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12091639 No.12091639 [Reply] [Original]

Reza bringing heavy artillery on Nick Land on Twitter right now



>> No.12091641


>> No.12091645

damn, how will he ever recover..

>> No.12091648

Is Reza a brainchad? It sounds like he might be. What are his mathematical credentials?

>> No.12091656

Zany paranoid attacks other zany paranoid over perceived attacks on the imagined relevance of their world views
More at 11

>> No.12091665
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>quantum physics

>> No.12091670

i know right, who even still believes in jewish physics? they're so 20th century

>> No.12091717
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Holy shit the state of you poltard


>> No.12091725


>> No.12091734
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>> No.12091742
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What an absolute pseud

>> No.12091750

That's not him, that's me.

>> No.12091752

Don't insult my based and redpilled friend

>> No.12091761

He’s an actual engineer though

While Nick OD:ed on Bataille and read pop sci literature on physics

>> No.12091769

An engineer who thinks he's a scientist is unironically worse than a clown like Land

>> No.12091793

>chronology is parochial
lmao so basically his point is that theory fiction rules and accelerationism drools? write some more danielewski-tier trash you fuckin math welder

>> No.12091806

>he's an actual engineer though
imagine uttering this as an unironic endorsement of his theoretical acument

>> No.12091813
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>he hasn’t read the greatest philosophical work yet of the 21st century
Sit the fuck down nigger

>> No.12091852

>just because you have a temporal perception of becoming, it doesn't mean that it is the law of the universe
what is he getting at here? no really, what is the point of this sentence?

>> No.12091866

Time isn’t necessarily real.

>> No.12091879

have you?

>> No.12091885

Try go back in time and tell me that

>> No.12091893

But Kant already said this in the Critique, what’s new here?

>> No.12091896

Nigga what? Germany decried relativity as jewish physics and put their focus on quantum mechanics, you've got it backwards

>> No.12091905

Land hates Kant like he hates niggers

>> No.12091912

*laughs in /sci/*

>> No.12091923

Already did.

>> No.12091927
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i really, really need to see how this plays out.

>> No.12091936
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KEK he looks exactly like the guy on the right

>> No.12091945

ITT: Land Defense League

>> No.12091967
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>> No.12091998
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Woody Guthrie: This Land is Your Land

>> No.12092011

I don't like Land, I just hate non-whites

>> No.12092021

Land got the Based God on his side, who's Reza got?

>> No.12092043
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>> No.12092065
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>based god
that's 1-0 for Land imho

>> No.12092076

Absolutely ballistic.
Nick "Boomer Lord" Land is finished.

>> No.12092083


>> No.12092086

Iranians are literally whiter than most English people.

>> No.12092149


>> No.12092177

the most you can say is that we're good looking mexicans

>> No.12092206

the penultimate pop philosophy of the 21st century is that which is taught by the based god, all this obscurantist schizo nonsense was only ever substantiated last week when the basedgod himself bravely endorsed nick land
not even close


>> No.12092237

I was thinking he looked more like those flag pics

>> No.12092463

>nick land

>> No.12092481

now we need moldbug on twitter for the trinity to usher in the next phase..

>> No.12092499

This is all so tiresome. It's basically theology except shit.

>> No.12092567

I don't understand anything this gentleman said.What do i need to read?

>> No.12092572

is there a word for this:
when you examine both sides of a dialectic and conclude that they're both entirely missing the point

>> No.12092577

>I don't understand
congratulations, it means your head isn't entirely up your own ass yet. get out while you can and either begin an earnest course of self-inquiry or study science

>> No.12092600

I don't think there's necessarily a product of 'becoming-time' relevant to the accelerative nature of Land. The basis of his idea of intelligence isn't formed upon an a priori ideality of time, but rather upon "transcendental time" (hence the "time in time" comment he's mentioned on podcasts), which I don't believe is too far off from Manländer's concept of time: an axis of the present entirely. As for hyperstition, templexity, etc., it would likely be fair to say that those concepts are relevant towards the nature and current of organization and the manners of influence from population (hence, also, the "convergent wave" mentioned). I am no expert, however

>> No.12092738


>> No.12092746

same thing Schopenhauer said before

>> No.12092844

what does this construction say that
>just because you think time exists, it doesn't mean that it does
does not?

>> No.12092876

>anglo attempts at continental philosophy
Never a good idea.

>> No.12092887

twitter is pure cancer

>> No.12092905


>> No.12092927

iran is 100% aryan

>> No.12092940

Why is the Warhammer 40K Universe not considered actual prophecy?

>> No.12092978

>Continental philosophy
Never a good idea

>> No.12093715
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>> No.12093721

>He’s an actual engineer though
So is Bill Nye.

>> No.12093774

is this that pink flord album

>> No.12093811

Reza calls Nick “Judge Holden”

“Judge Holden” is the antagonist in Blood Meridian

The protagonist of Blood Meridian, the kid, was born during the Leonid meteor shower of 1833

Leonid meteor shower 2018 peaks this weekend


>> No.12093816



>> No.12093818


>> No.12093841

I am 20 years old and still a virgin

>> No.12093896

Do you hate yourself?

>> No.12093905

Based. It's embarrassing seeing these threads and everyone involved.

>> No.12093994

this is the most misleading post ive seen in a minute

>> No.12094107
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>> No.12094123

let me give you a basic gestalt

>> No.12094126

Land loves Kant

>> No.12094131


>> No.12094139

i'd say that this is saying that even though you experience time as the dimension of change, it's may actually be static like space, in which case there's no dimension of change and nothing ever changes

>> No.12094143


>> No.12094152

... The central question you're evading so far concerns the tribunal. If we don't trust anyone to decide who won, then what? War has an answer. Do you?

reza btfo

>> No.12094161

He would get banned in an under day from all of his un-PC opinions.

>> No.12094163

while i thinl that reza is weaker, this is bad argument that ignores whole lot of science that points to time being part of geometry and mass

>> No.12094168

boris twitter thread of two boomers talking past each other

>> No.12094342


>> No.12094348


>> No.12094366

>engineers like me deserve respect!!

>> No.12094583

he is doing a justin murphy livestream soon, so maybe they expand on this there

>> No.12094590

pee pee?

no. Cloaca

>> No.12094608

>land changing the holy trinity to holden/god/heraclitus


>> No.12094650

This but unironically

>> No.12094700

I really do not think Negarestani answered Land here, he doesn't provide a line of demarcation that would show the (philosophical interpretations of) science he calls upon would be unassailable from any accusasion of appealing to authority, meanwhile this is a problem that concerns philosophers of science quite a bit:

>peddling what any philosopher has being doing in the continental vein: Mistaking the metaphysical flow of time (if there is such a thing) with the temporality of human experience.
No, I mean Heraclitus is indeed popular with continental philosophers since at least the days of Hegel and Nietzsche, but continental philosophy is not synonymous with process metaphysics: this guy could read some Schopenhauer. Besides, why even invoke the name of a scientific enterprise grounded in the activity and experiences of a selection of human beings to illuminate us on metaphysical, Capital T Truths entirely divorced from the finitude of human experience. Look, did Land ever claim that what he was talking about was on par with, or in any way related to what is accepted by the scientific communit-
>He’s an actual engineer though
...welp nevermind, now everything makes sense. We shall archive this conversation in the folder named "Retarded Anglo engineer talks to continental philosopher."

>... Nothing could be more ironic than the project to make what began with "Nullius in verba" an ideological prop for the new Church. ...
I hate to agree with Land.

>> No.12094706

what does it means?????

>> No.12094708

Land also has the upper hand in my opinion because he relies on simplicity and less presuppositions. The other guy is way overthinking it

>> No.12094763
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>War is God.
now this is based

>> No.12094771
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I was about to read Reza's book but they guy is apparently a fucking idiot.

Well that saves time.

>> No.12094782
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did the word science trigger you?

>> No.12094785
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He tries to show expertise outside of his own field which is engineering, and his show is pathetic? I don't know, might be this one.

I'm more of a science guy than most of the board.

>> No.12095299
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>land rover
>you can go fast but i can go anywhere

>> No.12095309


>> No.12095557

>calling a metaphysical principle pseudo-science

I don't understand why Reza is so triggered.

>> No.12095780


>> No.12095814
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Reza wants to dismiss something tautologically true by saying "B-but that's reductionist! It's not scientific!"

>> No.12095994

what in the fuck is going on in this thread


>> No.12096340

>wants to dismiss something tautologically true by saying
literally brainlet tier..

>> No.12096850
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Fedoras not seeing how their very own pope Richard Dawkins himelf came up with the word "meme" so that people could easily find themselves applying evolutionary thinking, such as fitness and selection, to non-genetic information as well.

I even wanted to be sympathetic to Negarestani but he's making it increasingly difficult.

>> No.12096865

>applying evolutionary thinking, such as fitness and selection, to non-genetic information as well.

This. How hard can it be to think of fitness and selection in a wider sense? It's nothing revolutionary but some of them like Reza really do not see it? wtf

Imagine like fucking tax incentives or tax credits. Same thing basically.

>> No.12096892

>I'm more of a science guy

>> No.12096962

>space is static
what he mean anons?

>> No.12096983

it's like the modern day parmenides/heraclitus beef

>> No.12097002


>> No.12097010

doubt you have a clue on contemporary genetics and evolutionary theory

negarestani admits this

it's not a fucking teleology

>> No.12097014

So educate us?

>> No.12097031

>This is a Geocities site from 2001
>mentioned as if it's a negative instead of pure webkino

>> No.12097032

literally this

>> No.12097037

So much fucking this. I love the look PC.

It's pure kino.

>> No.12097060

No shit. That doesn't invalidate Land's worldview as it pertains to human perception of time.

>> No.12097132
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Darwin hadn't, and neither have you. Why bring up teleology when nobody spoke of a direction? You're out of your league here, kid.

>> No.12097166

so THAT's what Land is referring to?

>Teleoplexy: “At once a deuteron-teleology, repurposing purpose on purpose; an inverted teleology; and a self-reflexively complicated teleology; teleoplexy is also an emergent teleology (indistinguishable from natural – scientific ‘teleonomy’); and a simulation of teleology – dissolving even super-teleological processes into fall-out from the topology of time. ‘Like a speed or a temperature’ any teleoplexy is an intensive magnitude or non-uniform quantity, heterogenized by catastrophes, it is indistinguishable from intelligence. Accelerationism has eventually to measure it (or disintegrate trying).

>> No.12097194

That could basically be just gibberish, the fuck does it want to say even?

That once things realize they can have purposes they can double down on it?

>> No.12097204

this is a basic explanation

>> No.12097257

I thought they were pretty skeptical of quantum mechanics too even though its main architects were ethnic Germans.

>> No.12097261

I replied to a question asking what was going on a Twitter thread, the word "teleoplexy" isn't involved. I wasn't even talking about Land's own philosophy for that matter, but those of @miraculate and Negarestani, which surprisingly don't seem particularly acquainted by Dawkins - a man who also notoriously argues that things have no ultimate purpose or finality - and acting as if this was the first time a certain famous paradigm was used outside of biological information, interpreting this as the sorcerous work of a metaphysician.

If you want to bitch about Land believing in some manner of "teleology", "teleonomy", "teleoplexy", "rationalism" or "finalism", but is not being discussed with Negarestani, do so elsewhere, we have plenty of Land threads already.

>> No.12097266

you got autism dude?

>> No.12097280

>things have no ultimate purpose or finality

>> No.12097349

Pretty interesting how the most important philosophical debates right now are all converging around complexity theory.

I wonder if the mathematicians/physicists are aware of this outside fascination with their subject.

>> No.12097359

THey're too busy actually doing and solving it instead of writing jargon in twitter or in philosophy journals.

>> No.12097364

I looked back into it again and they were skeptical of some parts of quantum mechanics but got forced into retracting their shit because Werner von Heisenberg's mom called Himmler's mom and told her to make them stop bullying him, not even joking.
I get the impression that it was mostly two very zealous scientists trying to brownnose Himmler and the party so they could keep doing things the way they always had (apparently with a fucking luminiferous aether) without adjusting to advances in the field. Relativity they specifically despised and were adamantly opposed to, though, because of Einstein's central formative role in it and because they couldn't help themselves from seeing it as politically related to relativism and subjectivity.
That's why Polandball comics usually portray Israel as a hypercube instead of a ball, though - Jewish Physics.

>> No.12097373

are you from the past? le-stem-meme, just science and progress and don't think about anything else died long ago anon, we haven't been in the post-ideological world for a while

>> No.12097375

It's just too bad that STEM types tend to work with blinders on, and rely on other people to realize the wider implications of their work.

>> No.12097376
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>> No.12097382

>not jousting

bad meme. 1/5

>> No.12097400

Science has forced the hand of petty ideologues for a long time now, and ideology matters even less than politics and it matters even less than economics.

Nobody ever solved anything by Marxist psychobabble about 'complexity theory' in a shitty 12D-5rd-wave femimarx journal.

>> No.12097401

>le-stem-meme, just science and progress and don't think about anything else died long ago anon, we haven't been in the post-ideological world for a while
Yeah, no, your personal loss of what little interest in "le-stem-meme" you had after discovering based and redpilled anime forums have little to no bearing on reality, friendo.

>> No.12097406

As one of those guys currently applying to grad school to continue the process, we're taught in an environment that views any consideration of wider implications as impractical at best, nonsensical at worst. Philosophy is nothing but the butt of jokes for undergrads. Some professors and an even smaller proportion of grad students (typically the ones from Europe, and I'm in a hard science - engineers are much much worse) have more interesting views on it, but otherwise any hint of a doubt about empiricism is seen as stupidity.

>> No.12097412

Name a relevant trend of this.

and no, Marxist psychobabble about dick cutting because of thermodynamics means it balances your mental status DOES NOT FUCKING APPLY.

>> No.12097423

Read the sentence again. Done.

>> No.12097435

A pop philosopher picks a twitter fight with another pop philosopher as a thinly veiled attempt to advertise his name and shill his new book that's coming out in a couple weeks by means of spectacle. What's new?

>> No.12097461

Most modern scientists couldn't even philosophically justify the scientific method, let alone give a coherent metaphysics.

The problem is the scientific academy is now completely co-opted by capital interests, and it's sole purpose is to churn out highly-technical wageslaves, rather than the well-rounded wisemen that used to comprise the class of Scientists.

>> No.12097482

> Most modern scientists couldn't even philosophically justify the scientific method
> actually believing this.

>> No.12097500

The problem is academia is plagued by pseudo-intellectual faggots like you, who feel confident to issue some wide dude-weed-freshman-mixer-tier generalizations about "modern scientists" while not actually being involved in actual scientific community in any way shape or form even on a local level, let alone one needed to justify uttering such statements. Fucking choke on a dick and kys, I hope they stop re-purposing oligophrenics like you for biofuel ASAP:

>> No.12097510

What I think is happening people like him (>>12097461) mistake their social "science" garbage for being actually part of the scientific community equal to STEM sciences and that's where their "authority" stems from (or so they think). There's nothing comparable about social "science" musings and actual demonstrable proofs of theory as displayed in reality.

They are not on the level at all, and all the government funding for liberal arts has distorted it.

>> No.12097791

Reza Negaresranis twitter is a joy to read, he’s such a bloomer compared to boomer Nick Land and his racist diatribes

>> No.12097915

Modern philosophy SHOULD be the butt of jokes. It's a shittier version of theology filtered through Marxism. We should ban Philosophy and bring back formal Theology instead, it would be a huge improvement.

>> No.12097918

are you not familiar with that the father of dynamical systems theory (Ilya Prigogine) wrote robust philosophical works on the implications of his scientific discoveries (to speak nothing of others like Stuart Kauffman and the legacy of cybernetics)

>> No.12097953

I have not read Ilya Prigogine's writings on determinism and dynamical systems, but I don't see how chaotic dynamical systems refute determinism, depending on what you take determinism to mean. If we know the initial condition of a chaotic system, in theory we can calculate its behavior from t=0 onward, can't we? Of course in the real world we don't have analytic solutions, and even simulating them won't quite work due to numerical errors, so it's hardly meaningful to say that the system is deterministic if we can't actually calculate the evolution. Maybe from a God's eye view the system can be deterministic, but we don't have such a view.

>> No.12098019

absolutely beautiful.

>> No.12098055

You think they're only skeptical of modern philosophy? Absolutely not. They think it's all something they can just ignore because they're obectively right about everything. Theology to them is synonymous with retarded american evangelical protestantism, so they hate that possibly even more.

>> No.12098057

funny how so many of nick's ccru disciples seem to view him as an obstacle to be overcome

>> No.12098166

I think it's fine, it takes all kinds to further knowledge my man.

>> No.12098173

It's pragmatically true by demonstrating utility based on certain assumptions.

>> No.12098236

Nick is the only reason anyone knows who they are

>> No.12098329

Nick Land has a limited definition of intelligence, sure. He's autistic as fuck, an empiricist who fell into a K-hole and never recovered. I've never read Negarastani but he seems to be winning this Twitter argument.

>> No.12098631

haha piss

>> No.12098644

you guys sound like stupid niggers lol

>> No.12099580

That's my line.
Ask Dawkins, I'm sure an intellectual of his caliber will give you plenty.