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/lit/ - Literature

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12122882 No.12122882[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why have literaturefags become so liberal and effeminate? Why aren’t men as masculine as they used to be, like Hemingway, Jack London, or Salinger? All the literaturefags nowadays are just bugmen living in cities who live vicariously through social media.

>> No.12122900

Because there's nothing that says "reason" like a chubby adult man wishing to be a cute prepubescent girl.

>> No.12122945

There's plenty.

They're just not discussed on this board.

Proof that you're still a pleb.

I bet you shitpost about /mu/core too.


>> No.12122952

You mean people like me

>> No.12122956

>My entire perspective of the world is informed by /pol/ memes, which are totally accurate depictions of reality rather than a selective curation of it designed to confirm biases.

>> No.12122960
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kill every urban faggot

>> No.12122961

shut the fuck up faggot

the only "men" who particularly care about being masculine, are weak gamma fags

>> No.12122962


>> No.12122966

You probably read faggot genres. Go read some shit about mathematics or strength training or metallurgy or the outdoors.

>> No.12122968

>the only "men" who particularly care about being masculine, are weak gamma fags
hello trannypol

>> No.12122973

>there are literal slave trades in Libya now

Thanks, Obama.

>> No.12122974

because right wingers are uneducated hicks that drive trucks for a living and hate mexicans and black people for no good reason.

>> No.12122975

hello virgin

>> No.12122984

Shut up pussy faggit bitch.
I can recite the first twenty sonnets of Shakespeare and half a dozen Yeats shit, have read all of Camus (he was a pussyboy idiot btw) and I've read the P&V and Garnett translations of Dostoevsky and I could knock your face so far down your throat you'd be eating your own shit for a month and then I'd fuck your mom and sister and your dad, faggot.
I've written five short stories and nearly had one published and my first novel is in the final stages of editing so basically I'm one of the most literary dudes out there I'm also 6'3" and ripped as fuck (hemmingway eat your heart out you cross dressing nancy boy) and I throat fuck a new bitch practically every week. My professor has been eyefucking me all month and I can guarantee you I will bone her hot milf pussy and throat by Christmas.
Just stfu you manchild lardass.

>> No.12122985

What would the masculine academic look like?

>> No.12122986

are you going to sexshame me now? it won't work, the fact that I'm a virgin is my conscious decision. I've had to turn down multiple girls to maintain it. I'm sorry that you're still bound to fleshly desires.

>> No.12122988

Reading is primarily a female hobby, just like fashion. It's no wonder that the few men who have an interest in either are soi faggots.

>> No.12122989

>this projection

Will it be Russian collusion again when Trump gets re-elected?

>> No.12122993

Deep down in my heart, I just want to be a cute lesbian girl. Since this isn't possible, I try to avoid any interaction that will remind me of the fact that I'm a disgusting hairy monster, so the Internet and reading and other such indoors hobbies are great.
Please understand.

>> No.12122994

sure it is ;)

>> No.12122999

Jordan Peterson

>> No.12123000


>> No.12123017

*drinks cider*


>> No.12123023

salinger was a literal hippy lol and hemigway was a mama’s boy. also the lowhanging fruit here is the lack of a major war to force generations to 1) grow the fuck up and 2) face the deepest horror of human existence.

>> No.12123025

Jack London if comfy tier. I should finally start reading Martin Eden.

>> No.12123028

A hippy who stormed Normandy beaches, bugman.

>> No.12123032
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He's right though. Caring about style and opinions of others over substance and your own goals is the most effeminate quality one could have. This is what literal low-test men that create threads like this one don't understand, because they can't decouple themselves from the bundle of insecurities amassed during years and imagine even for a second doing something without constantly worrying in the background about being judged by strangers. Get fit, faggots.

>> No.12123036

so he literally fought the wrong guys?

>> No.12123043

lol butthurt

>> No.12123057
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>for no good reason.

>> No.12123061

>look mom! I'm being racist
>m-maybe some aryan blonde qt will want to suck my peepee now

>> No.12123077

oh lord, and yeah that’s cool and all but i dont really consider abandoning my family, locking myself in a shack, and talking myself through pop zen and my imaginary children as masculine. he fell pretty hard. look at Mary McCarthy’s reviews. at least someone like Hemigway accepted their decline in an honest way.

>> No.12123079

I actually met my qt blonde aryan bf through our racist views, we've recently spent the weekend at our log cabin in Aurland near the Næroyfjord. Soon him and I shall be getting married. I couldn't be happier.

So your greentext isn't so wrong.

>> No.12123086

what are you going to do next, post crime and IQ stats? doesn't change the fact that there are millions of black and mexican people that contribute a thousand times more to society than you do.

>> No.12123089

But also you know how Call of Duty-playing-fedora-tipping-deeply-insecure-about-his-own-lack-of-masculinity-/pol/-browsing-fuck you sound when you phrase shit like that? kys faggot.

>> No.12123093

>doesn't change the fact that there are millions of black and mexican people that contribute a thousand times more to society than you do.
kek, this sounds so gay. go donate to ADL or something.

>> No.12123095

oh i see now so you’re the same guy just shitting up this thread cool now again kys faggot. you’re insecurity is bleedingly obvious.

>> No.12123096

>thinking me being a racist has anything to do with parental rebellion and not simply recognizing patterns and being racially/ethnically aware
>implying I even like blondes
Nice try faggot but try again.

>> No.12123099

fantastic post

>> No.12123103

confirmation bias :)

>> No.12123110

so you know youre wrong but you are arguing for the wrong side anyway lel

>> No.12123119

every study ever done on crime and iq and the entirety of human history :)

>> No.12123121

I'm not insecure at all. I am a happy, aryan, racist, gay man. I also really adore the prose works of Tolstoy, and I just have to recommend that everyone reads Father Sergius.

>> No.12123129

does that take into account effects of economic and systemic oppression?

>> No.12123130

For the record I don't even hate black people, and I don't hate mexicans who stay in mexico, which I think is a pretty cool country despite the crime and poverty. I just dislike multiculturalism and wish all nations of the world to have their own defined borders, culture, and people.

>> No.12123134

How do you reconcile racism with Tolstoy? That’s like saying I’m into Thoreau and hedge fund management.

>> No.12123136

okay, Cletus

>> No.12123140

no youre the first person to ever think of that dude, no studies accounting for those thigns have been made in the past few decades since the ideas occurred to the researchers in question

>> No.12123146

the problem with you alt right nazi fucks is that you always take my and other people's accomplishments and attribute it to yourself to cover up your faliures, when in fact most white people don't want anything to do with your disgusting ass and would rather hang out with blacks and mexicans. you're NOT my """people""", or whatever cringe phrases you use.

>> No.12123147

I've got my reasons for hating Bosniaks okay?!

>> No.12123148

well there you go XD

>> No.12123153

Black people are actually really cool when they aren't jootin' and a' jivin' soopo poopo stimmma yo gocoin igga

>> No.12123154

>you always take my and other people's accomplishments and attribute it to yourself
i really didnt realize that being aware of statistics had this sort of implication for my psychology, ill be sure to book an appointment with a shrink to work that out

>> No.12123155

>bodybuilding is not the pinnacle of insecurity

>> No.12123158

here's the problem, you don't actually know how to interpret and analyze statistical data

>> No.12123163
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Ernst Junger, Wittgenstein, and Tolkien.

>> No.12123165

ah yes it is merely an illusion that we keep seeing the same pattern in all the data. Deep minds such as the sociology department holds can inform us of the profound truths laying hidden to the ignorant researchers who actually, well, research this topic

>> No.12123166

>All excercise is body building
Don't make me post the Socrates pasta

>> No.12123167

no, you're just an idiot

>> No.12123168


>my professor

So close to not being a faggot, but alas....faggot. Good pasta nonetheless.

>> No.12123174

your arguments just get better with each post

>> No.12123178

and you're still dumb

>> No.12123179

Kek, nice rebuttal

>> No.12123189

dumb and yet i keep making a mockery of your posts, you realize what this says about you yeah m8

>> No.12123190


>> No.12123196

>my accomplishments
Which is what? Getting a certificate in post-marxist psychoanalytic gender studies of lgbt people in south asia or some shit?

I've known plenty of black people and the majority were good people (though a few that definitely fit the description of the word nigger). But I don't think it's really fair or right to force black people and white people to live together when the general consensus is that there are deep historical, cultural, and racial differences between them that certainly won't go away anytime soon. You might think it's a stupid idea but I think the US should carve out some area and make it an ethnic home state for black Americans similar to what Russia did with the Jews.

>> No.12123202

Idk, I think we should just attempt to Foster some kind of understanding between the races. Another amount of rn masse race riots would destroy our already shit tier infrastructure

>> No.12123207

>the general consensus is that there are deep historical, cultural, and racial differences between them that certainly won't go away anytime soon

General consensus amoung incel nazis maybe

>> No.12123218
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>the US should carve out some area and make it an ethnic home state for black Americans

They tried lol

>> No.12123221

Hemingway was a socialist. Don't know about the other guys.

>> No.12123223

among anyone vaguely familiar with the topic and not resolutely devoted to antiracism*

>> No.12123229

nice sources, retard. aren't you late for your appointment to get a swastika tattooed on your forehead? I'm sure your sister will think it's super sexy

>> No.12123238

>going on /mu/ in the first place

>> No.12123241

for every Hemingway there was a Joyce

>> No.12123246

>retard. aren't you late for your appointment to get a swastika tattooed on your forehead? I'm sure your sister will think it's super sexy
absolutely fact based approach you have to the subject, not at all mediated by say...social consequences, fashion, shaming, etc.

As for sources, you cannot find even one studyever done that doesnt show race differences. IN the past century not 1 study conducted shows this. Every single one show differences, no matter what youre measuring, and how many variables you control

you guys are just laughably badly prepared for arguing on a platform where you cant shame or ban

>> No.12123252

Redpill me on Joyce

>> No.12123256

>weight training is bodybuilding

>> No.12123273

the literal overman, accepted early on that art was the only means of freedom in his life and thus sacrificed everything in its name. which may not sound that crazy but it was distinctly HIS art by the time he was said and done. whereas hemigway spent a lot of his life posturinf, conciously competing, doing grunt work, etc.

>> No.12123295

I never implied that there weren't differences between races, that's true by definition. You're the one who can't deal with that though

>> No.12123298

>americas president is a reptile reality tv star, lobbying for the oil and coal companies
Tenks obamer

>> No.12123302

That's a good example of what's the problem with "masculine" litterateurs. When I was 16, London was my favorite author, but after that I have been in touch with the renaissance culture... And you know what? Muscles can't impress me anymore, because historically it has been proven that people who act like you (look at him, almost the hero-sancho-panza 20 years before) ...
So, dude, men like you, who are able to be so loud about your fucking fists usually cant be good friends and cant sacrifice themselves for even your family members who not to mention probably have dildos in their anuses that are going farther and farther up with every word and sound that you make. You fucking slimy piece of shit, now who the fuck do you think you are? I fucked bitches when you were still sucking yo mamas titties. Now shut the fuck up and go suck your father's dick and cough on his cum...
... and tell your mom to wear my favorite panties tonight. ;-)

>> No.12123305

>having a beautiful body and being powerful is insecurity because of psychoanalytic pneumatics who had weak ugly bodies assuming that it must be

>> No.12123306

Jack London is liberal and effeminate

>> No.12123308

>You're the one who can't deal with that though
once again the insight you guys provide to my own state of mind is just invaluable, really you should start charging

>> No.12123318

>I'm just pretending to be retarded guys!

>> No.12123327

I see you're incapable of distinguishing between sarcasm and trolling, but because your pointers on my psychological state have been so useful ill let this one slide

>> No.12123328

Jesus christ dude you are insufferable
Different person if your stupid brain doesn't realise that

>> No.12123332


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, fellas.

>> No.12123347

You are obviously under 21 so please stop trying to argue with people on this site on important topics and stop wasting their times for no reason just because you like imagining things

>> No.12123350

you think I'm under 21 because I'm not a bootlicking incel? Whatever.

>> No.12123361


>> No.12123368

Says he doesnt he doesnt hate black people but also says he's racists and goes to racists events and even married a guy that also holds these beliefs.
Black people dont want that, white people dont want that literally no one does. Most people rather be able to live and go where they please regardless.

>> No.12123369

>obvious 17 yr old tier

>> No.12123379

rich white liberals pay huge sums to live in all white neighborhoods and send their children to all white schools
that is the most leftist white people, and that is how they behave irl

>> No.12123383

>Hemingway was a socialist
He wasn't really that political and what little he did talk about politics wasn't ideological at all. He contradicted himself a lot.

He's a Catholic who had 3 divorces , he's a communist who supports laissez faire capitalism. Etc

>> No.12123386

It's a good thing trying to fight against the truth against strangers but don't try it around in real life it never ends well

>> No.12123411

Masculinity is obsolete. Bug man is much amenable to modern cosmopolite living. Conan the Barbarian is a terrible neighbor to have in the flat next door. He is an awful Human Resources manager, no good for shuffling data around on various screens. Bug man does all this and more. Bug man does not have compunctions about pride or honor, fidelity to any land or people. The word honor, spoken today, only sounds absurd, a farce, a word used by LARPers with cardboard swords. Even they can yearn a little for some other thing. There is no room for it, the strong man.

>> No.12123417


>> No.12123455

okay this is epic

>> No.12123464

Stopped reading there

>> No.12123509

The strong man exists to cuck the bug man. It's an eternal struggle

>> No.12123520

low iq false dialectic slave

>> No.12123871

>no flexibility/mobility
>no strength outside of a specific movements with specific equipment
>literally can't run or move properly due to unbalanced muscle
>has no balance, core centralisation, or good biomechanics -- body is a complete mess
>takes steroids
>morphs his body into a disgusting mass of shit that only other mentally ill men of his subculture actually think looks good
>sit in a closed-off room repeating the same actions for hours on end
>has a small willy
>has body dysphoria, obsession with mass culture informed idea of masculinity (i.e. inaccurate and slavish (read: effeminate)), and a host of other mental problems
>die earlier than people who've been obese monstrosities for their entire lives
ah yes, bodybuilders.

>> No.12123932
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Shit bait

Have a (you) though

>> No.12123986

>like Hemingway, Jack London, or Salinger?
lol wtf. 2 of those are neurotic ponces..

>> No.12124136

I think you have more to point towards him being a socialist than anything else.


>> No.12124282

Do you seriously believe this boogeyman?

>> No.12124334

bro have you not read martin eden?

Jack's self insert oc literally delves into upper crust literary society and finds them to be dull nancy boys

>> No.12124522

What if I hate uneducated hicks that drive trucks for a living, jews, mexicans and black people for plenty of reasons.

>> No.12124527

Jewish publishing industry favors the flavor of evil and deceit.

>> No.12124533

>Blog post that's < 400 words
Yeah no. Hemingway is not a socialist. He's honestly pretty non ideological

>> No.12124620

Nice strawman. I honestly can't tell what part made me laugh the most. It's probably this one.
>no strength outside of a specific movements with specific equipment
That's probably the most retarded point you made.

>> No.12124639

>America's president is a based man
corrected punctuation and content.

>> No.12124645

>He is an awful Human Resources manager
Of course he is, HR is a job made to get women into the workforce at the expense of the companies that employ them.

>> No.12124657

>only vote in life to eugene debs the socialist
>support fidel castro
>donate lots of money to communist party in cuba
>all your friends are socialists
>be involved in war with socialists
>get labeled as kgb informant by fbi and tracked for being a socialist
not a socialist

>> No.12124802

It's hyperbolic but not exactly wrong. Most forms of exercise do not produce a balanced body that ties together well and can cover all movements.

>> No.12124817 [DELETED] 

>Most forms of exercise do not produce a balanced body
Of course they don't you fucking retard, that's why weightlifting regimes generally consist of multiple compound and isolation exorcises.

>> No.12124829

>Most forms of exercise do not produce a balanced body
Of course they don't you fucking retard, that's why weightlifting regimes generally consist of multiple compound and isolation exercises.
Do you really think that the moment someone who lifts weights touches anything except a barbell his strength disappears? How fucking dumb are you?

>> No.12124917

>goes to racists events and even married a guy
Nigger that's not me.

>Most people rather be able to live and go where they please regardless.
I'm not talking about herding them all into one area and forcing them to live there obviously. They would be free to travel back and forth between other states just as freely as they do now, and move out if they wish. But can you really say no one wants to live by others like them? It's blatantly obvious how segregated our cities are by racial lines already and that's without government enforcement of it.

>> No.12124956


>> No.12124966

They're all average Europeans, Herr Junger there even looks like a friend of mine, how is that overtly masculine?

>> No.12124972

Post the Socpasta I don't believe I've seen it yet

>> No.12124977
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>Why don't a bunch of unwitting post-industrial nihilists of the digital age have the same ideas about achievement and individual worth as people in previous centuries
Gonna give you one good guess here cheif

>> No.12124991

most succesful writers are like that because women gradually came to dominate the literature industry and forced out illiberal, dominant men
there are still plenty of men outside of the writing industry that are both literate and masculine

>> No.12125008

A lot of writer are attempting to push boundaries and subvert tropes. With Bukowski, Hunter S Thompson and even more recently with people like Tucker Max there isn't really anything fresh about masculine perspectives and heteronormative interractions.

Of course, it goes without saying that the subversions of the aforementioned tropes and inclusion of feminine/non-white/LGBT themes should be done organically so that it doesn't feel like pandering (black panther).

>> No.12125019

That's not even what I said when I was being hyperbolic, that's beyond hyperbole. No matter the regime, most forms of exercise are also superior to weightlifting in that regard.

>> No.12125044

Spotted the Soi.

These people literally believe half of the human race simply have nothing else to offer in art despite the thousands of years of changing and emerging styles. Not only that but there’s so much more going on in society, in the last century alone we’ve made more art than ever before. Yet somehow we must artificially suppress this in order to give others a chance, how can you see how toxic this superficial veneer of propping up bad art is yet you stand behind the idea that an entire sex is simply outdated? In your own logic you can see that there’s a specific male perspective. Even if it’s not your taste and you feel like there’s “enough” of this in society why rob younger readers this opportunity to decide for themselves? Why suppress? In all actually living in the Information Age anyone can get ahold of any niche thing, which makes your game fail in many ways anyways which is why I’m not too concerned with what the industry is doing. Serious art doesn’t care about accolades you fucking faggot.

>> No.12125072

I was going to try and educate you, but you're hopeless.
I couldn't imagine being as dumb and weak as you.

>> No.12126147


>> No.12126193

> I can ever obtain an objective understanding of the world rather than an arbitrarily selectively biased world view.

>> No.12126287

Not if you believe pol memes

>> No.12126316

>arguing about "bad art"
>desperately trying to fit the word "logic" inside the comment, so it seems like he is a reasonable person
congrats you absolute fucking pseud, you judmst got triggered

>> No.12126323

I was reading Goodbye to All That earlier this year. I was struck by how Sassoon, Graves and T. E. Lawrence, while all scholars and artists were also men of action. Graves was boxing champion at two different weight classes while at Rugby and he was an avid mountain climber. And he was half a fag for Christ’s sake. Sassoon was a point to point race champion and avid hunter not to mention a war hero. Lawrence was an out and out faggot but his war exploits are still legendary.

The lit crew today does seem rather childish and weak blooded in comparison.

>> No.12126356

pls just leave this board, we dont need you here