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/lit/ - Literature

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12098211 No.12098211 [Reply] [Original]

>caught reading a book at work during my break
>now I'm officially the "guy who reads" and all the boomers and old women rob me for it

>> No.12098219

>**rib me
Not rob me

>> No.12098231
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>reading in public

>> No.12098244

I can only read at home when I'm in bed
Usually when I wake up and before I sleep
Normally I read every day on the train to the city as well as my work breaks

>> No.12098317

>reading during break
>numerical analysis
This scores pseud points on both /sci/ and /lit/. Well done, based undergradbro.

>> No.12098326

seeing Russian talk about math is wrong. Russian is to be used exclusively to describe 19th aristocrats having romantic encounters and going to war

>> No.12098339

>not reading on the off time at work or on the way to and back from work

>> No.12098373

My coworkers know I read during lunch break and think I'm some sort of genius because of it. Little do they know, I'm a psued.

>> No.12098378

russians are the most unromantic people on earth

>> No.12098384

russia was swallowed by the sea in 1917 anon and all the russians tragically lost

>> No.12098385

this is just a picture I had on my phone
I was reading a biography of Martin Luther

>> No.12098433

Ask why they feel the need to tease you when you’re just minding your own business, trying to survive in this harsh world like anyone else. and doing your best to develop a sense of perspective by reading literature.

>> No.12098566

I work in a government office so they are mostly all boomers and catty women closing in rapidly on middle age that need to chattter constantly about whatever.

I do have one boomer now who brought me a bunch of his old books from his home if I wanted any, but they are all trashy self-help books.
I took one book he had on river fishing because I felt bad and enjoy fishing.

>> No.12098573

what kind of self help do russians read?

>> No.12098574

we wuz kangz

>> No.12098588

same garbage as everywhere, its all like easy tricks CEOs know to make loads of money quick and other complete nonsense like that.

>> No.12098600
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>reading math

>> No.12098613
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I read at work because my job involves a lot of down time. The two guys on my crew thought it was hilarious that I was reading pic related but they are both weebs the white one looks at that one really wack meme website (I can't remember the name) on his phone the whole shift and sometimes he reads them to me because he is under the impression that that is an acceptable thing to do to another person.

>> No.12098620

I just found this old maths book from 1950s and thought it was nice

>> No.12098629

>martin luther = martin luther king

>> No.12099114


>> No.12099116

Is reading really such a weird thing in Muttland?
I live in a third world shithole, and everyone reads on commute.

>> No.12099125

... yes no one here reads books, In fact all americans larp when they talk about literature.

>> No.12099696

>want to read little and often but i can't cause i'd be considered a pseud on a chinese knitting forum for intellectually challenged individuals

>> No.12100163


>Is a pseud
>Cannot spell 'pseud'

Found the pseud

>> No.12100193

They dont rob you because you read, they do it because they notice you reading Principia Mathematica, you absolute raging pseduo-faggot

>> No.12100223

>Often read books at uni.
>Girls from my group notice me doing that and ask me what is it about.

>> No.12100259
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>what did you just say about me you little bitch

>> No.12100265
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>be me
>electronics engineering major
>optoelectronics professor loves me
>best grades on his exams
>sees me reading carl jungs autobiography
>the disappointment in his face was immeasurable
>right in the middle of the lecture he stops talking
>"jung, really?"
>goes back to lecturing

>> No.12101592

>reading Jung during electronics lecture
>being this B L U E P I L L E D

>> No.12101627

i worded that badly i wasnt literally reading it during the lecture, i meant like in the process of reading and he saw it on the table infront of me the look on his face and the sound of his voice, i wont ever forget it


>> No.12101661

There’s so much crossover from math into literature I don’t even know where to begin. Mathematics makes an intersection with Aristotleian categorization in Alhazen’s Optics, for instance. A major influence in Descartes literature.

I mean, cmon. Stop it with the discrimination of math. It can honestly be more fun than reading other non-fiction at times. And the notion that you can discover things within mattematics garners more meaning over time as you learn what is at stake with the applicability. The more discoveries you make with indifference curve analysis or game theory, the more implications these realizations have in economics, for instance.

>> No.12101667

>being a nerd

>> No.12101674

I mean that's what you get for being a nerd

>> No.12101676

Right. No such thing as a ‘nerd’ in 2018. That word has lost all applicability or meaning anymore. Especially as you start to see people like me thinking along conservative lines, instead of the dumb country rednecks you normally see being Republicans.

The world has gone topsy turvy and I’m okay with it

>> No.12101682

>No such thing as a ‘nerd’ in 2018
wrong lol get fucked nerdfuck

>> No.12101717

Okay I will ;)

>> No.12101852

On my work lunch break I sit in my car reading. The one time I did it quietly at my desk someone saw me and they accused me of thinking I was better than everyone else there.

>> No.12101985

I had to stop reading english books in public because niggers keep noticing and trying to talk to me

>> No.12102046

Based anon

>> No.12102096

>start job
>go out to car for lunches
>after a week or two, co-workers getting more amiable
>ask where I'm going for lunch
>say "my car"
>they say that's weird and i should go to lunch with them
>go to lunch with them
>they pry, asking why i eat in my car every day
>explain that i'm a vociferous reader and i enjoy the peace and quiet so i can focus
>"oh, anon, there is a break room for that, we can go there for lunch"
>next day i bring my lunch and book to the break room
>everyone talking and won't shut up
>persevere and continue reading, despite how hard it is to focus
>someone brings in a book the next week
>"haha anon have you read this i thought i'd try it"
>they talk for half the time then join me reading the latter half
>the next day another co-worker brings in a book, "i want to look smart too haha"
>a month later, the four of us all go to the break room at talk for a few minutes, then pull out books and read in silence while we eat
i have no idea how it happened, but i'm so happy that it did

>> No.12102114


Maybe now, they used to be the most romantic. The aristocrats atleast, fuck the serfs, you freed them and they fucked russia over forever.

>> No.12102151

> he hasnt read the 95 theses


>> No.12102189


>eat lunch at my desk every day to save time
>just go out to my car and read or run errands
>"hey anon, where did you go on your break?"
>"nowhere, just read in my car"
>"cool, I have a few books I'm working on as well."
>the rest of the day proceeds normally

Pretty nice not working with a bunch of retards.

>> No.12102318

>work in industry making sure a machine does what it's supposed to
>often have breaks of up to 40 minutes where I don't have anything to do
>start bringing books to read
>coworkers consisting of old men who's only interests are drinking and sports and young men with the same interests plus gym start giving me shit
>give them shit back while also using self deprecating humor because I am not an autist and understand how social dynamics work
>remain a well liked and respected member of the group

It's not that hard you guys

>> No.12102440

If people find out you read you run the risk of being seen as "pretentious." People also feel guilty about not reading books, so if you mention that you read they often become somewhat defensive and angry. They'll say things like "Oh, I'm way to busy to do that!" or "Now that is something I just don't have time for!", which is pure and utter horse shit because I know these people spend several hours a day watching netflix and playing with their phones.

You have to understand that in our households a boy was expected to devote his leisure time to sports. Then when we grew up we were supposed to become engineers, computer programmers, or accountants, and not waste our time with "elitist" pastimes like reading. My dad will sometimes chide me for not following sports because he thinks it will hold me back at the office, and he's probably right. I had a very "bourgeois" upbringing so maybe it's not the same everywhere.

>> No.12102457
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>My dad will sometimes chide me for not following sports because he thinks it will hold me back at the office, and he's probably right.

>> No.12102493

>>My dad will sometimes chide me for not following sports because he thinks it will hold me back at the office, and he's probably right.
Being sports illiterate is defiantly keeping me back socially, at work. Not being able to take part in the banter about what happened in sports during the week is a major handicap.

>> No.12102507

Adult male Italians exclusively talk about soccer. It's uncanny how quickly they default. I hate soccer.

>> No.12102514
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>Being sports illiterate is defiantly keeping me back socially, at work.

>> No.12102579

>major handicap.
he's fucking trolling you

>> No.12102623

>posing with a freshman mechanics textbook

lol learned how to write a lagrangian yet brainlet

>> No.12102638

give him a break. he's a slav so he's disabled.

>> No.12102654
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>hasn't read them in Latin...
what are you? some kind of illiterate?

>> No.12102685

I feel u bro

>> No.12102750

It's clearly just numerical optimization methods and there's nothing wrong with being a freshman, you colossal bag of insecurities. Back to your calc homework subreddit.

>> No.12102772

No go back to your car and mastubate and when they ask you why tell them again, see if you can get them to do that together too.

>> No.12102782

Just mention to other workers that reading isn't a big deal and that everyone is technically always reading on the phone. Makes them feel better about themselves.

>> No.12102810


>anon makes people antisocial

Am I the only Social book reader on /lit/? Feels like a weird combination man

>> No.12102899

>reading something in a foreign language
>coworker asks if I know that language
I wanna answer sarcastically but it's bad for business

>> No.12102927

Well. I've read books in languages that I can barley read, as an learning exercise.

>> No.12102941

Sure, you’ve got barley, what about wheat?

>> No.12102953

I love it when I’m barley wheaten something and it’s graining outside.

Upvotes pls

EDIT: thank you for the Reddit gold, I wasn’t expecting all the upvotes, much love from me to you

>> No.12102973

I do/did too but only at home where it's quite and I have all the time I want to keep pausing and looking things up.