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File: 25 KB, 439x355, 323ec5498ab9e393195908ec68eff6a2--david-foster-wallace-wizards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12121177 No.12121177 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12121357

Can someone post his porn tape? I never saved it

>> No.12121458


>> No.12121518


>> No.12121618

It's "The Origin of Bump," in some 4chan meme video explanation site.

>> No.12121652
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, 1989 interview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12121931

this is not the outfit of someone who doesn't care

>> No.12121986

at that time it was

>> No.12122123

I fucking hate him.
>duuude I have depression
>mommy and daddy paid for everything
>opened doors for him in academia and publishing
>friends, girlfriends, non broken family

>> No.12122140
File: 87 KB, 750x410, im middle class bro and down with the struggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude im down with the struggle, see im all upset, *wipes tears with stack of money*, yeah sucks that you can't pay rent, or afford food or afford to pay the tuition ransom to continue college but, look dude, im more upset trust me!
>yeah man, my parents were two professors who raked in a modest 300k a year collectively and had millions in savings and paid for my college, paid for a new car for me, paid for everything and their connections allowed me to be able to publish. but dude, depression dude! you don't know how good you have it!
>but dude, i get you because i dress like im down with the struggle but let's be clear, I, DFW, lived a harder life than anyone because woe is me! see, look how street i am, i dress just like a regular joe, look how authentic I am!

>> No.12122154

you forgot to say his books are absolute fucking shit.

>> No.12122189

Based and underrates post. Also, a superior artist to Douchey Faggot Wiener

>> No.12122194

>being rich means you can't be sad
>being poor means you can't be happy

>> No.12122210
File: 473 KB, 988x605, (((DFW Literary Trust))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you hate him you should hate him because of the (((people))) who seem to be gaining the most financially from his image. I'm not a DFW hater myself but jews are everpresent in DFW-related publicity, from his pic related literary trust to the jew who made the movie about the Rolling Stone jew who interviewed him where he was cast as a jew to his horrible jewish biographer DT Max, etc.

That image has often been negative, which is interesting, and has definitely layed a role in his polarization.

>> No.12122220

reminds me of those series of long posts explaining every detail of the pale king and how parts of it were allegories about jews helping him through the literary ranks

>> No.12122224

>writer kills himself

>> No.12122248
File: 100 KB, 1183x823, ''depressed''.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he was depressed, he would have been too despondent to even write.
He killed himself because he was a petite-bourgeois drama queen with liberal parents that made him think sadness, a common human emotion, was a disease. He had munchausen by proxy, and he just thought he was "depressed" because he had a diagnosis at one time. That's it. He also may have killed himself because he realized he lacked the authenticity he so desperately preached and knew he was nothing more than the product of his parents.

>> No.12122249

>cast as a jew... -->played by one.

Never seen those but would like to.

>> No.12122281

>if he was depressed, he would have been too despondent to even write
Tell that to Fernando Pessoa.

>> No.12122305


>being this triggered by seeing a man and a woman together


>> No.12122308

Have you read his short story "The Depressed Person"? Seems like a pretty accurate portrayal of the mental state of a person who has depression. Seems like a pretty hefty coincidence that a person who killed themself and knew the mental gymnastics that depressed people put themselves through wouldn't also be depressed.

>> No.12122311

Heh, I was thinking how much DFW looked like Al when I watched Amish Paradise the other day.

>> No.12122365

thought the same exact thing lmao

>> No.12122389

>wearing those boots indoors
>carpet floors

Jesus, that man just doesn't care

>> No.12122397

What are you Korean?

>> No.12122400

What so an outfit, a nice smile doesn't make mean he doesn't care or isn't depressed? This website really is full of shitlords

>> No.12122472

>tfw your erection will never be so large it forces your leg to levitate and draws so much blood that you have to lie down

>> No.12122476

its the fact that he claims he's too conscious to affect anything whatsoever but then he goes around looking like a god damn fashion icon

>> No.12122481

that girl doesn't have legs?

>> No.12122487

she has only the body parts david needs her to have

>> No.12122511

i bet he had a feet fetiche too

>> No.12122518

he preferred them separate

>> No.12122569


Not really. Plenty of people are not afraid to jump.

>> No.12122646


>> No.12122673

I can't relate to DFW, dude was a Gigachad.

>> No.12122684
File: 56 KB, 500x626, nabhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing relating is irrelevant

>> No.12122688

Every adult male relates to Humbert Humbert, but not the flatulent fat fuck Russian who wrote him.

>> No.12122689
File: 106 KB, 750x394, tekashi-69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would he had liked 69?

>> No.12122698

What is his real name?

>> No.12122704

Teriyaki or something

>> No.12122711

Doody Folly Woodpecker
>is rich and well-connected
>is sad
>was a little bitch about it all
All the way to the end of his rope, amirite fellas?

>> No.12122718


>> No.12122740

hope he's the next shit rapper that gets fucking killed

>> No.12122745

Yes and based.

>> No.12122755


>> No.12123193

Plenty of people are depressed. Don't know how stupid you have to be to actually believe that rich people can't be depressed.

>> No.12123226

Fortunately for you guys he's going to prison for a very long time. Armed robbery and racketeering.
You may think he's a little bitch for being depressed, I think you're a little bitch for larp'ing as someone who has actually read a book after getting out of high school.

>> No.12123911


>> No.12123938

I can smell the lower-middle-class all over you.

>> No.12123978

Only educated people or people with money get depression and anxiety disorders. It’s why there’s an entire industry of meds for them to choose from, you don’t see black People ornother poor people with shit lives across the world taking themselves out or whining the same way most people do, especially whites. It’s the same reason we’re serial killers.

If you guys hate dfw for feeling this way yet you feel this way recognize you more than likely are at least from the middle class and if you aren’t you’re smart enough to be. Get off your high horse faggots.

Maybe some more food for thought, literally wage slaves and Hispanics in the border work for less than minimum wage supporting huge catholic families and blacks suffer half their families and kids being killed because of muh rap culture they don’t mind it too much, yet white trannies kill themselves in hordes, maybe they know how fucked they are.

>> No.12124343

>"loawere middurlp class"
That's white-trash working class, you suburban, bleach-flavored saltine.

>> No.12124346

Naw, I just get on /lit/ for the porn, you retard.

>> No.12124360

And I can smell the pseud on you.

>> No.12124462

Wouldn't be the first idiot to come on this board that pretends to read. Maybe stop presenting yourself like one of those people and you won't get mistaken for one.

>> No.12124577

Fuck calm down, you act like the mental state of some privileged, uninteresting poseur has any bearing on whether or not your own depression is something to be taken seriously. Christ, feel better if you're sad. Otherwise, quit your goddam bitches.

>> No.12124994

What did pemulius make avril do

>> No.12125001


>> No.12125054

He never does anything to her, the threat of exposing her affair is his intent. Instead he uses this information to leverage against the piss-inspector revealing Hal's marijuana habit to his mother.
This was me, and as crazy as it might have seemed I was only referring to a specific chapter featuring "fat marcus the money lender" in which a college prank goes terribly wrong (a repeating narrative in the story, and revealing a truth about his early career and its link to the consequence of his criminal collegiate behaviors), but really this instance is more of a joke (he mentions that he thinks his being jewish "had nothing to do with it") representing a specific sect of the society beyond just jews, a certain quality of behavior and a corruption that can influence, draw in, and bring consequence to the people around you.
Again, there is also a big "Jesus" thing that looms over the meta-narrative of the book's story, so of course the jews are always relevant there. Jesus, was the name of the psychadelic-loving catholic guy who got smothered by Marcus' ass, before choosing to bite into it instead (he is also responsible for dosing the iced-t at the picnic in the end)

>> No.12125168

putting unending unfalsifiable goalpost moving qualifications on who's depressed and who's not on a guy who literally articulated multiple images of depression that so many people have claimed to be an accurate depiction of their lives lmao nice you baited me you're a fucking idiot

>> No.12125170

thanks for your posts. I go back to them whenever I'm reading DFW

>> No.12125182


>> No.12125194

Just shut the fuck up, it's not like the guy ever even attention whored about his depression, you're just a faggot

>> No.12125199

He literally killed himself because he went off the antidepressants that had allowed him to write

>> No.12125200

>kills self
Is that enough attention whoring for you?

>> No.12125389

Emotionless faggot

>> No.12125468

worst rare dfw thread yet

>> No.12125479

subtle bait

and yeah this is what i meant. i dont doubt that he was severely depressed, i dont think people really kill themselves without being very troubled or just incredibly manic and impulsive and he was more in line with the former. but the point is he was a snob and had a very undeveloped, and considering his background and family, just lazy philosophical outlook that seemingly amounted to "irony bad" but was so grim and humorless. i actually like DFW but he was definitely a cunt. a depressed cunt.

>> No.12125493

irony is bad