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12135525 No.12135525 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite fiction novel and your bone pressed erect penis size

>Pic related
>4.5 inches

>> No.12135560

>the waves or bros k
>somewhere between 7 and 7.5 idk

>> No.12135559

>Goethe's Werther

>> No.12135573

Nice dicks boys

>> No.12135582

>Roadside Picnic (specifically the epilogue)
>No idea, but it seems to be working amiably

>> No.12135585

>Kristin Lavransdatter

>> No.12136024

Harry Potter

>> No.12136034


>> No.12136039

Donny Q
About 7 inches

>> No.12136044

100 yrs of solitude

>> No.12136045

>Dostoevsky, can't pick a favourite
>literally nothing

>> No.12136052

>J R
>4 inches

>> No.12136053 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12136089

>The Leopard
>about 6 inches

>> No.12136114

please be in petersberg

>> No.12136332

>6.8 inch

>> No.12136790

5 inches long but abnormally thick and hairy, also i have massive smegma accumulation under my foreskin

>> No.12136798

>Under Milk Wood
>around six and a half

>> No.12136805

>William Blake's Complete Poetry and Prose
>a little over 7"

>> No.12136881

Madame Bovary

>> No.12137066

Moby Dick.
Exactly 7".

>> No.12137082
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>5 inches long but abnormally thick and hairy, also i have massive smegma accumulation under my foreskin

So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the smegma that is given us.

>> No.12137104

Animal farm
Nearly 6”

>> No.12137123
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Eragon/ all of the inheritance series hard covers, 8 inches

>> No.12137133

I don't know why I come into these threads. they always demoralize me. how the fuck is everyone on this website so hung?
no matter the board, these penis survey threads always end up with an average of like 7.5 inches. why was I even born...

>> No.12137134

Lord of the rings

>> No.12137206

It’s probably that people with bigger ones feel more confident posting it.

>> No.12137216

nothing abnormal, you just have atrocious hygiene
fucking clean yourselves

>> No.12137239

>moby dick
>6.2 inches

>> No.12137245

>Rangers series

>> No.12137355

The hungry caterpillar

>> No.12137385

TBK, 7.5 but downwards curve

>> No.12138344

no one on the internet has ever lied about the size of their penis

>> No.12138502

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

>> No.12138511

>As I Lay Dying
>Scratching on 7'' but I rarely get completely hard

>> No.12138599

Infinite Jest

>> No.12138621

Why are so many of the penises here significantly above average in length?

Mine is 5.5"

>> No.12138629


>> No.12138638

>Why are so many of the penises here significantly above average in length?

this has to be the most naive board

>> No.12138653

>bone pressed
What does that even mean?

>> No.12138661

>fuck books mufugga

>> No.12139828
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>tfw can't get it up to full mast anymore
t-thanks porn

>> No.12139841

>The count of Monte Cristo

>> No.12139844

I don't know, mine is 5.7 in and my favourite book is probably El Aleph.

>> No.12140733
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>w-why would people lie about their dick size on the internet

>> No.12141455



>> No.12141497

The Magic Mountain
Like 5 inches, and very skinny and pink

>> No.12141505

do you tug on it like a little gay fairy boy?

>> No.12141534

>Storm of Steel
>roughly 7 but I only have one nut so it looks bigger

>> No.12141590

>I only have one nut
pics or gtfo

>> No.12141662

I'm not showing off my one nut, it's not even anything special just imagine a scrotum but more aerodynamic and you know what I have

>> No.12141672

Melancholy of Resistance
Roughly 5 and a half inches

>> No.12141935

>Gravity’s Rainbow
>Infinite Jest
>1.5 inches

>> No.12142152

there's a joke about Mike Wazowski in here somewhere

>> No.12142236

>the crying of lot 49