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12131209 No.12131209 [Reply] [Original]

My English professor asked that I change my reference to "the origin of man" in my blog post to "the origin of human beings" since the former is gendered/sexist language.
I can see how "the origin of man" may seem non-inclusive, but "the origin of human beings" wrecks the parallel structure of the sentence.
Also, since I am biologically male, it seems reasonable that my writing might include words with masculine connotation. Although "the origin of man" and "the origin of human beings" refer to the same idea, "the origin of man" is strictly more masculine.
I would concede to his suggestion if this were an essay, but this was a blog post. Should I bite the bullet and make the change, or should I tell him to piss off?

>> No.12131223

definitely tell him to fuck off

>> No.12131254

Tell him to fuck off.

Use an example of latino and latina as being “latinx” although thats not a word in spanish. If you dont know spanish my example wont work for you tho

Just purity spiral him

>> No.12131327

Tell him to go fuck “xher”self and drop the class if this continues.

>> No.12131334

>forced censorship
replace man with men

>> No.12131337

You're first year? Do what they tell you, kid. Nobody can stop what's been set in motion. Not even you.

>> No.12131357

Tell him to fuck off, then make sure to work "A.D." instead of (((("Common Era")))) into it somehow.

>> No.12131359

Only /pol/tards give a shit. Change it and fuck off. It hurts nothing to do so but your persecution complex, you bald furry.

>> No.12131361

I'm a senior and I'm taking an upper-division rhetoric course with the professor in question.
I'm familiar with the gendered grammar of spanish, but I think he would call me out for using the latinx example. He obviously understood the idea I was trying to communicate with our finite English language, he would rather I communicate it in a non-masculine way.

>> No.12131409

>I'm a senior and I'm taking an upper-division rhetoric course with the professor in question.
Then you would have encountered a like issue before. Are you asking for advice or making a statement about academia in the 21st century?

>> No.12131413
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>You didn't ditch your masculine voice at the drop of a hat? You didn't listen to their demands? Sorry buddy, you must post on /pol/!
>Listen to me instead, buddy! Fucking do it! There, I cursed! Will you do it now?
>You're the only one that will take issue with this! Wanna know why? Because you're mentally defective! And you're a bald furry!

>> No.12131415

And people like you are the reason it's set in motion.

>> No.12131416

>things that never happened

>> No.12131427

Pics or it didnt happen

(It didnt happen, youre all hysterical bait biting newfags)

>> No.12131430

I'm usually mindful of gendered language desu. There is no reason to refer to a hypothetical doctor as "him" when "they" is sufficient. Got by until I needed to talk about creation myths for this class.

>> No.12131436
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>some cunt makes up bullshit for outrage
>changing a word is loss of masculinity

>> No.12131439

Literally none of his business, unless it was a blog post for college.

>> No.12131458

I'm interested why your professor even gives a shit about your blog.

Change it if it makes him feel better about himself since you seem to care for his opinion

>> No.12131470

Are you even trying lmao? I'm not making this up, and I never equated my word choice with my masculinity. I just think it's reasonable to use masculine word choice in some settings, my prof does not.

>> No.12131474

Just do it op. It’s not worth the fight. Casually thank him/her for the tip and say you’ll remeber that for future inclusivity. Not everything has to be a giant sperg fest fight over minute sjw pettiness.

>> No.12131479


Why do you need to use masculine terms when referring to the entirety of the human race? This is Peterson tier shit.

>> No.12131491

If it's really such a trivial issue then you won't mind him leaving it as it is. We can all agree to disagree, right friendo? After all, we live in a democracy and everyone is entitled to his own opinion.

>> No.12131509
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It's not Peterson tier shit. "Mankind" refers to Homo sapiens en masse, just as "man" refers to Homo sapiens en masse. I don't need to use "man" in my blogpost, but I strongly prefer it to "human beings" or "Homo sapiens."

>> No.12131513

In Old English the word "man" referred to both genders. Sort of like the French "homme" or Latin "homo." Terms like "humankind" or "peoplekind" are a very recent affectation. Like all affectations they're a bit cringey and awkward.

>> No.12131519


Why? So you can be a twat and get validation from other twats like yourself?

>> No.12131524

>If it's really such a trivial issue then you won't mind him leaving it as it is. We can all agree to disagree, right friendo? After all, we live in a democracy and everyone is entitled to his own opinion.
>If it's really such a trivial issue then you won't mind him leaving it as it is. We can all agree to disagree, right friendo? After all, we live in a democracy and everyone is entitled to **HIS** own opinion.
Word choice: please use "their" instead of "his."

>> No.12131531

Are you going to Greendale?
It sounds weird, even the origin of humans would be better

>> No.12131532

Tell him he can go suck a feminine cock

Then drop out, whatever school you're at is clearly not worth attending.

>> No.12131534



>> No.12131549

If you read the OP, you would know why I prefer "man" to "human beings." I do not want to rewrite a sentence of my writing if it only serves to appease my professor's preferences. If I truly am in the wrong here (that is, if my word choice is an objective fuck-up), I would reconsider.

>> No.12131556

>I do not want to rewrite a sentence of my writing if it only serves to appease my professor's preferences

Then don't. What is this thread even about?

>> No.12131569

Why does your professor even know about your blog. Tell them it's yours and you can shitpost about fucking anime all day on it if you wanted to.

>> No.12131570

>A human being of either sex; a person.
>"God cares for all races and all men"
>synonyms: human being, human, person, mortal, individual, personage, soul
>"all men are mortal"

>Human beings in general; the human race.
>"places untouched by the ravages of man"
>synonyms: the human race, the human species, Homo sapiens, humankind, humanity, human beings, humans, people, mankind
>"the evolution of man"

No, you can use "man" to imply the human race. Your professor can suck a cock.

>> No.12131572

I will probably have a conversation with the professor once he realizes I've ignored his suggestion. It helps to hash out my ideas here before I speak with the prof.

>> No.12131578

just open a fucking vocabulary in front of him

>> No.12131585

Anon could get a bad grade or possibly be disciplined by his university.

>> No.12131588

Dictionary definition?
Riddle me this. If "man" has been equated with "a human being of either sex" in the dictionary, does that justify its usage as such? Or does the dictionary simply record the common definition of "man" whether its problematic or not?

>> No.12131622
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>whether its problematic or not?
For words that are "problematic" it generally says so
This issue is entirely in your professor's head, there are no "problematic" words except obvious insults.

>> No.12131662

Could humankind or humanity work?

>> No.12131675

Now THERE is a word that should be banned.

>> No.12131772

Do people take the word "man" that literally?

>> No.12131782


>it's an "OP asks neo-nazis for advice and ends up ruining his entire career and burning all bridges with all the important people in his life" thread

>> No.12132343


No. Fuck SJWs and Marxists. Other words are just giving in to the matriarchy. Blogs have to be littered with the blood of masculine words. "They" or "them" is NOT my chosen pronoun. Heil lobster hierarchy.

>> No.12132395

2A human being of either sex; a person.
‘God cares for all men’
More example sentencesSynonyms
2.1in singular Human beings in general; the human race.
‘places untouched by the ravages of man’

Just bust out the old Oxford on his nu-English ass.

>> No.12132564

>taking a picture of spoken words

>> No.12132656

Baited hard