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/lit/ - Literature

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12145014 No.12145014 [Reply] [Original]

Books for realising that you're a completely unremarkable human being in every single way and you would never be a girls first choice because you're neither handsome nor physically impressive and even when they lie to you you can hear it in their voice and when you make them admit it under the pretence that you want the truth it crushes you how easily they would admit somebody is handsome when they would not tell you that you're even "pretty"?

>> No.12145048

1) Psycho-Cybernetics
2) Problem Child 2 [kinography]

>> No.12145056

Robot 9000

>> No.12145062

Jordan B Peterson

>> No.12145065

Now I must admit that I could not read at all and take your problem to be some inane bullshit.

Go to the shower and sleep. To work tomorrow. No other advice will come.

>> No.12145104

Nice idea to have a jordan peterson bot since they always post the same i am a failure what do i do advice thead

>> No.12145124

A self-help book would make no sense since what I'm feeling as inadequate is set in stone, I can never make myself prettier or taller.

I am not a failure in regard to things that I through will can achieve. I am a failure in terms of the things that were just given to me outside of my control and I struggle to cope with it.

best post itt

>> No.12145150
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>> No.12145162

Sounds like you let your deeply-rooted insecurities bubble up to the surface and interrogated a girl about your appearance anon, you're not unremarkable, you're just a bad person. So much of being "attractive" is purely in the way you carry yourself, if you constantly act like a deprecating wet flannel then no girl is ever going to find you attractive. Stop caring about whether you're a "girls first choice" or not because very few men are, that shouldn't stop us from getting on with our relationships.

>> No.12145166

Imagine trying to breed, daily reminder the King Siddhartha found enlightenment thanks to seeing a naked body, and he found it disgusting.

>> No.12145171

You feel like a failure. Theres not doubt in this. Realizing that you are failing at having a mastery or being exceptional in something will undoubtly makw you feel like a failurem no way around it.

>> No.12145174

My diary desu

>> No.12145179
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>> No.12145184

Delete this

>> No.12145189

It's actually a Finnish image-board meme

>> No.12145237
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fuck that oedipal muh recognition fee fee shit and hop on a line of flight and become pure power, pure positivity


>> No.12145273

>"b-but if I'm not her first then she's an entitled roastie incapable of tru love!"

Jesus fucking christ, the saddest thing about incels is their juvenile attachment to these ridiculous ideas. It's like they decided on their vision of intimacy and the kind of woman they'd want to be intimate with when they were 8 years old and still haven't bothered to revise it.

I'm a 23yr old virgin myself cause I have no social life, but I'll just give the same advice I've seen given 1000 times to other incels: accept that women are just flawed and feeble creatures much like men are, work to stop looking at them like some godess or some ultimate jury of your entire existential worth, then you can just go about your bussiness and allow things to develop organically.

>> No.12145289

Your self-image isn’t set in stone—please read Psycho-Cybernetics.

>> No.12145298

I'm sorry that you're in that situation.

If nothing else, you have the beauty of being resilient enough to go through your life feeling like that about yourself. Everyday you go desiring for death endlessly and pondering suicide but you choose not to carry it through, this beauty grows. This is the beauty someone someday will see in you, few people will notice that beauty I won't lie to you, but your soul craves much more a small number of people loving you truly then many loving you ephemerally

>> No.12145299

Really good music—which search term to find more, please?

>> No.12145304

>tfw all the thots at work call you handsome

Hehe hope theyre not lying

>> No.12145312

>my entre self-worth is what women thinks of me: the post

>> No.12145331

you're retarded

everyone wants romantic exclusivity, spontaneity and to be the first and only for someone you like

otherwise you'll just get a pragmatic or exploitative notion of it - which is the death of love

it's the reason people deal with jealousy in relationships, with the question "Am I the only one for her?" nagging in their heads

>> No.12145338

That sounds kinda nice, but what if I wanted to listen to some actual music?

>> No.12145455

You're right that everyone wants romantic exclusivity, but the reality is that its rarely the case, for both women and men. The "death of love" is actually the result of our stubborn refusal to relinquish our idealised conception of it. If we were able to discuss our feelings of jealousy or inferority openly, most of these problems could be worked out. More than anything, jealousy should be an incentive to improve.

>> No.12145532

Michel Houellebecq. Try 'The Elementary Particles', 'The Possibility of an Island', 'Platform' and 'Whatever'.

>> No.12145566

My twisted world, by saint Elliot of the Rodgers.

>> No.12145806
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Why didn't he just transition, wash away his unrealistic expectations of life and inevitably just give into HRT induced meta-attraction for a wellbuilt, tall white Chad?

>> No.12145809
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>> No.12145832

I think you should kill yourself.

>> No.12145848
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>> No.12145858

meditations - marcus aurelius. philosophy is the answer my friend

>> No.12145862

based Ellie Rodger

>> No.12146376

my self-worth is what women think of my appearance and what men think of my person. appearance still plays a role with men but they are willing to look past that. if a woman does not find you physically attractive she will always have it in the back of her mind, you will never be 'better' than other guys, you will have something that she convinces herself is enough to settle with you in spite of your flaws, but it will not be what is truly fundamentally attractive. i'm aware how /r9k/ this sounds but it's observable behavior.

>> No.12146392

This is very r9K and you should stop pretending to understand the human.

>> No.12147007

Most women are unremarkable in every way, too. There's literally billions of ugly and stupid people on Earth reproducing as we speak.

>> No.12147168

Yes, so what are books that will help me accept I'm not special? I tried the Bible but it taught me that I actually am special, which I sadly find hard to believe, no matter how hard I want to.

>> No.12147230

What a cute girl! I want more