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/lit/ - Literature

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12097357 No.12097357 [Reply] [Original]

I've been thinking about reading The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. What's the /lit/ consensus on this book?

>> No.12097384

Blacks have an IQ of 70 and women blacks even lower. I'm never tolerating this fantasy these lesser beings have anything to contribute in literature and I dont care how often jannies will try to stop me pointing out this obvious reality

>> No.12097395

Oh look, a rant about social justice

>> No.12097398

Uhm anon, haven’t you gotten the memo? Racism isn’t allowed on 4channel anymore

>> No.12097697

I guarantee that the cure to this is to get laid by a nigress

>> No.12098550

>and women blacks even lower

>> No.12098558 [DELETED] 
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how much do i have to lift to get this?

>> No.12098562

No one with a Twitter ever wrote a good book

>> No.12098577

I thought the same until I did it. Made me not like them even more.

>> No.12098582

No one is ever going to remember this book next year. It's probably a shitty attempt at a cash grab, they even made a movie out of it.

>> No.12098585
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That's not true, Nick Land has written some very informative Shanghai travel guides

>> No.12098750

It's fine. Not great, not horrible, just fine.

>> No.12098849

i love the idea that they put that chicago cop in jail for killing the black kid, i bet chicago cops now are like, "if you thought you waited a long time for police to respond to shootings before, better start organizing some neighborhood cleanups 'cause we're not about to serve time for shooting some drugged up gangbanger running down the street with a knife in his hand."

>> No.12098868

Lol ok big guy...

>> No.12098991

i wasn't about to pay to have it show the sources although this
pretty much corroborates the story, hard as it is to believe more white people are shot and killed by police than black people. now i know what you're thinking, "Who cares?" haha, no, what you're probably thinking is "There's more white people in the country, the per capita instance is much higher for blacks!" that's probably true, now, what does this have to do with a story where the white people are portrayed as rich, uptight, conservative racists and the blacks are middle-class, relaxed, street-wise, ghetto-fresh style racists? good question, i guess the answer is everybody's racist and liberals are more keen on working people up about it, right? Maybe not, obviously conservatives are insane crackpots who believe in spooky men living in the sky, which makes them an easy target, it's much harder to fault somebody who engages in intellectual culture, since at the end of the day the argument can always become, "I don't know what's right or wrong, I just want to expose myself to a wide variety of perspectives." That's the way I am, i like being able to read and think and say (for the most part) exactly what I want, a true liberal who believes in human frailty, psychological problems, treatment for drug abuse, things like that, if i had it my way nobody would be summarily executed by police, everybody would be given proper treatment for rough situations, adequate food and shelter, access to state of the art gymnasiums without paying exorbitant fees, so on and so on, yet then all the well-to-do folks would be offended by having to pay for the upkeep of these degenerates and so on and so on, especially women, women run everything and if a woman doesn't like a person it's only a matter of time before that person is gone, men want to either fuck women or leave them alone, women either want to fuck men or destroy them. If you aren't useful to a woman you aren't useful for anything, now you're just thinking "neo-nazi-conserva-pol-tard, fuckface douchenozzle," so on and so on, whatever, doesn't matter

>> No.12098998

I was obsessed with black women, then I actually dated one. Now I have genital warts and am no longer very interested in being with one.

>> No.12099020


read The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead instead

>> No.12099097

I gave it a try but got triggered when the chick talked shit about 2pac.

Now assuming the movie follows the plot 1-1 ... it's worth the time, and was a lot better than expected and even had some touching bits, so I bet most were in the book. In the end, it's not brave enough and still attempts to do the idiotic "both sides" shit; the characters are dull and some developments are very YA.

Basically this.

>> No.12099132


>> No.12099135

>John Green
should tell you all you need to know about that book

>> No.12099206

I've never understood this habit progressives have of venerating criminals and vilifying the police. It's such an odd inversion of values.

>> No.12099224
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>strong sassy black woman with empowered afro
>"y'all whyte folks is hateful"
>review by John Green
just no

>> No.12099262


>> No.12099272


>got triggered when the chick talked shit about 2pac

that was the whole point, she's a zoomer and her dad was a based boomer

>> No.12099281

>book is about whypepo
No thank you
women are dumber than men

>> No.12099293
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Make sure to read all the prerequired books first.

>> No.12099305

She's coming into my town and doing an event at the library in March, I think. I'll read the book before then. Maybe get it signed if I can.

>> No.12099341

I know but just because the author makes the character do something horrible to get the point across, doesn't make it any better when I have to follow and ideally care for them. Specially so early into the book. (Again going by the movie, but it took like half of the runtime for Starr to do something, that's pretty lame)

At least the movie started with the dad being based, so while Starr was introduced as a total zoomer, there was some "promise" that she might turn out like daddy right away.

>> No.12099353

If I pretend to be a STONK BLAXK WIMMINZ OF COLOR can I get sweet publishing gibs, too? It shouldn't be too hard to shit out one of these abortions.
>riding on train
>literal faggot next to me
>his phone background is literally two faggots holding hands
>reading a book, I check it out over his shoulder
>no punctuation, a bunch of brand names and nonsense, god-awful grammar my english teacher would have slapped me for
>in a published book
>read spine
>quaannnz author

>> No.12099360

Guess what: now that you've been with a strong person of coloration, no one else wants you. Take your diseased cock and jump off a cliff.

>> No.12099411


>> No.12099433

He based

>> No.12099674
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>> No.12100058

>The book is about race wars in the first place
>you can't express an opinion on it else you're a stormfag

>> No.12100069

I will still browse both.

>> No.12100072

It really isn't. If I didn't know better, I'd think the writer was a cracker who was offended to offend white sensibilities.

>> No.12100078

Ok, I need to ask: Is this a copypsta?

>> No.12100087

who cares? lol

>> No.12100108

I don't agree with >>12097384 but nothing about American CRT and its pop-lit derivatives interests me. If you want to experience real racism and not just memed racism I encourage these people (i.e. social justice types) to spend some time abroad particularly in the third world, once you've experienced that enough this all just seems like whining.

>> No.12100129

>things in the third world are horrible, why do you fags bitch about things that are bad but not as bad in the first world
What kind of insane logic is this?

>my boss is underpaying me and treating me like shit but at least he pays me, so why bother trying to make the situation better
>my girlfriend cheats on me every second week but at least I have a girlfriend, so why bother trying to make the situation better
>my best friend is a cunt who doesn't give a shit about me but at least they sometimes reply, so why bother trying to make the situation better

>> No.12100274

I'm not criticizing anti-racist efforts in general but CRT and it's fixation on white supremacy as being the central cause of inequality and oppression in western societies. Spending time outside the west gives you some perspective on that claim. And this includes places with high standards of living so it's not a third world/first world thing I should have used different phrasing.

>> No.12100307

Ah, fair enough but then again, it doesn't sound too useful in practice. Dealing with white supremacy is a lot more viable and will gain a lot more support than going for economical factors of racism. Obviously the attempts won't be enough but realistic small gains are better than unrealistic big ones.

>> No.12100336

>Dealing with white supremacy is a lot more viable and will gain a lot more support than going for economical factors of racism.
Yeah because one is because of their own biological and therefore economic inferiority and the other is a fantasy boogieman to hide that

>> No.12100342

Whitoids are epistemologically challenged

>> No.12100357

What's the point of writing "U" instead of "You"? Fucking nigger

>> No.12100389

Maybe like ... the acronym?

>> No.12100394

Progressives genuinely believe that these criminals are only criminal due to the circumstance.

>> No.12100396

Proof in one comment that 4chan sees racism as okay but sexism is going too far

>> No.12100536

Pretty sure 4chains is more sexist than racist.

>> No.12100546

>facts are racist

>> No.12100569

What the heck I’ve never noticed that before

>> No.12100598

>I've never understood this habit progressives have of venerating criminals and vilifying the police. It's such an odd inversion of values.
Leftists have done this since the beginning. Go read Hobsbawm's Bandits. Pretty much every left wing movement in history has either had violent criminals as part of their core leadership, or made excuses for their violent thug's behavior. Stalin was a bank robber, for example. There was a review I read ages ago of "Empire" or "Multitude" (I forget which) by two anonymous Italian anarchist academics who said that the book didn't go far enough and that Europe should be flooded with third world criminals and Europeans raped and murdered. The usual excuse is, "but muh capitalist criminals," or "muh colonialism" which goes to show the left's entire social and political program is based on vengeance. You gotta wonder how these retards think they are going to set up some form of shared vision and social stability after they get what they want.

>> No.12100600

typical pretentious millennial shit that they think is clever

>> No.12100631

"Engaged literature" was a mistake.

>> No.12100632

holy shit

>> No.12100809

Negri & Hardt or are you thinking of Tiqqun?

>> No.12101287

Personally I thought the book was a drag to read. The narrator (Starr) was annoying, and what she said and did in the novel was annoying too. It's basically "teenage black girl with a tumblr: the novel". That's not hyperbole. Her tumblr is pivotal to the plot in some parts.
I feel like this book was made to address some sort of agenda. I struggled to interpret these characters as anything more than puppets to drive home the point that cops are racists and that's bad but black people can be racist because they deserve to have that privilege.
That or it's simply a cash-grab riding on the near-recent unarmed black man sensation. Could be both.

>> No.12101295

>I feel like this book was made to address some sort of agenda
No way! I would never have guessed

>> No.12101303

>asking for source represents a moral intolerance rather than a request for information
moralising resentfully dishonest faggot detected. opinions are not good or evil, opinions are correct or incorrect.

>> No.12101532

>"Stunning" - John Green
Let me guess, it's one of those "stunning and brave" books about black women and how oppressed they are in 2018 America?

>> No.12101557

I don't know why you would have ever read the book in the first place if you're capable of making these kinds of observations, was it not obvious from the title alone

>> No.12101654
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>> No.12101665

>women are dumber than men
statistically incorrect

>> No.12101703

It's absolutely awful. If you're going to get into young adult trash you might as well read John Green and J. K. Rowling while you're at it.

>> No.12102841

>I feel like this book was made to address some sort of agenda.
Is this the new /lit/?

>> No.12102848

Calm the fuck down. It's nowhere near as bad as Greens wank fantasies.

>> No.12102858

i'd rather be waterboarded. it's written at a fifth grade level, and is retarded on every level. best argument for racism ever made.

>> No.12102872

Average of women's iq is 2-3 points lower than men roastie

>> No.12102876

>i'd rather be waterboarded

>> No.12102951

>if you have sex with a certain type of woman it will make you hate them less

virgin spotted

>> No.12102986

It's an alright book, just feels like it's skewed a bit younger than it advertises for.

>> No.12103750

who me. i've seen otherwise before

>> No.12103759

Fuck you, you retarded nigger.

>> No.12103833

>was it not obvious from the title alone
Sure, but whatever happened to "don't judge a book by its cover"?

>> No.12103899

Hate to break it to you, but rule 3 says racism isn't allowed outside of /b/ sweety.

>> No.12104820

>no u
Yeah ok retard

>> No.12104984

>i've seen otherwise before
You've seen wrong

>> No.12104986

That applies to good books not bottom shelf garbage

>> No.12105267

How could leftists not? The entire motive of leftist politics is the elimination of class privilege and power, police are definitively a privileged class who exist specifically to protect the capital interests of the bourgeois

The policeman is the leftist's most common enemy as I am his

>> No.12106436

yall yte-as dog-loving crackas make me sick

>> No.12106489

Nothing has changed

>> No.12106507

American ”””culture”””

>> No.12106513

>are only criminal due to the circumstance.
I have heard quite a few who don't consider them criminals period, despite evidence proving otherwise.

>> No.12106537

They are.
Doesn't make them right.

>> No.12106544

whiter than you mohammed

>> No.12106557

But a person being racist because of an equal chain of circumstance is unacceptable