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File: 53 KB, 760x532, jordan-b-peterson-net-worth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12096870 No.12096870 [Reply] [Original]

What's so horribly wrong about genuinely trying to help other people?

>> No.12097009


>> No.12097017

>buy my rug

>> No.12097029


>> No.12097035


>> No.12097036

Nothing. I just critique his position on postmodernism.

>> No.12097065

Nazis hate self-improvement and prefer to stay in their bubble of comiseration.

>> No.12097076

he's a good psychologist, just a god-awful philosopher.

>> No.12097077

>trying to use your youtube 15 minutes to sell second hand self-help trash


Now go gas yourself shill

>> No.12097098

because you just make things worse even if you have good intentions.

>> No.12097105

I'm not a Peterson-hater as such, but for one thing, he's clearly not as smart as he thinks he is. Some of his advice is solid - I agree that modern men/boys generally would benefit from more structure and (some, not all) traditionally conservative family values, his talks on Dostoevsky and religion seem quite inspired and on point, and I enjoy watching him kicking snooty pc-liberals in the teeth as much as the next guy. But his rambling about the supposed inherent evils of socialism are fucking retarded, paranoid and simply plain inept. A man of certain talents, but clearly a flawed man nonetheless.

>> No.12097114

if you do that, you probably have some strong psychological issues going on inside you

>> No.12097117

best post itt

>> No.12097124

The problem with Peterson is that he bases his "solutions" on faulty assumptions.

His catchphrase "clean your room" exemplifies this. With this he is saying "what, you're life is a miserable failure and you are a social outcast? I bet your room isn't even clean! This is evidence that it is your fault and you can fix it by starting with the small things." But the problem arises when you have, and always have had, a clean room. Jordan Peterson, his "philosophy", and all those who share his social situation simply cannot understand how a real, genuine failure comes about.

I'll take myself as an example: I've always had a clean room, was always obedient, did well in school and so on, however I missed a few key moments of both sexual and social development. It did not seem too big a deal at the time, I went along, still keeping my room clean, and eventually finished high school. Then I found myself at an impasse, without any avenue to continue. My father did not have any connections to help me find employment, and my own attempts were met with failure. College did not work out. I had quietly become more and more uncomfortable with women due to never having had sex and quickly finding myself at an age where it was socially inappropriate to be a virgin. As a result the rest of my social skills deteriorated and I became habitually more withdrawn from life. Nevertheless, my room stayed clean.

My failure was too slight and insignificant to notice until the point of crisis. I am now a 23 NEET who is entirely superfluous and who has known nothing but the most mundane of humiliation and failures. I am sure there are many others like me out there. There are others who are rendered in similar situations by physical deformities over which they had no control from the start. Yet we kept our rooms clean (and still keep our rooms clean) and still have absolutely no point of contact with which to begin life. To these Peterson offers no solution, hasn't a clue to deal with these sorts of situations, nor can he even begin to understand such situations AS A REALITY. His solution is to completely ignore them.

People don't like to admit that sometimes failure is beyond their control. It makes them uncomfortable; and also, it reveals another thing as well that they don't like: it reveals the fact that their life is only as good as it is, not solely through their efforts as they would like to think, but by pure blind luck. This lessens their accomplishments and again underpins the inherent impotence of people before higher, disinterested powers. Peterson's rhetoric refuses to acknowledge this fact of life, and this is why so many find him unsavory. Because while he pretends to offer a point of view that deals with "hard reality", it ignores the true totality of circumstances, rendering him and everything about him fraudulent.

tldr, Peterson is a self-help guru with a slightly above average vocabulary.

>> No.12097127

There's nothing wrong with helping people. But when you're misinforming people and making philosophies you barely understand an enemy, people will call you out on it.

>> No.12097129 [SPOILER] 
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>because you just make things worse even if you have good intentions.
Sounds familiar....

>> No.12097170
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>> No.12097183


>> No.12097185

Did he really say to wash your penis or is it a meme?

>> No.12097190
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hes not trying to help anyone
hes literally the pic related of the humanities

>> No.12097196

new world anglos don't wash, they just cut the tip off like their masters

>> No.12097214
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neocon boomers are the only thing worse than neolib boomers probably

>> No.12097219

yeah, it's always a pathetic worship of modernity to espouse that every problem someone has is their own fault and the world around them has nothing to do with it. This is also the basis of anti-depressents, that no one can actually be rationally and existentially depressed, it's just some hormonal imbalance.

It's foolish for someone to assume that because they are ill suited for the world as it is, they would thrive in the world as it ought to be, but Petterson types assume all of humanity has nothing but petty grievances caused by their own superficial failure. That if only they were pigs satisfied they would not care about anything else.

>> No.12097224
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>> No.12097277
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He isn't. The core of his ethos, "it's your own bloody fault" is bad advice, and results in you being a depressed, mediocre, and worst of all, submissive person that internalizes everything. These sort of people worry about everything; and capitulate and submit to others around them to avoid incurring even the slightest criticism. Blaming others, is healthy if they are at fault. If they are toxic, then proceed to remove them from your life. You should be as stoic as possible but it's like the Buckingham Palace guards. They put up with some serious crap but they have their limits.
It just seems like nonsense that a clinical psychologist would spout to keep you coming in for the rest of your life; a man to make your cowardice and inaction to be an act of some sort of personal responsibility. I look at Peterson and I see a man with some deep-seated issues, someone who probably got the shit beaten out of him at many periods in his life, and learned to give up instead of getting stronger and kicking their fucking teeth out the next time they tried.

>> No.12097309

>being able to implant psychotropics into people’s heads is a good thing

If so, then sign me up for the Zeitgeist pill already Dr. bankstein, I wanna know how far up the rabbit hole I can be fucked

>> No.12097330

You know nothing, fag.

>> No.12097340
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destroying the west one beta at a time

>> No.12097366

You ever see a thread on /r9k/ of people giving advice on how not to be beta? That's how I feel when one of you tells me you could do this better.

>> No.12097374

The one advocating injudicious applications of pharmacotherapy is Peterson; not the psychiatrist.

>> No.12097379

>Peddling self-help through a personality cult on youtube is helping others

>> No.12097391

Good post. He is at his core an establishment apologist and by blaming the individual he protects the structure.

If it doesn't work for you it's just because you didn't try hard enough! Reminds me of The Secret and faith healers and such.

>> No.12097410

>help other people
>other people
you mean sexist homotransphobic elitist white males right? he's not even helping the ones that he tries to help (white males), this fucking mischievous pseud

>> No.12097421

You remind me of myself, I really don't want to go down the same path you're on, yet it seems impossible to know what steps I should take to become a well developed individually that can support himself in this superfluous society; to be social, and relevant, and to speak with like-minded individuals to be able to understand who I am, and have the capability to articulate who I am not.

>> No.12097422

This isn't copypasta and I'm sad why does jpb matter to you he's just a psa for male motivation. A catch all, like Cosmo or Ellen.

>> No.12097433

>20 KB

>> No.12097441

Go outside dawg. Have you tried vintage shopping or showing people passages of literature you love? Life is superflous until you get involved in the drama of it, then you're a character to people that you care about. Make it a story. If all of life is reaction then all you can be is a critic, not a man. Commit to folly. Rot is other option. Just give a fuck about whatever you want, then learn to communicate that to others in an enjoyable way.

>> No.12097501

>Have you tried vintage shopping
I don't see how this will help. But no, I haven't
>or showing people passages of literature you love?
Just random strangers? Since I don't know anyone. Seems odd to just walk around showing people literature you appreciate.
I suppose your point is to just go anywhere, talk to people, and something will eventually happen.

>> No.12097502
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You need to do something. You need the structure and the basic social interaction that even a lot of menial jobs would give you. This is your responsibility, no one else's. You're rambling, whiny post is just proving Peterson right.

I am perhaps being too mean. You sound like you're probably neurotic and very cautious, and you're right to feel aggrieved that our society rewards careless assholes and does seem to punish cautious, pensive people like yourself.

But still I think you need to get out there and interact with people. Whether it be work, community college (even non-degree programs), volunteering, or some combination, you need to do stuff other than just read and write. If you're only 23, you're quite young, especially if you are male, then there is still time for you. I don't think you will be as "happy" as careless eaters that our society seems to favor, but you can have a decent life still...at least I think it might be possible.

Or am I just projecting? What do you think?

>> No.12097566
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the problem with gurus and demagogues is that they lead the followers from one cage of belief into another, while the process ties this specific cage to the ego of the follower, making the perception internalized, obstructing and delaying further growth of the follower
of course it's all cages in cages for all of us, but peddling truths of there being a final cage is toxic
better to be thrown to the winds than led by a leash

>> No.12097573

Phalanx = Implicit Stalinism

>> No.12097586

>point of crisis. I am now a 23 NEET

Elliot Rodgers tier cringe. There is no crisis and you are still a whiny child. Stop feeling sorry for yourself you stupid self made looser and CLEAN YOUR METAPHYSICAL ROOM.

Get an apprenticeship in the trades or any job whatsoever. Until you find employment you will volunter at a soup kitchen or something. This will EARN you some self esteem.

You feel like a piece of shit because you are a piece of shit.

Stop obsessing over your own acomplisments like some bitter narsissist and just go out into the world and be productive and a force for good.

Fucking hell i wish i could just punch you in your stupid manboy face.

>> No.12097619

I agree. Good post.

I suppose this is also why people are so into giving unsolicited advice. They give advice consistent with the cage tied to their ego, being standing-desks-are-the-greatest to enroll-in-this-meditation-course-by-some-online-guru-for-only-$150!

>> No.12097637

Not a Peterson fan myself but...
A) Peterson isn't saying that having a clean room is the key to a successful life
B) Nor is he saying that people are not prey to succumbing to influences beyond their control

He is saying that the best chance you have for making something of your life is to take responsibility for your situation and direct your efforts as best as you can in areas where you are capable of developing competence and effecting positive change.
>College did not work out.

>> No.12097695

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, my friend.

>> No.12097713

no advice or help comes from a place of complete sincerity, it usually hides their intention to force something on you

>> No.12097720

>nobody has sincerely given anyone advice, ever

>> No.12097721

same fag

>> No.12097735

I also think people just like feeling the superiority of giving what they tell themselves is sage advice.

And yet, I think this kind of behavior, which is not really different from charity for the sake of vanity, isn't entirely a bad thing...it just is. People almost always act selfishly, its almost impossible for them not to.

>> No.12097740

certainly not Jordan Peterson

>> No.12097741
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By that way, has anyone read this? I really liked it. I am bringing it up because we are supposed to discuss books on this board, not just generic faggotry.

>> No.12097752

help implies a position of power over the helped

>> No.12097773

it's not necessarily bad, just be careful to not nurture any illusions about it

>> No.12097774

This is unironically correct.

>> No.12097787

tl;dr your problem is that you haven't had sex?

>> No.12097794

you know that every person who has a PhD is a doctor, not just medical doctors, right?

>> No.12097804

t. fuko

>> No.12097817

thanks for posting my exact thoughts.

>> No.12097830

I don't think you have watched much of Petersons stuff if you think he never talks about how life is a tragedy from the get go and it will shit kick you even if you're doing your best and are a "good" person.

He teaches you how to mentally deal with it which in turn gives you motivation to start changing what IS in your control I.E a dirty bedroom. That doesn't mean just literally a dirty bedroom.

Now if you decide to do this or not is your choice, but saying Peterson offers no help and ignores this reality is straight up wrong.

>> No.12097850

>waagh waagh I cleaned my room, but daddy didn't find me a job
>waagh waagh I cleaned my room, but college required me to study
>waagh waagh I cleaned my room, but women didn't throw themselves at me
>waagh waagh why don't I just get things I want for keeping my room clean
People like you should unironically be force-euthanized by gene pool police

>> No.12097907

Cleaning the room's a starting point to prove you can do something successfully. You don't win a race by stepping off the starting block then stopping. I think it's meant to be taken somewhat literally as it works, but it's a metaphor too.

>> No.12097908
File: 65 KB, 960x602, jordan peterson brainlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Memerson paypigs

Peterson is very much a product of the postmodern condition he gets off on wrongly attributing to others. For as much as he preaches against postmodernism and relativism, he fails to see that it's he who is forming the very metanarratives that Lyotard and others were concerned with, particularly his stringing together movements and historical events and conflation of things he has no formal training in. He's guilty of bending the truth, to shoehorn his own overarching narratives into a mythological metanarrative, where he's currently attempting to break the fourth wall and become a hero himself. It's a bloated tragicomedy that involves frog culture and martyrdom.

His shtick all but comes with a wink and a nudge, where the boundaries between his sermons and the mythology of his personal life are breaking away. It's a very postmodern situation where irony is dripping from every facet of this man's existence. I don't even know if he knows he's in on his own joke. Either way, it's meta as fuck.

He has a very immature relation with philosophy, where he misinterprets Nietzsche while appropriating his ideas to preach against sjws, Marxists, Stalinists, communists, feminists, his colleagues, lawyers, and transgender peoples. He also uses Nietzsche to fortify the importance of Christianity. It's absurd. He removes Nietzsche from historical context and attempts to extend his philosophy into the twenty-first century. He treats the contextual conditions by which to examine Nietzsche's philosophy as shackles rather than variables that aided in its inception. Much like the Nazis he's against did (that's literal and not a figurative Nazi reference).

>> No.12097911

He invokes Dostoevsky, but being a scholar myself, I can attest that these invocations are nothing more than fashion statements to pad the importance of God in every day life through The Grand Inquisitor and vague iterations of "If God does not exist, everything is permitted". He's contributed nothing of value to Russian studies, and has nothing interesting to say about Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn, or Russian literature in general. Here he again attempt to reenact Dostoevsky's execution by firing squad by painting the Marxists and postmodernists as the Siberian prison guards. And his pronunciation of Russian names sucks.

If you want the good-good intro to Russians and Slavs, whether language, culture, or literature, I suggest Irwin Weil of Northwestern in Chicago who'll answer your emails and isn't indentured to Patreon donors!

If you like conspiracy theories, have a slightly antisemitic bent, or need a universal whipping boy to attribute your personal frustrations toward history and current events on... have we got scapegoat for you! Cultural Marxism is back and better than ever baby! Known in Petersonian parlance as neo-Marxists, feminists, transgender folks, liberals, philosophers, Canadian lawyers, human rights, lesbian social workers, baristas, PBS, Whinnie the Pooh, and others, cultural Marxists are Gramsci-worshiping libtards who don't respect freeze peaches. Of Grammatology is a book written in bloody Marxist code, that only Peterson can break like a second-rate Alan Turing. Like Zarathustra, he appears with the one true enough truth, only his cave is in internet tubes and not on a mountain.

>> No.12097913

Go back to /tv/, cancer.

>> No.12097914

His students are obsessed with understanding literature and philosophy as Peterson understands it, and not the mainstream interpretations of the works. For example, they commonly convene to interpret Das Kapital without reading the text itself, relying on a trained psychologist who I'm sure hasn't read the primary text. This sloppy scholarship is (surprise!) a magnet for frogs, Le Pen supporters, and people obsessed with the genitalia and bedroom antics of others.

Has he read a little James, Rorty, and the Communist Manifesto? Maybe. Has he read The History of Sexuality, Capital, or Simulacra and Simulation? I doubt it. For if he had, he'd know that the people he refers to as postmodern were very fearful of the same conditions that Peterson himself is fearful of. I think when all this outrage culture moves on, his pupils may either move on as well, or will be turned on by a Dostoevsky or Baudrillard to pursue their own studies and that's the best we can hope for.

Peterson is a sloppy teacher when he steps beyond the bounds of psychology.

>> No.12098526

Fucking based

>> No.12098565

But socialism IS evil, you fucking faggot.

>> No.12098579

He’s helping young mostly white men who are in the state they’re in because of the unnatural commie world we live in and that’s just not okay in the current year.

>> No.12098610

If you believe that, then you ARE retarded.

(If anything, then the radical individualism that we currently practice in the west is much, much closer to being "evil" than any cogent version of socialism is.)

>> No.12098624
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I'm in the same exact boat as you. The only difference is that I'm taking steps to better my life, while you just sit there and complain that you can't better yourself.

I'm back at uni after being on academic probation (doing better this time around), I'm helping my father out with his manual labor job while looking for other work on the side. I'm exercising more consistently (lost 80 lbs as of my last weigh in), and I'm hanging out with friends and talking to girls more and more.

Quit being a pussy. Man up. Change yourself. It's a long process, but it can be done.

>> No.12098638

Nailed it. Reading Robert Nisbet’s quest for community. Unlike the academic and self-help leviathan constantly trying to psychologigize and blame the individual for the destruction of the family, marriage, the community, etc... he very simply states that the family and community is no longer a requirement for the world so it has atrophied.

We have government school, government welfare, endless entertainment, pornography, media to give us “news”, defense of the home and nation have been outsourced, why would we need community or family for thst matter?

Use and necessity keeps something strong. A healthy society keeps men healthy. To blame bucko for his room is totally backwards.

We must aim at fixing the grand problem of a broken society, but work our way out from improving the health of ourselves, the individual, to our family, to community, to the region, to the nation.

We wont be depressed if we fight a war for a higher purpose. Where Peterson fails is that he asks our purpose to begin and basically end with the individual. We may be allowed in his system to care about our families, but race and nation are off limits! This is inhuman and what’s maddening is we are blasted everyday, taxed, whipped, goaded, and chided to help other groups fulfill their ACTUAL highest purpose, which WILL ALWAYS involve the future of their group, their culture, their civilization.

In other words Peterson is a very sophisticated referee who is here as both a pressure valve and to proscribe the limits of allowable discourse for the increasingly dispossesed white male.

>> No.12098652

Taking shit from people who worked for it only to give to those who didn't is fucking evil. Damn YOU are retarded.

>> No.12098684
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Devastating post anon. May your luck turn good

>> No.12098691

there is nothing wrong in trying to help people. but there are rules for becoming a helper,

1. people don't like to be controlled. don't tell them what to do. don't let them know you are trying to put thoughts into their head

2. help them in secret. don't let them see you. don't let them see your appearance. don't let them hear your voice. don't let them know about your existence

3. help them when they need you

4. give them what they like

5. give them lessons, wisdom, not physical gifts

6. make it look like they come to it themselves, not that you force them to catch it

4chan is a great example for this

>> No.12098732

Hmm? I’m not really a fan of Peterson but he doesn’t submit, he’s a black sheep of academics, he got famous from rebelling against the gender pronoun stuff

>> No.12098738

Yeah, I was impressed by it too. Now read Human Acts by her. It's even better.

>> No.12098743

jesus joseph and mary what the fuck

>> No.12098755

We're not talking about Stalinism here. Being a part of something has a price. People don't earn their living in a vacuum. Taxes are like rent, you pay to not live in a shithole. And let's be honest, a lot of wealthy people didn't "earn" their money in any remotely meaningful sense of the word. Setting up a system that allows the privileged to fuck over the rest of society does not make it right, and a lot of those people should be plucked for (close to) everything they're worth.

>> No.12098759
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>> No.12098769

Because you're violating the third person's interest at the same time, which precedes your attempt.
In other words, slaves are private property.

>> No.12098874

I barely come here, is this satire or not?

>> No.12098879
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>Taxes are like rent
If you stop paying rent, you get kicked out. If you stop paying taxes, you get jail time. They are NOT like each other.

>you pay to not live in a shithole
What about shithole countries that tax you up the ass? Your country is probably one of them.

>And let's be honest, a lot of wealthy people didn't "earn" their money

Who are you to judge as to "who earned their wealth". If you're parents died and they leave you an inheritance, then you "didn't earn it", just like the ones you call wealthy. Wealth in families is built over generations, not overnight in most cases. I work for my family and would like to leave more for my kids than what my father left me. And I wish my children would leave more for their kids than I left them. You see how this shit works?

>Setting up a system that allows the privileged to fuck over the rest of society does not make it right

Socialism sets up a system where NOBODY except the already extremely wealthy can climb higher up in terms of wealth. Free market systems are there so that YOU have the opportunity to better your financial situation.

>and a lot of those people should be plucked for (close to) everything they're worth

That's how you turn your county to shit quickly. If I were a rich motherfucker, why would I stay in a country that's going to take most of my money? I'm hauling ass out of there to a country that's more accepting of me. This also means whatever share in the market my empire had is now gone, along with the opportunities in me creating jobs for people. There' you go, now your bullshit country has lower wealth AND fewer jobs.

>We're not talking about Stalinism here
You stupid nigger.

>> No.12098889

this is your mind on Weimerica

>> No.12098890

If it weren't for curiosity, man would never do anything to help his fellow man. Curiosity creeps into the homes of the unfortunate and needy, under the disguise of "duty" or "pity". There is probably a lot of curiosity in so called "motherly love".

Remember based Nietzsche's advice every time someone offers to help: they are needy and want you to be indebted to a bottomless pit of spooks.

>> No.12098895

>You stupid nigg*r

Stopped reading right there. Not surprising at all you turn out to be a fucking racist who thinks it's okay to casually spout hateful shit.

>> No.12098902
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>> No.12098905

Seems to be working better than your socialist shithole.

>> No.12098937
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It's an epidemic so mundane it's never talked about

>> No.12098952

Being Scandinavian, I'm laughing my ass of here. We're going down the drain along with the rest of the world, but clearly not as quickly as you guys are. Our economic model is simply better, and you'd have to be either oligarch-rich or retarded to not be able to see that. Nobody is going bankrupt over here trying to pay their dying family member's hospital bills.

>> No.12098957

Peterson is a Koch Brother shill
his help is entering them into the altright pipeline

>> No.12098967

lol faggot nigger do you know where you are?

>> No.12098982

the free market isnt even real though how are you gonna fix that

>> No.12098987

This, but unironically. Self-victimization is a mental disease.

>> No.12098995

It's not meant to be taken so literally.

>> No.12099004

you're such a fucking idiotic coward.

>> No.12099006

please be larping

>> No.12099051
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I already did famalam. I suppose I should have mentioned it in my original post.

Also while we're on Korean authors, I liked this one

>> No.12099061

>Psychiatrist vs Psychologist strawman shit

There's only so much you can do with biology until you hit an inevitable psychological block. It's the same thing as hardware vs software improvements; you can improve the hardware as much you want but if the software is written in a horrendous manner it will still run like shit and still have the same errors. As for your critique, it seems like you haven't really studied much of his works beside the 10 min stuff that you find on YT. There's a reason why he says that people need to take responsibility for their own lives but he doesn't advocate at all for internalizing the problem and being submissive.

>> No.12099179

Get a load of this nigger. And there are still faggots that say /lit/ isn’t the most reddit board.

>> No.12099192

This shows how insecure you are about being addressed as Dr and plays right into the meme. That or your some undergrad pseud that thinks his professors are smart and desevre respect. Either way, bravo.

>> No.12099198
File: 357 KB, 645x430, zallinger_banksy march of progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's so horribly wrong about genuinely trying to make money from retards who actually believe the retarded shit I'm telling them?

>> No.12099202

nigger needs to leave

>> No.12099212

woah... that picture really says a lot about society.

>> No.12099313

It is the kind of mundane that I find so interesting

>> No.12099321
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>> No.12099485

>mod deletes Marxism threads
>this shitty /pol/ bait thread is still up

>> No.12099515

t.low IQ retard

JP touch on that anyway so you're wrong.

>> No.12099525

>leave /lit/ because peterson posting became unbearable
>come back half a year later
>this is the first thread I see
Why haven't the mods done something about this yet? Petersonfags have ruined this board.

>> No.12099563

>all of his shit except for one book is free
Damn… what a snake oil salesman. Viva la revolcion, comrade.

>> No.12099581

kys defeatist commie

>> No.12099664


>Socialism sets up a system where NOBODY >except the already extremely wealthy can >climb higher up in terms of wealth. Freemarket >systems are there so that YOU have the >opportunity to better your financial situation.

Imagine being this brainwashed. The "Free" market exists to justify the concentration of wealth in a small number of hands who are metagaming the system, often using resources given to them by chance.
Just because Bill Gats, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk etc achieved extreme wealth doesn't mean the average individual trying to enter the tech nouveau riche in the last 20 years had a flying chance.
And let's just ignore the way that reducing labor costs is, has been, and always will be the meta for making profit, and that translates into worker exploitation.

>> No.12099677

Only communists are allowed to sell things for money, dumb Amerikkkanskkki.

>> No.12099716
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Peterson will defend this. He did and will continue to shill the book this comes from for understanding philosophy. Let that sink in.

>> No.12099870
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you're doing it wrong

>> No.12099907

Peterson teaches you on how to be a good boy. That's not what we especially need. His message is probably more useful for the dumb jock who can't see past an hour, or the normie who like to think of himself as smart and just need a little push to get ahead.

>> No.12099970

Needs more words.

>> No.12100080

You've given up on yourself. All I see here is a lack of social skills. You are 23. Stop making excuses.

>> No.12100090


>> No.12100109

>"I do not follow my passion. I bring it with me"
unironically best piece of literature i've read this week

>> No.12100117
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>but being a scholar myself

>> No.12100125

I'm 3 years further down the road. At one point I'd have had something to say about it all but now this is all I can muster.

>> No.12100137

You have to realize that this isnt some dude who randomly read a few books about the Soviet Union and decided that socialism is bad. He dedicated his entire life to studying the psychology behind these atrocities. I’m not saying he’s wrong or right (I don’t know enough about either domain) but the guy at least deserves some benefit of the doubt when it comes to his perspective or ability to see certain things we can’t. Quite frankly, all sciences suffer from this issue and the vulnerability is that the opinion of these scientists have the potential to be tainted by bias or political agendas and only a few actually know enough to argue otherwise.

>> No.12100231

by helping others you steal their struggle
struggle is the only way to grow stronger
helping makes those you help weak

>> No.12100239

You're obviously unintelligent. It would be a waste of time to argue against what you've just written- you would likely dismiss what I say out of hand.

All that I'll say is that you should've stuck with college, it might've done you some good. Because you're obviously stupid as fuck.

>> No.12100241
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Peterson is a kike, that is all

>> No.12100251


Peterson's positions on religion, gender relations, bettering oneself, focusing on the small and local are all reasonable.

What he has to say about Marxists and PoMo is moronic.

>> No.12100253

The only person self help really helps is the twat copying philosophy and laughing their way to the bank.

>> No.12100263

Also i have this opinion where if a person is alive, and is trying to sell me a book with ideas that are supposed to be good and written by him, i automatically distrust both him and everything in the book. Somehow i think it means he's mostly motivated by a desire to make money and not motivated by wanting to teach me legit ideas that are true. So the Bible for example was written by dead people hundreds of years ago, i trust that book more than anything written by Peterson (if he put off publishing his books until after his death i'd trust them more).

>> No.12100266

It all made sense until you cited the Bible

>> No.12100271

>unironically being a le edgy atheist

>> No.12100279
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t. Mutt

>> No.12100287

Yeah, I enjoy not being retarded

>> No.12100306

>puts out all his shit online for free apart from his newest book
Damn… really makes me think. What a money-grubber. What a capitalist Amerikkkanskkki. He’s been playing the long con this whole time, eh, comrade? I only trust a book I’m buying if it’s written by a fellow communist, am I right fellow 4channer?

>> No.12100343
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>> No.12100349

You only need to sell one book

>> No.12100358


>> No.12100377


>> No.12100387


>> No.12100397
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/r9k/ tier cringe

>> No.12100420


>> No.12100423

Of course you stopped reading there, it was the end of the post you stupid nigger

>> No.12100454

look up 'extreme ownership'.
You take responsibility for the outcome, not the inputs that you can't control. Everyone has inputs they can't control. The real difference between winners and losers is that when things arent going your way, do you give up and say the deck was stacked against you, or do you push on with redoubled efforts.

Your response to life kicking you in the teeth needs to be standing up to take another swing. The alternative is staying down and being dead.

>> No.12100455

>"studying" the history of the ussr by reading toilet paper hearsay

>> No.12100467

Yeah. Don’t read people who’ve actually been in gulags, read something reputable like Pravda. The USSR was a paradise on Earth. How do I know you ask? I read about it on /r/dankcommunistmemes.

>> No.12100490

No, I’ve never had a real job but that’s beside the point. Why, yes, I am an upper-middle class white American but I fail to see how that’s relevant here.

>> No.12100503

People need to educate themselves on class consciousness. Workers of the world unite. I can’t wait for all these redneck bigots to lose their jobs to brave Mexicanos.

>> No.12100504

This. Literally all of critics couldn't care less of his The Secret-tier self help bullshit

>> No.12100507

I feel like if you watched his lectures on the maps of meaning, you'd get where he's coming from. Though mind you, they're quite a heavy watch so be prepared.

It's more that the socialism and communism outlooks pay no homage to systems that govern inequality in all social outcomes and even some non-social systems of the world we live in (one of the main contributors is the Pareto Distribution) which only gives rise to an even worse level of inequality. Like it or not, these systems have been objectively evil in their resulting actions, however noble the principles may be. It's just not possible to be sustainable, at least not with humans at their current state of being.

I'm just mirroring what he says really, but it's a fucking interesting watch.

>> No.12100511

What we I’d be doing after the revolcíon? No, I wouldn’t be working in the fields. I’d be a political officer. That’d be my job haha.

>> No.12100514

My grammar is shit in this post but I'm tired, so bear with me.

>> No.12100519

I’ve got some reddit posts I can show you about what soviet Russia was really like. You’ve read to much amerikkkanskkki propgada, comrade. Solzhenitsyn was never in a gulag. Gulags weren’t prisons. Famines happen all the time.

>> No.12100523

Me? Work in a factory? No I think I’d be part of the intelligentsia. Yes, my parents were Jewish but what’s that got to do with anything?

>> No.12100526

not upper middle class and not white, but your pathetic ass will use that against me anyway because you lack character.
liberal historians ALL cited: http://archive.fo/88CNh
my point is that he's explicitly selecting sources to reaffirm his own biases. and it shows, because whenever his talks move into philosophy he makes absolutely psychotic rationales.

>> No.12100529
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>some dude who randomly read a few books about the Soviet Union and decided that socialism is bad
Bitch he read Orwell of all fucking people and took away from him that since socialists are shit socialism is shit, which is literally the exact opposite of what Orwell was talking about all along.

>> No.12100530
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as usual, right-wingers have to paint themselves a pretty strawman they built in their own psychotic minds to establish a consistent worldview.

>> No.12100538


>> No.12100539

I can't believe we have so many genuine Peterson drones in here, what's worse is their prose is exactly the same as their peers outside of /lit/

>> No.12100540

>a lot of those people should be plucked for (close to) everything they're worth.
t. Economic opinions based on pure seething envy

>> No.12100542

Yes, 1984 is about the benefits of a socialist utopia.

>> No.12100545

I don't find that hard to believe given how many people here believe in the fucking bible

>> No.12100548


>> No.12100552


>> No.12100553

Orwell wrote 1984 is shit on Stalin and totalitarianism. It is almost as if every line of serious work that he has written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism...

>> No.12100554

Post a picture of yourself.

>> No.12100555
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>> No.12100562
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Don’t @ me.

>> No.12100565

so to speak

>> No.12100574

Nice screenshot.

>> No.12100578

The rug thing was cringy, I'll admit that. It's also a shite emblem.

>> No.12100602


It's Americans. They're too stupid to do anything else. It's yank time now. Best to leave until most of them go to bed for their miserable jobs in the morning. It's too bad we can't at least have their Sunday mornings when they go to their megachurches.

>> No.12100619

shit combo videos mate

>> No.12100634

Did you copy and paste this straight from reddit? Yikes.

>> No.12100640

Not an argument retard

>> No.12100660

I said don’t @ me, sweaty.

>> No.12100692
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stop washing your penis

>> No.12100736


Mutt detected. Do you not have to go see your pastor?

>> No.12100970

You need some stoicism, famalama ding ding.

>> No.12101021

Holy fuck you are an absolute retard.
>My room is already clean therefore Peterson is wrong
Clean your room is a metaphor, which you totally missed the point of.

>> No.12101879

>Democratic socialism
Unachievable. You can't just combine any political system with any economic system. Without economic freedom you cannot have political freedom. (Btw economic freedom does not mean freedom from making economic decisions, but the freedom to make economic decisions)

>> No.12102235
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Whatvdo people shit on him for his marxist pomo stuff? The man litteraly say that the two position aren't coherent but that it happens anyway. I feel like people are jist looking for something, nything really, to show Peterson as an idiot. And then tou get contrarian who start repeating the only argument against him that get constantly repeated.

>> No.12102253

And I'm writing like a retard. I'm going to bed instead of phoneposting