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12090033 No.12090033 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read to learn how to manipulate women?

>> No.12090037

You shouldn't manipulate people

>> No.12090043
File: 6 KB, 207x244, C00bskvWgAMgLk7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just become wealthy and make the whores sign pre-nups. Then spend the rest of your days dangling a wallet over their heads in exchange for sex. Science is not required to understand these rudimentary "people" known as women.

>> No.12090046

you should read a medical textbook and start contributing to the field of penis enlargement

>> No.12090052

Inb4 Roosh

>> No.12090058

>tfw 5 inches

>> No.12090092

"How to find the clitoris"

>> No.12090116

"How to be born attractive and not be socially retarded handbook" by chad thundercock

>> No.12090120

Correct, but women aren't people, they're property

>> No.12090129

you should read my diary, desu.

>> No.12090131


>> No.12090141

Read everything,at some point women won't be your main concern.

>> No.12090143

You don’t need a book. You need millions of dollars to get facial reconstruction surgery and penis enlargement surgery. Make sure to also have millions of dollars left over.
And there, now you can manipulate women to do whatever you want.

>> No.12090155
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I have found that the best way to manipulate a woman is to love her and care for her wellbeing.
It doesn't have to be romantic love, in fact some women are so starved for male compassion that dropping a casual sign of affection while making it clear that you're not trying to get in her pants will be enough to send butterflies to her stomach. Women are used to only being valued for sex, both by the chads they sleep with and the virgins they keep in orbit. A man who doesn't need or want sex but still likes her? That's a huge boost to her self-worth. Even if you're awkward or unattractive, if you genuinely value her and don't desire (not just don't ask, but don't desire) anything from her in return, she'll probably go head over heels for you and soon she'll be investing in your relationship more than you will be. Of course, there's still a hurdle to overcome in getting to know her at the beginning, when she may still treat you with the same suspicion she treats all men. You have to be not thirsty and have a strong understanding of what love actually is (it's not lust and it's not affection).
Incidentally, I'm pretty sure this is why gay guys are so popular with the ladies - it's a given that they're not in it for the sex, so all of their friendly overtures ring true.
Recommended reading: The Bible

>> No.12090158

>penis enlargement surgery
it exists?

>> No.12090177

All these retards talking about good looks being the only route are delusional. How did Chares Manson and the Waco fucker pull it off?

>> No.12090178

Bad advice. Don't listen to this idiot unless you want to spend your days listening to the inane nonsense that women concern themselves with no return

>> No.12090181

What a crock of bullshit. Butterflies in her stomach.

She's still going to get fucked by chad while you watch like a cuck

>> No.12090183

Confidence, projecting purpose, being mysterious, having money, providing a way to live

>> No.12090191


>> No.12090195

You're still letting your thirst for sex blind you. Did you actually read my post?
Unless you want a way to "manipulate" women into having sex with you, in which case I've found that being attractive and having lots of money works best. But she knows what's going on there, so it's not really manipulation.

>> No.12090200

What's the origin of these file names?

>> No.12090203

>$15000 to have things inserted in your penis
Yikes. People are desperate

>> No.12090205

What benefit is having a woman as just a friend?

>> No.12090213

read up any feminist theory that undermines the hypocrisy of "white" feminism. You can then use this knowledge to break their spirit by undermining their apparent egalitarian interests, bit by bit, as self-serving vanity. The more you denigrate their values, the more likely they are to follow and replicate your own attitudes by deferring to your obvious moral superiority.

>> No.12090215

What benefit is having anyone in your life in any capacity whatsoever? The OP wanted to know how to manipulate women - I gave an answer. Presumably the benefit can be assumed to exist, since we're having this discussion at all.

>> No.12090223

I don't have a thirst for sex. In fact I couldn't care less. I had an active love life for many years with not much effort. But there needs to be only a little bit of competition and you'll stay a friend. Also being poor means you're already 80% out

>> No.12090225

That's nice.

>> No.12090227

so are children

>> No.12090228
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In what world does this count as manipulation, you autist? All you're doing is regulating yourself the position of being an emotional doormat.

>> No.12090244

The interesting thing is that women will actually admit that you're property. My wife knows she is my property and belongs to me completely.

>> No.12090249

that they are your*

>> No.12090257

are your she is your wife and not your slave?

>> No.12090261

I've heard about Thudersplace and PE Gym,some guys on /fit/ said they enhanced their penis girth and length with the routines,but it's a slow process.I've never tried myself but if you're interested look it up.

>> No.12090267

Why is this so funny

>> No.12090272

I'm perfectly fine with my penis

>> No.12090279

my favorite kind is the one where they cut the tendons around your penis and pull out the part of the shaft that's normally hidden inside your body. you get an extra inch or two but your penis will always dangle downwards even when erect because it's been partially severed from your body and is just hanging there inside the skin. some porn actors actually do this to themselves even though i think it's actually meant for dudes with micropenis who can be rendered sorta sexually functional with that extra inch or two.

>> No.12090282
File: 370 KB, 1280x1920, Old_guitarist_chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just be yourself. It may seem like an empty platitude, but as soon as I stopped caring about women and just started doing my own thing I became attractive to them.
The reality of the situation is that there is no real one way to be attractive to women, as they are individuals and not a hivemind like most people on this website seem to think.
So basically the best thing you can do is hone your skills, improve your character and become proficient at things you enjoy.

>> No.12090283

fuck. reading this made me wince

>> No.12090287
File: 1.86 MB, 1210x6307, How to tame women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with this.

>> No.12090291

she just likes that shit because it makes cheating on you feel better

>> No.12090292

I also belong to my wife completely.
This is why most marriages are ending in divorce and why most relationshisp fail. People don't devote themselves to each other with their entire being.

>> No.12090295

fuck this is so cringe

>> No.12090298

I'm sorry that you got cheated on and have to project your insecurities on me.

>> No.12090305

As bitter as I am about my past relationships and despite the fact that I'd never admit it outside this godforsaken imageboard, this is one of the only things I want in this life.

>> No.12090309

Chateau Heartiste is the best source, but is probably too much for cucks fully indoctrinated into (((globohomo))) world. So check out The Rational Male first.

>> No.12090319

>thought you were some kind of asshole
>turns out you are a good husband
pardon my rudeness, sir

>> No.12090327
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>The Rational Male

>> No.12090330

The absolute state of internet youth

>> No.12090352

sure, you wanting your wife to describe herself in terms normally reserved for inanimate objects sounds secure as fuck. is she allowed to move when you have sex?

>> No.12090384

I can understand why a relativist like yourself feels threatened by absolutism.

>> No.12090387

Many women desire to be owned by a man. It's a very natural instinct.

>> No.12090393
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I'm 21 years old and I've slept with about 35 women so far, and I'm currently dating a beautiful, kind, caring girl. My secret to all of this is cultivating a sense of self worth and confidence, being kind, and treating the opposite gender like actual human beings. It's much easier to get around now a days since most men are shit and do these stupid mental gymnastics to try to get in to women's pants.

>> No.12090400


>> No.12090484

you can't describe your marriage in terms of two fruity metaphors that contradict each other (my wife is an inanimate object owned by me/I am an inanimate object owned by my wife) and call that "absolutism". the objective reality of your marriage is that the master is a slave to the slave and the slave is the master's master? go start with some plato you moron.

>> No.12090511

>stop having a great and happy life with your wife bro

>> No.12090529

>anons responding to the "my wife is a slave" poster

you getting trolled son

next he'll say it is useful to "correct" her behavior with a belt or stick

>> No.12090543

nah it's just funny because he's a textbook npc spitting out lines at random. he's run out of the fun ones now so i'm moving on.

>> No.12090544
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Radical Honesty by Blanton

>> No.12090546

I never said she was my slave, that is what people incorrectly inferred. I said we own each other. My wife is probably the most spoiled and loved woman on the planet.

>> No.12090550

you own fucking nothing goy

>> No.12090554

Do you have a succesful marriage with children? No.

>> No.12090558

It's hard for you to comprehend because you can't imagine a woman giving herself entirely to you, so you project. This insecurity is your own doing.

>> No.12090588
File: 398 KB, 1514x938, Shaming_Tactics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts on imageboard and doesn't even know the most essential memes
>inserts accusation of insecurity and projection
Good job proving you're talking out of your ass.

>> No.12090598

see, i got to the last line, it just repeats now. i wanted to continue the branch about relativism but that's not implemented i guess.

and now it gives the lines it gave me before to new users.

>> No.12090621

This desu. The anons saying this is bad advice clearly have little experience interacting with actual people. Women want men’s respect and attention. Show a girl that you’re interested in paying attention to her and she won’t be able to get enough of your company.
I spent a while in seminary studying to be a priest and while I was there women suddenly became way more interested in me. The other guys studying with me experienced the same thing. When you’re a seminarian girls assume that 1. you’re a “good guy” and 2. if you’re reciprocating them it’s not because you want to get into their pants. Girls loved spilling all their issues to us and we all felt like wise fatherly figures. It was kind of cool
So basically work on your “I’m a good responsible guy and i appreciate you but I’m not immediately looking to fuck you” vibe and you’ll be golden (it goes without saying that none of this works if you’re hopelessly ugly or, worse, awkward)

>> No.12090631

>ITT: hopeless bitter virgins tell successfully married men that they don't understand women
quintessentially 4chan

>> No.12090636

First you have to be respected. So they will feel bad making you feel bad in any way possible. Ask them for something and if they're afraid they're gonna offend you if they don't do it, they will be more likely to do it. That's just one thing and maybe I'm actually wrong at how much most women care about others feelings. I don't even know why I wrote this fuck

>> No.12090641

This literally works for me all the time(on the rare occasions I go out). I just talk to them like a normal person and they come on to me and ask for my number. Too bad I'm emotionally impotent.

>> No.12090647

We're on an annymous board why the fuck you need to tell us you didn't try it

>> No.12090648

>that image
God I wish he still uploaded. The copy-cats just aren't the same.

>> No.12090651
File: 73 KB, 1262x709, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never look just like Buddy Holly

>> No.12090658

Why do you care?

>> No.12090660


This lol. If you just socialize with everybody the same, girls will like you (so long as you aren’t ugly) and they’ll be in a horny mood at some point (maybe frequently depending on her temperament) and when they give you a cue then that’s an invitation to move forward and sleep with her

>> No.12090730

I know, he refuses to address the Jewish Problem, but it's still decent analysis.

>> No.12090891

what the fuck did I just read. how many of you anons thinks this is a 'redpill'?

>> No.12090961

Meh, i'm poor. None of the advice works.

>> No.12090971

Taking advice on women by someone who posts moe anime shit

>> No.12090981

I'm also wondering why they are written like that.

>> No.12090987

*sings* When you haven't got the coin you're always in the way

>> No.12091082

rest of the thread is pure cringe without a single exception, yes, including this fucking comment
should've quit this cancerous board long ago

>> No.12091092

>be attentive to your girlfriend and she'll respond positively
Wow, what an epic red pill on women.

>> No.12091105

her diary, desu

>> No.12091126

How could you value someone without wanting them? Its the same thing; you dont value what you dont want

>> No.12091145


lmao so the only way to make girls interested in you is to be socially unfuckable to them

>> No.12091163

>relationships with people are just like relationships with objects
you might have autism anon, not memeing

>> No.12091176

How are recent posts different than old school /lit/?

>> No.12091195

Its that this guys just has no right to talk about "his experience" when what we're talking about in an active effort to attract women, man to woman. What he mentions is the womans attraction to him, woman to man; not the fucking subject. OP didnt ask "how do women manipulate themselves"

>> No.12091220

give me a quickrundown

>> No.12091225

his point was that you change yourself to become what women are attracted to. Anytime you walk into a meeting with a woman with the goal "attract this woman" you immediately give her power over you because you want something that she can either give or not give. How can you manipulate someone from a weaker position? Instead, you should plant into her mind the goal "attract this man" which gives you the power in the encounter and control over where you go next
this is pretty standard manipulation tactics involving only a single person and if you can't see how this answers the OP then, again, you probably have autism
also that guy was pretty clear that what he did was intentional action on his part so I'm not sure where you got that it was the women manipulating themselves

>> No.12091226
File: 23 KB, 225x346, 1521883102477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got you covered. If you want to know how to hold frame against women the answer is to have another one lined up while humming "I Love It."

>> No.12091237

Disclaimer: Roosh promotes literal misogyny in the relationships chapter because he's an arab

>> No.12091250

Fucking REKT

Absolutionism is for retards that think they’re always right despite massive amounts of evidence and common sense that supports the contrary. His argument wasn’t relativistic either, it hinged on objectivism. Why are there so many retards on 4chan lately?

>> No.12091255

>qualifies great and happy on the notion that another human is his property

>> No.12091259

You both seem to have the same autism that produces the post-ironic "just give up" humour of now

>> No.12091294

These posters are either lefty soibois or women.

>> No.12091303 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 583x777, 1542398575915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orgasm strength correlates with oxytocin release which is the basis of female attachment

>> No.12091305

>what book will make me out pace a race horse
Sci-fi gen is leaking again.

>> No.12091306

If you aren't making your missus cum everynight, you will lose her. It's that simple.

>> No.12091337


>> No.12091409


Basically this, and be minimally well groomed

>> No.12091438

> calling others basedboys on 4chan
You're the man, guy!

>> No.12091460

Just become a chad

>> No.12091798


>> No.12092778

wash you'are penis

>> No.12092884

this: http://therawness.com/AFP.pdf

>> No.12093094

undersaturated roast

>> No.12093227

thats facebook filename shit

>> No.12093235


>> No.12093401

Do you value yourself without wanting yourself?

>> No.12093446
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>> No.12093463
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ctrl-f no Ovid
Sorry OP, /lit/ has let you down

>> No.12094088

The Quran.