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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 1229x1160, confess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12132187 No.12132187 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12132192
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I was born without sin.

>> No.12132215

Girls’ muddy drawers.

>> No.12132217

I've started jacking it to the weird stuff on /b/

>> No.12132218

I'm citing Borges in a piece that really doesn't call for literary circlejerking.

>> No.12132220

lol where is /b/ i can't find it on the link bar

>> No.12132227

I'd rather not send anybody there

>> No.12132264

fight against it

james 1:15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

>> No.12132273

I don't believe in God, yet I defend traditional catholic beliefs because I strongly agree with them.

>> No.12132274

That's some shitty-ass prose, where'd you find that?

>> No.12132275

i keep buying books and don't make time to read them, i have a massive backlog

>> No.12132280
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Or as Augustine put it more succinctly

>> No.12132289

oh yeah, he did say that

read Augustine

the bible

>> No.12132312

I hated Stoner, I think Anna Karenina is close to unreadable and anyone that likes Joyce is mentally ill. Blood Meridian is good, Heart of Darkness is great, and fantasy gets a lot of undue hate from people who should know the difference between an investigation of the human condition and a retelling of classic adventure to inspire people.

>> No.12132392

I lied to my parents once.

>> No.12132428

I think that the movie adaptation of "Starship Troopers" is the only proper way of adapting a book to film

>> No.12132441

I can't read

>> No.12132448

>he doesn't know

>> No.12132468

>investigation of the human condition and a retelling of classic adventure to inspire people.
These are neither mutually exclusive nor useful descriptions of anything

>> No.12132478

I find most literature a waste of time and read non-fiction almost exclusively.

>> No.12132489

I fucked your dad

>> No.12132500

I find many revered authors and philosophers absolutely unreadable and uninteresting. Camus, Nietzsche, Salinger, Faulkner, Fitzgerald, Twain, Ellison, etc. Schopenhauer I don't always agree with but he makes me laugh so he gets a pass.

>> No.12132520


>> No.12133609

At the age of 13 my two years elder sister lured me into making out with her and made me suck her tits multiple times due to raging hormones in both of us maybe. I know that i stared loving it because she was the first female i've dry humped. I'm 24 now and still get diamonds everytime I think about it, although we never talk about it and pretend as if nothing like that ever happened. Been with several women after that and I have a decent sex life but I know that deep down I still desire my sister.

I still get dreams of fucking my own sister, the guilt trips are fucking awfull.

>> No.12133658

I skim through books and think all fiction literary or otherwise is pointless

>> No.12133668

I read and enjoy stephen king books

>> No.12133698

I wish I was a girl.

>> No.12134049

I've smoked cones pretty much every day through year 11 and 12 and I don't know if I'll ever get my mind back.
Sometimes I have to read sentences, phrases, paragraphs 3 or 4 times just because I repeatedly lose track of what they're actually discussing.
Like, for example, a sentence reading "the bird flew over the hill" I might lose track of the bird by the time I get to the hill and have to reread it to compound an image

>> No.12134085


I've confessed this before, but I'm still not over it: the novel that I've been working on since 2010 is structured and characterized very similarly to The Sound and the Fury. It was part unconscious, part homage. I'm too deep now to undo it. My best hope is that when it's eventually published here in Canada, the literary critics are so excited that a Canadian author wrote a novel that had nothing to do with racism, sexism, or homosexuality that they forget who William Faulkner is.

>> No.12134091

I smoked a lot of weed during my last years of high school but stopped after graduating. The fog eventually clears.

>> No.12134096

Weed isn't cool.

>> No.12134102

I'm considering hiring an escort, I don't consider it sinful or pathetic anymore

>> No.12134131

I am bored in my relationship but I don't know if it's a self sabotage sort of thing or if I'm immature enough to handle long term commitment with maintained interest.

>> No.12134132


>> No.12134134

Unrelated to literature, but I'm a narcissist and I don't love anyone other than my dog. Also I'm addicted to porn and will die alone, probably from suicide.

>> No.12134157
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>I don't love anyone other than my dog. Also I'm addicted to porn
literally me

>> No.12134161

They’re supposed to be literature related you guys

>> No.12134167
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>> No.12134209

This and i also ordered master burger pizza from dominos and it tastes disgusting, but im gonna finish it anyway, because i spent 10$ on it

>> No.12134213

I wrote and published a YA "goosebumps" novel and made it as psychologically scarring and fucked up beyond belief as I humanly could while still keeping to strict PG-13 guidelines. Agent and publisher can't really say anything because there's no hard evidence that it's not suited for the target demographic, parents don't care when buying it cause they just read the blurb and maybe first page and think "it'll do".

The real confession being that I literally and unironically get off to the fact 11-15 yr old girls wet themselves (and their bed) reading my stuff.

>> No.12134224
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based and kingpilled

>> No.12134230
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not sure if compliment, I'll take it as one :^)

>> No.12134234

This is the best post I’ve seen in a long time. I hope this is true. Good on you, anon. Follow your dreams

>> No.12134243
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It is, I'd link to it if I hadn't just confessed my reasons behind writing it (it's published under my real name) lol. Godspeed to you too anon.

btw what first gave me the idea was someone from my local echo chamber admitting in a drunken haze that he does the same but with barely PG-13 "budding young love <3" scenes, you know the type because he's literally Humbert without whatever little redeeming features that one may have had, I just adjusted the idea for my own needs kek

>> No.12134251

How is Anna K unreadable and why do you not like stoner? Instead of defending those books which are more obviously easy to understand and like I will instead defend Joyce and say—even just looking at Ulysses—the following moments might prove you wrong, and the only argument you can have afterwards would be to point out that I spent too much time wading through the book to understand it, whereupon i’d say you’re discrediting Plato, Kant, Shakespeare, Bible, etc. Anyway, the moments: Stephen seeing Dilly and feeling bad but not voicing it; Stephen interacting with Deasy and Deasy’s love for money, misusing Shakespeare, and ranting about Jews; entire Penelope; entire Gerty MacDowell.

>> No.12134267


>> No.12134421

i dont speak spanish what are they on about? is it that corncobby chronicles thing?

>> No.12134519

keep doing what you think is right, both for you and people

>> No.12134541

I used to pronounce pseud to rhyme with Freud. I still have to remind myself

>> No.12134630

I cannot read more then 35 pages at a time

>> No.12134670

I want to cheat on my gf.

>> No.12135416

based and redpilled.

>> No.12135437 [DELETED] 
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good job anon

>> No.12135468 [DELETED] 
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Yesterday I utterly destroyed myself on father/daughter roleplay

>> No.12135489

stop watching porn

>> No.12135552 [DELETED] 

I'll be honest with you anon. These girls get ever younger and dirtier while I grow older and fatter. My sex life is a thing of the past and I don't want to date single moms that hit the wall 6 years ago.

>> No.12135648

I'm addicted to opiates

>> No.12135658

Then jack off. Don't watch porn though.

>> No.12135662
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I found out a good friend of mine's cancer has metastasized and become terminal and I didn't feel anything. I think at this point I'm truly dead inside

>> No.12135671

I don't find most literature a waste of time, but I read philosophy almost exclusively due to time constraints (and studying it)

>> No.12135675

based and redpilled

>> No.12135681

based af

>> No.12135682 [DELETED] 

You can't go back once you've seen the things I've seen

>> No.12135693
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I'm about 20k words into my fantasy romance novel. I think I'm gonna stop at 50k. A bunch of connected individuals have given me a lot of positive feedback, and even some published authors have said they really like my stuff.

I've read pic related every year around Christmas for the past five years.

>> No.12135694

Absalom Absalom did nothing for me. I can’t stabd Faulkner and feel like a brain let because he’s so entry level

>> No.12135707

I'm stealing my mother's klonopin.

>> No.12135709 [DELETED] 

yikes. that shit will fuck you up

>> No.12135787

I hardly understand anything I read and take everything literally. I know I'm a brainlet so I just steal other peoples opinions to pretend I understand things like subtext

>> No.12135850

I don't have a clue about what I'm doing but I'm truly thankful for what I already have.

>> No.12135919

I think video games are superior to literature.

That's considered rape in the US. Report her to the appropriate authorities.

>read this one fiction book that teaches me something of the human condition
>anon tells me that's worthless

Boys have the opportunity to become great, so that's what you must strive for.

It's pathetic. You're paying for something that someone with a strong will can either get without pay or resist the temptation.

Try different forms of narrative. Some like plays, others like flash fiction.

We all die. It's not a problem. What you should miss is the loss of what they could've done had they lived longer.

Turn yourself in to the appropriate authorities.

>> No.12136122 [DELETED] 
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My nephews are here at home

I hate children so fucking much
I hate their shrill voices
I hate the things they say
I hate all the noise they make
I hate their stupidity
I hate their obsession with superheroes
I hate the way they stomp the ground while walking
I hate when they cry
I hate how they look like tiny old men

>> No.12136386

I actually dont read books but I come here to learn meme answers that would make me sound smart.

>> No.12136391
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>> No.12136399


>> No.12136450
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I bought multiple female/trap cosplays and wear them while my parents are away. Whenever I wear them I have to mastrubate.

>> No.12136461 [DELETED] 

you do you, trap anon
pursue your happiness

>> No.12136559

i´ve read moldug´s blog all this weekend and i think i have to detoxicate myself, his critique on leftist/liberals are spot on but i´m still a believer Enlightenment ideals and Democracy as the best politic system we have (although it´s imperfect as any other system)

>> No.12136745

Use what instead?

>> No.12136775 [DELETED] 

i haven't read a book in almost 2 years.
i have to desire to read.
i have no desire to watch tv.
i have no desire to watch movies.
i have no desire.
the philosophy posts on this site read like gibberish to me because i'm a brainlet.
i've failed my parents
i've failed myself.

>> No.12136982

Scooby-doo can surely dooo this, tooo,
but Jimmy Caaarter is smaaarter.

>> No.12137080

I'm a fucking pseud.

>> No.12137260

I am the devil and so are you

>> No.12137363
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I think Analytic philosophy sucks.

>> No.12137379

same, dude

>> No.12137395

I have to confess that, unfortunately, I am too critical of a thinker. I over analyze every last bit of data that I take in, and the end result is me living a life of eternal desire. I am never satisfied, because I deconstruct what is meant to satisfy me.

What's fucking based as hell though is that I'm pretty good at reading in between the lines when there actually is something to read, psychologically speaking.

>> No.12137498

As a cringey reaction to the book that ends up being a self-parody of utopianism and liberal values?

>> No.12137551

I've been writing Transformers fan fiction. It's mostly out of spite at the lack of quality in the current comics, the web series, and TV show. It's just all so bafflingly bad, that my mind has been consumed these past few months on how I would to it better. I'm not trying to write my own cannon or anything, I'm just telling the tale of a lone Decepticon befriending a teen runaway with the end of the Cybertronian war as a back drop. At this point I've put so much effort and thought into it I figure I might as well throw it at IDW, the company that owns the comic's rights, and see what happens. They've announced that they're doing a hard reboot soon, so I think my story actually has a chance at getting turned into a cannon side story.

>> No.12137866

The fundamental purpose of relations between the sexes is to produce children, you're bored because your "relationship" (sinful parody of holy matrimony) is literally sterile.

>> No.12138070

I've never read a philosophical book besides Crime and Punishment and just get all my information from wikipedia then shitpost here because I'm too busy jerking off and smoking pot and watching movies to actually deal with any of this shit.

>> No.12138106
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I've killed people and felt literally fucking nothing about it.

>> No.12138180

I read LNs.

>> No.12138201

The idea that killing someone (especially in combat, which I assume you're talking about) is some huge experience is a combination of projection by effete brahmin types and a deliberate attempt to enervate the vital spirit of warriors.

>> No.12138216


>> No.12138226

Yeah, but you feel something about feeling nothing about it. Therefore you do feel something about it.

>> No.12138400

I'm slowly but surely converting towards Christianity, but coming from a stance of Atheism I can't currently seem to decides which Church to place myself in (leaning more towards Eastern Ortho or Catholicism)
While I research and try to make my choice, I can't help but get the nagging feeling that It's bad (not moral bad, but devotional/intellectual/understanding kind of bad) that I am weighing my options, so to speak. I can't help but feeling like I'm just shopping for a specific brand of Christianity, even though I am researching the Theology/Christology/Philosophy of all of this very heavily, plus I know Tertullian & some other Church Fathers would agree that I should do it the way I am going about it. I'm not if there is sin here; my actual sins will be confessed most likely once I have officially converted.

>> No.12138463

I'm a furry and it shows in my work.

>> No.12138464 [SPOILER] 
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>The idea that killing someone is some huge experience is a combination of projection by effete brahmin types and a deliberate attempt to enervate the vital spirit of warriors.

I think it has a lot to do with the fact combat has become far more impersonal in the past century. Instead of bayoneting a guy or shooting him at 50 meters (although in my cases, it was from as close as 30 feet to as far as 100 meters), you're shooting him from 200+ meters out or blowing him up with with an air or artillery strike from many miles away. As such, the actual act of taking life has become more mystified.

>especially in combat, which I assume you're talking about

You'd be correct.

That's the weirdest thing. When I pulled the trigger. It was like my mind just went blank as I watched their bodies fall to the ground. Even when I saw the body of one of my friends who was killed, I just became stopped processing it. The reality of it didn't really hit me until well afterward and I just felt emptiness.

When I saw the dead kids though (mostly from disease or starvation, some from gunfights we caught up in or showed up at afterward), I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry.

>> No.12138473

I was in the same exact situation, was just completely honest with my girlfriend and a year later we're still on good terms. She took it very hard at first though, the important thing is to make up your mind and stick to it, but be sympathetic and patient when she doesnt understand. There's no easy way to do it but if you wait until your dissatisfaction festers it'll be much worse than just ripping the bandage off.

>> No.12138474

all of it is bullshit anyway

>> No.12138476

Non-fiction in your field of study or related to your job? Otherwise I don't see how nonfic isn't a waste of time either

>> No.12138485

This isnt unusual at all. Real trauma rarely manifests in a conscious way.

>> No.12138487

I jerked off 4 times today, and I caved and starting hitting the Juul again.

>> No.12138489

What country? Deployed from and to? I assume the US since were in like 3 forever-wars at the moment.

>> No.12138494

I see nothing wrong with dropping chemical weapons on undesirable populations that destroy the local biomes and pollute this planet disproprotionately compared to other peoples.

Dogs were a mistake, look at a wolf for more than a few minutes with the whole power of your soul and tell me they’re happier being used as dildos by white women.

Ingenuity is an evil trait, we should police its prevalence in all demes.

Justice is a privilege for people who are sympathetic or psychopathic (frightening?) enough to warrant its offer from the community.

Beginning to feel that women have distinct eye movements and pupil dilation mechanics than males and that this is part of the makeup-eye contact emotional-sexual stranglehold they have over incels and middle status males both in bed and surrogate voyeuristic experiences

>> No.12138533 [SPOILER] 
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Operation Just Cause in Panama (1989-1990) and Operation Restore Hope in Somalia (1993). Yeah, I know I'm old.

I wasn't in Black Hawk Down, so don't ask.

>> No.12138711
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>> No.12138718
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I hate everything, including myself.

>> No.12138739

thank you for your service sir. i'm not brave or mentally strong enough to be a soldier, i respect how difficult it must have been at times, if not all the time. also nice dubs

>> No.12138742

Having watched my mother wither away from dementia, from pissing and shitting in the living room to lying on a bed of nails with infected kidneys I failed to express the feelings that was expected of me.
Having buried her and come to terms with all the good and bad, I feel completely empty and lost.

>> No.12138750

I'm trying to complete No Nut November, but I've begun jacking off as of late without finishing. Am I doomed to fail or am I technically playing the system?

>> No.12138762 [DELETED] 

>entire post history is deleted for no reason
Fuck niggers and fuck jannies
I'm going to shit up this place

>> No.12138796

I have over 60 books in my to read stack.

>> No.12138813
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me too but that's because my work is entirely weight gain and vore themed fapfictions.

>> No.12138840

I think I don't have empathy. I like my girlfriend, I am comfortable with her, but can I say that I love her? I am not sure anymore.
I like my cat, but will I feel sorrow if she dies? I am not sure.
I can't feel happiness or sadness for other people. It doesn't give me any problems yet, but I feel like I am missing something in the life.

>> No.12138894

I refused the mind-wise perfect girl for me because I'm in love with an annoying can't-relate-to mystery girl I work with that I dated twice last winter and never went out with me a third time even if she was the one who proposed a third date and we were even doing plans to go out for dinner.
Got drunken so much I threw up just cause I was realising I still think about her.
I want to forget this feeling and go back to this summer, where I was perfectly aware that she isn't the one for me and our relationship was slightly better.

>> No.12138895

I skipped all the tedious listings of clothing and accessoires in American Psycho about 1/5th into the book, aswell as the music chapter. Did I miss anything or is it just to drag out the book as I assumed?

>> No.12138926

I was an unironic Zen Buddhist for two years.

>> No.12138932

Maybe you're depressed.

>> No.12138937

Unironically redpilled

>> No.12139075


Literal you, recommend

>> No.12139205

Unironically you are a massive faggot

>> No.12139251

Beat her to the punch

>> No.12139279

I’ve never heard Lord of the Rings

>> No.12139280

Dunno, but doubt it. It was like this almost as long as I remember. I feel otherwise perfectly good.

>> No.12139299

Literary me.

>> No.12139614

I haven't finished a book since high school

>> No.12139675

thats the good old army training kicking in. you're taught to kill without thought because it turns out we suck at killing people

>> No.12139899

I would put fire missions on both ends into a different league than killing someone with a personal weapon but yeah.

FWIW I don't believe there's a significant difference in the "depersonalization" aspect of killing between a rifle, something like a tank or helicopter weapon, and a remote weapon like a drone because I agree with McLuhan that screens are simply an extension of the retina. There is literally no difference between a rifle sight, a tank optic, and a Predator video feed.

A lot of the """literature""" on PTSD comes from mass mobilizations where men who really have no business in war get pressed into service. This is easiest to see in WWI where once the actual military class had all died you had the fin de siecle equivalent of junior college literature adjuncts like Sassoon getting shoved into a lieutenant's uniform. Also, high explosives, which unquestionably fuck up people's brains (another fact that was widely noticed in WWI but which went nowhere for a century while pseudoscientific "psychologists" spun wild theories about psychic trauma).

Victory in battle (which usually means at least some individuals killed the enemy) produces a state of euphoria in the victors. This is well documented in military history but frequently takes modern soldiers brought up on KILLING = BAD by surprise, like the male equivalent of rape orgasms. Some of these poor souls go to psychiatrists about these conflicting feelings, at which point it's pretty much over for them as functioning human beings.

Anyway, the fact that you shot straighter than your enemy who was trying to kill you and then didn't let a bunch of dipshits convince you that you're bad because of it is something to be proud of, not something that needs to be confessed.

David Grossman is wrong about this.

>> No.12140036
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I used to think I was better than other people. Then I read a whole bunch of books, and now I know I'm better than other people. An unfortunately large portion of the human population doesn't even live up to my definition of 'people'. I want them all to die because I just feel like they're impeding the rest of us.

Earth is like a planet populated by Roombas, just wandering aimlessly, sucking up whatever they can, bumping into shit with no regard for anything, and I just keep fucking tripping over them. The stampede of subhumans that's been on the news lately just came crashing face first into the southern U.S. border, with dozens of pictures of filthy creatures laughing, throwing rocks, setting things on fire, and attacking people. I really wish I could have been there, maybe with some friends, and just shot at them while they ran. They are the concept of disrespect given corporeal form, the physical embodiment of ignorant, spiteful recklessness.

I want to set up a big trap. A pit in the ground, covered in a tarp, with a fake kiosk and a sign saying "free welfare checks and heroin" or something. They all go charging for it with no regard for potential consequences, as is dictated by their nature, and fall in the pit. I would dump gasoline on them, and savor the moment when I see their faces as they realize the mistake they've made and how they're going to pay for it. Then, with no ceremony, no big show of anything, just set them alight and wander off to do it again. I can only tolerate rodents in the walls of my home for so long, and I'm getting sick of all the rat shit and chewed wires everywhere. That's what they are, rats disguised as people, except rats aren't moral agents, and I can't get mad at them for what they do. These things are below rats. I like imaging myself chaining these things to lampposts or telephone polls out in public and beating them with blunt weapons until they're just a skin sack of gory pulp. I can kind of feel my chest getting lighter as I think about it.

I wish they knew I was here, or how many people in this country want to hurt them as much as I do. I really want them to pick a fight. Damn I love being edgy, I just get to lean into it unapologetically, and it feels really good.

>> No.12140139

Stoner went inside me and lived in the husk of my soul for weeks. Read it right after your dad dies of cancer.

>> No.12140310

I haven't read a book in a year
(I can only read in the winter it seems)

>> No.12140346

Chaotic evil
Chaotic neutral

>> No.12140426


>> No.12140462

I spent nearly all my money on stupid shit because
I'm killing myself soon.

>> No.12140484

I am afraid of the immediate future. Restarting college terrifies me. While I was there I became so bitter and hateful. I want to love people again; flesh and blood not paper and ink.

>> No.12140898

Sometimes I care too much about how many books I read instead of the quality of the books. I also like when people comment on the quantity of books I have, especially since I have read almost all the books I own. I have read plenty of "difficult" classics, but should have spent more time trying to really understand and appreciate them. A lot of shit often goes over my head.

I am a literature PhD student. Embarrasing.

>> No.12140941

I have the opposite problem, I always want to start new books but I'm too scared of wasting my time reading a garbage book, or something that is meant for a different audience.

>> No.12141465
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>> No.12141632

care to list them?

>> No.12141740

I cried so hard

>> No.12141745


>> No.12141786
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>I own very few physical copies
>Unironically enjoy johnstone westerns on audiobook
>Dont know where to look for free online reading, dont have a library card
>sit in on college lectures, not actually enrolled
>Uhh... I carry into gun free zones? Idk, dont really see that as a negative.
>Loudly threatened to call the "Thot patrol" on a woman trying to butt into a date like an aspie

>> No.12141794

that's rightfully boasting, not confessing

>> No.12141830

I just mooch at the linbrary and skim free lessons like a bum.. Im not even poor, its just a habbit I got into and cant seem to break

>> No.12141856

Me 2

>> No.12141958

I am enjoying Neuromancer

>> No.12141971

Same here, anon. Stoner really affected me.

>> No.12142005

I feel schadenfreude when people who engage in reprobate acts suffer. When I read about the thousands of overdose deaths I feel as if the world has been cleansed of human filth. Also I think modernity has proved that evil can’t be tolerated in the name of altruism, no, it should be aggressively rooted out at every turn. The Altruist is a far more insidious character than the Pharisee of antiquity, he’s also a new type that emerged during the Enlightenment, which is why we don’t yet know how to combat him

>> No.12142006

I took a shit on your sister’s face and raped you once (you didn’t know)

>> No.12142022
File: 6 KB, 249x199, 1540677411026s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be a 20 yo virgin soon and i can't do anything without weed because of how depressed i am.
unironically considering kms

>> No.12142076

>I can't do anything without weed because of how depressed I am
Thinking of it the other way around is your first step, as in you're depressed because you smoke too much weed and don't have a life outside of it. Literally just go jogging or do any kind of intense exercise regularly, physical exhaustion can help break the negative patterns of thought which lead to addiction or dependency. It also might make you more attractive which will help you overcome your virginity

>> No.12142102

Soon-to-be 19 y/o virgin. I don't really find it something worth stressing about. For me, I just see it as something that just may or may not happen, but I'm really not interested in it. If it's supposed to be masturbation, but more awkward and sweaty, with the added "benefit" that a kid comes out 9 months down the line, then I'll pass. Masturbation is boring as is, and I don't feel like having to do the work for someone else too, and I have zero interest in a kid.

>> No.12142105

i was more depressed before i started smoking. but i do need to exersize more.

>> No.12142116

Please just wait

>> No.12142121

why is there such a stigma around suicide? It's a reduction of the amount of suffering in the world. Help me with this bros

>> No.12142131

Primarily just Christian influence still holding on. Their reasoning is that God gave you free will, and the only act of his own will he demonstrates is when to take life. By taking your own, you are defying the sole will that an all-powerful being demonstrates over you.

As for a more realistic meaning, it's just sad knowing someone has died to something that they could've easily avoided, and that you could've easily stopped them.

Good luck, bro.

>> No.12142137

I masturbated to Tamlin in a Court of Thorns and Roses...

>> No.12142198


>> No.12142252

I pretend to understand things I'm cognitively incapable of understanding at this point in my life because I remember a time before brain damage when it would have been within reach and I refuse to concede to something as obnoxious as reality.

>> No.12142296


>> No.12142303

I'm a pseud, I need to actually start reading philosophy as opposed to skimming wikipedia articles about it and pretending

>> No.12142312


>> No.12142315

I feel for you, anon. What a miserable thing it is to be a mid-intellect who yearns to understand more than he is capable.

>> No.12142542


>> No.12142839
File: 73 KB, 717x1024, 121F074E-5766-4B93-8A65-1B8BF633FFCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me God is real. But religious texts were ways to understand the world when science didn’t exist, and to instill morals into an otherwise degenerate society. Best way to get people to behave? Spread rumors that entire civilizations were wiped out due to their misdeeds, and that an almighty power exists that will punish you for eternity.

But that’s my 2¢, others feel different and that’s fine too. Unless it leads to degeneracy.

>> No.12143663

I failed my 23 day no nut streak and have been jacking off to porn and music videos multiple times a day since

>> No.12143740
File: 15 KB, 220x291, imagege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to use the library

>> No.12143745

I lost my virginity at 21 and it was the right moment and the right person. It's not late guys, the right person will love you no matter what

>> No.12143816


I really wish you’re joking.

>> No.12143822

Find a church with some people your own age you can befriend in, in terms of what's preached all churches are pretty similar

>> No.12144934


>> No.12146314

God’s Speed anon.

>> No.12146394

My desire to keep on living is completely gone. I'm not even depressed or sad. I just spend most of my time walking around aimlessly.

>> No.12146406

i only ever read if computer and phone are turned off. am too distracted otherwise

>> No.12146493

Uhhh didn't you get the memo? We're in 4channel sweety.

>> No.12146562

This is literally the highest form of auto-cuckery you can do, even straight-up believing in God would be better

>> No.12146569

same, except I don’t like animals

>> No.12146578

There is nothing for me in any form of mysticism or idealist pursuit that could satisfy my desire for release or power. This will eventually drive me to slow suicide by drink or self created ostracism and broken heart
Pagan beliefs are better, the religious should not form an elite caste above the nobility ever at any point and shouldn’t be allowed to amass wealth which decouples them from dependence on elites. I understand the aesthetic appeal of catholicism though of course.

>> No.12146624

I'm happy you can work these feelings out on /lit/ instead of on real life, anon.

Unironically good prose, even if it belongs on /pol/.

>> No.12147044
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Tazers are more effective tho..

>> No.12147101
File: 1.97 MB, 4032x1960, 20180627_191617_1542864019443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off to /lefttpol/ and take your disgusting (So)y) jizz substitute with you

>> No.12148465

Expand; why?

>> No.12148560

try meditation

>> No.12148567

how about both?

>> No.12148610

Sometimes I go to >>>/x/ to find inspiration