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/lit/ - Literature

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12126892 No.12126892 [Reply] [Original]

This is absolutely disgusting and shouldn't happen; it might as well be non-canon.
Elves shouldn't be anything but Caucasian/White skin, ALWAYS, and even then, there shouldn't be brown/black skinned humanoids in any sort of High Fantasy literature or Fantasy setting, it doesn't make any sense.

>> No.12126896


>> No.12126897

i love sperging out about tv series that i'll never watch as much as the next guy, but this belongs in >>>/tv/

>> No.12126905

Fuck of to /tv/
>implying the series wasn't ruined already in terms of live action adaptions
Who the fuck cares about adaptions anyway? Just read good stuff and ignore it.

>> No.12126924

you do realise that this is done explicitly to provoke emotional anger responses that trigger you to share articles like this?
like, it is a marketing ploy and nothing more?

>> No.12126947

>Watching visual media
>Especially made anytime in the last 10 years


>> No.12126950

I hope LA gets nuked one day. There's nothing redeeming about that place.

>> No.12126952

The trick is to keep doing more and more stuff like this until Tolkien's skeleton is rolling at 900 miles per hour. We would then build a power station about his grave.

>> No.12126956


It will fall into the ocean. All in good time.

>> No.12126965


In this case, it's more of a protection racket thing.

>> No.12126966

it's a hellish shithole already, so anybody who couldn't live behind a fence or was too poor has already escaped and colonized already Austin Texas by now, and probably many more places once the destroy the next city

>> No.12126969

>there shouldn't be brown/black skinned humanoids in any sort of High Fantasy literature or Fantasy setting, it doesn't make any sense.
lmao why

>> No.12126978

butchering the source material, which they are going to do either way and that's ok, it could be fun if they did a whole race a different color, but they'll present each race as a multicultural paradise of its own, which doesn't make much sense because then the relevant differences will be the ones across races, not the ones inside races

>> No.12126982

>waaaaaaaaaa muh race
I just want someone to make a fanfiction with nazis killing niggers and mutts just to piss off those people

>> No.12126983 [DELETED] 

Thank goodness we still have pre-1980 literature untainted by niggers and tumblrinas

>> No.12127001

>which doesn't make much sense because then the relevant differences will be the ones across races, not the ones inside races

>> No.12127013

>it might as well be non-canon.
What? Why would it be "canon" in the first place? Nothing that wasn't written by Tolkien is "canon". Everything else is *literally* fan fiction.

>> No.12127016

i mean that in the story black and white dwarves will get together and hate black and white elves, so being a manlet or having pointy ears will be the relevant race features, not the skin shade

>> No.12127027

Yeah so what?

>> No.12127030

that the multicultural looking races won't be multicultural in any meaningful sense

>> No.12127037

Well it won't in this case, but it could be. People don't care about that though, they just want to see black people on the screen

>> No.12127042

Nah its actually unironically about selling out white culture by convincing niggers that it belongs to them when it doesn't because the people who wrote all the best works of all time barely considered niggers worth thinking about

>> No.12127045

There should be no gays and niggers and fiction, ever. It's supposed to be escapism, not social justice

>> No.12127046

they could do it in a sort of cool way though, like make Mirkwood elves one color and Lothlorien elves another instead of making Lothlorien look like New York

>> No.12127052


>> No.12127057

>there shouldn't be brown/black skinned humanoids in any sort of High Fantasy literature or Fantasy setting,
you mean fantasy based off of European medieval era.

>> No.12127058
File: 67 KB, 320x240, The_Donald[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to lereddit or keep it in sci-fi/fantasy general, pussyhole

>> No.12127063

Sorry buddy, when it comes to the race war we're all in this together, all divides of patrician/pleb and redditor/anons dissolves in the face of fundamental biological oppositions

>> No.12127066

So why are u mad that they are adding different color in elves?

>> No.12127071

Because Elves are meant to be a superior species than man and that means they have no black people, its really fucking obvious

>> No.12127077

it's not elf specific, as i said here >>12127046 there are different types of elves on LOTR, make each type a different color instead of making every realm look like modern cities

>> No.12127098

what if they just say that skin color is like hair color for elves or something

>> No.12127112

Because elves are implicitly north european as both a mythological creature, and as the variant Tolkien created for Lord of the Rings. Middle-Earth is essentially a fantastical Europe; there are asian, middle-eastern and african-esque races of Men, but they don't live in Middle-Earth at all.

>> No.12127116

Um sweetie are you saying Scandinavian people can't be brown?

>> No.12127121

>The it's only a matter of time before revisionism starts rewriting and putting gays and negros in classical literature

>> No.12127123

>Because elves are implicitly north european as both a mythological creature, and as the variant Tolkien created for Lord of the Rings
Is it though and did Tolkien said that?

>> No.12127128

Gays are already in there buddy

>> No.12127132

because Elves are not that.

>> No.12127136

Because that isnt what Elves are. Are you daft?

>> No.12127140

I bet you OP doesn't even read or isn't interested in the TV show. Just trying to drum up outrage. People like you make me sick. Don't breed.

>> No.12127142

This has nothing to do with us. Leave us alone we don’t like it either

>> No.12127146

I get being irked that they're fucking with the source material, but if someone else decided to write a fantasy books with elves like that then I don't see the problem.

>> No.12127149

They've been doing that for decades

>> No.12127157

if everybody is so mad why do parallel industries gain no traction?

i think it's too late for everybody and no culture has been created since boomers were young except for rehashes of boomer culture

>> No.12127162


>> No.12127168

Grrrrr no black Santas! How dare something that doesn't exist stretch the boundaries of what things can be! I'm very angry right about now to be honest!

>> No.12127170

le Othello is a sub-saharan African
le X character/author was gay the entire time based on flimsy evidence
There's legitimate cases but they're way outweighed by the bullshit

>> No.12127172

>if everybody is so mad why do parallel industries gain no traction?

Because the risk vs reward doesn't make it worth it. If you virtue signal Left Wing ideas you get appluaded and given awards, if you so much as stick to what was normal 20 years ago you get called a Nazi

>> No.12127174
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>stretch the boundaries of what things can be!

>> No.12127178

They didn't tamper with the original texts though

>> No.12127187

but how is that relevant as long as you have a market that will buy your stuff?

>> No.12127190

This. One of the dumbest threads I've seen in a while and even that londonfrog guy is still around sometimes making threads about how his life sucks.

>> No.12127200

So do you guys just keep this stuff to yourself online or do guys go full on REEEEEEEEEE in real life too? Are any of you approachable as people or do you all wear trenchcoats and cum on MLP figurines?

>> No.12127202
File: 732 KB, 1342x1940, 1541880975177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hermione was always black, deal with it /tv/.

>> No.12127204

Because people choose the path of least resistance, it isn't a nice fact that blacks have a 70 average IQ and have never did anything of consequence in their entire long history as a phenotype. People don't want to represent themselves as admitting that gay culture is a superficial worthless blackhole.
Everyone has jobs to do and their personal life to take care of so they allow shit to go on and sing the right tune when its their turn

>> No.12127206

You do realize people can tell your samefagging right?

>> No.12127207

What ruined Lord of the Rings was fantasy nerds getting hold of it, it has been forever robbed of the status it deserves as a masterpiece of modernist literature.

>> No.12127208

OP is wrong in both situations.
Do you consider albino blacks on your side?

>> No.12127210

There's also certain criteria movies/TV shows must meet in terms of casting (women, POC, etc.) in order to be considered for awards.

>> No.12127213

>Do you consider albino blacks on your side?

Of course not. Race is not skindeep, it defines you down to your synapses

>> No.12127216

Someone at my uni wrote about bringing a bomb to class during mid term this semester.
Campus security took the local trench coat kid in for questioning.

>> No.12127217

I'm not hiding it, anon. I posted this >>12127168 and this >>12127190

>> No.12127229
File: 1.33 MB, 720x348, 1541624621115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys posting from the 90's? can you stop fucking with the timeline already.

>> No.12127230

then there's nobody to blame except your laziness

>> No.12127239

Sure man, but that is messing with the source material. Do you think that when Europeans were fantasizing about an advanced culture and society they were thinking about Africans?

>> No.12127243

There is a simple solution to this. Don't watch television. Hollywood is for the low-IQ peasants who don't know how to read. These are the people who think having more brown and gay characters is "revolutionary."
Back to your books, /lit/. Ignore the mobs and let them enjoy their low-brow garbage.

>> No.12127244

> he hasn't met a trenchcoat samurai before

>> No.12127245

What is the difference between the synapses of whites and blacks? You say that race isn't skin deep yet you only use colour metaphors based on skin, besides skin, how do you determine what race someone is? Are there multiple races within the racial groups based on skin colour?

>> No.12127254

OP is right, this is as dumb as wanting a white blonde black panther...

>> No.12127257
File: 26 KB, 450x561, albino5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> besides skin, how do you determine what race someone is?
Gee, I dunno

>> No.12127265

We have an afro-samurai at my uni too!
Never seen him wear without sun glasses and not wearing a suit.

>> No.12127273

>Sure man, but that is messing with the source material
What, the source material of Elves? Should people not be allowed to write elves that deviate from the ones in LotR?

>> No.12127274
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x676, 1540674626716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern tech and media company shoehorns in token minorities wherever possible to appeal to young people, ruining a project they clearly didn't care enough about to make good in the first place
>everyone is upset despite expecting it to happen, and people are behaving as if this somehow retroactively ruins everything that came before it
>in other news, water is still wet

Wow, something made for a demographic I don't belong to doesn't appeal to me, this has never happened before. I mean, a television show in this day and age is lazy and pandering?

>> No.12127278

I bet he likes Final Fantasy 7 lol

>> No.12127280
File: 14 KB, 362x440, IZhZJ_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are you considering facial features now? Would you consider the man in pic related as white if he were albino?

>> No.12127286
File: 44 KB, 580x381, black-white-iq-distributions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the difference between the synapses of whites and blacks?
Is that a serious question?

>> No.12127289

This but also I care a little bit

>> No.12127292

You mean that Ethiopian guy, he's more white than other blacks and its reflected in his DNA and average IQ in the region being slightly higher.
If you think you're going to catch me with muh edge cases the fact that a pool can have more or less shit in it doesn't mean there's no difference between a clean pool and a shitty pool

>> No.12127296

I gotta ask these threads are nothing more than an excuse to shit on black people. What's so fun about it and don't give me that its because the SJWs started it because racism has been around long before since people started voicing against it

>> No.12127304

fyi this post screams "I am a newfag from Reddit trying to fit in"

>> No.12127312

You guys know this is fake, right?

>> No.12127313

So know you're using IQ. Would you consider a black albino with caucasian facial features and a 130 IQ as a member of the white race?

>> No.12127321

>Do you think that when Europeans were fantasizing about an advanced culture and society they were thinking about Africans?

actually yes


>> No.12127322

I never said that there were no differences between humans, I was asking what you used to define race. And we haven't even discussed mixed race people.

>> No.12127323

you can not release a series about whitey killing swarthy orcs in the current year either way, you know what's going to happen if they do

>> No.12127326


>> No.12127329


>> No.12127330

The babying of Black people or niggers as I like to call them are the most potent and irrefutable example of a general loss of recognition of merit and virtue in the West.
If you wish to bang a nail you do so at its furthest extremity

>> No.12127331

>Should people not be allowed to write elves that deviate from the ones in LotR?
sure man, they can. Just don't call it LOTR

>> No.12127335

One does not "define" things in nature, one observes nature. The onus is not on me to define a Zebra and a Horse before I see one. The facts of the matter stand for themselves

>> No.12127336

Careful now.

>> No.12127338

haha interesting spin on the fantasizing part, I guess we are operating from different definitions and talking past each other.

>> No.12127343

>Would you consider a black albino with caucasian facial features and a 130 IQ as a member of the white race?
No, I'd consider someone with an overwhelming majority of caucasoid DNA a member of the white race. Is this game of "oh yeah well you're not so different if you just ignore all the differences" going somewhere? Do you have a point to make?

A member of the negroid race with a high IQ and series of anomalous genetic mutations is just that, why is that a bad thing?

>> No.12127348

Oh, I thought we were talking about
>there shouldn't be brown/black skinned humanoids in any sort of High Fantasy literature or Fantasy setting

>> No.12127356

Because you intent to change the original idea of the author.
Would you feel okay if someone change a word of your poem with a synonymous JUST to place people to sell one or two more shit? How poor is your love to art

>> No.12127357

i mean the version that places him in ethiopia

>> No.12127363

The live action brought more people into the books. I didn't even know that the books existed after the first movie came out. Fuck off

>> No.12127365

it's an adaptation and they can do whatever they like.

>> No.12127367

yea dude, to me the reason they are allowing diversity into things is to propagate integration and inclusion, but when they force it like this (if this story is true) it feels more like a take over where they destroy our culture and spit on it.

They should make something of their own rather than destroy what we've come to love.

>> No.12127371

You're still separating the animals based on observations, I wanted to know what observations you were using to dived humans into races.
It's not a bad thing. Racial classification is subjective, there are people who would disagree with your 'majority white' definition of a white person and instead use a '100% white' definition.

And to stay on topic, I agree with >>12127356 that the intent of the author must be respected.

>> No.12127372

And everybody, who supports that adaptation is a low IQ inbred moron

>> No.12127373
File: 55 KB, 960x540, siitoin3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black elves are literally orcs so i guess it will be canon

>> No.12127379


>> No.12127380


>> No.12127386

Stop being such a drama queen, an adaption shouldn't ruin your enjoyment of the original. If that was the case then the Tolkien universe would have been ruined since the Hobbit movies anyway.

>> No.12127391

>I wanted to know what observations you were using to dived humans into races.
A conflux of appearance and behavior like any other human observation of different forms of life.
A hypothesis was formed and that hypothesis was called the Nigger and it was confirmed in genetics and further testing

>> No.12127392

Has lit become pol now after the split?

>> No.12127404

disgusting phone poster detected.

>> No.12127421

i think all boomer boards are /pol/ now, only zoomer boards like /g/ and /v/ are resisting

>> No.12127426

>not canon
>deep wood elves having canon dark skin

Just so you’re aware considering you definitely haven’t read the complete works

>> No.12127427

On the one hand, I can kinda see this being annoying to fans, but on the other hand it's genreshit, so you shouldn't be a fan at all

>> No.12127444

>Racial classification is subjective
Well, no, it's really not. We can disagree about what percentage white someone has to be in order to be classified as white, we can't disagree that it must be a majority percentage. Someone who is 0% white but happens to have a series of genetic mutations like your theoretical albino that makes them pass as white still isn't white.

Races are classified based on the differences between them, and when you say that an individual's classification is subjective, you imply that the differences are negligible, and they're not. If black people and white people are different, then even if they both have the same problem, the same solution won't work for both of them. Violent crime, substance abuse, gang activity, and broken homes are all significantly more common in blacks than whites, and pretending it's not because we might be genetically different means that the problems they're facing never get solved.

Sage for off topic.

>> No.12127520

Please define white race. I've never seen anyone actually define it. Plenty of claim that its real tho. Are poles whiter than french? Are indo-european white or asiatic? What about european jews?

>> No.12127532

Races are real, but I do agree that classifications such as white, black etc. are reductive and not really meaningful.

>> No.12127569

I didnt like amazon the moment I finished that god awful adaptation of Phillip K Dick stories.

>> No.12127655

>an adaption shouldn't ruin your enjoyment of the original.
I want more of the original, duh. Why else would I watch it? So i could see a postmodern rendition? fuck off

>> No.12127682

Sometimes I suspect progressive liberals are a fascist false flag, they're too obviously enraging.

>> No.12127683

Remember when you wrote that it felt like they were destroying something you had come to love? You know in that post you wrote less than 20 minutes ago? That's what I was responding to you fucking goldfish.

>> No.12127687

This is just pure capitalism trying to reach the widest possible audience to maximise profit at the price of quality and integrity.

>> No.12127693

Don't forget the Jews

>> No.12127763

ah so since it an adaptation they aren't destroying it? well done dude, your words betray your logic. Only you are falling for it.

>> No.12127789

define a lemon? its never been uniquely defined either. So lemons arent real?

>> No.12127869

the halls of Los Angeles were built by my people, but they delved too deep and unleashed a hispanic terror.
the Balrogo of Los Angeles

>> No.12127875

please define the word "define"
and while you're at it, define every word you plan on using to define the word "define".
so on and so forth.

if you have to quibble about the definition of "white people" you're either REALLY low iq, or being disingenuous

>> No.12127877

"white" is an american invention because they're all mutts so they go by colourism (like Brazil etc).

Real Europeans are more ethnonationalists than "white" nationalists.

>> No.12127879

Janna huts

>> No.12127880

the truth eventually will out.
you're seeing it happen.
you just happen to be a slow learner

>> No.12127888


>> No.12127890

They're not only children's books but also fantasy, why don't you get some real taste in literature instead of complaining about the diversity boogeyman.

>> No.12127897
File: 340 KB, 875x1000, gelbooru.com 4061597 1girl after_paizuri bare_shoulders blush boots breasts cum cumdrip dark_elf dark_skin sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like dark elves...

>> No.12127903

you should read kripke, quine and tyler burge. Then youll fuck off with that define race crap

>> No.12127907

since we cant even define what a lemon is uniquely

>> No.12127921

>the white race doesn't exist
>but the black race exists
>the hispanic race exists
>the asian race exists
>there are no races, just the human race
>only white people can be racist
>white people need to check their privilege
considering that "white people don't exist", liberals sure keep referring to a group of people as "white".
odd, that.

>> No.12127924

How does an adaptation ruin an original work that would remain unchanged? I know /pol/ gets upset over this stupid stuff but were they upset a Scottish guy played a Spartan king?

>> No.12127927

if only they could respect logic

>> No.12127932

that's because it can't be done and "race" is a reductive abstraction of the gradient of human phenotypical variation

>> No.12127938

also, you show you don't understand the purpose of language when you talk about "defining X uniquely".
Wittgenstein showed you can't define ANYTHING uniquely, language is about generalities, not about individual/unique cases.
to do what you're suggesting would mean we'd have to have a separate word for EVERY SINGLE THING.
instead of saying, "the trees", you'd have to name each individual "tree", you couldn't 'even refer to a tree as a tree, since every "tree" is different (in small, subtle ways) from the tree next to it, even when it's the same type of tree.

your type are pseudo-intellectual twats that think they sound smart when they bicker over definition of "race" or lemons.

>> No.12127941

>the white race doesn't exist
>but the black race exists
>the hispanic race exists
>the asian race exists
no to all
>there are no races, just the human race
>only white people can be racist
only people who are at the top of entrenched social hierarchies can be racist. In the west this is overwhelmingly people who are referred to as "white", yes
>white people need to check their privilege
I've never been sure what "check your privilege" is meant to mean so I won't comment on this.

>> No.12127944

This nigga knows

>> No.12127952

European Caucasoid. If you're that, you're white, if not, not.

>> No.12127955

you're thinking of human SPECIES.
there is only one human SPECIES.
there are multiple human races.

just like there are multiple different breeds of dogs, even though you could still refer to a labrador or a pitbull as "dogs".

you're showing your lack of understanding of the purpose of language if you can't understand how words have a hierarchical structure.

>> No.12127956

Nope, he's correct.

>> No.12127985

yes he did but that doesnt mean that things don't exist. you're the type of pseud who stopped at Wittgenstein. Im suggesting you catch up with philosophy of mind by reading kripke, quine, tyler burge and now im adding hilary putnam. and no, i mean we don't have a reference for the word "lemon" that gets to any lemon and doesn't also encompass some other yellow thing. That doesnt mean it isnt there though.

>> No.12128018

I'd love to nuke the northern hemisphere to oblivion.

>> No.12128031

ummm... yea, i never said things don't exist, you're just talking out your ass.
and instead of saying "read X Y and Z", how about you show that you understood what you read by just summarizing what they said that is relevant to the topic.
Objects exist.
Objects are ALL different from each other.
Objects have similarities to other objects, too.
We group objects into categories based on those similarities (e.g. animals vs insects, winged vs. non-winged, white skin vs black skin, male vs. female, plant vs animal, tree vs shrub vs flower vs fungi, etc).
when you start trying to say that humans are the ONLY category that you can't group into classifications because "muh racism", then you're showing that you're a pseud who cares more about being liked than being honest.
the human species is ONE (presumably, not sure where the neanderthal descendants fall under in this argument), but the races are multiple.
Is it possible to define with exactitude? no, but throwing away the whole process of classifications just because you can't make a clear delineation is throwing out the baby with the bathwater, and undermining language itself.

>> No.12128036

>ah so since it an adaptation they aren't destroying it?
It being the original, the thing you love, yes. I don't see where you think you've got me.

>> No.12128038

You want diversity? There's a whole nation of shitskins in middle earth and the east must be full of them too.

>> No.12128052


>> No.12128076

>it might as well be non-canon
It is non-canon.

>> No.12128152

>it was the niggers that ruined the shitty children’s books

>> No.12128161

No, self hating anglo whitos.

>> No.12128165

are you the one that said define "white"? and was your argument that because we cant define it races don't exist?

>> No.12128177

it contains a world itself and they destroy that with their diversity quota.

>> No.12128179

lol, no, someone else.
i wish /lit/ had IDs like /pol/. would make debates so much easier to follow.

>> No.12128185

okay well yeah i thought you were that guy

>> No.12128205
File: 36 KB, 657x527, 1541800259148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is impossible to think that some elves in the tropical areas filled with sun all year wouldn't become tanned or even black?

why is that less realistic than a book filled with dragons, orcs and other fantasy BS?

>> No.12128216

I, for one, am looking forward to the blaxploitation spinoff Black Elrond.

>> No.12128224

yea totally dude and they are in middle earth now, 50 percent of the elven society fucking WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the fuck are you?

>> No.12128240

you can still read the source material, they can do anything they want with the adaptation.

>> No.12128242
File: 38 KB, 600x400, tapire2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not about realism, it's about cultural appropriation.

it's about taking the last bit of pride from the white minority

fuck these racists

>> No.12128248

why can't liberals just write their own fantasy series and make it full of black elves, then make a movie about it with black elves like the book, and give it its own story instead of butchering the art of a dead author just to score PC points?
(don't bother answering, it was a rhetorical question, i already know why: It's because no one would want to read or watch a book written by liberals, but more people would watch a LotR remake, and just shrug off the blackening of the elves and ignore the sounds coming from Tolkien's grave)

>> No.12128247

>I'll distract the goyim with some language games, heh, heh that should stall him

>> No.12128257

>it's about taking the last bit of pride from the white minority
jesus christ you white people are pathetic

>> No.12128260

We're not actually, we created all literature of worth and don't you fucking forget that

>> No.12128261

hehe heh those language games turn out to alllow for an objective world where races exist

>> No.12128264

not as pathetic as non-whites who have to steal Tolkien's work and add non-white elves into his story just to feel included and "progressive"

>> No.12128270

Because that isn't what's being written. It would be totally cool if there was an elf equivalent to africa and these different elves came from there, even if they pulled the concept out of their ass, but there's not. It's just "some elves are black now" because if there's any sort of explanation as to why black elves are here now, then we're acknowledging that different races are different because of differences and that's too much for silicon valley executives to risk.

If you do anything to acknowledge them suddenly being there now, you'll be on the shitty end of a letter writing campaign from a bunch of college aged lesbians who've never actually read the books about how racist you are and there goes your investment. The only way to safely fit them in is to pretend they were there all along, even though they weren't, which would be just as insulting if you did it with anything else. Replace "black elves" with any other fantasy shit and just act like it's totally cool and you'll still get nerds on the internet justifiably upset about it.

>> No.12128274

most of the people pushing for diversity are whites though.

just like 90% of BLACKED subscribers are white americans.

>> No.12128281

Nah your Jew logic allows nothing, if you're reiterating that which is clear as day in the first place its because you dug too far into your own little Jew hole
As Wittgenstein said, fuck philosophy

>> No.12128285

This is a very important point. No one in Europe cares if you're white. They care if you're German, French, or Italian. Whiteness did in fact come into being, as a category of person, because of American slavery.

>> No.12128286

>p-p-please don't invade this childrens genre fiction series, it's all we've got left

>> No.12128287

It's one thing to push for equality in real life, but Jesus Christ, the genre is called "fantasy" for a reason: it isn't called fantasy because they're Elves, it is called fantasy because they are all Caucasian.

>> No.12128291

hmmmmm nice bait

>> No.12128297

Yes afterall a Somali is just as much a Swede as a Norwegian man, 2 kroners to your account my friend

>> No.12128304

You're missing the point amerimutt. Within Europe we identify by actual ethnicity, but the rest of you can still go fuck off.

>> No.12128308
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Sorry man, I was talking about distinctions between European countries. Obviously Euros recognize that Somalis aren't the same as Swedes. But even then, there are huge differences between Somalis and Bantus, and all the other nigger ethnicities.
My point still stands if you move backwards ten or twenty years before all the "new Swedes" bullshit.

>> No.12128314

I have zero interest in watching. I don't watch anything anymore and leftist politics is not an insignificant reason why. Maybe I should thank them since for the last year or so I've been reading for 8 hours a day when I used to watch all sorts of movies and TV shows.

I've studied persuasion and advertising and I understand how easily people are influenced even when they're perfectly aware of the techniques being employed on them and that scares me. That's not to say the enforced inclusion of minorities is actually effective at ending racism, I haven't any evidence to suggest it is but I resent the attempt. We didn't elect the media and they don't have our consent to govern so they no business putting out political propaganda.

>> No.12128317

>we identify by actual ethnicity
> German, French, or Italian.

Hint only one of these truly existed a mere millenium ago

>> No.12128320

You know what we're talking about, dumbass.

>> No.12128325

Not an argument
Europeans can act high and mighty as they want but the fact is most European nations, even entire languages are mere several centuries older than the United States

>> No.12128338

that is a good point

>> No.12128341

No one is arguing against the recent development of the European nations. Everyone knows Italy is only 200 or whatever years old, and all that shit. The discussion is that, it's an American phenomenon to think of race merely in terms of colour. Euros know the difference between an Anglo and a Polack, and speak in those terms.

>> No.12128347

You sure write like shit for a dude who reads 8h a day brah

>> No.12128350

I don't think reading a lot would improve your writing. You would have to actually study rhetoric to be better.

>> No.12128351

No your point does not stand, you knock out the big categories then the little categories will melt away. There is a distinct European people and there are non-Europeans and the merely historical identities are fleeting and vulnerable to the bedrock they rest on

>The discussion is that, it's an American phenomenon to think of race merely in terms of colour. Euros know the difference between an Anglo and a Polack, and speak in those terms.
Take a Polish person at birth and place him in Slovakia and you think there'll be a difference between him and his neighbors when he grows up? Or how about an """Anglo""" and place him in Denmark?
If you don't see how superficial and fleeting these identities are between placing a white man in Africa then you are purposefully deluding yourself. Any European nation can be remade when Europeans exist but niggers can create nothing but niggerdom and this is well displayed

>> No.12128355

Second paragraph directed at >>12128341

>> No.12128362

Another europoor here, I endorse this post.

>> No.12128375

>I think its only important to mention I'm european and thats why I'm endorsing the idea European identity is secondary to le whacky polanball memes

Fuckgullibled retard

>> No.12128383

doesn't change the fact that there are non-whites who complain about "not feeling accepted in a 'white world' ", hence why colleges are starting to offer classes in white privilege.
i don't even have a problem with non-whites, i'm happy at the fact that non-whites like Tolkien's writings.
but that's not an excuse to butcher his art.
it would be one thing if he himself allowed Amazon to make the change (like Rowling in how she retconned Hermione into being a black girl), but he's dead, so they aren't even affording him that opportunity.

i just hate this PC garbage demanding that white people should feel guilty, or that non-whites are somehow a victim simply for being non-white.
it's not true, and it's causing rifts in society where none need exist, and it also wouldn't fix the root problems in the "victim" even if all whites suddenly disappeared from Earth.

>> No.12128404

they tried this with Terry Brooks' "Shannara" tv series. Just randomly added black elves, or asian elves, when the books always described them as white.
but that series got butchered in so many other ways (they turned it into a MTV teeny-bopper show, added some lesbian sex scenes, completely changed the story in some instances... it was really bad) that the introduction of black and asian elves didn't bother me that much compared to the other stuff.
i just want movies to remain true to the books.
if liberals want black and mexican elves in a story, just write a book with black and mexican elves. stop butchering other peoples' art

>> No.12128409

>p-p-please put some black elves in a story that has no black elves. i have a really low self-esteem and will commit suicide if you don't bend over backwards to make me feel loved and included.

>> No.12128411

>i'm happy at the fact that non-whites like Tolkien's writings.
They don't though and you're foolish to think they do. Its all cultural positionality.
They see white guys having fun without them and the minute they're allowed in is the minute they start to change (ruin) things to suit themselves further because they have no respect for what they're intruding on in the first place

>> No.12128417

>only people who are at the top of entrenched social hierarchies can be racist. In the west this is overwhelmingly people who are referred to as "white", yes
Fuck you. If a black person says that all Asians are from China, they all look the same and they all are like bugs, wouldn't that be racist?
If an Hispanic says that black people are monkeys, isn't he racist?
If an Asian says that white people are souless degenerate creates is that not racist?
Fuck your "only the people on the top can be racist" bullshit. It's an excuse to justify blatant racism and pathetically avoid hypocrisy.

>> No.12128434

>trying to bring reason against Jew logic

You're attempting to bring to logic to someone who just claimed white people don't exist in one sentence and only white people are racist in the next

>> No.12128438

>European identity is secondary to le whacky polanball memes
No you retard - being white is secondary to being polish. Being euro lies somewhere in between

>> No.12128445

>being white is secondary to being polish

In any meaningful sense it clearly is not. One is immutable, transcendental wiring of your existence and the other is a West Slavic accent

>> No.12128449


>> No.12128454

that's sad if that's true. I'm more an optimist and want to give people the benefit of the doubt that they're not such petty beings.
it seems like non-whites (or at least, many of them on the liberal end of the political spectrum) have internalized feelings of inferiority, and as an attempt to quick-fix their ego issues they simply blame whites as a group for it.
you'll get some to clarify that it's just the "rich elite whites", but then why even bother saying "whites" at all, and just admit it's about being rich?
And let's' be honest, it's not the rich elite white that gets the brunt of the anger unleashed by the low-self-esteem non-white liberal. It's the average white guy.
And since the rich whites go through the motions of acting guilty (apologizing for their white privilege when they should just be apologizing for being rich).

and i don't even have a problem with rich people, i just have issues with how liberals are misdirecting their anger because they can't clearly see the truth because their insecurities get in the way.

>> No.12128463

>One is immutable, transcendental wiring of your existence
In what way? Intelligence? Finnish people are room temperature IQ subhumans no matter how white their skin is

>> No.12128466

>Tolkein creates a uniquely Anglo-Saxon mythology.
>Americans degenerate it with their insidious diversity fetish.

>> No.12128471

They consistently rate among the very highest in both IQ tests and educational proficiencies but ok lets go with memes because thats the last refuge of dignity Europoors have left clearly

>> No.12128474

*Uniquely British mythology
In Tolkeins own words, its not Beowulf. He took great influence from both Germanic and Celtic sources (for the bulk of his work along with sprinklings of various other sources)

>> No.12128475

Oh no no we still have the lord of the rings, but once blacks get to play elves then yeah the all of us white people are doomed

>> No.12128476

>Take a Polish person at birth and place him in Slovakia and you think there'll be a difference between him and his neighbors when he grows up? Or how about an """Anglo""" and place him in Denmark?
You're an American mutt, aren't you? I'm from the Southern Netherlands and I can see someone is Flemish before they open their mouths. I can see someone is German from across the street. I recognise Eastern Europeans by sight and can have a pretty good guess what country they're from, and I can also identify Brits and often guess what country they're from and I can visually differentiate Scandis from people from the Northern Netherlands or Germany, and I'd bet I can pick Danes apart from Norwegians.

I don't think you globalised stunted enlightenment project peoples know how real ethnicities work, it's almost like a sixth sense.

>> No.12128480

Yeah like movies are the only thing shitskins are invading

>> No.12128481

>watching any form of tv in 2018, the year of our lord

That’s gonna be a yikes from me

>> No.12128489

>and I can see someone is Flemish before they open their mouths
Show me any double blind test that confirms this or anything remotely like this
>inb4 you can't because you're talking shit

>> No.12128519

You got me, I don't have scientific studies of my personal experiences.

Is it really that hard to believe though? It makes sense that humans evolved with pretty good skills to classify others they come across. Even AI can see if people are fags from a passport picture now.

>> No.12128522

The Terror was pretty good desu

>> No.12128526

yeah once they get tired of invading you mom we're really gonna have to watch out

>> No.12128548

whites so fragile that an inconsequential amazon tv show, that will assuredly fade into the ages in 3-4 years, causes them to act like the world is falling now that some elves might be brown lol

real masterrace hours itt, you are a proud and admirable people lmfao

>> No.12128559 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12128564


>> No.12128572

>Is it really that hard to believe though?

At this level, yeah it is. Tendencies and quirks exist I'm sure but the the idea from looking at the historical length of time and subsequent diffusion of genes that Europeans are in any large sense confidently identifiable to modern day nation states or county level juristictions is ludicrous
There's a whole bunch of bell curves out there for how each nations appearances are distributed and on the level of Northern Europe they are closely overlapping

>> No.12128582

I'd like to see the reaction of the black community if in the sequel to Black Panther they filled Wakanda with white extras without ever giving an explanation.

>> No.12128598

>imagine this thing that is fundamentally different, and defined by radically different context, and now imagine that happening instead!
wow that was really insightful anon, what other nuggets of wisdom do you wanna post tonight?

>> No.12128616

I don't see the difference, honestly. Wakanda is an imaginary land full of imaginary people who use imaginary technology. Middle Earth is an imaginary land full of imaginary people and races who use imaginary "technology" aka magic. Each of them resonate with a particular culture and race while not being exclusive to it, as people from either race can enjoy either fantastic world.

>> No.12128631

why do black people causes this much feeling of insecurity among poltards?

>> No.12128649

wakanda is supposed to be an imaginative place that shows what africa ~could have been~ had colonization not happened, though obviously taken to fictitious extremes bc it's marvel. tolkien's elves aren't a stand in for whiteness, they're just xenophobic elves, the contexts that define them are so far apart that it's ridiculous to make any kind of link. also, black people are real lmao and elves are fantasy creatures.

like yeah, of course this show is inserting an artificial diversity so it can cash in on people who are looking for that, which is fucked up because it impedes serious progress and turns diversity into tokenism, but is it seriously that game changing? in what will assuredly be a mediocre show anyways?

like this is what i was saying. white people that are getting mad about this are just so fragile that they dont even think about a coherent argument, and literally just start and stop at skin color. how am i supposed to take a masterrace seriously if it is this brainded

>> No.12128658

as fragile as the people who would claim its racist if there was no diversity?

>> No.12128667

i guess we’re not so different after all, how nice

>> No.12128675 [DELETED] 
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>220 replies
>62 posters
Discord trannies get out.

>> No.12128678

the point is that there's literally no reason why the elves couldn't have darker skin. obviously a lot of people care that they will, and my point is that if you stop and examine the argument it's fucking stupid lol. just accept that this adaptation will be different and move on. if you can't, no skin off my back, but you look like the ~triggered~ sjws that 4chan loves to lambaste.

>> No.12128785
File: 117 KB, 1024x646, wuffgash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the great thing about collapse is going to be everyone on pharmaceuticals cut off from their hormone and psych med supply

all the trannies will become burly and joe rogan will become a girl

>> No.12128922

what´s up with liberal and leftist defending black people? how embarrassing!

>> No.12128938

>/tv/ does understand the DM system
Your gripe is with /tg/ not us. If it were us, the races of magical creatures would be sectarian, and you'd be learning a lot more about trad Catholic headdresses right now. Read the book, or go whinge to the Dungeons and Dragons freaks about selling out if books scare you.

>> No.12129016

The series will be terrible, but this isnt why. You are dumb.

>> No.12129017


I firmly believe this can't work as long as 4chan's format itself is unchanged. There is literally nowhere to flee to. This plans is like trying to change the color of a black bucket of paint by strategically inserting white globules, while black paint is not only not removed but continues to be added to it. The infiltrators get infiltrated.

>> No.12129030

damn didnt know this was happening, r/communism or socialism or whatever is a faggoty shithole but im already here working on it, cumrags

>> No.12129033

This will completely ruin their aesthetics. Good job retards.

>> No.12129043

I basically agree with you but considering the series raw materual is almost entirely off of northern euro myths and sagas, people who will physically be inevitably associated with entirely different parts of our world just seems aesthetically grating. I would love to seem someone with the rights humanize the Haradwaith or men of the east from the setting, something that doesnt completely interfere with the settings established aesthetic integrity. Yes, that established integrity has some heavy racist elements. But it doesnt seem right to entirely revise and rewrite the lore with the implications that something like this would have.

>> No.12129072 [DELETED] 

>all these dishonest redditfag commies acting like this is an isolated incident

>> No.12129074

Im fairly certain there are some girls at my uni that only care about classical work because of the yaoi fantasies its enabled.

Some probably just think its hot, others probably think Achilles and Patroclus' role in Iliad revolves around buttsex and their relationship is completely equivalent to the flamboyant homos marching at a pride parade

>> No.12129102

northern euros really haven't been moving around much for the last 1000 years though

>> No.12129111

not at all. I dont care that they are making black elves. I care that they are doing it in lotr

>> No.12129150

how about we take the movie "Roots" and make all the slave masters black, and the slaves whites.
or make a remake of Friday with all white actors.

why can't liberals just leave a work of art ALONE, and just make an entirely new piece of art the way they want it?
is the answer really "because the jews can't not corrupt good" or are liberals just brainlets that can't create their own stuff, but always have to piggyback on other peoples' achievements?

>> No.12129208 [DELETED] 

Yes. Tolkien already have us the answer.
>The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own. I don't think it gave life to Orcs, it only ruined them and twisted them ..."
Evil cannot create it can only corrupt.

>> No.12129230


>> No.12129235 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12129254

Seriously? Why are you guys talking about TV anyways? Ever thought about just not watching television?

>> No.12129263

Why do self-loathing white people hate their own race so much?

>> No.12129272

There were no elves of color in the books. Your post is about a /tv/ production. What's the problem.

>> No.12129279

grima wormtongue syndrome

>> No.12129283

lol fucking newfag

>> No.12129287

Just dont watch it. L.M.A.O.

>> No.12129292

>brainwashing is ok if I do it

>> No.12129293

well at least you're admitting that liberals are brainwashing people.
that's a start.

>> No.12129302

I didn't mention Liberia in my post

>> No.12129308

sure, everyone is doing it. we're on a board focused around a medium dedicated to brainwashing. so what particular message do you hate anon?

>> No.12129310

Programming and sacrifice for their ideological creed. However it's also their response to the lack of equality between differences - get rid of the perceived good ones. This is a genetic problem. I'm not really surprised God would wipe out that portion even before jews and negroes.

>> No.12129343

I want a good lotr series L M A O

>> No.12129370

Why are you niggers watching television anyways? TV is for plebs.

>> No.12129418 [DELETED] 

And do what? Read? Fuck off, nerd.

>> No.12129495

the fires get worse every year. the entire state will burn in time.

>> No.12129811

again, this is just an argument of "see, different things are totally different!" I would expect /lit/ to be a little better than to argue on such a stupid axis but here we are i guess. context matters immensely and your arguing about the ways real life black people would be effected by having a movie remade to cater to whites, and how literal elves would feel lol

your question about "why liberals cant leave works of art alone" boils down to the cyclical and non-innovative nature of capitalism, take it up there boss. i really doubt there are any poc reading tolkien going "man, i sure wish they made this but just with lots of black people instead! we should really do that in a show." in reality, it's a calculated board room decision on how to mass market something without any notable drama, just lazy tokenizing
i mean i can understand the jarring nature of seeing source material changed, but also it really doesn't matter given the variations that tolkien's works have undergone. the movie adaptation of the hobbit is literally an entirely different story pretty much, i would say that is far more egregious than a few dark skinned elves lol

>> No.12129854

Here's a question;

Is OPs little screncap even legit? Googled the alleged journalist's name and found fuckall related to anything english.

>> No.12129861

Probably not lmao, /pol/tards make fake b8 sometimes and nobody bothers to check it because they just want an excuse to debate their worldviews.

>> No.12129863

These dumb fucks. At least try fucking googling before sperging out for 300+ posts.

>> No.12130175

Its more telling that someone could make a mock-up like this and satire isn't the first thing that comes to mind

>> No.12131238

Yeah, no, even the reasonable residents of LA want a nuke.

>> No.12131339

well of course not, leftist memes are the best vector for power games in the current year, not sure there are that many true believers though, there's nothing the left will destroy faster than a minority that gets out of line

>> No.12131542

bruh, when did tolkien say elves are white?

>> No.12132154

What's that 4chan thing they talk about?

>> No.12132370

where did he ever say they were black?
liberals btfo

>> No.12132384

they were "fair" skinned, last I check that meant non-shit colored. Also don't be fucking retarted, the man studied european language, mythology and history and taught it, his tales were explicitly "white" Its clear that they were "white" artwork at the time of the races indicates this aswell whick Tolkien approved of.

>> No.12132419

In order get anywhere with this ""plan"" they are required to actually win arguments, which they can't. Socialism is already known to be a failed system, and by proxy communism. At best the absolute dumbest of us, the weakest and most gullible might cave to their pathetic doctrine. But so what? The feeble minds have never led, they follow. The filter will be much appreciated. I welcome thee, "comrade"

>> No.12132431

>I hope America gets nuked one day. There's nothing redeeming about that place.

>> No.12132440 [DELETED] 

Barely lit related.

Reported and saged.

>> No.12132519 [DELETED] 

Do authors have to start putting in “by the way, he’s not a nigger” whenever a character’s introduced?

>> No.12132532

Who cares?

>> No.12132561 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12132574

>Shakespeare wrote plays with female characters
>At the time they were played by twinks in dresses
>Out! Out! brief candle. Western culture is but a fellow of infinite jest, full of jews and niggers, signifying nothing.
Cry me a river, racist cucks, your impotent tears are nearly the only thing that makes the capitalist degeneration of evermore commercialized artwork somewhar amusing and bearable.

>> No.12132579

That’s a lie.

>> No.12132583

>They are losselië, or "white people."

>> No.12132623 [DELETED] 

Post face with timestamp.

>> No.12132635
File: 76 KB, 330x440, 1517764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now they are coming for my safe space, this has gone too far. Vengeance will be my life from now on. WOE TO THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS

>> No.12132827

I dont think black people even want lord of the rings

>> No.12132929

dumb asses like you drive moderates into the arms of pol when you deny seeing anything wrong with modern racial politics

>> No.12132951

this is not a discussion of literature

>> No.12132979

on the tee-vee??
maw get the shotgun!
(fucking killyourself you crossboarding scum stop polluting our literature board)

>> No.12132989

dumbasses like you killed 4chan by trying to turn everything into some online jihad based on whatever poor understanding of politics got brainwashed into you by underage frogposters
I sincerely hope you die as soon as possible, not having you around would improve this board's quality notably.

>> No.12132999

Blacks already were part of middle earth, they are called orcs.

>> No.12133757 [DELETED] 


>> No.12134041

Yes, I mean, they should also put aliens from star wars in it. I mean, it's already a fictional thing so I guess that anything goes.
Nope. That's a stupid argument that you only make in order to put whatever undesirables you're thinking about in places where they don't belong.

>> No.12134044

i hope not, ban nazis on sight

>> No.12134051


>> No.12134068

It’s doesn’t matter, this is something they very likely could do and it’s so disgusting to see people in this thread defending ruining a beloved book series just because lol ur just raycist gb2 pol
It’s the principle

>> No.12134079

4chan is contrarian by it's nature, regardless of the mainstream cultural opinion, a lot of this site has turned right wing post 2016 and some of the /pol/ newfags are idiotic boomers who take themselves too seriously, so the apolitical posters who just want to shitpost/troll try as hard as possible to fuck with right wingers because they know it'll get reactions.

>> No.12134196 [DELETED] 

Why do commies hate the working class so much?
Back to rebbit, newfag redditer.

Edit: Don’t @ me.

Edit 2: Downvote all you want; you know I’m right.

Edit 3: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

>> No.12134208

if you want aseptic, socially engineered, heavily moderated forums, there are many leftist forums that already cover that ground

>> No.12134301

The political entity of Italy is just 150 years old, true, but their society has been there for millennia

>> No.12134312

Dude, I'm Italian an I can confirm, I manage to guess from which region other italians come from before I hear their accents. Same thing with tourists, can easily see the difference between a german and a Swede or a criotian and a pole ect.

>> No.12134347

How do you ruin that which is already shit?

>> No.12134353

Only according to white people.

>> No.12134424

the funny thing about your comment is that no one is trying to get non-white literature banned, or trying to alter it in any way.
it's only white peoples' literature that gets banned or altered to cater to non-whites and jews.

strange, isn't it

>> No.12134468

Wakanda is a story where racial issues are an explicit part of the plot and setting.

Lord of the Rings is a fantasy story. Elves are not fucking "white people" you moron. And the story does not "belong to white people".

I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan. A fan of the book. If an ADAPTATION includes different skin tones for actors then that does not effect the story one solitary bit does it? I'll be happy that it might encourage more black kids to pick up the books and enjoy them as I have.

>> No.12134473

>implying this shit is to appeal to black kids rather than fat white tumblrinas

>> No.12134479

Who cares lol

>> No.12134483

>it's only white peoples' literature that gets banned or altered to cater to non-whites and jews.


no they're not. and reminder that the RSC has cast non white people in Shakespeare's play for decades now. Why? because it's an important part of the canon and the literature is more important that the actors skin colour.

>> No.12134493


Unironically this. Nerds focused on all the wrong aspects of Tolkien's work, and in many ways tainted it by association with the kind of shit, derivative fantasy later created from ideas he perfected. The fact that it's even included as "fantasy" with all that other trash is testament to this

>> No.12134502

If you're enjoyment of LOTR rests on the skin colour of the actors in a modern adaptation, then I really and sincerely hope you stay the fuck away from the fandom and don't drag us down to your level.

I don't want to be associated with these pathetic incels

>> No.12134503

they're altering the movies quite drastically.
and they're trying to get white literature banned, e.g. Gone With the Wind.
they're also saying that white literature shouldn't be taught anymore because it's just "old white men" that aren't relevant any more.

stop being a disingenuous liberal twat

>> No.12134511

if you can't enjoy LotR because there aren't any non-white elves, then just stay the fuck away from LotR and stop trying to drag it down to Game of Thrones level.

I don't want to be associated with low-self-esteem liberals who have to destroy Art just so they can virtue signal about what great people they are.

>> No.12134540


Tolkien would have hated you freaks

>> No.12134560

>they're altering the movies quite drastically.

How exactly?

>> No.12134566
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>I am being persecuted

>> No.12134582

The best Tolkien adaptation anyone is going to get is Jackson's LotR trilogy. Do they hold up to the books? No, but they're good in their own right as films.

>> No.12134595
File: 43 KB, 750x1000, LiberalLogic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-whites are being persecuted
>so we have to add non-white elves to LotR to combat that

>> No.12134631

>non-whites are being persecuted
>so we have to add non-white elves to LotR to combat that

so you're admitting it's not a big deal?

>> No.12134633

If it's no big deal then you shouldn't worry if people oppose it.

>> No.12134645

>If it's no big deal then you shouldn't worry if people oppose it.

I care when they are using LOTR as a crutch for their pathetic white power fantasies

>> No.12134661

I care when liberals are using LotR as a crutch for their pathetic low-self-esteem issues and hollow virtue signalling

>> No.12134680

middle earth is a profoundy important mythology for the european people, the most optimistic and favourable resolution of pagan and christian worldviews/morals, something that so palatably speaks to the embedded cultural memory of an entire continent. it is only natural that for this reason it would be a target for them.

>> No.12134708

The Jackson trilogy was on TV last night and I was watching it. It got to the part in RotK where Aragorn is giving his "men of the West" speech and it hit me how """"problematic"""" so much of this would be viewed today, and the film was only made 15 years ago. If there was ever another adaptation it would completely remodeled and diversified.

>> No.12134715

nobody cares about actual black kids, only about displaying how tolerant and compassionate they are

>> No.12134759

I don't think many of you understand that the TV series is not going to be an adaption of the books, but an original story set in the same world.

>> No.12134785

>middle earth is a profoundy important mythology for the european people,

no it's not. It's a fantasy book. A great one.

>> No.12134794

supposedly the show will cover the time period before Fellowship of the Ring, where Aragorn lived in Rohan/Gondor and fought in their army down south, in Umbar or Harad.
If that's the case, it would be more than fine to cast blacks and browns as the Umbar/Harad people that Aragorn is fighting against.
but let's be honest, we both know they're going to cast black/brown actors as Rohirrim/Gondorian

>> No.12134838

>we both know they're going to cast black/brown actors as Rohirrim/Gondorian

why would that be a problem?

>> No.12134856

because it's not in the books, at all. only whites were Gondorians/Rohirrim, because Gondorians were descended from Numenoreans, who were ALL white, and the Rohirrim are descended from the proto-Edain that remained in the upper vales of Anduin (near northern mirkwood), and they were also ALL WHITE.
The reason why north-western Middle Earth were all white people is because Tolkien was deliberately remaking the history of Earth, and in this case, Europe, which was ALL WHITE people (except for when Mongolian hordes invaded europe, which Tolkien wrote into his story with the invasions of the Balchoth and Wainriders).

casting non-white actors for parts that Tolkien intended and wrote as white is just clear leftist propaganda and empty virtue signalling.
liberals already butchered the Shannara series that they made into a tv show, and it would be an even greater disappointment to see liberals do the same thing to Tolkien's writings.

why can't liberals just make a tv show based on a book(s) where there are already non-white elves in the story? or write a completely new story that has nothing whatsoever to do with Tolkien's work?

>> No.12134859

they can't create, only corrupt

>> No.12134873

liberals = servants of Melkor

>> No.12134879


You're the one completely misinterpreting the nature of lotr if you think the elves or dunedain can be non-european. so shut the fuck up on the topic if you're going to keep acting retarded

>> No.12134885

neither or them are european

>> No.12134916


Middle Earth is Europe in the mythological age before history begins. The Valar are the embodiment of the pre-Christian pantheon's of Europe and Illuvatar is the Christian God who created them and everything else. Tolkien was , as another poster above stated, reconciling the Christan and pagan traditions European mythology.You obviously don't know shit about the mythology lad, so fack off and watch Star wars again

>> No.12134923

so why didn't Tolkien write any of the elves or dunedain as non-white? why were they all written as white?
(i'm assuming you meant to say "elves or dunedain can't be non-european", because otherwise i have no clue what you're bitching at me for, because i'm of the opinion that elves and dunedain should be played by white characters, since that's how Tolkien wrote them)

>> No.12134944


Fuck I replied to the wrong post, many apologies dude

>> No.12134949

no worries.
may Elbereth light your path

>> No.12134975

>324 Replies (bump limit reached)

>> No.12135081

Just because it was based on European stories doesn't mean ELVES WERE WHITE ya simp

>> No.12135099

name ONE non-white elf that isn't an orc.

>> No.12135121


I don't know if you're being deliberately dense, but how in God's name can you think that Tolkien meant for them to be anything but pale skinned and European in appearance? Like the burden of proof in this matter is on you to show how there could possibly be black elves in a work of fiction written by a conservative, Germanic professor who lived in the early 20th century. Not to mention that the most common description of elves, and the Edain too, is "fair". You haven't a leg to stand on pal, and Tolkien would 100% not appreciate this kind of bastardisation of his work.

>> No.12135150

they literally aren't men, don't know what to tell you if you can't grasp that.

>> No.12135158 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12135179


That has fuck all to do with the point I was making. By your logic we can give them spider legs and tails like dogs because "hurr hurr, they're not men so they can be whatever I say they are".

>> No.12135182

eh, they actually were men, or close enough that they could marry humans and have children. (granted, it was extremely rare, but genetically they were close enough. even orcs could interbreed with humans, hence the Uruk-hai).
just admit it, you're talking out your ass and you just want to see black elves because you're racist against whites and their culture.