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/lit/ - Literature

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12102631 No.12102631 [Reply] [Original]

Kindle? Kobo? Which is best? Will i have any problem using files from libgen and b-ok on them? cheers.

>> No.12102710

Kindle handles only amazon format but u can convert to it. Kindle paperwhite is da best and actually on sale atm. Might still want to w8 black friday

>> No.12102724

Just buy a fucking tablet, ebooks are a meme

>> No.12102730

None of those.
>Will i have any problem using files from libgen and b-ok on them?
Yes. They do not display PDFs natively without constantly needing to zoom in and manipulate it.
Only ereaders worth buying are large format PDF capable devices like the Sony Digital Paper.

>> No.12102736

Call me a shill all you want, but reading on an e-ink screen is objectively a whole lot better than reading on a tablet.

>> No.12102744

Its objectively slower for sure. I sure love to wait 3 good seconds for a fucking page to load.

>> No.12102747

call me a shill if you want, but not reading printed books makes you objectively a faggot.

>> No.12102753


>> No.12102761

I have the 2018 Kindle Paperwhite and page turns are instant. Not close to instant, instant.

>> No.12102762


>> No.12102763

Now load a 100 mb illustrated PDF there and get back to me.

>> No.12102815

Nigger. Doesn't work fast with PDF, NOT TO MENTION it isnt legible on such a puny screen

>> No.12102820

What do you need PDFs for? I read books on it

>> No.12102822

This is a literature board, not your manchild cartoons subreddit.

>> No.12103116


>> No.12103135

Non fiction and academic journals. Also preferable because it's literally a copy of the real book and has corresponding real life page numbers

>> No.12103157

Manchildren read John grisham and James Paterson and don't care if they have huge chunks of text missing from their shoddy OCR to Epub hack job. Even ebooks that you pay for are of astonishingly bad quality and rest assured, at the very least you'll find paragraphs and worst of all dialogues often merged. PDF is consistent. For people who actually need a copy of the real thing.

>> No.12103161

true that man

>> No.12103181

Has anyone tried reading manga on Kindle Paperwhite or other e-readers? How does it handle it?

>> No.12103207

>m-my plain text format is better because who needs graphs or foot notes!

>> No.12103212

You have to pinch the screen to zoom into panels, it's probably a shitty experience. I wouldn't try it.

>> No.12103242

Fucking kek

>> No.12103302

>Sony Digital Paper
Fucking hell that costs a lot

>> No.12103331

Pays for itself in no time as opposed to a kindle which is a waste of $80.

>> No.12103339
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Get a job poorfag

>> No.12103429

I use B&N Nook Glowlight 3 with Calibre reader to read my libgen downloads. It feels good, man.

>> No.12103611

I do all of my digital reading on my remarkable these days, because I can take notes directly on it. The downside being that the battery life is kind of meh and the tips wear out after a week or so of heavy use.

>> No.12103620

>sony digital paper
>one grand on amazon
>3.5 stars rating
seems like it's a shit device.

>> No.12103636


>> No.12104099

im not very strong so something like The Counte of Montecristo strains my forearms after about 30 minutes of reading.

i also usually ask for no ice when i go out to eat because a glass drink with ice and liquid is too heavy for comfort imo

>> No.12104131

Generic Kindle basic... You can also get the refurbished as i did. 6 years, still works great.

>> No.12104174
File: 58 KB, 816x459, Xiaomi-Mi-Pad-4-Bangladesh-816x459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this. The perfect size, let's you read, fap, listen to Spotify and watch movies.

>> No.12104526

I only want 1 of those features

>> No.12104854

FUCK OFF, DIE. BE MORE DIRECT YOU VIRGIN SHILL. I wish death upon you and your shit thoughts. I hate you.

Are you dense? One of the main reasons to get an ereader is for the screen and its positive effects on your eyes.

>> No.12104876

>One of the main reasons to get an ereader is for the screen and its positive effects on your eyes.
Jesus imagine actually buying into "e-ink is good for the eyes" meme. You're every corporations favourite goy.

>> No.12104879

Screen fatigue is an actual thing, moron.

>> No.12104953

>Are you dense? One of the main reasons to get an ereader is for the screen and its positive effects on your eyes.
I have an ereader. And still I do most of my reading on the Mi Pad. If you have eye problems, I suggest you go visit a doctor. Ereader is just plqcebo, it won't help you.

>> No.12104999

My bad, I meant it's less of a strain for your eyes, though it still fucks them up the same as with a book.

You'd think people on /lit/ would be smarter, huh.

>> No.12105143

It's not eye problems but the light from screen is so bright that it's hard to sleep if u use it late in the evening.
Atleast dimm the blue light shit tons when u read few hours before sleep..

>> No.12105171

Again, go see a doctor or a psychiatrist is these problems persist.

>> No.12105247

>buying a more expensive device
>with inferior screen for reading
>with inferior battery life
uhh no thanks

>> No.12105265

>buying a more expensive device
E-book for 100$
# of functions: 1
Tablet for 200$
# of functions: 1000000
>inferior screen
It shows text, what the fuck else do you need for reading?
>inferior battery life
who the fuck ares, is electricity a luxury where you live?

>> No.12105424

>It shows text, what the fuck else do you need for reading?
The reading experience sucks on tablets, stop justifying using your mom's ipad for all your readings.

>> No.12105432
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>watching movies on a tablet

>> No.12105449
File: 173 KB, 1600x1200, 1451214804782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently have a 7" Kindle Oasis and even though I thought my Kobo Glo was a piece of shit, I still want to try a Kobo again because I liked the Pocket integration.

Also would love to play text adventures like Zork on my Kindle but don't want to bugger with jailbreaking it.

>> No.12105451

I read a bunch of Attack on Titan on my old Paperwhite and it was fine. Use Kindle Comic Converter, it splits jpg images into four zoomed quadrants.

>> No.12105479

Unless you’re able to see the film in a proper theater you’re not getting a proper experience. A tablet is just as anti-cinema as an 80 inch television.

>> No.12105484

That doesn't sound fine.

>> No.12105487

Most people don't care about the "cinema experience", they just want to see the film.