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/lit/ - Literature

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12104929 No.12104929 [Reply] [Original]

Been feeling lonely lately. Any good books for this?

>> No.12104935

Books in general i'd say, take care OP

>> No.12105149

embrace the loneliness, read schopenhauer

>> No.12105357

kafka on the shore

>> No.12105493

I've realized that it takes quite something to manage to be almost completely or just completely alone in your 20's. I probably fucked up somewhere along the way and eventually reached a point of no return. It's like I missed a train that I didn't know I had to take.
Even the lowest scum manage to have acquaintances and friends he regularly sees.

>> No.12105792

Read the Cossacks by Tolstoy and join the military

>> No.12106324

One can be lonely yet surrounded by people he's "friends" with almost constantly. When they either despise or don't feel a genuine emotional connection with there acquaintances then this is almost certain. I personally never spend more than an hour by myself without talking to someone I know yet I feel desperately lonely because I don't feel accepted by most of them because of my autism. People can also be lonely when they don't have a significant other or suffer from sexual frustration...

>> No.12106375
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People only temporarily distract from the loneliness you feel, my son. You're looking around you for your solution, when my friend, you need to look up.

>> No.12106384

Unironically Redwall, or other "comfy" lowbrow fare with a big cast of characters and descriptions of feasts and such.

>> No.12106386
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Here you go.

>> No.12106390

The Bible

>> No.12106582

Normies have a hard time understanding this feel.

I don't think we willingly put ourselves into loneliness, but sometimes it feels like it. We have as much opportunity as the rest of them to go out and socialize, talk to people and emotionally mature for whatever age we are at. But at some level it feels superficial, the people that we connect and bond with are nothing but sacks of shit that don't understand us, and we don't understand them, our imagination and our world is so much richer and more complex so we escape, escape by shunning our humanity and society that everyone assumes we should be a part of and in the process throw ourselves off balance at the cost of being what we feel is true to ourselves.

I dont think there is a cure or a book that will make you feel better. Balance needs to be achieved for you to get back to normal. I dont know how shut-in you are, but the best way is to unironically go out of your way and meet people, no matter how autistic you may appear or how much you hate it. We need to be social, at least somewhat to have a healthy life.

I am currently 27 and between 18-23 I put myself through unbearable loneliness willingly, just like you. I am still feeling the effects of it, but less and less everyday. Since 23 I had two girlfriends and multiple partners in between, I have friends whom I regularly socialize with and sometimes look forward to those moment because to some extent they make life worth living.

Start working on your emotional and mental well being and take it seriously. Change can happen if you are willing. Good luck anon

>> No.12106616

Cool I have all of that. The "I'm lonely yet surrounded by friends" is a fucking meme.

>> No.12106965

how to make friends and influence people - dale carnegie

>> No.12106980

If you're lonely it's either because you aren't talking to your friends enough, or you're extremely introverted and bad at making friends. If it's the former, you should talk to your friends. For the latter, the only solution is to accept yourself as you are and enjoy a comfy isolated existence.

>> No.12107007
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wow, some great posts in here
OP, read this book, or just read about it
solitude is needed by some of us
sensory overload—do you have that?
I had to go to the library at lunch when I had a job to calm down and clear my head

>> No.12107034

Notes from Underground is standard beginning material for /r9k/ and also a great book apart from that