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12118782 No.12118782 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write women lit as a male?

I wanna write fantasy lit about girls, so I've learned a lot about romance writing and shit like the heroine's journey.

Last story I wrote feels like clasical disney movie about the grim tales.

I do feel like my style of stories are less about hero's killing everyone and fighting and shit and is more about emotions and shit.


>> No.12118793

>frog poster wants to write from the female perspective.
You can't. You're too damaged by 4chan hivemind.
Fuck your fanfic.
Hang frogposters.

>> No.12118914

tbqh i don't think you should have a gender-intended audience as a writer. you might have an age-directed audience, or perhaps a specific group you are empathizing with, but in general people should be able to enjoy it regardless of gender. i know this isn't an ideal world and that does not happen, and obviously certain books are meant to pander to particular people to make money, but i think you should just concentrate on the bigger theme of your story, not necessarily whether men/women will enjoy it more
if you want to gain a larger female audience for whatever reason, avoid the obvious (copious violence, graphic sex, unnatural or unbelievable male/female relationships, lack of forgiveness)

>> No.12118918

Literally the only difference is that women are attracted to a smaller percentage of men than men are women.

>> No.12118937

Literally just write porn

>> No.12119001

why would you want to do that?

>> No.12119038

>women writing is the same as males
you're wrong.

because I can't remember why I want to do that.

It started as to why there's not brown people in anime and shit like that.

I just wanna write for little girls.

>> No.12119044

Make sure to provide ample descriptions of the boobies, which are the most erotic part of a woman.

>> No.12119081

Hideaki Anno said he read a lot of romance novels. I think that's a good idea. That'll at least show you what kind of stuff women like. I mean that's not the same as showing what they're like, but it'll probably help. Don't buy into paint by numbers stuff like the heroine's journey. I mean, take from it if it helps you, but don't go too far.

Just try to represent things you've experienced in your life. Don't turn it into words. I think the trick is kind of slipping the actual experience from experience into words without having the time to process it (i.e: fuck it up) first. Do you know what I mean? Instead of trying to figure out what women are before depicting them, just try to accurately depict what they have been to you. And again, don't try to turn it into an opinion before you turn it into literature. As you are a frog poster I'll imagine you may be tempted to fall into the tedious groove of THEYRE ALL ROASTIE SLUTS AUGH. But that's like death to literature. Just write what you know. Not even what you know, what you experience.

>> No.12119122
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>You can't. You're too damaged by 4chan hivemind.
>Fuck your fanfic.
>Hang frogposters.

>> No.12119129

>I just wanna write for little girls.
I get you. Writing sort of creepy but still cozy stories for children is one of my aspiration.
I would actually love to read your story; I can't get enough of that stuff.
As for advice, I don't have as much experience as you do, but I might try recommending you writing a character children can look up to.
Brave, curious, questioning of a authority but still good hearted. Make them funny, but don't be ashamed of having them show fear or frustration.
Remember when you were a child and how infuriating the grown up world could be some times, or how hard to control one's emotions was back then. How petty children can be when they hold a grudge but how quickly they are willing to drop it at the first sign of an attempt at reconciliation.
Girls and boys aren't so different when they are children; girls are more mature by nature, but even then they're still girls.
Also keep in mind that your setting plays a big part in characterization; an 18th century peasant Russian girl won't act as a 1980s French one, for example.
For kid characters I look up to when writing, there's Coraline from the eponymous book/movie and Hilda from the series of comics of the same name. I think they really nail the kind of people I want to read about on children's books.

>> No.12119171

funnily enough girls don't get all the cool characters, and I do feel a lot of writers write only about cool male heroes, and it feels like they stereotype girls to just romance stories.

It would be nice to redesign clasic fantasy stories with a femenine point of view.

>> No.12119244

Just think of them like children, children are always "attached" to their parents they can't really go where they want or do what they want they always need the parents approval and attention. Same with women but they are always attached to a man their entire life revolves around their connection to the "man" figure in their life. First it's their father then it's the boyfriend then the husband etc. If they are lonely then it's the state, or a cat.

>> No.12119261

If they are religious it's God or Jesus. When you write a woman just imagine a man but very physically weak and constantly building her life around the connection with the "man" figure.

>> No.12120235

study Abhidharma

>> No.12120366

Just think of a man. Then remove all logic and reason.

>> No.12120638

you have a subconcious desire to insert yourself into the female role you're writing. writing with one hand on your pen and the other on your dick. i'm letting you know this so you don't waste any more time on getting your gender transition started

>> No.12121941
File: 212 KB, 430x648, Men_Writing_the_Feminine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This might be worth reading.

>> No.12122163

>girls don’t get all the cool characters

Don’t remind me. I’d love to read about cool girls, but they strangely don’t seem to be a lot of them in literature despite being common in other mediums.