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12112841 No.12112841 [Reply] [Original]

I wanted to get a device to satisfy my idealised vision of e-reading. I wanted a personal library of curated texts synchronized down to the sentence with their available audiobooks, also contained in my library. It would be stored on a clandestine SD card far away from the prying eyes of CIAniggers and corporations, thanks also to the lack of DRM and backdoors on this imaginary device. A user friendly interface might have been nice too.

E-books had so much potential. The epub standard is rotting while Amazon is fucking the sheeple in their ass. Why even bother with ebooks, fellas?

>> No.12112846


>> No.12112849

I'm a pleb. I enjoy my kindle and I hope it will last me a long time.

>> No.12112855

sounds gay
im glad your retarded concept doesnt exist, fuck e-readers and fuck you

>> No.12112858

Idk what you want, but just by using libgen and ibooks on my ipad and organizing all my books by subject, im satisfied.

>> No.12112954

>Why even bother with ebooks, fellas?
I don't have the money to buy all these physical books and my library has shit taste.

>> No.12112957

If lesser known works were scanned and formatted properly, if many translation options were available, and if kindle versions were consistently priced at 2 to 3 dollars, I would be digital. The reality is its often not that cheap, formatted awefully, scanned like shit, with few translation options.

>> No.12112967

My only complaint is that ebooks cost so fucking much. I thought I would be saving a lot from paperbacks and often it's just a few cents. I still like how practical it is especially since I have no room for more books, but the pricing is retarded and disgusting.

>> No.12112975
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Applenigger, I just told you what I want. I want to maximize the learning potential AND freedom of this one human being with technology. But technology betrayed me. Have you read about the subversion of web standards? Do you realize the W3C is not on your side?


No u. Allow me to elucidate. "Immersion reading" improves cognition of the text AND your mastery of the language over just reading, or listening to a book on its own. Further, imagine connecting a translated book of this kind with its original text. It holds amazing potential for learning new languages. You nincompoop.

>> No.12113003

Literally all ubiquitous e-book formats are de-DRMable in seconds, you illiterate retarded autistic useless cock-gobbling faggot. Go back to your imbecile containment board and screech about le botnets and CIA lusting for your anime there.

>> No.12113017

>paying for fucking e-books
the whole point is that you get inferior books but they are free

>> No.12113035

I just got my kindle, I have only paid for one book yet. Browsing Project Gutenberg atm

>> No.12113040

browse my cock instead boyo

>> No.12113042

OP never mentioned DRM in file formats. People with your lackluster reading comprehension shouldn't be posting here.

>> No.12113048

you're a rude nigger

>> No.12113052

>The epub standard is rotting while Amazon is fucking the sheeple in their ass
Choke on a dick and fuck off, subhuman trash.

>> No.12113057

You know I'm right.

>> No.12113062

>while Amazon is fucking the sheeple in their ass
actually if the prices are so high it's the publishers' fault, not Amazon's. Amazon actually wants lower prices on ebooks so they can sell more but publishers are retarded.

>> No.12113074

What would you niggers consider fair ebook prices? What percentage of the print format's price?

>> No.12113076

I know you're a cretin samefagging in your own thread after getting blown the fuck out. This thread is worthless as your OP post contains literally no valid critique. Fuck off and kys.

>> No.12113078


>> No.12113086

I'm sure e-books are great for reading the latest airport novel thrillers or whatever, but I'm just not interested in that at all

>> No.12113087

You're paranoid.

>> No.12113109

>Why aren't e-readers/e-books awesome yet?
They'll never work because staring at an electronic screen has an effect on your mind that's different from reading off of physical paper.

>> No.12113112

They're better for reading material that doesn't contain graphics, period.

>> No.12113123

>staring at an electronic screen
you have never seen an e-ink screen, have you?

>> No.12113125

No, really just recent airport garbage
Anything else you get a real book for grown ups not some shitty public domain scan

>> No.12113131


>> No.12113136

>Anything else you get a real book for grown ups not some shitty public domain scan
How about you munch on some dick, faggot?

>> No.12113144

I don't want to buy a kindle thanks

>> No.12113172
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>>12112975 (Continued)
Also I'm aware all this shit's been done by some patent brooding company somewhere, the point is it's not a generalized practice for that very reason. Nobody is thinking about the big picture since they're all grasping for their little piece of the pie, trying to fill some retarded niche like "audio books for the hearing impaired".

Some company made the app Menestrello years back, demoing the text-audio sync idea and it's pretty cool if glitchy, I'm listen/reading some of the example books they released and enjoying it. Discovering it never took off made my heart sink. The only company even trying at this is Amazon, afaict so now we're back in daddy's lap.

Not him btw, I do resent DRM though. You apologistic corporate cockslut

Ok this is another thing I wanted to adress. Some company called clearInk has been clutching its grubby mitts on proper colored e-ink technology because it doesn't play anime at 60fps yet. It's fucking e-ink! Release a full color comic reader, I'll be all over it. But yeah, obviously e-readers have reflective displays or we'd all be using tablets to read.

>> No.12113187

>Release a full color comic reader, I'll be all over it.
A comic reader would not only have to be in color but also pretty large to be usable.

>> No.12113196

Not if you cut apart the panels and display them in reading order, dummy ;-)

>> No.12113201

Eh, I've seen that sort of thing in comixology, it works pretty bad.

>> No.12113207

I have an Basic Kindle for 6 years, literally like new. So f based

>> No.12113213

Does the battery show any sign of deterioration? That's my main concern.

>> No.12113229

I dont think so. I charge it every 1-2 weeks for reasonable use.

>> No.12113235

I have a basic kindle? What kind of improvements do you want? I think the UI is suitable and easy to manage, I like the different kind of options aswell, I like the low power low cost effortable experience I currently have with my e-reader.

>> No.12113252

I have a kindle

I remember reading about it in a book I had to read for a class in college about how new technologies are changing the way we think. That was 3 years ago now though so I don't remember what it said exactly but I found this article that seems to give a good overview of the issues:


>> No.12113531

People misunderstand the Kindle DRM, books bought on Amazon have DRM but you can freely transfer non-DRMed books to it through a USB cable and it's easy enough to remove DRM using Calibre.

>> No.12113877

Thank you, that was a good read. Makes me reconsider getting an e-reader a little bit. My problem has been this bookshelf full of unread books just lying there collecting dust. Maybe I just need to change my attitude to books and start reading more. It draws parallels to my experience with trad art vs digital, the latter always feels fake, synthetic somehow. But the glowing pixels have such an allure. t. OP

>> No.12113913
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Aren't you forced to store your Kindle books on the cloud to read them?

>> No.12113923

No, unless they changed that recently.

>> No.12113985

IMO e-ink and lcd screens should have tested separately in the studies detailed by the author. other than that i do agree that one of the downfalls of e-books is the navigation problem. Attempting to find a piece of information is a little more difficult than a with a book because of the reasons stated, namely you don't have the memory of the amount of pages ( in weight) from the first read.

i've also noticed a weird phenomenon with my e-reader and this may be due to the font size i have set but i may have trained by brain to "seek out" turning the page. this sometimes happens with regular books but i think that due to my large font size the amount of pages is higher so I'm constantly turning the page. i noticed this when switching to a paperback and i felt as if i was anticipating turning the page. This or it was a shitty book.

>> No.12114248
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I read from OP6 and Kobo.
Last time I read physical book was like fucking decade ago or something.

>> No.12114738


>> No.12114751

tfw bought a kindle and have never purchased an ebook for it, thus incurring Amazon a net loss

>> No.12114759

>owning a kindle
you guys realize this is literally an alphabet soup device to track your interests?

>> No.12115009

>he didn't disable Wi-Fi

>> No.12115014

Then you lose the wiki function

>> No.12115140

bought a Kobo Aura One two years ago. one of the greatest purchases ever.

>> No.12115363


Literally plug it into your computer you tech illiterate apple nigger

>> No.12115413

Some guy was raving about the Sony Digital Paper in another thread. "Redpill" me on it

>> No.12115478

They cost $600

>> No.12115514

>Immersion reading
are you too regarded to just read it out loud yourself if you enjoy hearing it?
wtf kind of autism do you suffer from???
t.love ebooks

>> No.12115534

I feel you. I read way more with my Kindle than I even used to, it was a godsend to me.

>> No.12115707

Are there any e-readers that don't spy on me?

>> No.12116022
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me too

What's up great is that you can sync pocket articles to it.

>> No.12116225

>thinking you can prevent being spied upon, ever

>> No.12116229

Are you so inept at technology that you do not know how to get rid of DRM locks? You can't covert the epubs to other formats? Are you old enough for this website?

>> No.12116233

yes , and?

>> No.12116437
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I literally just use my iPhone and pirate all my books. My “library” ranges from classical literature, contemporary literature, non fiction, sci fi and anything else that tickles my fancy. I have thought of getting a kindle and converting epubs into mobi and just living off of that too.

>> No.12116797
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>> No.12116860

The better question is why arent holoreaders here yet

The reason people read less and less is because there is almost zero flair to reading. Going to the movies still keeps blowing people away with new technology and effects . Film keeps upping its fidelity and capabilities, books are just words on a paper and 99% of the time it doesnt even have a fucking cover that makes anyone want to pick up the book

Make books sexy again and then create a system that can actually recommend the right books to the right person

>> No.12116869

This is only true for the brainlet masses. No amount of high definition CGI can surpass prose if you have an ounce of imagination.

>> No.12116888
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>This is only true for the brainlet masses. No amount of high definition CGI can surpass prose if you have an ounce of imagination.

you obviously have no clue about anything and are the perfect example of a pseudointellectual pretender who "likes books" to appear smart

your epic prose is not by definition superior to anything, it simply is. the average person doesnt give a fuck about the quality of prose just like they dont give a fuck about the quality of cinematography. Everyone understands quality storycraft and scenes and everyone understands quality marketing and flair that actually entices them into seeking out the product. Nobody gives a fuck about your epic philosophical "prose" rambling and a large chunk of perceived "classics" are fucking bloated shit where an actually good writer was forced to churn out 300 pages of garbage to go with the 200 pages of story due to being paid by the word or being held at gunpoint to supply the next chapter at all costs for some shitty magazine

>> No.12116896

Go watch your Marvel movies then?

>> No.12116901

I wonder how can you even pretend to like books if youre too illiterate to read one short post

>> No.12116930

Your post is retarded and you're a moron. Please neck yourself.

>> No.12116941
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and here we have the quintessential pretender mouthbreather memeddit spawn /r/goodreads intellectual

>> No.12116949

You don't deserve a better answer, you marketing-addled zombie

>> No.12116953

>You don't deserve a better answer
you cant give one seeing as how you never managed to say anything at all, keep pretending

>you marketing-addled zombie
and good job proving yourself as the illiterate retard you are with every ""post"" you shit out

>> No.12116979

anything with an e-ink screen is incredible, even with Amazon fuckery the kindle is a great advance (with Calibre of course). You can read for fuckloads of hours without needing to charge and it won't rape your brain with unnatural lights

>> No.12117147
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anon, listen to me how to get latest Kindle Paperwhite 2018 brand new and *without ads* for €76 and outjew the amazon on the way:
>be in Czech republic
>want that kindle meme
>amazon.de right now as of nov.2018 runs sale for €100 instead of 119 regular
>€76 for the version with advertisements in ui
>amazon doesn't ship kindle to cz, only within germany
>google shipping middleman service as mailboxde.cz, giving you shipping address in germany for my kindle order, middleman then resends my kindle to me for €5 fee.
>get my kindle in few days
>fucking adverts on screensaver, fucking ads in menu as permanent ribbon
>go over to amazon chat support, get connected to operator in 2minutes, write him that I live in czech republic and the "special offer ads" displaying in my discounted kindle unfortunatelly cannot be claimed
>amazon support offers me disabling the ads completely off from my kindle for FREE
>restart kindle
>no more fucking ads anymore
>ty support
>have newest 300dpi 8gb kindle with wifi just for 76eur+5eur shipping trick

>> No.12117162

>tfw bought it full price on release and now it's 30 eurobucks off for black friday
I got cucked.

>> No.12117179

>wasting this new time talking about a shit-tier device and making it out to be something amazing

kindles and cheap ereaders are all shit. you were better off saving that $100 or using it to buy some real books, and waiting until you get the money for a real device like the sony digital paper which can actually handle PDFs natively.

>> No.12117219

sony digital paper is a legitimately bad device that isn't worth its money.

>> No.12117245

>kindles are shit
>buy a 600$ pdf only reader instead!

>> No.12117292

I work in quant. pharmacology dept. of big pharma company. we got 2 of these 12inch sony ereaders from it vendor as a 6week trial, as we need to keep up with lots of research papers and clinical study protocols that run into 1000s of pdf pages. they turned out to not work well with our workflows and sinchronizations of our large pdf databases which should be the killer feature. Dept. was interested into equipping big schlong senior scientists with them. Turns out nothing beats printing out the articles you need to study extra closely. And they were too fucking overpriced even in bulk discount.

I wanted kindle for my stuff from libgen as taleb or ariely for behavioral economics - so pure text, no figures/equations and this new kindle is perfect gor this specific job

>> No.12117298
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They are. You're just using the wrong format and the wrong device.
>the epub standard
What are you talking about? epub and mobi are practically the same and easily converted from one another. It's a terrible standard. Basically, every time you read an epub, you're putting your full faith that there are no errors in it. Epub is usually a botched OCR copy + paste of the text of the material.
Over half of such digital books, even if paid for, have some sort of error in them, whether it's dialogue bunched together, or the omission of a space between paragraphs, which commercial OCR software removes because it often generations multiple ¶s every line; I've had entire paragraphs and pages missing from books. I noticed a mobi of Moby Dick was missing obviously missing several pages.

PDF of the actual book and $600 to buy one of these is 10^10000x better than epub shit where you lose your place all the time. It's a facsimile of a physical book, so it has the same page numbers and everything as the real deal. You won't lose your place, and if a page is missing, you'll obviously realize it. You also can cite from it with a simple page number. All the academic journals and serous non-fiction books are in PDF.

>m-muh text can't be customized
Neither can a real book. A large size PDF device renders a PDF at basically what a real book would appear.
This is a good thing as the book is presented exactly how it was meant to be.

>> No.12117452
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>bought a Kindle Oasis full price
>it’s uncomfortable and not a good reading experience, worse than a physical book
don’t fall for the oasis meme, get a paperwhite if you must get a kindle

>> No.12118099


>> No.12118151

love kindle, but hate converting PDFs with negative side-effects. Page numbers, reference links destory the reading experience, that's why I bought few books I can't convert beautifully.
Any way to convert PDF without shitty page numbers and scripts?

Follow up question. There is really no way to get nice PDF to MOBI conversion with diagram, formatting heavy PDFs? Am I right?

>> No.12118175

I read EPUB books on my ebook reader every day. OP is a faggot

>> No.12118771

Kindle can read PDFs bud.

>> No.12118799

Collecting books is as much fun as reading them.

>> No.12118853

checked and based

>> No.12119396

Why is EPUB and MOBI considered inferior to PDF?

>> No.12119539

They don't preserve formatting, page numbers, or footnotes and may contain transcription errors.
On the other hand, with PDFs the text doesn't scale so you need a large screen in order to read them properly.

>> No.12120425

not him but I read your epic post and you're just a generic contrarian cynic who invades hobbyist spaces and thinks he's being smart by playing brainlet advocate

get a more interesting take if you want more inspired rebutals fag boy

>> No.12120439
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>be in Czech republic
>write a wall about saving €19

>> No.12120465
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And they look like shit on them, bub.

>> No.12120887

That's why you read with a notebook next to you and take notes, or you highlight stuff and go over them after a session of reading.
For fiction it doesn't really matter though.

>> No.12121101

I read the entirety of Infinite Jest and countless other books on iBooks on my 4" iPhone. It's not that bad. Plus e-readers make endnotes way easier to deal with. I get retail quality epubs from Bibliotik, if it's a bad OCR job someone will usually say in the comments.

>> No.12121117
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>be me
>in 8th grade English class
>talkin about book we are going to read
>about kid in the Holocaust
> teacher mentions that when she was a good writer at age 11
>say "I couldn't even work an oven when I was 11
>MFW I realised what I just said
>girl in front of me shouted "ANON WHAT THE HELL"
> german kid next to me laughing his head off
>MFW when the teacher heard too

>> No.12121125

he's right though. I want a good translation of Organon, with plenty of notes and references, not some random obscure public domain translation with 0 notes

>> No.12121150

no, theres no way to convert pdfs cleanly. get a boox note and read pdfs directly on it. the bigger screen size is good for pdfs.

>> No.12121211

then pirate a modern edition? nobody's telling you to read project gutenberg copies when everything is on libgen.

>> No.12121237

based, I'm proud of you anon

>> No.12121731

>Why aren't e-readers/e-books awesome yet?
because we live under capitalism and e-readers are made for profit. the less DRM and ties to corporation the less money can be made on your device

>> No.12122669

Why don't you download .epub ebooks or .mobi ones? PDF files don't work properly on Kindles.

>> No.12122752

Unnecessarily rude pieces of shit like you should be hanged and shot repeatedly.

>> No.12122767

They usually don't exist in mobi or Epub. Regardless, the solution is to get a device meant to handle PDFs like the onyx boox 10"+ or the Sony Digital Paper. Worth it if you're a serious reader.

>> No.12123894


>> No.12124138

do you know of k2pdf?

>> No.12124141

can't get it to show page numbers or to make font size changeable

>> No.12125190
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used to be a lot of threads about ebooks and their dl sources but i haven't really noticed much these past few years.

>> No.12125195

It's shit.

>> No.12125255

enough so the the guy who edit the book can make a decent living plus some scraps for the writer

>> No.12125345

go to libgen or b-ok.org and filter by mobi or epub. i find it hard to believe because mobi and epub are far more common than pdf from my experience