirate, viking, or cowboy.

>> No.12156240

I'm going to take the day off tomorrow, I've already validated for 50k. I want to go fishing

>> No.12156777

What's your story about?

>> No.12156834

A fisherman

>> No.12156991

a gay romance between a boy and his werewolf

>> No.12157101
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>4k words left
>have to go to work
>will only have a couple of hours after I finish work to complete the novel
Gonna be a close one lads, wish me luck

>> No.12157151

>accidentally spent all night writing code instead of writing literature
never gonna make it.
on the plus side, my program is now infinitely better. on the downside, I feel depressed like I did nothing productive. wat do

>> No.12157222
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Squeezed in another 1k in 20 minutes

>> No.12157245


>> No.12157268
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I wanted to write a story about a depressed guy who decides to write a story in an attempt to not be depressed- but he fails, and so did I.

>> No.12157289
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>> No.12157305

Maybe the final version will be about the guy writing a story about a depressed guy...

No I'll probably finish my (non)romance story first.

>> No.12158107

>listen to the hymn of the high seas vol 1 album in the background while writing my pirate book
>one of the characters is a cowboy type
>as soon as he started taking a prevalent role in the chapter the wild west songs started playing
fucking pottery

>> No.12158173

Done. So this is five eighths of a minimum publishable novel length...

>> No.12158549 [SPOILER] 
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Edgy kid falls in love with an alien grill who ate his crush.

Still over 4k to go until midnight.

>> No.12158942
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I did it, lads! 50,127 words, that's one third of this turkey done.

>> No.12159379

Well done! Multiple anons actually carrying something through here!

>> No.12159499
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Cos it's the last day, I want to say I pushed myself to write more this month (wasn't participating because long work hours and gf) and I got 13k words done over three chapters. I'm proud of pushing myself despite not NaNoing and hope you all are as well.

>> No.12159528

Mean to say proud of yourselves

>> No.12159536

They want their work to be read. :)

>> No.12160329
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post your final score I guess

>> No.12160363

I still got like 3 hours on the clock, but I'm only 350 words away so I guess I'll make it.

>> No.12160374

hit 50k on the head

>> No.12160528
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And done.

>> No.12160666
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Only two more scenes to write and I'm done. One sex scene and one deleuzian deterritorialized mental breakdown

>> No.12160741

What's the line between genre and literary fiction, anyway? There's plenty of books considered literary fiction that also fall firmly into established genres.

>> No.12161200
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>> No.12161290
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>tfw wrote a novel
>can't tell my friends and family about it because the main character is a futa sexbot

>> No.12161462
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>> No.12161490
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>tfw wrote a novel before a family member who's a 6 year english grad and who has tried at least three times before
>can't brag about it because my novel is a gay romance between a werewolf and a twink

>> No.12161544

My sister is exactly the same, but with a YA novel. The description is crazier than my own novel's:
>set in small town australia, literally every character is some variant of PoC, female, non-cis
>town is filled with mythological creatures from every culture on the planet just trying to live their lives, but whitey keeps interfering
Her hair is as dyed as you think it is

>> No.12161769

this kinda makes me want to dunk on my own family member by stealing their latest novel idea for some totes mcscrotes hard sci fi shenanigans.

>> No.12162405

I finished 50k words in what appears to be partly a novel but mostly the inner rantings of a nigh-omniscient lesbian in a future fantasy world. At least it meant I could just write whatever I want without worrying about coherency so much.

>> No.12163683

Post your stories, niggas

>> No.12164016

How are we going to do this, anyway? Just upload our stories somewhere and post feedback here? There's like 5 or 6 finished novels, that's a lot of reading desu

>> No.12164027

People are fast readers on this board lad.
Otherwise they aren't /lit/

>> No.12164110

in a day or so, I may have won nano but I'm not finished with the actual story yet

>> No.12165471

Don't let this thread die, you haven't given me your novels yet

>> No.12166119

Well I may have failed miserably but I now have 10K words I did not have before.

Go check out our thread on their site. Click the profiles of those who "won." Maybe they'll share.

>> No.12166505

>What works inspired your story?
Ministry of Utmost Happiness
Gravity's Rainbow
When Breath Becomes Air
>How long had you been thinking about the story before writing it?
About half a year. There are themes in these books that really resonate with me, but I want to explore a different angle with them. Couldn't find any books similar to what I as thinking about, so I figured I'd try to write something short myself to see if I can.

>> No.12167644

Those books are an interesting mix. What's your novel about?

>> No.12168134

I thought we were going to self publish them on Amazon and get Scrooge McDuck rich from the royalties

>> No.12168145

Only if you're better at shilling than at writing

>> No.12168275

Sweet. Any chance you post an extract?

>> No.12168319

Throwing down an extract


>> No.12168470

> protagonist is named Connie

>> No.12168617


It's not really fleshed out yet.

What struck me the most about Ministry was how the characters developed off one another; I liked that a lot. GR had a lot of scathing criticism about decadence and one of my favorite things there is when Slothrop walks through the countryside alone and eventually disappears into the woods to prevent anything controlling him but himself (at least how I interpreted it). From Breath, I was immensely moved stoicism in the face of mortality.

What I've got so far: A man finds out he's dying of a terminal disease, and relocates from the city to a small northern town. He wants to die on his own terms. He contrasts with some of the townsfolk who idolize urban lifestyles, as he always idolized a quiet life in the woods somewhere. The story begins with extremely bleak overtones and slowly grows brighter thematically in juxtaposition with his declining health.

I only have a couple pages so far... I've never tried to write anything before so I'm afraid of it being unoriginal or insincere, so I can only really work on it when a particular mood strikes.

>> No.12170136

Here's one from mine: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o6YF6CWEBo0Ye6WulMYMt61o1psIbk9z/view

For reference, Pandora is a robot, Maggie is a mechanic
Names are not my strong suit

>> No.12170410
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So nanowrimo decided that I actually wrote 50k words but I obviously didn't. wat do

>> No.12170726

> You won!

what did you win?

>> No.12170938

Congrats on your 50k

>> No.12170964
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>> No.12170989

If steven universe if your first thought when a character is named connie then it speaks more about you than him

>> No.12171650

That was great. You going to post the whole thing?

>> No.12171655

Has anyone here been published?

>> No.12171671

In previous threads there was one guy who said he was after writing 5 or so books he wrote

>> No.12171673

does Amazon count?

>> No.12171689

I meant traditionally but if you've self published I'm also interested in hearing about it


>> No.12171710

Handwriterfag, I expect to see your work posted here, even if you need to take pictures of the pages

>> No.12171726

disappointment and guilt

>> No.12171794
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I too, would like to read an excerpt.
Holy moly, you lads are exceptional. I never even got to finish on time.

>> No.12171800
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Not me!
But then, that's the future goal.

>> No.12171826

I'm the guy from the previous threads. Here's a general post I made about the process >>12118855 (and the responses give more specifics). Did you have any questions?

>> No.12172463

>Did you have any questions?
Not atm. Thanks for the link, I'll read through your posts and replies. My goal is to be traditionally published but I haven't even completed my first novel so I'm not making a serious attempt anytime soon. I'm feeling like reading about someone's experiences with it

>> No.12172924

>sent excerpts to guy
>guy said he'd read and edit my writing long before nano
>admitted today that he wasn't interested in novel
okay, you're allowed not to like things, if you don't like things you can still give constructive criticism
>admitted that he hasn't read ANYTHING I've written
>admitted that he hasn't even read the excerpts I've sent him
>admitted the only reason he was pretending to read my stuff was to get a schadenfreude like sense of accomplishment "I had fun exploring the writing process and we accomplished and created things"

don't ever put out posts asking for anons to read your work and expect even semi-serious constructive criticism. at this point I'm one novel and a fapfic and a half into not knowing what they criticized in good faith and what they were giving half assed criticism or just shitposting at me.

>> No.12173178

Thanks anon. Actually I'm still writing, but of course the last couple of days I did fuck all, despite having free time, just because November was over.

>> No.12174119

>giving fake criticism
That's some next level trolling right there

>> No.12174934

This will happen frequently, unfortunately, even with people you meet irl. But the worst is people who pretend they have read it, and they say "yeah, I liked it," and are unable to answer a single question because they only read the beginning. I have had friendships end because I just want them to admit they are lying and they refuse, but then they're unable to tell me a single thing that happened past the first few pages, then in the next breath say "it was really good, idk what else you want me to say?"
Fuck, people can be frustrating. I love when people say "I read the first few pages and it's not really my type of book" because that's all. I even prefer unpublished pseuds who buy my book and send me emails ripping it apart to idiots who pretend to read stuff. They're the absolute worst.

>> No.12176234

Since noone else is posting their full story, here's mine. Completed unedited, so there's probably a lot of minor grammar and spelling errors

>> No.12176255
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>> No.12176385

top lad. I'll read through it eventually probably

>> No.12176762

any good books on writing? ik the nano is over but i'm gonna try to write a couple short stories this month but i don't think i have the skill for it yet

>> No.12176828

Whoooo I sold one book on Amazon self publishing.

>> No.12176881

And it wasn't a family member or friend?

>> No.12177030

When did you publish it? Have you done any shilling?

I've heard good things about "On Writing" by Stephen King. I haven't read it.

>> No.12177076

> family member
No, I'm too embarrassed to shill to my mom or dad

> friend
ahahaha ... good joke

I just uploaded it to Amazon on November 26. no shilling .... I've only sold one copy, I'm no JK Rowling

>> No.12177089

What genre? You can always shill it on reddit or stuff like that, I didn't mean a huge marketing campaign. Congrats btw

>> No.12177108

I'm too shy to tell my own mother to buy my book, much less le we did it Reddit. The genre is foreign language education, I suppose. I write a series of shitty short stories in a foreign language and then write the English translation, so people can learn the foreign language

>> No.12177126

Well congrats then anon, good work

>> No.12177129

Thank you

>> No.12177130

What are the short stories about? I don't think that a lot of people are going to buy some random book like yours to learn a language.

Next book you write just use a pen name

>> No.12177137

i've heard that about on writing too, forgot about it. thanks anon

>> No.12177150

I did use a pen name. I do agree about the not a lot of people buying the book. It's not zero though, so I keep writing them. I'm also leaning the foreign language myself so it helps me learn the language too. If I didn't write the stories, I would still have spent a lot of time studying

>> No.12177245

I was talking purely from a "sales success" point of view. Keep writing, anon, I believe in you

>> No.12177260

Yeah one day I need to get over my social anxiety and shill like those people on Reddit. But until then, I'm safe in my shell

>> No.12177292

whoops, accidentally posted the clean version. This is the full version, with sex scenes intact: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Bb3ympOQSoaGylNJttG3LN1jBGcyrf9z

>> No.12177338

>only 4 pages longer
I'm disappointed anon

>> No.12178391

I'll add more in revisions

>> No.12179465

Don't die yet, thread

>> No.12179670

If this thread is still alive by Thursday I'll shittalk you then.

>> No.12181182


>> No.12182057

Awesome, I look forward to it

>> No.12183371

>only two people have posted their stories
Come on lads

>> No.12183437

I'm too autistic to post something that isn't finished