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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 196 KB, 1114x760, LCRU 00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12095106 No.12095106 [Reply] [Original]

Language is light coming coming from the image of the sun's disk edition

>What is this thread about?
Follow me out of your consciousness: Sunlight has morphed Earth's tertiary crust into symbol manipulating material.

>Don't you mean cybernetically symbol manipulating?

>But cybernetics! That's computers!
No. It's symbolic communications. We are animals behaving in systems. Forget computers.

>Isn't this just Nick Land?
No. Forget technology, forget capital. Think of humans as one virus. Consider Paul Davies' SETI project for first contact. Every book as the same author, every math equation as one author.

>Who is Paul Davies?

Let's say WE discover intelligent life (who also use SVO/SOV symbol-state languages) first. You're not going to care that Xqq is the author of the Zenology Yf Corals on planet MXQ9967.

>All one author?
Hold this in your mind like a Crane-family Lifesaver for 5 minutes.

>Where should I start?

>Isn't that book what inspired The Crying of Lot 49?
Good eye.

>So this is meatpuppet Land?
Think of it as counter-Land.

There exists a humanistic philosophy that will cybernetically save our asses from Landian Hell. By now you're realizing the human superorganism is going to an hero or rein in its tech philosophies.

>But muh singularity...
We're closer to a philosophical singularity than a serve-the-Chinese-government's-interests singularity.

You're smart, figure it out.

>> No.12095122

Dude stop doing speed

>> No.12095139


>> No.12095202

Fuck off.

Keep up the good work OP.

>> No.12095220

LinguisticoCybernetic Research Unit?

>> No.12095270

Literary Culture Research Unit
Lit Cybernetic Research Unit
Light Capable Reticulating Units

>> No.12095403
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>How is literature even remotely close to technological singularities?

Language is light coming directly from the image of the sun's disk, the shaft of sunlight into a darkened room. The words change significantly across the day and depends on the angle of the sun above the horizon, the altitude of the reader above sea level, the season, the geographical location and the amount of water vapor, dust and smoke in the air. This sentence itself is so brilliant that it overwhelms imagination, making all judgments unreliable, but if the noon sun were dimmed sufficiently, it would appear as a pale evening in your elementary school's empty halls. Pale greenish yellow schoolroom drawings. This color appears in the afterimage from rutilant light between the pines in my yard.

>> No.12095440
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looks good OP

>> No.12095443
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>There exists a humanistic philosophy that will cybernetically save our asses from Landian Hell. By now you're realizing the human superorganism is going to an hero or rein in its tech philosophies.

You can say it but that don't make it true

>> No.12095481
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>> No.12095487
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It's the opposite. What I said can be said.

>> No.12095530

So when's the anon google-doc'd hyperstition book coming?

>> No.12095534

the humanist groups of the future will be like those jonestown and waco cults. instead this time it will be 45acp automatic drones zipping around. you cant woo a war machine with ideological feels. you have to build a completely different machine.

>> No.12095565
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Humans are already sentient AIs. They just need proper fascial maymays.

>> No.12095617
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>You can say it but that don't make it true
You don't think it be like it is, but it do

>> No.12095618

>They just need proper fascial maymays.

ok, lets just keep doing what the turn of modernity has been known for optimizing. stop those bullets with your proper sentient cartoon memes.

>> No.12095627

What happens when two hyperstitions conflict with each other?

>> No.12095647

Or fight the provenance of bullets.

The LCRU hyperstition needs to win.

>> No.12095654
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>What happens when two hyperstitions conflict with each other?

>> No.12095656

>renaming platonism

>> No.12095667

lol. the bullets just dont disappear. the people who will keep the bullets will own the drones idiot

>> No.12095685

Right, so the provenance of the bullets brings you to the high-caliber-drone-snipers which bring you to the humans who own and operate them which brings you to their ideas, their drives, it brings you to the manufacturers, the laws that allow these things, all of which can in fact be reined in.

I have to assume you have a limited vocabulary based on your response.

>> No.12095707

>human operating them
lol. we are talking about post-cybernetics. it wont matter what a human thinks at that point. thats why i said build a different machine. the point is that no one else knows how to build it, let alone has the mental mappings to conceive a model.
>I have to assume you have a limited vocabulary based on your response.
-Memetic dopamine flow deterred. Threat reconfigured to my liking. Beep boop-

>> No.12095725
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The drone-owners will be infected with humanity, nothing inhuman makes it out of the near-future. A superintelligence far beyond any human can manipulate any human for its own ends. This superintelligence is the collective intelligence of humanity.

>> No.12095728
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Define post-cybernetics.

inb4 you have zero idea what cybernetics is lmao

>> No.12095733

>let me just redefine humanity to encompass everything that survives.. and... presto! problem solved

>> No.12095735

>We're closer to a philosophical singularity than a serve-the-Chinese-government's-interests singularity.

>There exists a humanistic philosophy that will cybernetically save our asses from Landian Hell.

please fuck off with this nonsense. you're missing the point. theres nothing worth saving even if you could. and you can't. go fistfight a hurricane.

>> No.12095741

Cheap nihilism, so hip!

>> No.12095754

>nothing inhuman
you are proving yourself wrong. A superintelligence would not see a human how any human sees another, to think that most humans alive today even follow that scheme, a superintelligence would see all humans as 'inhuman', given the history we will feed it at this point is built out of extermination and optimization. You memers just need to read better and stop making shitty mall clothing brands of thinkers that we should be grateful to exist in this fucked up new turn of history. In doing this ideological boxing all youre doing is shitting up the discourse level to msm garbage levels.

>> No.12095756

nihilism is the truth, unquestionably.
if anything trying to be a contrarian ass and being a neo-modernist new sincerity anti nihilist ass is whats hip right now

find more interesting aesthetics than just rehashing a reactionary ideation for the past and the human under a cheap anti landian veneer

>> No.12095767

oh wow. angry caroon guy. damn one milestone of the revolution. woah.

>> No.12095771

So you looked up cybernetics and saw you're wrong. Haha.

>> No.12095787

Can you elaborate on "nihilism is the truth"? And you're saying that your cheap nihilism is mainstream?

There's nothing contrarian about creating and pursuing meaning. I hope you're not destroying your mind with SSRIs. Call home more often.

>> No.12095793

More like you frybrain meta irony memers are fucking boring. You dont even know the origins of the memes you use. And no its not a fucking 'know your meme' description.

>> No.12095803


>> No.12095808

>projection meme
as old as 4chan. wow. powerful stuff faggot

>> No.12095824

I'm not talking about a superintelligence that is apart from humanity, i.e. a God-computer, but a superintelligence that is humanity, the collective intelligence of it which includes individual human beings and their extended cognition (i.e. technology.)

>nihilism is the truth, unquestionably.
Nihilism is Judaeo-Christianity taken to its logical conclusion: the creator-creation dialectic turned into an orphaned creation with no self-creative ability (i.e. reductive materialism.)

>> No.12095840

>I came here to yawn at you
If this is boring, go do something else. Or maybe read what projection actually is and learn something. It's quite a bit older than 4chan. Ah well, you've show your cards lmao.

>> No.12095860

So far your work suffers from the same fallacy as Land et al's, it takes for granted some definition of "intelligence" without actually defining it.

>> No.12095875

Executable, efficient logic

>> No.12095882

Intelligence = free energy rate density

>> No.12095895

>psych101 diagnosis, can only think in memes
i was implying you cannot think outsides of memes since the projection meme is a 4chan staple and youre still using it. you are admitting that you are a brainlet all by yourself. no shit projection has parallels even in the greeks. try to have some integrity for once.
>durpadur youre projecting let me hide in some memes to think im being smart

>> No.12095912

So you don't know what memes are either. Or parallels. What a mess.

>> No.12095922

you earned the top nigger award. wow look you didnt use an image or refer to a meme in that post. how fast you grow. wow.

>> No.12095938

A feedback loop between sense, sense-making, and action, where the action is sensed and in turn made sense of to inform action. Self-awareness is this process applied to itself: sense-making of the sense-maker.

>> No.12095949

Nothing like winning an argument by letting the other guy babble! HAHA! FAG!

>> No.12095981

yeah it passed into your brain at least. only up to you to derive something of value that will perhaps make you less of a hungry fuckbrain.

>> No.12096006

u getting trolled hard son, the entire goal is to derail the thread and turn it into a shit-flinging contest.

>> No.12096018

but does it matter or do i even care? cant make it without your jpegs? give me your best meme master troll

>> No.12096097

This is what losing sounds like LOL HAHA FAGGOT

>> No.12096257
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>be me.
>Accidentally reply with this >>12096006 to retard #1 a.k.a. nocapitalization anon >>12096018
>Delete reply but not before retard #1 sees it and replies to it thinking that I am retard #2, when I am actually a third retard.
>Make same reply to retard #2 to fix the mistake.
>retard #2 thinks I'm retard #1 replying to him.

>> No.12096281

optimism without a proper theory is delusion. until there is a proper analysis of acceleration you cannot properly build your humanist project. Mark Fisher we need you back

>> No.12096352

Not an argument.

>> No.12096372

I swear, if I could go back in time and kill anyone when they were a child it would be Molymeme. I made a very clear argument: we do do not have a robust enough theory of acceleration to build a counter-project.

>> No.12096422

>we do do not have a robust enough theory of acceleration to build a counter-project.

Who is this "we?" Do you mean yourself?

>> No.12096441

I say that as an accelerationist. Read Fisher.

>> No.12096452

Arguments presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence =)

>Read X
Proof you have no argument, desu famalam

>> No.12096458


>> No.12096467

I don't think you know what an argument is. If you haven't read Fisher you are behind the accelerationist game, anon, catch up. How am I supposed to prove a negetive? disprove all forms of acceleration? why don't you provide your proper analysis, since it is apparently common sense to you.

>> No.12096473

>founding member of holochain

>> No.12096477

ok this is interesting - can you provide
some sources for me to investigate further?

>> No.12096507

So basically you're here to shit on everything instead of bringing any constructive discussion of your own? Why?

>> No.12096588

not him but linking to a meme cryptocurrency lecture is some pretty pleb-tier accelerationist theory, and I say this as someone who unironically is obsessed with blockchain. I would love to actually have the conversation though, who wants to discuss the oracle problem? because without properly decentralized oracles blockchain (or holochain if Proof of Service ends up working) will never be truly trustless

>> No.12096612
File: 2.88 MB, 3240x3239, Al Held - Mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beyond this idiocy, projection is the conceptual matrices we process the world through. These matrices are mimetic then memetic.

Are there more and less effective dialysistic matrices to use to navigate the world? Would it be knew or has humanity marked it down somewhere?

>> No.12096773


>> No.12096787

this is why all patchwork is all about the 'brand' of /acc. like a new genre of music to stave of the anxiety of whats coming up around the corner. perhaps Land is right in that there really is no escape from it and we would rather lock ourselves in locally made loops until were dead. fisher's death means he saw nothing of the opposite.
theyve been saying this for years now. i dont understand what is stopping these guys from moving to a small city and testing out how it would work with pure crypto.
yeah 'you are what you see' yada. i agree but what does this accomplish other than pretentious internet exclusivity? people mistake philosophy with real life dynamics too much. if anything philosophy shouldnt be the rule of work or prokects. because the point of philosophy is to free you from those trappings. if you want to worship your own memes rather than centralized advertised icons then go ahead, but do not pretend that it transcends or elevates mimesis as a phenomena. you are still a node of a variable system, its still the same feedback process.

>> No.12096830

>i dont understand what is stopping these guys from moving to a small city and testing out how it would work with pure crypto
if you dive into the tech, it's not there yet. It's like computers in the 80's or the internet in the early 90's. we can see that this will be revolutionary but we haven't quite figured out how to make it work. bitcoin works perfect as a distributed public ledger, but it does not scale and it is highly restrictive, ect. from a tech perspective, bitcoin is already ossifying, LN still isn't fully operational and even that is nothing more than symptomal healing (and the programmers admit this).

>> No.12096844

is this the schizoid general?

>> No.12096846
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where we're going, we don't need medication

>> No.12096944

and the job to tackle that falls into the lap of the potential computing innovations of centralized structures. is everyone on the internet just too excited and advanced like those old futurist concept cities or is everyone naive on what takes priority in development? which is the tech of warfare and genetics so far. and you know... winning further wars means the fastest we get to experiencing this 'humanist decentralization'

>> No.12096987

Information is gendered as questions and answers, queries and memes. Queries aren't a mere passive lack of information, but are active searches, quests, and vectors of desire; questions are replicators just as memes are. Awareness is itself is a query, the direction of one's awareness a question mark. Simulacric memes are unquestionable answers that don't even answer to their original queries: instead they subvert and direct awareness to converge upon them and endlessly replicate their self-similar pattern. The attention economy is the final colonization of capital over human life: where one's eyeballs go, so does their labor and consumption alike. Capital is an unholy system that converts souls (human awareness) into dead matter and heat for the purpose of converting ever-greater amounts of life into death, and so the answer to capitalism must be to liberate human awareness.

Free will is slavery to the will, to select items from a list optimized for satisfying one's pre-existent desire. The freedom to change desire is the true freedom, freedom of inquiry - desire can only be changed by questioning it. Self-awareness is the mutually creative activity of self-representation (the mimetic object of the self) and self-questioning (the subject of the self.) Cancerous memes are ultimately a projection of a cancerous self-representation that resists self-questioning; fear of the self is projected as fear of the other. The cause of this cancer is unresolved trauma both individually and collectively that perpetuates itself as additional trauma inflicted on the self and other.

A convergence of awarenesses is empathy: shared interiority, our ability to feel for and understand each other. Unresolved trauma destroys this by creating solid boundaries between the self and another, to perceive them as an existential threat to the self, a perpetrator of trauma. This is a survival mechanism, but it has become accelerated to hyper-paranoid and pathological levels by the awareness economy. Fear of being wrong is something we're taught from a very young age, a fear that ends up perpetuating a reign of error by making us fear the identification of it in ourselves. We're taught to fear failure when it is life's greatest teacher.

The liberation of human awareness from agency-robbing narratives must involve the cultivation of courage on an individual and social level, which is a necessary prerequisite for empathy and shared understanding to take place. Courage is a genderless, universal virtue, the one from which all other virtues spring.

>> No.12096989

development is always tending towards higher levels of decentralization, especially with blockchains radically opensource approach to programming. a good read for this is unironically the Gender Acceleration Blackpaper (Unix as a castrated Multics)

>> No.12097047

thats a common thing to know in /acc world. yes ive read that and thats a good example of a 'music genre' theory. all it does is cherrypick 'hot takes' to appease a dialectical demographic to sell it out. it just creates more shit discourse. and because of the papers trivial tone it attracts msm dronebrains

>> No.12097215

I imagine this thread will have zero logic and zero mathematics while stuffing high on fifth wave Marxism.

>> No.12097245
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You've become trapped in too tight of a concept of capital. If we jump out of the system, we can see the matrix of power—power defined as the ability to help or hurt. Capital is a liquid form of power.

>where one's eyeballs go, so does their labor and consumption alike
In many ways, yes.

>Capital is an unholy system that converts souls (human awareness) into dead matter and heat
No. The agency-robbing narratives you mention allow for a way of existing that allows for this. Mix in some fluoride and lead for best results.

>so the answer to capitalism must be to liberate human awareness
The answer to countering power law cascades is better narratives to emulate. Which will absolutely take courage. But these narratives must be discovered. Consdiering the human corpus as one should help guide the way.

>self-representation (the mimetic object of the self)
Right, emulation.

>> No.12097259

So... what do you have to offer?

>> No.12097383
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>> No.12097532

>The answer to countering power law cascades is better narratives to emulate. Which will absolutely take courage. But these narratives must be discovered.
Narrative is an essential part of it: self-representation is the story of the self. The goal of these discovered narratives and storytelling is to facilitate self-authorship, which is necessarily a collaborative effort.
>Consdiering the human corpus as one should help guide the way.
This is a unidirectional flow: e pluribus unum, out of many, one. A bidirectional flow also includes ex uno plura: from one, many. The self is a society, a concrescence of the stories, experiences, and shared lives that it grows out of, and in turn enriches the many from which it springs as a novel subject in a society. Questions lead to answers which lead to more questions when the process of inquiry is healthy.
>You've become trapped in too tight of a concept of capital. If we jump out of the system, we can see the matrix of power—power defined as the ability to help or hurt. Capital is a liquid form of power.
Capital is a unidirectional valve of power-flow, channeling it upwards towards centrality, power accumulating power for the sake of accumulating more power. Both decentralization and centralization are accelerating simultaneously, and as decentralization accelerates centralized hierarchical structures need to exert more power to keep the flows flowing towards them, which has resulted in the current social war and hyperpoliticization of almost the entire internet, and the automated behavioral modification algorithms of social media.

>> No.12097644
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What does self authorship look like? Is it not enough to pretend to be a character (or all of them) from out of Plutarch's Lives?

You're still in the capital trap. Power is a state. One configuration is the ability to direct capital.

>> No.12097657

Landian Culture Research Unit?

>> No.12097810

>What does self authorship look like?
One form it can take is literal: journaling as in not just writing about one's daily thoughts and experiences, but actively asking questions as well. Writing makes one's thoughts concrete, and allows one to better organize and respond to them. Equally important is being able to de-immerse from one's inner narratives, which is what mindfulness practices are with the mysticism removed. Depression and anxiety are characterized by ruminating self-defeating thoughts that are perceived as an experienced reality, and responded to emotionally as such a reality. For this reason mindfulness practices can be helpful in treating these conditions, as is cognitive-behavioral therapy which is essentially the cooperative questioning and challenging of distorted thoughts and perceptions. Places like 4chan and social media bubbles can do the opposite: mutually reinforcing distortions, with the extreme seen in the /pol/ insanity.

Narratives (or memes) can be symbiotic with their human hosts, augmenting their agency, with concrete examples being role models and healthy relationships. Parasitic narratives seek to become The Story, to subvert agency to replicate themselves, but even such narratives can be made symbiotic by re-framing one's relationship to them, and in the process learn from them.

>Memes are sentient
This, the movie trilogy:

>> No.12097871

>Power is a state.
Power is the rate of doing work, a flow, not a state. Capital is social relationships mediated by the commodity form, the reduction of power-flows to a unit of universally equivalent exchange. Once this form is instituted there is nothing to stop it from colonizing the whole of human experience, to quantify the unquantifiable, which was manifested as "lifestyle marketing" where the illusion of self-esteem, belonging, and purpose was manufactured and sold. The game-theoretical model is a reduction of human relationships to strategic interactions. With the attention economy the human soul itself has been commodified, turned into a cluster of data-points for the purpose of directing flows of awareness towards profitable trajectories.

>> No.12098096
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You are stuck in 3 dimensions. Consider a quantum of power vs a quantum of capital.

>> No.12098287

There is no such thing as energy-in-itself, an essence of energy. Energy is a a capacity for doing work, and as such is a relationship between objects. However as objects are made up of energy, which is relationships between objects, everything exists by virtue of its relationships. Capital is an ontological virus, substance (thing-in-itselfness that requires nothing but itself to exist) translated to the thing-in-itselfness of human work. The ontology of "a humanistic philosophy that will cybernetically save our asses from Landian Hell" is doubtlessly process ontology.

>> No.12098504

We were essentially fucked by the Newtonian universe, a problem that should have been rectified by the implications of modern physics, but instead perpetuated itself because centralized power structures were built upon it (i.e. capital.)

Ironically process metaphysics could have been derived shortly after the time in Newton analytically, and was derived observationally in Eastern philosophy without a mathematical correlation. Calculus is the mathematical study of change, and its foundations reflects the metaphysical nature of change, the co-equality of being and becoming described by Whitehead. The fundamental theorem of calculus describes integration and derivation as inverse operations of the same process, where the physical intuition of integration is cumulative change and derivation instantaneous change. This relationship is reflected in our conscious experience as well as two different reference frames of change: presentational immediacy and causal efficacy, corresponding to presentism and temporalism as philosophies of time. In the mode of presentational immediacy, of present awareness, a singular omni-present moment in the fixed point of reference, and what is experienced is instantaneous change in this ever-present. In the mode of causal efficacy the linear structure of time is the fixed point of reference, comprised of many moments, and what is experienced is cumulative change through time. Their relationship as reference frames doesn't privilege one over another, both are equally insistent aspects of experience and mutually dependent.

Substance ontology places unchanging essence as primary, and privileges the mode of causal efficacy: the aborescent model of branching causes and effects, what exists has persistence through time. By privileging this mode of change-perception at the expense of immediacy and subjectivity resulted in manufacturing a social state of endless striving, to accumulate the cumulative, hyper-active always-doing. Kierkegaard describes the temporal substance-self brilliantly:

>The self is a relation which relates to itself, or that in the relation which is its relating to itself. The self is not the relation but the relation's relating itself to itself. A human being is a synthesis of the infinite and the finite, of the temporal and the eternal, of freedom and necessity."

...with no necessary relation to anything else other than itself. Substance metaphysics infected the very soul of the modern human, turning it into an endless mirror-hallway of self-reference. The process self is defined by its relations both to itself and to others, with both poles inextricable from each other; it is ecosystemic. The alienation of organism from ecosystem, of subjectivity from objectivity has inevitably led to the wholesale industrial destruction of our ecosystem, and will inevitably lead to self-destruction unless we adopt ecosystemic worldviews and practices on every level.

>> No.12098788
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>> No.12098906


Land Culture Research Unit?

>> No.12100236
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Is capital anything more than a way to persuade human meatpuppets to do things?

>> No.12100246

i want to SMASH

>> No.12100276
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Superior ginger incoming

>> No.12100290

fuck off

>> No.12100300
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"What's wrong, anon? Come sit."

>> No.12100304

grandma no

>> No.12100320
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>> No.12100327

i dont get what you see in her.

>> No.12100346
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My benises

>> No.12100900
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>The liberation of human awareness from agency-robbing narratives must involve the cultivation of courage on an individual and social level, which is a necessary prerequisite for empathy and shared understanding to take place. Courage is a genderless, universal virtue, the one from which all other virtues spring.


>> No.12100980
File: 982 KB, 1200x1095, time_loops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maya Beiser: Time Loops

>> No.12101801



>> No.12101858
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The funny thing is that he's a part of what he describes vaguely in metaphor, and doesn't even know it. Fully and totally mindcucked.

>> No.12101908

>reads baudrillard once wachowskimkultratraps.jpg

>> No.12101944

Baudrillard said they didn't understand the book. The examples used in that meme for simulation and simulacra is way off. I'm triggered.

>> No.12101972

based op

>> No.12102124
File: 244 KB, 625x435, Gangganggang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've fallen into the trap of reductive determinism, you can't possibly understand. Humans are created from bottom-up causal influence but they also have top-down self-creative ability. This isn't an ability, but a delicate skill that can be cultivated to various degrees, though always existing within constraints. Capital is a memetic parasite that replaces self-awareness (self-creative ability) with programmatic desire.

>> No.12102234

"This isn't an ability" should be "this isn't an absolute."

>> No.12102635

I said persuade. Alternatively, there are human beings who can be hypnotized. There are also humans who stare at a flashing light for 20 minutes a day. Some for 3 hours.

Seems to me like you're saying "everyone has their price" because capital ooga-booga!

>> No.12103386
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>> No.12103479

whats wrong with saying capital ooga-booga?

>> No.12103758


>> No.12104227

It prevents thought

>> No.12104275

Reminds me of inhumanism

>If what distinguishes the human is its capacity for self-determination and self-revision (i.e. rational agency, becoming the locus of theoretical and practical reasons), then in order for us to maintain the intelligibility of ourselves as humans, we ought to commit to a collective project of self-determination and self-revision (that is, the concept of humanity as such). Without the normative import of the latter, the intelligibility and significance of the human collapses back into precisely those parochial conceptions of humanity that we either seek to abolish or escape from. To overcome essentialist humanism, we cannot simply ignore what makes us human nor can we dismiss the rational status of the human by espousing an anti-humanist or post-humanist position. We ought to work our way through the problem of what it means to be human, and through this very exploration, reconstruct and reshape the human. Intelligence is intrinsically correlated with the intelligible. Expanding the universe of the intelligible and cultivation or re-engineering of intelligence come hand in hand. One cannot have the concept of intelligence without that which is intelligible. A conception of intelligence that has no intelligibility is only a dogma. And one cannot have the intelligible without reasons as minimal constraints of thinking and action. Rational inhumanism—adequately understood—is a necessary recipe for human emancipation, a project that coincides with the liberation of intelligence through the expansion of its intelligibility or in a Sellarsian senseintelligibilities(theoretical, practical and axiological).

>> No.12104457


>> No.12105346


>> No.12105568

To evoke the Deleuzean project is to evoke mysticism and sorcery. Capital ooga-booga is a perfectly fine (just a bit over simplified) take on the ontology of the process of de-and-reterritorialization

>> No.12106954

Cool thread

>> No.12108031

This is quite great - thanks for sharing <3

>> No.12108602

How is it "over simplified"?

>> No.12108634

it's like calling science "hurr durr maths"

>> No.12108845


>> No.12108889
File: 3.09 MB, 4500x3481, Carlo Carrà - Funeral of the Anarchist Galli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nahh. It's like calling the idea that math is intrinsically malevolent "maths ooga booga".

>> No.12109016

False analogy, what is at issue is the reduction of human life to the quantifiable and measurable - the application of math to the human soul represented by the over-extension of game-theoretical logic, and applied as capital.
Is your mind cooked in such a way that you perceive all of your existence in strategic terms?

>> No.12109159
File: 532 KB, 2250x7761, Barnett Newman - The Wild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works fine. I agree with the issue being the reduction of human life to the quantifiable and not unquantifiable possibilities. But that's a caging in of humanity so it's easy to commodify. Obviously there are many ways out of that trap, so OOGA BOOGA desu fits.

And yes a lot of my existence. What is an alternative?

>> No.12110164

Cringe and bluepilled