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12107515 No.12107515 [Reply] [Original]

They make a good point.


>> No.12107551

who the fuck is stan lee? did he invent capeshit or something?

>> No.12107556
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>> No.12107579

nah, he ripped off DC's characters and appropiated Marvel's artists' characters. basically the Thomas Alva Edison of comics.

>> No.12107599

A good writer? No. America's greatest writer? Undoubtedly yes.

>> No.12107613

Jesus Christ

>> No.12107631

Not the writer America needs, but the writer America deserves.

>> No.12107650

Wait, his name was Stan Lee??? I always though it was Stanley. I must've looked like an idiot this whole time ffs.

>> No.12107682

This is ridiculous on numerous levels. First of all, he wasn't even the best American genre fiction writer of the 20th century. H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Philip K. Dick, Harlan Ellison, and Robert A. Heinlein are just a few examples of superior American genre fiction writers. Secondly, most of his greatest creations were co-created by Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko. Lee would've never become such a huge success without them. And finally, it should go without saying that a fucking comic book writer isn't America's greatest writer. I can't tell if National Review are retarded or fishing for clicks.

>> No.12107706

>the national review
why are you surprised?

>> No.12107707

He was just a business man. That's it.

>> No.12107712

He wasn't even Burgerland's best comic writer, not even the best Marvel writer.

>> No.12107713

>fishing for clicks
that's journalism in 2018

>> No.12107719

>I can't tell if National Review are retarded or fishing for clicks.

>> No.12107725

>There are people who believe the N*tional Review is the preeminent intellectual outlet for American conservativism

>> No.12107734
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oh shit

>> No.12107739

When did neocons develop such shit taste? Highbrow reactionaries are supposed have an appreciation for culture. I will defend Armond White and Dinesh D'Souza's on the basis of their masterful trolling, but this time the National Review has gone too far

>> No.12107740

>>>12107515 (OP)
>Wait, his name was Stan Lee??? I always though it was Stanley. I must've looked like an idiot this whole time ffs.
lol what a pseud, never going to make it

>> No.12107749

I don't get it why superheros are so popular in north america. Is always the same story over and over again. And is nothing new at all, you can even find the same story in the bible or in the greeks.

>> No.12107758

Damn... amerimongrels btfo

>> No.12107840

>neocons praise sjw writer
We're in the dumbest timeline

>> No.12108124

His birth name is actually Stanley Martin Lieber. A Jew by birth.

>> No.12108132

Don’t put the subtlety of the Greeks and Hebrews on the same level as this garbage

>> No.12108136

NR just likes him cause he shat on Muslims

>> No.12108157

If you're serious, I feel for you. You live far away from cultured land.

>> No.12108179

>Stan Lee
He was over 90 years old when he died. I think it's safe to say he didn't blindly buy into modern identity politics.

>> No.12108209

People keep on bringing up a panel where he said the best method to stop bigotry is to expose it. But I doubt he would ever agree to the current methods being used by the far-left.

>> No.12108218

We have to repackage everything in a nice wholesome family friendly box because this country just wants validation for itself

>> No.12108230

Fuck Stan Lee and fuck those disgusting American comics. Soulless trash.

>> No.12108279

Influential? Sure, within his genre, i.e. superhero stories.

Popular? Eh, depends on your metrics. Comics have always been niche, and even though people watch movies and read comics featuring his creations, few have read anything actually written by the man. So not really that popular.

Great writer? Not really. As someone who has read superhero comics, I wouldn't put Stan even in the top 50 within the genre. Probably wouldn't even put him in the top 100.

>> No.12108298

>Thomas Edison is just a meme, meme

Fuck off

>> No.12108358
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Don’t be contrarians you pseuds. This man, along with a few others, literally created modern day American Mythology. I’m not sure you realize the significance of his creations but give it another 15-20 years and you will. You were lucky enough to see a modern day Homer and yet refuse to acknowledge the man’s brilliance.

>> No.12108512

>I’m not sure you realize the significance of his creations but give it another 15-20 years and you will
Capeshit has already peaked, though.

>> No.12108924

Anyone who has any suggestion for an alternative Greatest American Writer just tell me if creating a 100% ubiquitous national mythos is on their CV, then we can talk about it

I'll wait

>> No.12108942
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>, literally created modern day American Mythology

>> No.12108956

No, Jack Kirby was. Fourth World was better than anything Lee wrote.

>> No.12108977

George Lucas

>> No.12110277

>When did neocons develop such shit taste
Uh, always? They try to be hip to pop culture so liberals will like them, but it never works.

>> No.12110566

>highbrow reactionaries

>> No.12110571

I second Anon’s opinion.

Lucas is the most influential creator of the last 100 years.

The prequels rock btw

>> No.12110711

Everything with Stan’s name on it would’ve been better without any of the text.

>> No.12110724

>The National Hebrew

into the oven it goes

>> No.12110729

Please can we not do this on /lit/? I'm not a fan of comics-related stuff typically but I also don't want to see this man dragged through the mud by a bunch of angry incel /lit/ retards. He's passed away after influencing and inspiring many people, is there any harm in that? If you really want to discuss this please go take it to /co/ or /tv/ or something, but please let's just be civil and not fling mud at the guy.

>> No.12110731


>> No.12110746

It's a relic of the assembly line method of comic production. The writer is always the talentless friend/relative of one of the editors and feels the need to cram as much text as he can onto the page until he feels he's contributed as much as the penciller/inker/colorist. Of course, the average /co/mrade sucks that diarrhea down, but it's jarring to anyone else.

As an aside, it's also one of the many reasons why manga is out-competing comics at every level except at the movies.

>> No.12110747

What is it that makes people worship other people just because they died?

>> No.12110750

Nothing fixates a cultural phenomenon in time as much as his/her death. People want to be part of the timeline.

>> No.12110814

Yea you're right.
I think that when a "great" man dies, it makes us think of our lives critically, to agree with what he did in contrast with what we could do.

>> No.12110826

No, he was just a jew.

>> No.12110833

>muh faulkner
>muh ermignihnway
How will amerifats ever recover?

>> No.12110837
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You know, this post made me think.
Maybe because I'm a foreigner but I can't name another great American novelist besides Mark Twain.
Faulkner is shit. Moby Dick is an one time thing. What is left?

>> No.12110844

Cormac McCarthy

>> No.12110869

That is all?

>> No.12110875

Carlton Mellick III

>> No.12110880

john williams
thomas pynchon
cormac mccarthy
philip k dick
arthur miller
john steinbeck
i know you say Moby Dick is a one time thing but I'd still say Herman Melville because even his lesser writings are beautiful

i'd also suggest Burroughs but i suppose he's a polarising guy

>> No.12110885

Editors and showrunners deserve more credit in the creative world.

>> No.12111056

>Hack writer posts a clickbait article
>Angry idiots click it

>> No.12111377
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>Blocks your path

>> No.12111478

what did he mean by this

>> No.12111509
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I agree. I'm a big fan of his book 'Flat'.

>> No.12111711

Melville, Twain, the list goes on. I would post a list but I'm 99% sure you're trolling.
Oh, here's someone who isn't trolling. Well, here's the list:

William Faulkner
Henry James
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Ernest Heminingway (I'm surprised you didn't think of him. Everyone knows him)
John Steinbeck
Cormac McCarthy
Thomas Pynchon
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Flannery O'Connor (she only wrote two novels but they're both great)
Edith Wharton

All great novelists. And for great American writers who didn't primarily focus on novels there's: Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Tennessee Williams, and more. By the way, Moby-Dick is by far Melville's best work but he wrote some other great stuff. Billy Budd and The Piazza Tales are excellent.

>> No.12111723

And I just noticed you shit on Faulkner. Oh well, even without him there are plenty of great American writers.

>> No.12111977
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William Luther Pierce had more writing talent than fucking Stan Lee

>> No.12112343
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How do we solve the manchildren epidemic? What's the final solution here?

>> No.12112353

I cringed particularly hard at this. I hope his wife cheats on him.

>> No.12112387

The only capeshit worth anything is that by Alan Moore.

>> No.12112392

It's still shit, only more pretentious.

>> No.12112406

Basically everything Walt Whitman ever put to paper has been absorbed into the ruling class mindset

>> No.12112424


Imagine being so devoid of any sort of culture like the standard American is that you have to replace it with consumerism. Just imagine how empty your life is to not have any other traditions that don't relate to buying shit made as a product.

Imagine having absolutely no personality but mass produced "entertainment."

>> No.12112458


You're not wrong desu

>> No.12112483

Are there any books about this kind of dystopia? Mass advertisement and identifying with brands?

>> No.12112512


I honestly have no idea. If anyone knows of any I would be interested.

>> No.12112527

I had a novel idea about a place where you could buy anything. Even people's lives had a price tag. One's only security was his own net worth.

>> No.12112537

I got an erection.

>> No.12112707


Was it titled 'America'?

>> No.12112712

I blame The Big Bang Theory

>> No.12112719


>> No.12114006

Its called "Hard Boiled".
Yes, its a comic.

>> No.12114055

I do too. All the man-children I know are fans of that show and it certainly promotes an infantile lifestyle.