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/lit/ - Literature

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12126637 No.12126637[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This site has good tastes when it comes to book.

>> No.12126641

Kubrick is for plebs

>> No.12126647

>t. brainlet who don't understand the meaning of monoliths.
plebs can't understand kinobrick.

>> No.12126649

kino: sunrise- a song of two humans
biblio: war and peace
musik: anything by scriabin
ludo: early versions of minecraft (look in your heart, you know its true)

>> No.12126653

Sunrise is lesser Murnau.

>> No.12126661

Kino-Andrei Rublev
Biblio-Will to Power
Ludo-i can’t comment; I don’t know enough

>> No.12126666

tbf i've only seen nosferatu and sunrise, so maybe youre right

still an excellent film

any way since you have an opinion on what is "lesser murnau", you probably know a good bit about films. what should i watch tonight?

>> No.12126679

Kino-the thing
Biblio-ficciones+el aleph
Musik-court of the crimson king

>> No.12126690

Replace 2001 with EoE and Deus Ex with MGSV and you're on to something

>> No.12126704

That's Anemos, not Kino.

>> No.12126750

kino: spring breakers
biblio: hunger
musik: itaots
ludo: aoe 2

>> No.12126752

Is this the Meme of the board chart?

>> No.12126766

Kino - Angel’s Egg
Biblio - Moby-Dick
Musik - Emergency & I
Ludo - Touhou

>> No.12126773

No matter how much /lit/ bitches and moans you're not gonna dethrone Infinite Jest as your meme tome.

>> No.12126784

Define Anemos.

Kino - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Biblio - All and Everything series by G.I. Gurdjieff
Musik - Quality Time by Whitehouse
Ludo - Bloodborne

>> No.12126793

Kino - A Clockwork Orange
Biblio - The Glass Bead Game
Musik - Anything by Current 93
Ludo - Shouldn't even be here, because videogames aren't an art and never will be.

>> No.12126859

EoE is more 4chan specific than 2001
It's also better

>> No.12126872


>> No.12126880

Neutral Milk hotel is pleb tier though. I don't mind some indie, but it's not really important art; it'll be forgotten in 50 years.
This is the only board on 4chan that discusses actual art.

>> No.12126883

the philosophy of that film is quite fitting though.
I don't know how Nietzsche is regarded on his, but it is pretty much the 4chan's philosopher.

>> No.12126885


>> No.12126888

Only mid-period Kubrick

>> No.12126901

Things made in Japan are perverse and plebtier

>> No.12126904

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12126906

how is Deus Ex so good?

>> No.12126909

Let's not go there. Far and wide, vidya is much better than film.

>> No.12126911

wtf why is that potato a nazi

>> No.12126917

too many redpills

>> No.12126928

Kino: Nattvardsgästerna
Biblio: Pan
Musik: Iggy Pop
Ludo: Maybe LoL?

>> No.12126933

>ars ludens not an art

>> No.12126949

these threads are dopey because every late teen early twenty spastic desperate for respectability defers to some majestic illusory authority of good and gives answers in accordance with it: kubrick soooo good, tarkovsky soooo good horseshit, subordinating their individuality to culturally accredited """art""". i'd rather brian wilson and his favourite movie of norbit..

>> No.12126971

What's your favourite film, mon ami?

>> No.12126972

Yeah but I still think the music should be Pierrot Lunaire

>> No.12126985

Yeah, just don't comment anymore lmao

>> No.12126987

problem child 2

>> No.12126999

Most videogames have violence as the main mechanism for narrative progression though. Movies also use violence like this, but you're not the one forcing the characters to act one way or the other, so you feel less involved in it. That's why I think videogames are more prone to turn you insensitive.

>> No.12127008

on rails fakeinteractive movies are not true vidya,artful vidya is shit like quake 3 and street fighter, its the mechanics not the narrative

>> No.12127029

Get on my level plebs

Kino- Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Biblio- Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Musik- Rubber Soul
Ludo- EU4

>> No.12127033

Master & Commander

>> No.12127036

>Willy Wonka

>> No.12127060


>> No.12127065

>This site has good tastes when it comes to book.

nobody here reads anymore. sometimes they post recommendations of books they have never read.

I blame the mods for the reduction of quality on this boards...and i pity the janitors

>> No.12127072
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>violence can't progress a good narrative because reasons

>controlling a character somehow subverts narrative structure

Care to elaborate on this?

>> No.12127086

>I blame the mods for the reduction of quality on this boards...and i pity the janitors
if you want heavily moderated forums there are many leftist alternatives

>> No.12127101

*clears throat*
Fuck the jannies and fuck the 'chan posters.

>> No.12127159


get off my board

>> No.12127161

it was never your board, that's the point lefty, there are plenty of socially engineered forums if that's what you desire

>> No.12127176

Retardo post

>> No.12127195

Ludo: you walk and kill things

>> No.12127201

What is the meaning of monoliths?

>> No.12127218

Kino - Good Time
Biblio - The Bible
Musik - Lil Peep
Ludo - Automata

>> No.12127223

i agree my fellow kinohead, tarkovsky and bergman are for true patricians :^)))))

>> No.12127234

What the hell is a Ludo?

>> No.12127266
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So apparently /v/ has the best taste, since its pick is actually good

>> No.12127351

Ludo is fun, you laugh when you have fun, so LoL is Ludo by deduction.

>> No.12127397

Kino - Nostalghia
Biblio - Meditations
Musik - The Tired Sounds Of Stars Of The Lid
Ludo - Dark Souls 1

>> No.12127437

t. incel

>> No.12127476

kino: stalker (1979)
biblio: the metamorphosis
musik: white light/white heat
ludo: final fantasy 4

>> No.12127502

Superior opinion coming through:
Kino- Babette's Feast
Biblio- Book of Psalms
Musik- On Avery Island
Ludo- Pikmin for GameCube

>> No.12127505

Kino: Cure (Kiyoshi Kurosawa)
Biblio: Gravity's Rainbow
Musik: Emperor: In the Nightside Eclipse
Ludo: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC

>> No.12127511

kino: faust
biblio: faust
musik: faust
ludo: faust

>> No.12127517


>> No.12127538

kino: Az Ember Tragediaja
biblio: Paradise Lost
musik: Estradashpere
ludo: Dominions 5

>> No.12127542

Kino: Gozu
Biblio: Grande Sertão: Veredas
Musik: Bartók
Ludo: God Hand

>> No.12127576

Pretty good

>> No.12127584

kubrick literally had autism

>> No.12127603

eat shit and die shitposter

>> No.12127619

I used to think this when I first started getting into film. Eventually, however, as you learn more about it, you will come to realize Kubrick was one of the greatest filmmakers to ever live.

>> No.12127677

Our guy then

>> No.12127712

Literally neobaroque.

>> No.12127752

>Kino - Intolerance: A Sun-Play of the Ages
>Biblio - King Lear
>Musik - Bach's Masses
>Ludo - Dark Souls

>> No.12127774

KINO: Chung King Express
BIBLIO: The Bible/Gravity's Rainbow
MUSIK: (Album) - Pet Sounds/ (Song) Moon River
LUDO: Dark Souls, but I don't play games

>> No.12127859


Tarkovsky, Ozu and maybe Vertov were the only ones who made true cinema

>> No.12127957

I'm gonna go ahead and do this without the autistic category names (I also can't really decide on any #1s)
Film: Apocalypse Now or Schindler's List
Book: Brothers K, or maybe Anna Karenina or GR
Music: Nirvana - nevermind, or Kanye West - MBDTF
Videogame: Fallout NV or Victoria II

>> No.12127974

>I'm gonna go ahead and do this without the autistic category names
this alone makes you a plebian

>> No.12127987

LOL where do you think you are rn?

>> No.12127988


>> No.12128004
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>> No.12128101

Kino - Le Samourai
Biblio - The Stranger
Musik - Rock Bottom

>> No.12128310
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Kino - A City of Sadness
Biblio - Endgame (Samuel Beckett)
Musik - Rite of Spring conducted by Seiji Ozawa
Lubo - Pinball space cadet

>> No.12128315

>chungking express
God I love this film. Get emotional just thinking about in the mood for love and this.

>> No.12128321

>Cure (Kiyoshi Kurosawa)
Good film, loved the ensing
Has Kiyoshi Kurosawa made any other films as good as this?

>> No.12128342

kino: Юpiй Iллєнкo - Кpиниця для cпpaглих
biblio: Giambattista Marino - L'Adone
musik: Francis Poulenc - Concerto pour orgue, cordes et timbales
kunst: Grünewald - Isenheimer Altar
arkitektur: Katedrála svatého Víta, Václava a Vojtěcha
θέατρον: Jerzy Grotowski - Special Project
tanz: Oskar Schlemmer - Triadisches Ballett
graphic novel: Max Ernst - Une semaine de bonté
ludo: senet

>Musik - Rite of Spring conducted by Seiji Ozawa

>> No.12128370

Why Ludo is brain while Biblio is heart

>> No.12128374

>graphic novel

>> No.12128386
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>> No.12128393

he doesn't seem very happy for a guy who just caught a prety big fish

>> No.12128396

he doesn't even appear to be inspecting his catch.

>> No.12128412

maybe he accidentally sharted in the heat of the moment and is just realizing it

>> No.12128439

>when you throw out your best bait and all you get are naive replies that take you seriously

>> No.12128441

the ultimate btfo

>> No.12128472

The Holy Mountain

>> No.12128494

>written in the 12th century by Georgia's national poet Shota Rustaveli
ok, this is epic

>> No.12128512
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helen in egypt
music for 18 musicians

>> No.12128517

>music for 18 musicians
the pseud levels are off the charts here

>> No.12128527

t.has either no heroin addiction or a big unmanageable one

>> No.12128553

they are dicks

>> No.12128612

They show up any time there is a revelation. The sound and blackness combine to signify that someone is about to get learned. That's why the screen stays black with the drone at the beginning of the movie, it's supposed to mean that you're about to have a serious revelation because of this 2deep4u movie.
It's not a bad movie - it's one of my personal favorites - but it gets its dick sucked a little bit too much.

>> No.12128621

Yeah, I think we'll all come to realize that Bay really is the apex. I really don't see anyone eclipsing him, maybe a few can reach his level, though.

>> No.12128628

Friedberg & Seltzer
t.mega autist

>> No.12128636

Kino - The Shining
Biblio - Book of the New Sun
Musik - Richard Wagner
Ludo - Halo 2

>> No.12129736

video games will never be an art form because people who make them are not artists. Its the lowest form of entertainment. If games like spec ops is considered high art in the video game landscape, it just shows how shallow the medium is.
this as well. video games have been detrimental to our experience of reality. There is no simulacra more potent than video games. Memes like NPC or even phrases like life hacks stand testament to our increasingly detached experience of reality which in part has been caused by video games.

>> No.12129743

>video games will never be an art form because people who make them are not artists. Its the lowest form of entertainment. If games like spec ops is considered high art in the video game landscape, it just shows how shallow the medium is.
also old games were just people figuring it out and trying different things which lead to interesting results, now all games are optimized to be dopamine dispensing machines and everything is centered around that

>> No.12129748

>all games
not faggy indiecrap
and the same kind of "all" music and film is are optimized to be cultural aspartame as well

>> No.12129755
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>> No.12129767

Honestly, none of the others have really stuck with me like Cure and they're all very different. I think your best bet would be Pulse/Kairo. If you haven't seen it yet you definitely should.

>> No.12129794

Kino: Stalker by Tarkovski
Biblio: The Songs of Maldoror
Musik: Every death grips albums, harsh noise and tdsotm
Ludo: i don't play video games

>> No.12129800

Not really. Most of the great Western classics will bore you out of your mind. If you genuinely enjoy reading you'll read the reccs on Reddit for enjoyment instead of starting with the Greeks like a pseud. Not that starting with the Greeks is pseud. Just that most people who do it are not real patricians but are just trying to fit in.

>> No.12129802
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>people seriously think video fucking games are some sort of art form, comparing it even to classical works of literature and music

>> No.12129807

Kino: Un Chien Andalou
Biblio: Finnegans Wake
Musik: Trout Mask Replica
Ludo: Dwarf Fortress

>> No.12129808

>Music for 18 musicians
It's literally the most entry-level minimalism work.

>> No.12129816
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Kino: Drive
Musik: Kavinsky
Ludo: Hotline Miami

I don't read.

>> No.12129866

Kino: Here comes the boom (2012)
Biblio: anything by R.L. Stine
Musik: Party Rock (2009)
Ludo: PUBG

>> No.12129878

kino: the life and death of colonel blimp
biblio: gravity's rainbow
musik: bach
ludo: catherine

>> No.12129883
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>musik: anything by scriabin
Based and redpilled.

>> No.12129890

>kino - a man for all seasons
>biblio - absalom, absalom!
>musik - joanna newsom
>ludo - legacy of kain

If you think otherwise you're a massive pleb

>> No.12129897

Kino: Sarnie żniwo, czyli pokusa statuetkowego szlaku
Biblio: Stanisław Lem
Musik: Myslovitz
Ludo: Heroes of Might & Magic V

>> No.12129904

Kino - Taxi Driver

Biblio-Notes from the Underground


Ludo:EU4 or Cities Skylines

>> No.12129905

>anything by scriabin
good taste, have a (you)

>> No.12129907

I don't know sunrise and have better opinions about books but other than that how can one man be so patrician

>> No.12129908

Kino: Υπολοχαγός Νατάσα

Biblio: Zorba the Greek

Music: Τσάμιkος

Ludo: -_-

>> No.12129924

this is it chief

>> No.12129930

That's the point. It's basic and accessible, while also seeming very sophisticated to the plebs.

>> No.12130053

What attribute do you assign to kunst, arkitektur, θέατρον, tanz and graphic novel?

>> No.12130063

kubrick is actually good, though. at least 3 of his movies - odyssey, eyes wide shut and dr. strangelove.
tarkovsky is a pseud and his movies are trash (but very gorgeous)

>> No.12130066
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>Kino: Υπολοχαγός Νατάσα>>12129930

>> No.12130071

Pleb opinion.

>> No.12130126

the eye in atemporality/eternity (the attribute of kino should be the eye in temporality, as well as the ear)
the logic and order of the cosmos
anti-empathy, the incomprehensibility of other human beings
>and graphic novel
gay nigger dicks

>> No.12130128

Ludo may be every kind of game or interactive entertainment.

>> No.12130306

alice in wonderland
4th brandenburg concerto

>> No.12130333

Kino: Dead Man (1995)
Biblio: The Magic Mountain
Musik: John Fahey - Fare Forward Voyagers
Ludo: LISA

>> No.12130350

It's an engrossing simulation that conquers the common ground between your average Civilization V player and the long-time devotees of grand strategy.

>> No.12130360
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literally babbys first grand strategy
true patricians only play Pharaoh and Aurora 4x

>> No.12130558
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Kino: Lawrence of Arabia
Biblio: The Conference of the Birds
Musik: Joanna Newsom - Ys
Ludo: Banjo-Kazooie

>> No.12130926

Kino - Drive
Biblio - The Legend of the Ten Elemental Masters
Ludo - Dwarf Fortress

What musik would complete The Autism Tetrology? Merzbow or some shit?

>> No.12130941

Infinite Jest

>> No.12130950
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Kino: Fanny & Alexander
Biblio: Aniara
Musik: The Smiths
Ludo: Bondespelet

Some good picks in this here thread

>> No.12130987

Kino: twin beaks
Biblio: moby dick
Musik: exuma s/t
Ludo: hylics

>> No.12131013

Kimberly kubus' games are the highest "ludo" we'll ever have
>It was during these conversations that I learnt about Kim’s inner world, a place which he called "Kubus".
>Kim believed that "Kubus" was a real place and that it existed externally of him. In 2007 I started having dreams about it myself and began working on "Johnnies Lobotomy"(unreleased) a game based on Kimberly’s character "Johnny", which takes place in the Kubus universe. Kim believed Johnny and his other characters were real and lived in the Kubus universe.

>> No.12131070

I would say something by Half Japanese

>> No.12131169

wait, I actually take that back, it's obviously Daniel Johnston

>> No.12131244

based dismemberment plan

>> No.12131950

Kino: The Mirror, Barry Lyndon, A Swedish Lovestory
Biblio: The Games of Night, Abschied von den Eltern (EN: idk), The Trial
Musik: Coil, Red House Painters, Arca, Puce Mary, Vashti Bunyan
Ludo: Fallout 1, Fallout 2

>> No.12131989
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Musick: Swans - Swans are Dead
Kino: The Matrix 1999
Lit: Concluding Unscientific Postscript
Ludo: Sly Cooper for PS1

>> No.12132039

Swans are not dead, Swans are alive and well and loving in Paris.

>> No.12132051

go to sleep Gira, we all know you lurk here

>> No.12132238

Is no one going to comment on the retarded implication of this image that books are to the heart and video games are to the mind in the way that film is to the eyes and music is to the ears?

>> No.12132303

no but somebody is going to comment on your autistic inability to see symbolism like this
>haha the HEART corresponds to BOOKS? what's the heart gonna do, pump the books to the brain through your blood? hahaha that is just so un-scientific

>> No.12132329

I can appreciate the symbolism. It just reveals a really narrow sense of literature.

>> No.12133197

Very based

>> No.12133210

Kino: Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Großstadt
Biblio: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
Musik: Indeterminacy: New Aspect of Form in Instrumental and Electronic Music
Ludo: 50 Short Games

>> No.12133222
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Kino: Apocalypse Now
Biblio: Brave New World (I know it's entry level but I've only gotten into personal reading in the last year)
Musik: Deathconciousness (must listen if you haven't)
Ludo: Dark Souls

>> No.12133374

quite a mediocre overrated hack in my opinion, even in that particular scene jazzuo is obviously the superior artist and glorious trainwrecks + itchio twittersphere + late 2000s blogosphere + weird gamejolt have countless better artists

>> No.12133387

oh and revenge of the sunfish guy whos name i cant remember btfos mediocre kubus as well

>> No.12133394

Kino - Grand Budapest Hotel
Biblio - Crime and Punishment
Musik - Pet Sounds
Ludo - Resident evil 4

>> No.12133438

My version:

Kino: Tarkovsky
Musik: Schnittke
Biblio: Dante
Ludo: for kids.