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/lit/ - Literature

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12102054 No.12102054 [Reply] [Original]

our guy pewdipie reviewed some books again

>> No.12102098

I like him but Jesus Christ these videos are cringe

>> No.12102105

based and redpilled

>> No.12102112

Why do people care about what this faggot thinks? He became famous by screeching at videogames for a public of 12 year olds.

>> No.12102119

The children who thought his videos were funny are old enough to post here now

>> No.12102122

The videos are produced ironically. It's like reading a postmodern novel, where the author is so concerned about not being part of the black humor club that he writes in blatantly ironic terms, or in Pewdiepie's case, speaks in a strange, slow voice.

>> No.12102129


>> No.12102137

ignoring the way he pronounces quixote, this is yet another based book review

>> No.12102142

he's redpilling zoomers 70 million at a time

he's objectively the most powerful broadcaster of all time.

>> No.12102145

It's stupid but it makes me mad that this attractive rich famous guy with a smoking hot gf is getting into MY hobby

>> No.12102155

reading is not a hobby, faggot. It's a normal human activity and anyone who doesn't read is the exception.

>> No.12102162

3 - 4 million views tops per video. Half are confused third worlders. He’s still way behind traditional media by any measurement.

>> No.12102164

The vast majority of the population doesn't read at all. These days putting time aside to read is definitely a hobby.

>> No.12102178

The vast majority of first world population does indeed read, my friend.

>> No.12102184

This will get many zoomers into books so he's doing great job

>> No.12102190

>The vast majority of first world population does indeed read
They really don't.

>> No.12102191

at least 80% of his views ( which are way over 4 million pretty often) come from highly impressionable children. the mainstream media has long lost the younger generations

>> No.12102193

Lmao what world do you live in

>> No.12102199

>The vast majority of first world population does indeed read

>> No.12102229

Lmao at the people in the comments recommending books like Brave New World and To Kill A Mockingbird and One Hundred Years Of Solitude

>> No.12102238

>confused third worlders

how can you live with yourself burgernigger?

>> No.12102266

>it's American flyover trash think their experience of sitting in mom's basement in Bumfuckville, Wyoming is representative of first world episode
Literally everyone I know from random gym dudebros to my Yugo housekeeper to my working class colleagues read for recreation. They certainly don't all read Joyce or pretend to read Wittgenstein like you, fellow gentlesirs, do, opting instead for pulpier kind of fiction, but read they do. Time to wake up and get over yourself. Reading is most certainly not special, you just live in shitholes and/or have incredibly poor social circle.

>> No.12102269

what do you expect? the average viewer is like 11 years old

>> No.12102281

Literally whom?

>> No.12102298

Well by my hobby I meant literature. I wouldn't give a shit if pewdiepie was making videos on crime thrillers or YA.

>> No.12102302

I'm surprised and disgusted by his good taste on books.

>> No.12102306

>tfw less than half the Italian population reads one book a year

>> No.12102312

3-4 million viewers is what traditional broadcasters get during prime time if they're very lucky, not with everything they put out.

they're being outcompeted by a single shitposting swede.

>> No.12102313

Him talking about Yukio Mishima after I had just started reading it made me start watching his videos again and realize he makes some funny content. He isn't trying to be Nietzsche, and he is self aware and makes fun of the whole 12 y/o meme.

>> No.12102316

just don't classify reading as a hobby. Books are our lifeblood, reading the means of accessing all human progress. It shouldn't be something special or even optional.

>> No.12102339
File: 407 KB, 469x463, dra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading "good" books is my unique special boy hobby!!1
>how dare he review literary classics instead of airport novels!!1
>we can not allow the plebs to know about Bulgakov or I will have nothing to tip about anymore!!1

>> No.12102351

None of them are actually going to bother reading. It's all an irony thing.

>> No.12102352

Just because it should doesn't mean it is. This seems like a really weird thing to be buttblasted about.

>> No.12102359

Sport newspaper, Facebook and Twitter dosent count dude

>> No.12102361

holy cringe


>> No.12102362

this is the modern reading rainbow

Nothing wrong with it

>> No.12102399

That's me. I'm feeling sad.

>> No.12102410

wrong, only young adult redditors watch his videos. the younger zoomers stopped watching him when he stopped doing lets plays, thats all they care about

>> No.12102413

you guys probably frame photographs of your goodreads accounts

>> No.12102414

At least someone talks about books. Lord knows /lit/ fucking doesn't

>> No.12102423

stop falling for this shilling

i cant believe you faggots will latch onto anything that is vaguely 'alt right'

>> No.12102424

have you ever read his comments? Most of them are obviously very young

>> No.12102426

Slavs are the niggers of Europe, Spanish are the spics of Europe. There's not a single worthy piece of literature in this video.

>> No.12102428


>> No.12102435

100 Years of Solitude is a genuine work of literature though

>> No.12102436

Imagine being 30 and only finding out about Master and Margarita and Murakami.

>> No.12102447

Actually because of how youtube counts views he could be receiving many more "actual views" than 4-5 million.

>> No.12102454

I don't get why you shouldn't call reading your hobby. I mean people should know how to cook too, but if someone says that cooking is their hobby it just means that they really enjoy doing it in their free time.

>> No.12102459

he's not my guy

>> No.12102464

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12102466

This. Stop being spergs about petty definitions.

>> No.12102469

They're classics anon, and anyways that's totally besides the point

>> No.12102471


You're supposed to spend your youth in ignorant bliss, if you were reading in your 20s then you missed out on a lot.

>> No.12102478

reading is not comparable to cooking. People who say that cooking is NOT their hobby are not saying that they don't eat food. But people who say that reading is not their hobby are probably telling you that they haven't finished a book since high school.

>> No.12102482

I played videogames through my 20s. I want my time back

>> No.12102483
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>> No.12102492

>if you were reading in your 20s then you missed out on a lot.
Conversely, you'll be missing out a lot in the next 60 years, brainlet.

>> No.12102508

Yeah, that's gonna be a yikes from me, bud. You're an adult when you're in your 20s. Blissful ignorance is for your youth. Sure, you can have exciting experiences in you're 20s, but if you're not also reading frequently you're squandering your time.

>> No.12102524

>People who say that cooking is NOT their hobby are not saying that they don't eat food
Cooking and eating are different activities, I don’t see your point

>> No.12102533

3-4 million views per video. All videos are filmed in his home, no big studio or a giant crew, just him and two editors.
The efficiency of this faggot is amazing.

I actually got a different book from an author he talked about.

>> No.12102547

You were saying that it is fine to call reading your hobby. I'm saying that you shouldn't call reading your hobby because it is something everyone does. It's different from calling cooking your hobby because cooking is something only some people do (while everyone eats food).

>> No.12102583

What kind of upside down country do you live in where people read but don’t cook? It’s the opposite in my experience, which is why saying that reading is my hobby seems sensible.

>> No.12102587

Anon, are you mentally challenged or something? Everyone cooks and everyone reads, but few people have special interest in gastronomy or literature. Either of those things being described as a hobby just signifies involvement way beyond baseline average.

>> No.12102622

>Either of those things being described as a hobby just signifies involvement way beyond baseline average.
yeah that's where I disagree. In conversation if someone were to say that reading is not one of their hobbies I would assume they don't read at all. On the other hand if they were to say that cooking is not one of their hobbies I would not assume that they don't occasionally whip up some rat meat for Sunday dinner.
sorry, I replied to the more intelligent post.

>> No.12102633

meant to reply to >>12102587

>> No.12102676

>In conversation if someone were to say that reading is not one of their hobbies I would assume they don't read at all
We’re just going to have to agree to disagree I guess.

>> No.12102731

What are you talking about, this isn't Victorian England where reading is a luxury - we live in a society where everyone has access to a smartphone, and uses it religiously. Even if it is using social media in binge-worthy fashion, the majority of our population does read and you are deluded if you think otherwise.

>> No.12102830

hes a good lad desu

>> No.12102839

Reading books. It was obviously implied.

>> No.12102903

>Reading Tweets is akin to reading literature

>> No.12103361

>we live in a society

>> No.12103369

I am definitely not his target audience, but he's become quite a bit more likeable than I remember him being when he first rose to prominence.

>> No.12103372

what books?

>> No.12103432

Where does he get his recommendations? Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he browsed /lit/ on occasion

>> No.12103447

he's a man of culture

>> No.12103476

Master and margarita
Japanese death poems
Don Quixote
The woman in the dunes

>> No.12103490
File: 48 KB, 306x446, 1502135164720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you were reading in your 20s then you missed out on a lot.
Think of all the reading and video games I would have missed out on if I had a social life in my 20s though

>> No.12103491
File: 57 KB, 600x600, brainlet beanie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's only pretending to be retarded

>> No.12103510

he's got 70 million 12-year-olds to entertain. What do you expect him to do

>> No.12103527

unironically the pewdiepie i liked when i was 15.
Its awkward seeing people now that are often older than me actually watch new pewdiepie videos.

>> No.12103538

This. How do people still watch him?

>> No.12103560

holy fucking rekt

>> No.12103876

I though /sffg/ was a containment thread for these types of people

>> No.12104668

i think he browses /pol/ and /fa/ so it's quite possible that he also lurks here

>> No.12104677

Got into Pewds at the age of 30, I never even saw his video game content.

Fuckin love him. AMA.

>> No.12104690
File: 91 KB, 581x1012, americansrdumcunts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12104761

I think he is from Sweden, fucking retardinho.

>> No.12104934

How is this at all a perplexing phenomenon? Do you live on the same planet as the rest of us or not? This is just how people are.

>> No.12104951

He said nigger. No really, that's it.

>> No.12104972

If you're over the age of 12 and watch this cretin, you're a stunted manchild. Get the fuck off this board..

Lmao I bet you watch him because it feels like having friends you fucking loser ;) go cry bby

>> No.12104974

>5. Ireland
This has to be fake

>> No.12104978

You're American, so your understanding of different countries is probably nothing more than vague stereotypes.
The trauma from having your foreskin sliced off at birth probably damaged your brain development.

>> No.12104987

I'm Irish...

>> No.12105007

In some of his YLYL vids you could see he was actually going through a YLYL thread on /b/.

>> No.12105008

>Lmao I bet you watch him because it feels like having friends you fucking loser ;) go cry bby
And whats wrong with that? I don't have any friends, why can't I get some simulated friendship experience through the Internet? How unkind of you to act like a bully.

>> No.12105010

>russian novel
>japanese novel
>spanish novel
Based Pewds avoiding eternal anglo and their shitty books

>> No.12105053

How does finland do so well t retarded finn

>> No.12105057

I love donkey shoot

>> No.12105119

dat mishimas poem tho

>> No.12105139

He probably browsed /pol/ and that's why he did some things that got him in trouble, he definitely browses /fa/, I've read his comment on some joji music video and he used the word "buzzpill", NOBODY outside of /fa/ knows the term.
He also browsed /gif/ for his ylyl vids

>> No.12105141

hopefully no recs from here or else he ends up as a pretentious cunt

>> No.12105147

This is objectively not true anymore

>> No.12105155

>Youth is for blissful ignorance
>in your 20s
That’s gunna be a no from me

>> No.12105175
File: 296 KB, 292x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Women in the Dunes by Kobo Abe is in the next book review video so you have a month to read it before the video.

>hopefully no recs from here
>No Longer Human
too late for that.

>> No.12105196

quite a srong word for what he does, witch is a quick re cap of a few chapter and if he liked it or not

>> No.12105198

what's a review to you?

>> No.12105203

I want some more analysis when it comes to books

>> No.12105213

>Don Quixote (pronounced incorrectly) mixes up windmills with dragons

Wtf man, they were giants.

I like that he is touching on a lot of /lit/ memes but after hearing him say that I can no longer believe he has actually read the books.

>> No.12105219

I have never seen his videos but from what I have heard about him here he looks alright.

>> No.12105222

that looks like a woman in a dune

>> No.12105225

maybe he read it in swedish

>> No.12105272

>reading a translation of Don Quixote
Even worse then
And even if he is such a brainlet that can't be fucked to learn the best language in the world he could've at least read the best English translation possible.

>> No.12105278

What's the general consensus on this guy? I've heard people from both sides some like his new stuff, some think he's pretentious, unfunny etc. I personally don't watch him and probably never will but I'm interested in knowing more about how he's perceived.

>> No.12105289

>our guy
no, stop

>> No.12105295

>english automatically has the best translations of anything
What makes you say that?

>> No.12105344

people think he's alright
but some are frustrated because he browses here and anons don't want 9yr olds to migrate over here,
however, some people think it's a good thing that he browses here on his videos since he's redpilling generation z while they're young and impressionable

>> No.12105372
File: 151 KB, 416x1349, 2012-PISA-rank-6nC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's break those scores out a bit, shall we.

>> No.12105376

WTF Jordan Peterson told me Israel is the land of geniuses

>> No.12105384


This is why racism exists and won't go away because it's based in real life experiences
Asians rolled Int that's all there is to it

>> No.12105475

Asians minus prc are just one generation late on the dysgenic trend but it's been confirmed to have started there too. In fact it's probably going faster than in the west. They'll become retards like the rest of us come mid century.

>> No.12105490

How do you know that it's all genes? Should we just disregard the fact that countries on the top have powerful economies capable of providing better education along with cultures that encourage competitive spirit and self-improvement?

>> No.12105498

Why do they have powerful economies, friend?

>> No.12105502

This même is getting stale. Not only are the correlations much weaker than with genes, but money has no causal connection to it. Societal emphasis has some impact but it doesn't spring out of nowhere either.

>> No.12105509
File: 95 KB, 876x1098, Drtxk6iVsAEfPdv.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some fascinating patterns.

>> No.12105546

Well I did

>> No.12105664 [DELETED] 

So southern US was full of white retard?

>> No.12105703

This desu, he's a cool guy nowadays.

>> No.12105712

He didn't do fucking anything beyond making a few normie as fuck jokes.

>> No.12105722

People hate him because he's popular and used to make videos for a very young audience.
Like a justin bieber tier "thing you're supposed to hate"

>> No.12107104

How the fuck does he pronounce Quijote so weird? How has he never heard it?

>> No.12107160

I think he’s thinking of the swedish way of saying it but with english pronounciation and just fucking it up

>> No.12107201

Daily reminder that you must never compare america to racially homogenous countries. Show me comparison between korean americans and native born koreans, between finish americans and native finns. You can't compare the average american to the average citizen of any other country, because there's no such thing as an average american to begin with. The country is too racially heterogeneous for such comparisons.

>> No.12107204
File: 182 KB, 1444x1440, 1464275638024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always knew Poland was top of the class
Suck on my Sarmatian dick wh*Toid cr*Ckas

>> No.12107212

Ireland is one of the world's wealthiest countries bucko.

>> No.12107251


I'm 29 and I'm the same way

I only really come to /lit/ when there's a new BOOK REVIEW to read threads like these and laugh

>> No.12107272

Based Pewds is redpilling zoomers one video at a time. I hope he reviews Siege soon.

>> No.12107286

Could also be from Italian "Don Chisciotte"

>> No.12107662

In what way is Bulgakov or Pewdipie 'alt-right'? American progressives are seriously retarded.

>> No.12107743

Lol same. I am 27 and never watched him until this year lol. Watch him every day and love his videos although I can't watch anything more than a couple years old (which for those of you criticizing his older content- he frequently acknowledges that it as bad and cringey).

In all likelihood he comes her on occasion. Definitely browses other boards on 4chan as others in this thread have pointed out. Definitely /fa/ for example. Pewds if you are reading check out A Personal Matter by Kenzaburo Oe.

>> No.12107900

this post is on an impressive level of irony

>> No.12108000

Most progressives in the entirety of the world are retarded.

>> No.12108005

Interesting I just started reading that
They're made for 9 year olds, what did you expect?

>> No.12108771

9-year-olds i may ask

>> No.12108790

At least Denmark is above Sweden and Norway

>> No.12110015

Sweden's score has been falling drastically these past few years. I guess calling your students evil white rich privileged nazis and saying they should accept Islamization doesn't really help motivate them to study in order to benefit a society which hates them? Remember, don't pay taxes.

>> No.12110460

based pewdiepie crossboarding everytime.