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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 220x270, 220px-H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12104490 No.12104490 [Reply] [Original]

But all his monsters are semi-humanoid creatures who want to kill the protagonists. What exactly is the unknown part? The thing that is important is very clearly known - that the creatures are hostile.

>> No.12104494

>What exactly is the unknown part?

What's unknown is why anybody would ever read his drivel in the first place.

>> No.12104559

>What exactly is the unknown part?

Lovecraft was unable to pass his science and math courses so he fantasized about monsters and aliens to cope.

There's a story that Lovecraft wrote where the MC was unable to follow what his astronomy professor was talking about so he just went out at night to look at the stars instead.

>> No.12104574

Unironically they're jewish niggers.

>> No.12104583
File: 39 KB, 501x373, 421566_110052819134743_1827862103_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn that describes me perfectly

>> No.12105334

literally me

>> No.12105358

Astrology is more important than astronomy

>> No.12105381

/lit/ is truly the most based board.

>> No.12105430

>all his monsters are semi-humanoid creatures
a surprising amount of his monsters are just 'presences' or cloud-like in composition.

>> No.12105464

>I never read Lovecraft and I have predisposition that he sucks
>why does he suck?

>> No.12105486

>What exactly is the unknown part?
Niggers and Irishmen lurking unknown outside your door dark autumn nights.

>> No.12105685

One of my favorite Lovecraft moments was when he was describing the character's graduate studies in Dreams in the Witch House. The MC is apparently studying ordinary differential equations as part of his graduate-level work, even though the subject is firmly in second or third-year undergrad territory.

>> No.12106283

>all his monsters are semi-humanoid creatures
not really, lots of tentacles though

>> No.12106298

>Lovecraft was unable to pass his science and math courses so he fantasized about monsters and aliens to cope.

Pretty sure the semi-humanoid monsters are just him warning about the dangers of race-mixing

>> No.12106353

Because I hate the blacks

>> No.12106356

Go fuck yourself

>> No.12106357

He created an aesthetic that fascinates other artists.

>> No.12106725
File: 21 KB, 263x378, Lovecraft,_Mountains_of_Madness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But all his monsters are semi-humanoid creatures
Does this look semi-humanoid to you, nigger? And there's Azathoth, the Elder Ones, the Mi-Go, the Colour Out of Space, the Dholes, the polypous monsters from The Shadow Out of Time, the fungus monster from The Shunned House, the unknown horror from The Music of Erich Zann, the list goes on. Also, some of the monsters don't want to kill the protagonist. Like The Shadow Out of Time has an alien species called The Great Race of Yith and they never try to hurt the protagonist. And The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath is full of odd creatures that help the protagonist. You very clearly haven't read Lovecraft. You're blindly assuming all of his monsters are just like Cthulhu.

>> No.12106750

>curriculum are always the same
I get it you're trying to dab on us with how smart you are, but really you look dumb.

>> No.12106768

Do people here hate art or something? That should be inspiring for people on a board about literature. Holy shit everything isn't about trying to act smarter than other people. Grow up.

>> No.12106783

Make me. I have the stars on my side faggot. Can you say the same thing?

>> No.12106789

Post your feet femanon!

>> No.12106795

There also a Walt Whitman poem about that to be fair

>> No.12106802

Post it please.

>> No.12107013

>graduate studies have always covered the same subjects
I guess Heisenberg couldn't have gotten his doctorate since he didn't even know matrix algebra at the time.

>> No.12107065

Lovecraft drew the horror of strange unknown things from the well of his own deep fear of brown ppl.

>> No.12107067


>> No.12107269
File: 130 KB, 920x690, h-p-lovecraft-omnibus-engleskom-slika-40238896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12107276

that's a surprisingly gory cover

>> No.12107288

>But all his monsters are semi-humanoid creatures who want to kill the protagonists

Did you just sleep through the Colours Out of Space you fucking moron?

>> No.12107306

Lovecraft drew upon the horror of his night-terrors and terrible childhood. His disgust for nonwhites was perfectly rational and shared by basically everyone else at the time, but not everyone else produced exquisite horror.

>> No.12107342

Totally wrong man, its about where they come from. Ancient mysteries beyond the fabric of the material realm coming for strange unknown ritualistic reasons to enslave and torture the world. Also worshipped by dirty mixed races and nibbers. If you think this is less scary than the simple fact that the creatures are a "threat" then you probably don't get it at all and its not for you. In fact I'd say that most of the horror genre outside the cheesiest of slashers is beyond you grasp generally if you think its just a simple threat simulation lol.

>> No.12107353



>> No.12107508

>What exactly is the unknown part?
Read The Music of Erich Zahn and Colour out of Space.

>> No.12108396

Actually just a few of lovecraft's monsters are humanoid creatures, of course they have that hostility feel besides them, but their real purpose or what are they doing/why are they doing and how are they doing their creepy shit that's the thrill, the whole atmosphere that h.p creates before even introducing a monster or an elder entity is the best part of it.

>> No.12108403

Nice. I got the first two from when I was a teenager.

>> No.12109354

So the creatures want to torture as well as kill. Similar kind of thing, still not much "unknown" or mysterious about it.

>> No.12110244

>But all his monsters are semi-humanoid creatures who want to kill the protagonists

"le CthulhuXD" redditor confirmed.

>> No.12110896

Lovecraft didn't always (or even mostly) write horror of the unknown, but precise examinations of fantastic phenomena, like with the old ones in the mountains of madness or the degenerated humans in most of his stories. In stories like at the mountains of madness and the shadow out of time, we see Lovecraft produce an scientific approach to horrors, imagining a clinical description and dissection of the creatures, the architecture, historical significance and so on which was quite innovative. He is not just a writer of "cosmic" horror, he moves from gothic Poe homages to Dunsay-like fiction in his dream cycle, to the cosmic horror he is most known for. Uncritical readers don't take in the full scope of his writing, and just remember reading the word "eldritch" or "cyclopean" once or twice, get a vague impression of octopus tentacles and forget the rest. Really, Lovecraft isn't even a "horror" writer, but a "weird" fantasy writer.

>> No.12110939

yeah wtf
The Color out of Space is not all humanoid
And the shadow over innsmouth has humanoids but its more about corruption of people (through race mixing)

>> No.12110987

>Lovecraft was unable to pass his science and math courses
But he wrote lots of artciles about science.