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12119788 No.12119788[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone feel like 4chan is somehow resetting? At first I thought the mods were new as I'd see certain posts disappearing I hadnt before, and started getting banned for things I hadnt before.

Then I noticed the tone of posts globally seems to have changed. The writing feels different, what is acceptable before you get a flame reply is different, even the memes are different... theres even liberal posts on /pol/ that take themselves seriously.

This all seemed to happen in the last several months. It's like older posters all unanimously just left and voices that didnt post before or are new here are posting.

What happened?

>> No.12119813

he gone

>> No.12119824

>he doesn't know about the post faux anarcho sincerism movement

>> No.12119826

Who he

>> No.12119827

>theres even liberal posts on /pol/ that take themselves seriously
>It's like older posters all unanimously just left
awww, little gg/election cycle embryo thinks his weed gang of crabbitors are "older posters". so cute.

>> No.12119829

>he doesn't know

>> No.12119841
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I've been here since 2006 and I havent seen it like this.

>> No.12120282

I agree. It seems to be some radical change of 4chan’s demographics. Idiot younger people finding 4chan for the first time?

>> No.12120291

/a/ is the only board that I still recognize from 2012 desu

>> No.12120297

>/pol/ babby upset it was banned for saying nigga
Awww, poor /pol/ babby

>> No.12120383
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Sorry for the long post, it's very late and I've been thinking about this topic for a while
We're accelerating towards the irony singularity. The based and redpilled meme really kicked it off. At first, someone would say "based and redpilled" in a sarcastic way to signify something was actually cringe and bluepilled, but now you say "based and redpilled" to show you think something is based while taking the guise of someone who says it ironically, an imaginary person who thinks that something is cringe. And maybe this sarcasm has even been used with three layers of irony instead of 2 or 1, it's hard to tell. There has always been irony on 4chan, and it has always mocked itself. But this postpostirony is different. There is no humor here. As we approach the irony singularity, humor loses all its meaning, until we're just going through the motions, placing the ironic mirror inside another ironic mirror. Even if you dont think you're contributing to the acceleration, you still are doing so by replying to ironic posts or "playing along" with the memes. The economic system of (you)s we have created is sentient and self sustaining. It takes in (you)s and creates (you)s, and does so increasingly efficiently by using tactics such as irony. So to answer your question OP, this is perfectly natural, and probably would have happened eventually. Shitposting has given way to postpostironyposting. The oldfags are still here, but they cant do anything against it, and can only voice their reasoning in threads like these.

>> No.12120388

What you're describing happens every time theres a new meme though.

>> No.12120393

>I've been on 4chan for 2 months and here's what I think
You're welcome to fuck off back to rebbit

>> No.12120398

i agree with what you're saying but i feel like especially in the context of the "pills" it's gotten political. thus you have pol trying to get "redpilled" on everything and some unfortunate idiot who asks a joke ends up hating jews because some LARP fag told him that peanut butter was made to destroy his life.
there's def been a shift in culture. t. been here since 2010

>> No.12120403
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>> No.12120406

it feels different but i dont want to talk about it

>> No.12120410

How are you shitposting from beyond the grave, David?

>> No.12120418

Idk man I just bullshitted my post as I went along. very little if what i said do i actually beleive

>> No.12120442

t. Venus Williams

>> No.12121857

we go through this cycle every few years. people were saying this during the 2016 presedentil election, and before that it was 4chan hitting the mainstream news, before that it was a higher amount of phoneposters etc. etc.

4chan's demographic is constantly shifting, it's just as probable that you changed too

>> No.12121891
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>> No.12121895

>we're doing to downvote them to oblivion like we do on reddit!!!!

>> No.12121997
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>Commies advocating imperialism

>> No.12122455

Ehh, times change lad. /pol/ is toxic, always has been, and I say that as someone who is politically far right. The boards that Ive been on for the longest, ie /g/ and /v/ seem to have come full circle, with /g/ having desktop threads again and all the other shitposts, and /v/ back in full swing not talking about video games and having Friday and Saturday night threads to act as our anonymous therapist. Just sit back,and enjoy the ride lads, we all know you will never leave anyways. Times change but we are here forever.

>> No.12122491

>this is the brain of a redditor