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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 164 KB, 1080x971, IMG_20181120_004322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12107911 No.12107911 [Reply] [Original]

This has to be a meme r-right?
>tfw when philosophy major but never had a gf

>> No.12107916

Is that controlled for gender?

>> No.12107919

>CS only second worse

>> No.12107933

I never even get the chance to talk to girls honestly. I don't know how to put myself in a position to do so

>> No.12107937

>CS & Econ
>high IQ
Yeah, no.

>> No.12107942

heh same. try joining campus clubs

>> No.12107954

CS attracts a lot of lazy fucks that don't actually learn CS. But the ones who actually put in the time are extremely competent individuals.

I also see the highest amount of interdisciplinary interests among CS people. Curtis Yarvin types.

>> No.12107957

Call that a correlation?

>> No.12107960

Undergraduate education was a mistake.

>> No.12107964

>'English' and 'Literature' are different subjects

>> No.12107971

is this the biggest brainlet post in /lit/ history?

>> No.12107977

if only

>> No.12107980


>> No.12107990

>CS attracts a lot of lazy fucks that don't actually learn CS. But the ones who actually put in the time are extremely competent individuals.
You could say the same about any popular major. The reality is that CS at undergrad level is one of the absolute least demanding programs in STEM even at great colleges.

>> No.12107998


Where would you locate linguistics (of the Chomskinian type)?

>> No.12107999

Why is IQ allegedly correlated with attractiveness, but we observe that most people in high-IQ majors are ugly?

>> No.12108014

>The reality is that CS at undergrad level is one of the absolute least demanding programs in STEM even at great colleges.

True but that's only part of the story. It might be the least demanding as a baseline, but the breadth and depth of potential topics allows you go a lot further than most fields.

>> No.12108035

maybe attractiveness is correlated with a certain range of intelligence, perhaps 110-130

>> No.12108042

>the breadth and depth of potential topics allows you go a lot further than most fields
Kek, what the fuck are you on about?
>sure we learn just a pile of babby stuff, but at least we have so much more to learn!
CS has many interdisciplinary applications, but that in no way whatsoever equips CS students to somehow automatically be more proficient at these lateral disciplines.

>> No.12108044

Exactly. After 125-130 it starts to decline again

>> No.12108045
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>tfw history econ double major
>with a minor in polysci
i've got it all baby

>> No.12108057

That's my best guess.

>> No.12108060

>but that in no way whatsoever equips CS students to somehow automatically be more proficient at these lateral disciplines
it actually does lol

>> No.12108062

What's the source of the chart? For all we know someone could have just made up the info.

>> No.12108072

being a nerd and not learning/bothering to maintain your appearance could be more strongly correlated

>> No.12108074

Yeah but the people in the physics and math departments don't exactly have Chad features either.

>> No.12108092

>but that in no way whatsoever equips CS students to somehow automatically be more proficient at these lateral disciplines.
The things learned in CS can directly be used as analogies when studying philosophy.

>> No.12108122

t. sociology and philosophy major

>> No.12108126

>no lol
So can be concepts from a myriad other subjects.

>> No.12108133
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>he doesn't double major in religion and math

>> No.12108135
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>Yeah I'm a member of the Annales school

>> No.12108146

>Tfw phil major

>> No.12108153


>> No.12108161


>> No.12108191
File: 239 KB, 819x1428, 1542153599132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely view people who bog themselves down with dual-majors as genuine as mentally damaged, and doing it only to appear intelligence. In other words, they are pseuds.
Double majoring actually has neither benefit on grad-school admissions nor career prospects. In fact, it, more often than not, worsens them, as they now have to take a hectic amount of courses and their performance in turn drops. Even a minor confines your freedom as to which courses you should take and often fucks with your schedule. Literally the only thing that matters at the end of the day for undergrad is GPA.

>b-but I want to learn the material!
That makes you EVEN MORE retarded, because you are 100% free, at any time, limited only by the availability of seats, to "audit" the course, and self-study these topics on your own initiative without detriment to your academic performance. But this doesn't have street-cred so, you can't brag about it.

I feel the need to totally eviscerate every little snot-nosed undergrad with a superiority complex that even brings it up in conversation. If I owned a business, I would throw every single double-major in the trash regardless of performance. They are all worthless scum. They're the ones unironically happy about bending over backwards for the universities and allowing them to get financially fucked in the ass; and unironically think it is the university, rather than their own selves responsible for transmitting this knowledge. I laugh in retrospect at all the SCUM in college I knew who were dual-majors, because most had to take an extra year of education (note, to Europeans, that's 5 years, 5 fucking years of undergrad!).... Haha, and guess what? It was all to no avail and they are all slaving away making sub $50,000 USD salaries. Indeed, I would say that double-majors have worst graduate prospects because they are all burnt out and tired. They are the most insufferable pseuds you'll ever meet; and they'll feel the need to mention, well until they are in the 30s, and 40s, that they, were double-majors; their self-awarded life-time accomplishment award.

>> No.12108211

>education majors are the dumbest

>> No.12108213
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>people who pursue more rigorous academic programs are pseuds

>> No.12108215

How the fuck do I read this graph?

>> No.12108221

So philosophy, religion and political science are the ugliest ones? Man, /lit/ must be one ugly ass board.

>> No.12108225
File: 117 KB, 625x773, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. education major

>> No.12108231

Higher - smarter, righter - more attractive.
See >>12108225

>> No.12108234

It has no units, just "rank," but it doesn't tell us whether the axis is ranking preferences first or last.

>> No.12108237

>It might be the least demanding as a baseline, but the breadth and depth of potential topics allows you go a lot further than most fields.
The same is true of almost any humanities course. You STEMlords are just too retarded to think of a degree as anything other than a certificate of knowledge in a certain field. Enjoy your compartmentalized skills and lack of awareness of social dynamics. I bet you're a Landist-Moldbugist unironically.

>> No.12108238

>tfw my choice was between biology and Medicine
>choose Medicine
>now I'm a brainlet according to this

>> No.12108239

go away spinoza

>> No.12108246

So you're telling me religion has the hottest people?

>> No.12108250

>what is a rank?

>> No.12108255

Me too anon. I thought uni was my chance. It probably was. Now I'm graduated and I talked to like 2 girls and 3 guys the whole time, didn't form serious bonds with any of them.

>> No.12108265

>In fact, it, more often than not, worsens them, as they now have to take a hectic amount of courses and their performance in turn drops. Even a minor confines your freedom as to which courses you should take and often fucks with your schedule. Literally the only thing that matters at the end of the day for undergrad is GPA.
You realize that the entire purpose of taking undergraduate courses is to get credit toward a degree, right? Your 'freedom' isn't lessened when you declare a major. You really don't have that much 'freedom' to choose whatever courses you want, anyway--you can't pile up 100-level courses from a dozen different disciplines and never move on to 200 or 300-level courses, it just doesn't work that way. Nobody would stop you if you wanted to pay for those courses but there is literally nothing to be gained by this process. You're in college for a degree, not just to fill your head with the things you want to read about.
Pretentious autodidact pseuds are almost as bad as college athletes.
>hurr I'm better than you because I don't have professors teaching me things, I go straight to books even though I never acquired the study skills or analytical tools to properly interface with them
fucking retard

>> No.12108271
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>people who pursue more rigorous academic programs are pseuds
Yes. There isn't a reason to because you run the risk of lowering your overall performance and, actually decreasing the amount of free time you have to invest in other academic pursuits. Instead of research opportunities, and even having a social life, you waste time with extra-courses that neither graduate school admissions care about, nor employers. It's to toot your own horn and look intelligent but in reality it shows the opposite. These programs at the undergrad level confer only a summary understanding, a superficial outlook; the real rigorousity lies in the monotonous and worthless amount of busy-body work designed mostly to accommodate affirmative action students who otherwise would fail if the course weight rested solely on testing.

>> No.12108280

> There isn't a reason to because you run the risk of lowering your overall performance and, actually decreasing the amount of free time you have to invest in other academic pursuits
>other academic pursuits
Why isn't a secondary major a legitimate academic pursuit? And don't say "Because it eats up your free time." That's not a serious answer.

>> No.12108291
File: 278 KB, 657x527, helo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by increasing your academic workload you decrease the amount of free time you have for other academic pursuits

>> No.12108296

that's because you're meant to be the qt gf anon!

>> No.12108299
File: 85 KB, 800x450, 03CA3866-59AD-4B87-85A1-EDBCBD0DEB8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rank 20 IQ
>rank 10

>> No.12108309

Medicine is just rote memorization and learning to restrain yourself when some incontinent geriatric fuck shits himself for the 3rd time during a 10 minute routine check up. Literature requires talent.

>> No.12108330

>Literature requires talent.
The production of literature, sure. The study of literature only requires an attention span.

>> No.12108352

Fair enough.

>> No.12108483
File: 28 KB, 326x294, undergraduate education was a valuable 4 year experience, very acedemia yes. it was well worth the 80.000 USD! thank you great school administration allies..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why isn't a secondary major a legitimate academic pursuit?
What benefit is it?
If you wanted to learn the material, you would have been totally free to have audited the courses without needing to worry about an endless barrage of meaningless assignments standing in way of your performance for other things.
You just want to take these courses and have the additional major so other people think you are learned and intelligent (likely to make up for the fact, you aren't). Actually intelligent people pay little attention to what courses were taken in undergrad as they seldom represent that you have a good grasp on the material.
In fact, all undergraduate education in 2018 is a quite frankly, awful, and serves only as a litmus test to see if you have what it takes to get into graduate school– that's it. Thus, a smart person realizes only GPA matters and takes measures to ensure it remains high instead of burdening themselves with an an even greater amount of courses. Indeed, I can confidently say that my undergrad "education" was the biggest waste of 4 years in my entire life. And yet I had to do it simply because one cannot progress toward postgraduate education without it (where my real education finally began). Again, the only thing that matters in undergraduate "education" is performance. To pretend otherwise shows that you are either a vapid idiot, a pseud, or someone rationalizing the fact that they've made some poor decisions.

>man, I sure am glad I waste 400 hours of my life on mindtap and apppia and working on group assignments for Professor Suzy----- not like that took away from the time I could have invested on reading or anything. Oh well the lower GPA, and giant hole of time sure were worth it to prove to others how smart I am!

>> No.12108501

Insecurity: the post

There are averages like that in every degree at least the average cs student has a high likelihood of a well paying job while the average lit or philosophy major doesn’t even get hired nor does he retain what he learned assuming they learned anything except how to suck the profs cock and bs their papers

>> No.12108534

Attractiveness is not entirely the same as being good-looking.

>> No.12108539
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>I've wasted 4 years in a shit program
>so all undergrad education is shit and bad
>n-no it's the people who were in ambitious programs that are rationalizing poor decisions

>> No.12108554

>tfw to smart for college
>didn't even get a full ride
This is the greatest cope post to date.

>> No.12108564
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>> No.12108588

>I can confidently say that my undergrad "education" was the biggest waste of 4 years in my entire life
maybe you should have taken a second major to spice it up

>> No.12108605

>university ranking
pick one

>> No.12108614

The major with the lowest "hotness" rank, is the major in which there are the least amount of white people.

>> No.12108617

>n-no it's the people who were in ambitious programs that are rationalizing poor decisions
Ambitious for the sake of being ambitious? Low IQ and vain. Intelligent people work smart, not hard.
An ambitious person with an actual end to his ambition would realize the pitfalls of such an undue amount of courses and see how it would potentially jeopardize their future entry into high-tier graduate programs by taxing his grade point average. Instead their eyes would be set on an MD PhD program or Yale Law School or something grand, and if they aimed that high—provided they were intelligent instead of just pseuds looking to go to the next level (as often turns out to be the case)— they would have long ago realized that being a dual-major wouldn't help them out one bit in achieving that objective.

>> No.12108623
File: 815 KB, 1242x1432, litty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hottest people are the most litty ones

>> No.12108715

>tfw I'm an engineering major and I want to die

>> No.12108740

Citation fucking needed

>> No.12108751

What if you chose to minor (or audit) a subject that provides an employable vocation, and major in the humanities? How is this a waste of time, or pseud pursuit?

>> No.12108764


>> No.12108775
File: 60 KB, 612x612, 055A3085-491F-4669-BA99-A0B362EA1D5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw third year CS major and can’t understand this graph

>> No.12108778

True, but then again look at the adonises in law and medicine

>> No.12108779

This is a blog post. His two sources are also blogs. One of them is called 'The Monkey Cage'.

>> No.12108786


>> No.12108808
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That's fine if you minor to make your humanities degree more marketable, which is an honest admission and a genuine justification unlike pretending it's for a "legitimate academic pursuit". Moreover, minors, if decided early, don't require any additional credits. The original guy was gloating his dual-major with a minor and pretending as if was proof of him being smart-shit; your reasoning is more humble and resembles nothing of the sort.
Lastly, there is nothing wrong with auditing courses. Anyone with free-time in college, and a genuine interest to learn additional material, should consider it. It's especially useful for language learning and it makes the experience less stressful considering you don't have your GPA on the line.

>> No.12108812

Spinoza had nothing to do with mathematics brainlet.

Try Descartes, Leibniz, or Newton instead

>> No.12108821

Don't blame a dog for eating a steak
Don't blame a dropout for being retarded

>> No.12108823

>geometry isn't math

>> No.12108832

This chart is moronic. What if I major in math and religion? Am I God?

>> No.12108834

ITT: people not knowing how to read a graph

>> No.12108843

>What if I major in math and religion?
Then its a 50/50 chance that you´re either pretty clever and ugly or some kind of attractive but dumb as fuck

>> No.12108848
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Welcome to /lit/, highIQ-board

>> No.12108854

i hear what you're saying, and while i agree that a double major probably doesn't confer any advantage worth hurting your GPA over, i'd imagine that, all things being equal, a double major is at least marginally more attractive for professional programs. my intuition is that many liberal arts degrees aren't really so demanding that to double major would be prohibitively difficult -- you need the same amount of credits to graduate, and one's ability to produce a capstone paper, or original research, at the undergraduate level, isn't likely to be more constrained if your other coursework is belongs to the same department, a different department, or a grab-bag of departments. it at least signals to admissions dudes that you have two strong interests, that you could organize yourself and your studies appropriately, and that you probably didn't really bullshit your whole way through. would you prefer a candidate who had a background in, say, sociology and philosophy, or just sociology? the former sounds like a serious person, the latter a frivolous one, to me at least.

(i say this as someone who double major'd, but didn't get into YLS, so due warning to anyone else)

i couldn't speak as to doctoral programs -- many of those, its probably just better to be highly specialized, and its probably better to spend as much time with professors in your field as possible (for future networking). an exception would be to double in math if you were doing also doing the soft sciences, as that would give you a leg up in grad level course work.

i agree about dual degrees though. like, why would anyone wait around another year to get a BS *and* a BA. insane.

>> No.12108871

Yes it is a meme...one that I suspect was made by OP.

The most glaring ones are

>political science intelligence rank
>religion attractiveness rank

Also the most attractive students (in my personal experience) study Law. But it's not even listed here.

>> No.12108887

>medicine lower IQ than anthropology

>> No.12108888

Philosophy major, Mathematics minor.
Feels pretty good.

>> No.12108948

these are presumably american undergrad degrees. anyone studying 'medicine' is probably not gonna crush the gmat or w/e.

>the most attractive undergrad students study Law
go back to europe you fuck

>> No.12108979

I meant that he didn't really do or add anything to any field of mathematics as opposed to the others mentioned. He was purely a philosopher.

>> No.12108984

I think it's a regression of phd applicant GRE scores and the attractiveness scores from rate my professor. That's why English and Literature score so high for intelligence; there's no job market outside of academia.

>> No.12108986

Math-religion double major kek

Never felt so chad in my life. If only it were real.

>> No.12109012

Intellectual ambition. The guidance and tutelage one *can* receive in colleges, in particular good colleges, is absolutely invaluable in humanities and of great help in STEM fields. Your 4 years of voluntary jerking off in a state factory school that yielded little more than "reading on your own" do not change that.

Practical ambition. Double major will certainly not directly tangibly affect your salary, but it can be just the edge one needs to successfully compete both for work and research vacancies in one of many interdisciplinary fields that lately pop up like mushrooms from a myriad of life sciences and computational fields to endless hybrid humanities. Yes, that involves doubling down for diminishing returns, but guess what, faggot, this is what competing at the highest level is. Although, it's cute that you think Ivy league institutions are desperate to admit people who sat on their hands during undergrad "because only vain pseuds study hard".

>smart, not hard
>affirmative action
>college was SO easy
>studying is for pseuds
>all that matters is GPA
>only things I deem worthy are worth pursuing
>posting cartoon frogs on a hentai forum while talking about muh Yale PhDs
I mean, Jesus, just look at this veritable cornucopia of shitty underachiever memes, excuses and coping mechanisms. I sincerely hope this is some elaborate (you)-farming operation or irrational outrage at being cuckolded by a stray double major. Otherwise it would be just too sad.

>> No.12109125

not sure why you'd need to appeal to selection bias or w/e to explain the english/lit scores -- they're in the middle, and i'd wager that a random selection of english majors could run circles around sociology or comm girls

>> No.12109130

lol @ the pic

>> No.12109133

polysci chad reporting

>> No.12109175

Everyone seems to think it's based on undergrads intelligence when it isn't, it's from the gre scores of phd applicants. I only used literature and English as an example because this is a literature board.

>> No.12109191

Don't worry, my dating life sucked in uni and then I graduated, moved to a big city, got a decent job, a better apartment, started dressing better and my dating life exploded.

>> No.12109315

>Religion has the hottest people
I don't believe this.

>> No.12109403

Why not? Purity within manifests physically.

>> No.12109424
File: 20 KB, 842x595, WqcTn4V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw math physics double major too smart for literature unironically

>> No.12109432
File: 45 KB, 741x643, 1490879249487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are roastys so anti-intellectual bros? Why do people on THIS board RIGHT NOW have pretensions about their own intelligence despite being in a feminized field?

>> No.12109460
File: 293 KB, 633x758, 1542386583618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double majoring actually has neither benefit on grad-school admissions nor career prospects. In fact, it, more often than not, worsens them, as they now have to take a hectic amount of courses and their performance in turn drops. Even a minor confines your freedom as to which courses you should take and often fucks with your schedule. Literally the only thing that matters at the end of the day for undergrad is GPA.

I'm realizing this now in my final year as a Philosophy/Writing double major. I'm still almost definitely going to be getting departmental honors in Philosophy, but I think I could've had a 4.0 if I had stuck to one major. The reason I didnt want to choose one over the other is that I knew I would write much more fiction and poetry with the pressure of classes encouraging me to, and I have a good collection and think I've improved as a writer, but now I want to apply for a philosophy research Fulbright and my grades are just average since I've been balancing both. But departmental honors is still good, r-right?

>> No.12109562

Where do you get a masters degree (or PhD?!) in Home Economics? I guess at least it's easy to get into.

Write the heck out of that application.

>> No.12109568

i believe you (that this is about the population of grad school candidates, and not just undergrad students), but i'm objecting to your use of the inferences you've drawn about the placement of english/lit in the middle of the rankings. its not intuitively obvious to me that this fact is better explained by your suppositions: that the students discussed were PhD candidates; and that these students are likely smarter than a random sample of english undergrads, given the limited job prospects of the major.

for one, its totally plausible that a random selection of undergrad students (not just those contemplating grad school) would produce english/lit in the same ranking positions. no auxiliary assumptions are needed to explain this. second, your auxiliary assumption doesn't really make sense: if it were true that english had such sour job prospects and that the academic ladder was a necessary climb, i would expect the GRE scores to be comparatively less the other major populations, as there would be more students applying to grad school who would otherwise not be great candidates.

further, i know english majors who are not academics (nor baristas or w/e,) so i doubt that its really true that english majors have such dour prospects. and, i doubt that college students have such great foresight that they would only choose english given that they knew they would need to do further schooling, and thus self-select for smart kinds from the very beginning of college (another implication of your assumption). that doesn't square with any of my experience with capricious, curious, or feckless young adults.

>> No.12109606

you'd still have had to take the same amount of credits. and i'm not sure why your grades would be worse writing a thesis on tarski while spinning off some haikus, versus tackling tarski while struggling through heraclitus in ancient greek.

>> No.12109622

>i (your reader) can't be intelligent if the field i work in is full of women
that's the kind of cogent inference that, by your own lights, would consign you to the social workers my guy. best of luck.

>> No.12109640

If you're interviewed, you can explain the situation which they should be able to gather that you're intelligent. If your GPA is above 3.5, your application will be considered. If not, you need to take advantage of your writing and do your best to fill in every prompt to the fullest to make it past the accursed people who initially look at applications for almost anything.
Don't be upset anon and don't worry about it. The people who were told useful advice by their parents and what not, tend to be boring, dull and left with very little feelings of real emotion such as resentment or regret which really fuel writing and lend themselves to unique ideas, and allows you to see problems that other's don't. It sounds bitter but it isn't really. You'll be able to offer unique experience and prevent people from making similar mistakes one day. I'm proud of you for admitting how it is and seeing things as they actually are.

>> No.12109678

this was a very encouraging and good post.

good luck dude

>> No.12109685

gross math major here, image checks out

>> No.12109694

Unpopular Opinion: /x/, while having the lowest IQ posters on average, has the highest IQ /range/ of any board.

>> No.12109707

0- 85 is indeed a very high range

>> No.12109708

Based and redpilled.

>> No.12109722

don't @ me or my tulpa ever again

>> No.12109723

applications are retarded. All Jobs are found though networking, reminder 70% of job openings are posted and there are so many applications that most are not even read but the lazy lady in HR. A degree is just a qualification so they can hire you without it being blatant that you are unqualified.

>> No.12109730

/x/ doesn't have lowest on average, it's simply not popular enough.

>> No.12109733

idk dude. Med school GPA is like 3.9 average or something. Don't shoot yourself in the dick taking "hard courses." Admissions don't give a fuck.

>> No.12109750
File: 80 KB, 540x432, 1537055372288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I appreciate that anon, really. My overall GPA will probably be between 3.0 and 3.5, so not bad but will definitely need to have some stellar essays. Philosophy GPA will be 3.5 at minimum though, and I have very close relationships with a couple of my professors and have given departmental lectures/helped one them write a syllabus for a class so those are good additions as well as lending itself to a couple really strong letters of recommendation. I'm only really worried because I'm a poorfag laborer outside of school so I need something like a Fulbright.

Thank you man.

>> No.12109768

I personally graduated with a 1.7 GPA with a liberal arts degree from not handing in the majority of work.

>> No.12109772

what kind of a university doesnt have a minimum GPA requirement of at least 2.0?

>> No.12109786

Never said to take hard courses. In fact, I congratulated him on seeing things for the reality of the situation.
You're wrong on average med school GPA; only approaching that high are top-tier schools like Harvard Med and JHUSOM. Even MD PhD admission averages aren't that high overall, more like 3.75 with a high MCAT and lots of research experience.
That aside, I mostly agree with you.

>> No.12109804

wilfrid laurier
You need actually an 11 point scale so it was closer to a C (5.97) regardless you needed a B- (7) average in your major to graduate and a C- average overall. My elective were filled with D D- and failed courses.

>> No.12109819

Economics, Philosophy, and International Relations majors seem to have decent balances of attractiveness, intelligence, and social skills from my experience.

>> No.12109827

btw literally went there because some girls from my elementary school i liked were going there, only ever saw one and they dropped out after first year or transferred.

>> No.12109836

This is what I'm doing. PolSci or IR major w/ a finance minor. Internships matter most for finance anyways.

>> No.12109851

YO wussup /lit/ /b/ros ;)

I plan to get a degree in theology and philosophy

rate my iq score on the scale of 1-10

>> No.12109862

>I plan to get a degree in theology and philosophy
>theology and philosophy

>> No.12110046
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>"those who can't do, teach"

>> No.12110465

>if you don't make a major contribution to your field you're not a mathematician

>> No.12110493

>no physics

>> No.12110508

>Computer science above literature, philosophy, polisci, religion (theology), chem, engineering, medicine, psychology
Factually wrong.

>> No.12111080

>Intelligent people work smart, not hard.

This fucking pseud american meme, why you brainlets always fantazise as if the "mighty inteligents" have the key to efective work?
Like, dear lord, you put smart people as if they were fucking gods or ultra human
You people are like monkeys fascinated about car lights

>> No.12111098

>first post doesn't contain a source
>130 replies

Never change, humanityfags

>> No.12111109

Define what is attractive.

Also, intelligence isn’t rankable like attractiveness is, but attractiveness is only rankable if you follow the laws of symmetry and proportion, otherwise attractiveness is defined incorrectly

>> No.12111112

You can do both.

>> No.12111141

Nah, I think it's more that when you work hard you make it worth it in the long run so it's more of a "smart" upkeep. Basically smart investments with great revenue vs small net profit for the same work.
Its a work ethic not a how to get smart ethic.

>> No.12111175

>tfw communications

Well I always liked graphic design in general

>> No.12111187

Spotted the teacher

>> No.12111202
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>Psychology not the most attractive
This is just blatantly retarded.

>> No.12111972

ALL of those degrees are married by 27 if you aren't an incel moron. Don't panic. Get the fucking degrees and they bitches will follow the money as usual. (if you want to trade millions of girls for your job, then you can worry.) Enjoy your chlamydia.

>> No.12112200

Well not one worth talking about at least.

>> No.12112237

Why plot "rank" rather than something more absolute like "average score" or something? What was the procedure here?

>> No.12112281

>tfw I'm hot AND intelligent irl
feels good to be an anomaly

>> No.12112305
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thank god I'm good at philosophy

>> No.12112379

Wow it’s amazing how much butthurt this post generated. You’re absolutely right btw

>> No.12112453
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this, fucking 'ell lads.

kill them all.

>> No.12112477

>get absolutely destroyed
>lmao kek butt hurt
Yeah, one can see why even one major might be too much for you, let a lone two.

>> No.12112490
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cause some of them are like 3000 IQ aleins hahaha yes boss

>> No.12112737


>> No.12112791

>Curtis Yarvin
Get off of lit with this bullshit

>> No.12112798

if Pynchon posted on a board it would be /x/, so I can see it

>> No.12112877

Fuck getting dabbed on as a biology major.

>> No.12112940

>m-my double major is better than an MD PhD meanie!

>> No.12112994

now had you convinced me to go to /x/ to spice up my writing

>> No.12113070

>What was the procedure here?
For all we know, there was no procedure. OP didn't even provide a source. These could be the results of a sample size of 10, or they could be made up entirely. As long as /lit/ gets to talk about anything other than literature, it really doesn't matter.

>> No.12113105

>strawmanning this badly
>inventing false dichotomies on the go
I didn't even do a double major myself, I just find your rabid underachiever's butthurt and cope particularly delicious.

>> No.12113157

Why is medicine so low? In my country, only those with the best grades and/or the highest SAT-equivalent get into medicine. Is it different in the US?

>> No.12113160

>grinding grades

>> No.12113200

damn that's sexy, being all chaste and shit