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12089088 No.12089088 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite myth

>> No.12089093

The one where Aphrodite falls in love with Adonis

>> No.12089095

THe Holocaust

>> No.12089102

that capitalism works

>> No.12089103

I really like the egyptian creation story with horus set and osiris

>> No.12089138

Apollo and Daphne

>> No.12089146

ya mum not being a ho'

>> No.12089151

Poor taste.

>> No.12089159

Imagine being as innocent as OP, actually posting some quality question because you're eager to know the answer. Imagine being this in love with what you're doing to not feel tempted to bait the potential posters out with some shitty image or some online-inherited trickster way of phrasing the original post. Instead of shitposting myself OP I'll share some opinions. I like Venus & Adonis by Shakespeare, the story of Atalanta told by Ovid in the Metamorphosis, and, if it counts, Philoctetes by Sophocles. Something about this lattermost story stands out, and always has. The arrogance of it.

>> No.12089165

Prometheus stealing fire from the gods.
I always thought him the most noble of his sacrifice.

>> No.12089168

The myth of Sysiphus is the most baste one and so its Camus' book on it

>> No.12089175

Toss up between the Kalevala, the stories my elderly neighbor tells about his time as a Forest Brother and in communist invaders' prison, or the story passed down in my family about my great-great-great-grandfather bleeding to death after cutting his scrotum up with a sickle in a horrific wheat harvest accident. All are technically myths, I suppose, because we tell the stories over and over at family and friend gatherings and the characters are larger than life.

>> No.12089188
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The Tricking of Gylfi

>> No.12089197

I don't know Philoctetes. What's so great about it?

>> No.12089205

(Thrymskviða, Thrymskvitha, Thrymskvidha or Thrymskvida)

>> No.12089253

Either that of Narcissus or Sisyphus
Also I always found the myth of the Abduction of Persephone as a very beautiful metaphor about the changing of the seasons.

>> No.12089271

I like the myths about dionysos but before they turned him into "ayyy party, drinks and whores"

>> No.12089617

What's the deal with the cruxifiction, Anon?

>> No.12089620

My favorite part of Metamorphoses (so far) was Pyramus and Thisbe. I guess that counts. The Flood was also pretty good.

>> No.12089630

I like Beowulf, especially the first part

>> No.12089658


>> No.12089745

the one where helen was vacationing in egypt the whole time and they were all just fighting over a hologram.

>> No.12089751

Keat’s Endymion

>> No.12089761

If folktales count, then the dramatized life of Davy Crockett is one of mine.
Also the adventures of Perseus, king of the monster slayers.

>> No.12089781

I like the bible story where Jacob fights/wrestles (an angel of) God. For greek/roman myths my favourite is the one where Pygmalion falls in love with his own artwork.

>> No.12089785

I like the Epic of Gilgamesh. Just some bros doing awesome cosmic shit and staying chill. I wish I had a friend like that.

>> No.12089793

The legends of Agartha and Hyperborea.
I really dig the idea of places like that.

>> No.12089855

the one that inspired the romeo and juliet story

>> No.12089868
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Apollo and Daphne in Metamorphoses.

>> No.12090362
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Diana and Actaeon

The myth of Diana and Actaeon can be found within Ovid’s Metamorphoses. The tale recounts the unfortunate fate of a young hunter named Actaeon, who was a grandson of Cadmus, and his encounter with chaste Artemis, known to the Romans as Diana, goddess of the hunt. The latter is nude and enjoying a bath in a spring with help from her escort of nymphs when the mortal man unwittingly stumbles upon the scene. The nymphs scream in surprise and attempt to cover Diana, who, in a fit of embarrassed fury, splashes water upon Actaeon. He is transformed into a deer with a dappled hide and long antlers, robbed of his ability to speak, and thereafter promptly flees in fear. It is not long, however, before his own hounds track him down and kill him, failing to recognize their master.

>> No.12090488

How was it noble?

>> No.12090703

Probably later addition after NT, because of the similarities between the two, turning water into wine, ressurection etc

>> No.12090820


>> No.12091014

Tereus, Procne, and Philomela

Crazy shit, would have loved to see Sophocles's complete treatment of it

>> No.12091125

the myth of the "party switch", where the party of Republicans that just waged the MOST DEADLY civil war against racist Democrats, suddenly decided to switch teams.

>> No.12091166


>> No.12091240


The Epic of Son-Jara. Technically not a mythos story but it's just and full of amazing lessons and teaching

>> No.12091245

The one I make up

>> No.12091321

I read Hamilton's Mythology, too! the thread.

>> No.12091342

Why? it's so unrealistically exaggerated it breaks my immersion.

>> No.12091354

Orestes btfoing his thot mom and her lover

>> No.12091408

It was the only advantage left to humans after the gods gave animals all the cool powers