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File: 1.20 MB, 2000x1333, sontag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12136426 No.12136426 [Reply] [Original]

Is she our gal??

>> No.12136434

If you're a fag, maybe.

>> No.12136451

You don't think she had good things to say, anon? I think she is pretty astute in some of her observations.

>> No.12136463
File: 104 KB, 600x889, ego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12136507

Sontag is broader in her concern than Paglia, in my opinion. Like a old school mid-20th c public intellectual vs. an academic scholar in the contemporary sense.

>> No.12137535
File: 169 KB, 1100x1124, 1E728ABC-046E-42EF-A9D0-B8CE50ACF424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Paglia. Her writing style is over the top grandiose and her massive ego comes out in her writing but she knows what she is talking about. She is really good as seeing connections and understanding how Culture works.

Like if you are interested in Exploring Culture” she is a good source.

>> No.12137546

biological reductionist. great prose and i love her energy but she's a soulless darwinian animal

>> No.12137577

She reminds me of Trump. A few years ago I seen an interview with her from the early 90s and she was saying how she couldn’t stand all these people falling all over Patricia Bowman. She said “Why is she a hero? She is a hero because she got raped. Big deal.” But then she said something to the effect of Kennedy probably did rape her and he should go to jail for it but “She isn’t a hero for being stupid”. It reminded me of Trump talking about McCain. Been a big fan of hers ever since.

>> No.12137597

yeah she's always been a total edgelord. a white collar trump. I've always been a big fan of hers too, and I think her call for an re-enchanted left (see cult and cosmic consciousness) is just what the doctor ordered

>> No.12137698

Didn't she say White people are the cancer of the Earth? Lol.

>> No.12137702

yeah she said that on a /pol/ image about two years ago

>> No.12137714
File: 56 KB, 850x400, 1502912325661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No jew is "our gal".

>> No.12137747

If only kikeposters realized they could've taken a shower in the time it took to edit all these fake quotes

>> No.12138085

I would have to put this quote in context. I believe it was an essay from 1967, but I will have to look it up.

>> No.12138090

Thanks for this suggestion! Anyone want to read this in a mini-reading group?

>> No.12138098

It's actually a real quote. About half the ones they use are real, and this is one of them.

>> No.12138132

I know it is a real quote, but context matters. You can't just pluck a quote to damn someone. Also it is fairly clear that--depending on your own position--she is right.

>> No.12138133

Paglia's a genius. I dunno about you guys, but she's /my/grill

>> No.12138182

I recall some passage in one of Taleb's books where he talks about what a hypocritical bitch she is. really amusing

>> No.12138208

>You can't just pluck a quote to damn someone.

>> No.12138230

here it is:

>I will always remember my encounter with the writer and cultural icon Susan Sontag, largely because it was on the same day that I met the great Benoit Mandelbrot. I took place in 2001, two months after the terrorist event, in a radio station in New York. Sontag who was being interviewed, was pricked by the idea of a fellow who “studies randomness” and came to engage me. When she discovered that I was a trader, she blurted out that she was “against the market system” and turned her back to me as I was in mid-sentence, just to humiliate me (note here that courtesy is an application of the Silver rule), while her female assistant gave me the look, as if I had been convicted of child killing. I sort of justified her behavior in order to forget the incident, imagining that she lived in some rural commune, grew her own vegetables, wrote on pencil and paper, engaged in barter transactions, that type of stuff.

>No, she did not grow her own vegetables, it turned out. Two years later, I accidentally found her obituary (I waited a decade and a half before writing about the incident to avoid speaking ill of the departed). People in publishing were complaining about her rapacity; she had to squeeze her publisher, Farrar Strauss and Giroud of what would be several million dollars today for a book advance. She shared, with a girlfriend, a mansion in New York City, one that was later sold for $28 million dollars. Sontag probably felt that insulting people with money inducted her into some unimpeachable sainthood, exempting her from having skin in the game.

>> No.12138357
File: 45 KB, 850x400, quote-the-key-to-solving-the-social-problems-of-our-age-is-to-abolish-the-white-race-noel-ignatiev-61-85-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only context one need apply is that this jewess' hatred of whites is par for the course with kikes. They view us as their main enemy and we have to start returning the sentiment and kick them out of our countries.

>> No.12139136

The problem with this is you ignore that Sontag cites Karl Marx as an example of the cancer.

>> No.12139158

> lesbians are insane bitches
Wow, who knew. Shocking!

>> No.12139163

wtf i love jews now

>> No.12139165

I'm a brainlet but that sounds like a cool idea. I'd be down.

>> No.12139168

>reading women

>> No.12139210
File: 9 KB, 220x165, Sukhbaatar_Square_-_Ulan_Bator-Ulaanbaatar,_Mongolia_-_Улаанбаатар.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she exemplifies male writers to the point of ridiculousness and does so while allowing femininity to surface as the duel side of man, making women complicit in the degeneration of western aesthetics. she basically announced the death of western culture in a jubilant tirade while everyone was celebrating the birth of the internet and open culture. her content is overwhelming and meant to be so because she is talking down to the conquerors. she's a resource and a major figurehead for the reconceptualization of preemptive attacks against those that cannot profit from homeostasis.

>> No.12139301


Spotted the people with JBP papes