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12083366 No.12083366 [Reply] [Original]

from the alien series, any recc books on technology, futurism, or economic-related? thx

>> No.12083370

i just watched finished the 4 movies,i own the quadrilogy 9disk dvd box set AMA

>> No.12083570

Nick land

>> No.12083632 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12083733 [DELETED] 
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>cruffitan: a word of unknown origin ingeniously used in the hip-hop song "Witness" (artist: Roots Manuva) - referring to a man-made hidden meaning, probably a South London word-mix of prophet and crocheting

>to make up a vision of the future and tell people about it without revealing everything at once by only feeding them encrypted information.


September 4 - November 14 2018

looks like insanity, is insanity. but it also has what you're looking for. somewhere.

>> No.12083743
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>cruffitan: a word of unknown origin ingeniously used in the hip-hop song "Witness" (artist: Roots Manuva) - referring to a man-made hidden meaning, probably a South London word-mix of prophet and crocheting

>to make up a vision of the future and tell people about it without revealing everything at once by only feeding them encrypted information.


September 4 - November 14 2018

there. fixed. looks like insanity, is insanity. but it also has what you're looking for. somewhere.

>> No.12083804

You could probably do a reading of the Alien movies from the POV of Virilio. The biowarfare angle and Virilio's idea of the accident contained in the making of any technology (including bioweapons).

>> No.12083826

boring and racist

>> No.12083845


>> No.12083855

ok kid :)

>> No.12083881


>> No.12083889

attn: girardfag, I know you are in this thread. What are you going to do after the Cosmotech threads? We should have a philosophy of tech bookclub.

>> No.12083940
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kek. i honestly don't know anon. i don't know! i double-checked the timestamp on the Mighty Cruffitan and realized it wasn't one month, it was fucking *two.* and a week, and then more. two straight months+ of Cosmotech! it all happened so fast, i really should have memorialized it properly. which is in some sense what >>12083743 is. and that image was waaaaaaaaay too cool not to be praised. let it now be praised! i don't think it warranted its own thread but i'm glad OP made this one.

so yeah i don't know. life was weird today w/o running commentary on new stuff from Uncle Nick. plus there's new graphs and charts and stuff and everything. one of the greatest works in continental phil is being trickled out on a daily basis from Neo-China and it was way too much fun talking about it with you guys here, way too much fun.

i'm still collating my own thoughts in a long running journal on the side, mainly of things percolated up from that thread and some other stuff. i think i have basically found my muse, and it is Lightning. and Burnout. and other things like this. mostly i am what i am because i fail at fiction, but all that failure has produced the Wild Ride, and the Wild Ride is kind of fun to think about.

so right now i'm kind of working on that to scratch my Cosmotech itch, but there is now a terrible thirst for shitposting also. certainly the occasional Land Thread is a possibility, that's true. there are lots of books that are worth reading. some cool anon pointed me to this:


which contained this:

>And of this "semiological wash" through the technostructure, McLuhan said simply but starkly,

>Man becomes as it were the sex organ of the machine world, as the bee of the plant world, enabling it to fecundate and to evolve ever new forms. The machine-world reciprocates man's love by expediting his wishes and desires, namely by providing him with wealth.

and if that doesn't strongly suggest El Paseo Salvaje i don't know what. so yeah. i definitely do want to talk more about this stuff, i just don't know what the right format is, or how much interest there is, and so on.

>> No.12083973

so what i'm saying is, i'm pretty open to whatever ideas you have in mind.

>> No.12084022

I was originally going to start doing booktube videos of various continental philosophers, but thought a general bookclub similar to your cosmotech threads of some sort might be more appropriate, plus no one would care if you do your brain dumps of good info into those threads.

BTW, have you ever read Downham's essays? Both Land and Fisher have said that Downham's cyberpunk ("Cyberpunk: The Final Solution") zine essay in the 1980s was what convinced Nick and ccru to write the way they did. I've never seen it in the Nick Land reader or even mentioned.

Downham's essay (one of only three):

>> No.12084034

Nick on Downham: https://twitter.com/Outsideness/status/724881291288662017

Fisher on Downham:


>Mark Downham - status and biography unknown. Key texts 'Cyberpunk' and 'Videodrome: the Thing in Room 101', published in Vague magazine (a photocopied post-situationist 'data manual' heroically edited by longterm unemployed Stoke Newington intensity engineer and connection machine, Tom Vague). Downham's work notable for fiction-theory hybridizations far more intense than those gestured at by the likes of university incumbents such as the pedestrian Donna Haraway. The idea that Downham's delirial theory-derrives through Debord, Blade Runner, Ballard, Apocalypse Now and Neuromancer could ever be classified as 'academic' would make a dog laugh. Amongst other things, Downham's de-aestheticizing of the term 'cyberpunk' - i.e. his processing of it as not a generic 'style', but as a destratificatory cultural machine - was unspeakably important in the hatching of ccru

>> No.12084093
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>that link
oh man oh man i can't wait to get into this. read it, i haven't even heard about it! aaaaaaah, this board. this board shyeah boiiiiii. it warrants appropriately Fuck Yeah art. gimme something epic FF6 let's go let's go

>a general bookclub similar to your cosmotech threads of some sort might be more appropriate, plus no one would care if you do your brain dumps of good info into those threads.

i'd do so happily ofc. i basically always have things to say about /acc, even if generally speaking what those are is fairly predictable at this point, even how i say them and so on. but it really wasn't always this way: it's only become a kind of circuitified-process in the past couple of years or so. oh man and look at Fisher's list: Freud, Lacan, Baudrillard, Irigaray and Nietzsche. idk about Irigaray, i really haven't read her work, but i'm okay with xenofeminism. 3rd-wave feminism still gives me the facial tic, xenofeminism i'm cool with. but still. it's all basically the same stuff.

some people really like the CCRU, i have to admit i don't find it all that interesting, but ofc there is no Young Nick w/o it, and no Old Nick w/Young Nick, so the CCRU must be praised. but i mean check out the similarities between McLuhan and Land too, they're really remarkable also (>>12083940). and there's still, like, two podcasts left over from Cosmotech #14 that i haven't listened to yet, the Holochain one and the one Land tweeted out. Sloterdijk/Stiegler in conversation was way cool too, Sloterdijk is charming af.

the thing is that there's just something getting *synthesize* out of this and is cool as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, it really is. the crazy fucking leftoid NPCs are acting as fucking stupid as ever, and i find the right-wing stuff interesting but not even remotely as cool as Cosmotech. Cosmotech is fucking where it's at, all day erryday. i guess it's basically metamodernism also. but i'm far more smitten with intellectual history than anything like manifesto. i like to know *how we got here.* all i want is to write a kind of basic User's Manual for the unitiated. for cringe meme points, you could call it the Passion of the Postmodern Mind. the journey from Hegel to Land, the Cosmotech Loop.

so yeah, i'd be very open to talking about this stuff further in later threads, for sure. assembling a more refined list of texts and readings, things like this. i think it's a way way cool project. i don't want people to feel overwhelmed, or like this is all just hysterical memeing for cool points. it's really fucking interesting. i'd mos def be interested in continuing the experiment.

>> No.12084119

Just make the new Cosmotech thread already Girardfag. I was nervous when I didn't see one up on the board.

>> No.12084120
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the thing is, really, *what's after /acc* my feel is, *nothing.* after postmodernity comes *Burnout.* it's After Meltdown. that's my thing. it really is. there will be other things, of course. there will be technological increase, things like this. but as far as reaching Maximum Darkness? as far as i'm concerned, we're there. after Ben Woodward and Eugene Thacker and Nyx and whoever else, there's nothing else, there's nowhere else to go, except Recovery and Rehab. in a World of Ruin.

that's where i think it goes. i could be wrong, no question. but that's my feel. and as works of art go, FF6 just has *everything* for me. all of it. maybe this is relevant, maybe not. hell even Aminom prompted me to think about the Warring Triad/Vinegar Tasters relation, and Kefka, and Doomsday Clowns, and other things.

The Passion of the Postmodern Mind. that's the Wild Ride, basically, and it terminates in Burnout. those are my feels today, and things i'd want to talk about. i don't know what comes after cyberpunk except burnout, i don't know how much Edgier things can get. i'll have to wait and see what Uncle Nick says about BTC, and how those ideas are received, of course...but part of the impetus towards Cosmotech and away from pure /acc is from YH, from After Meltdown as a concept. what produced Meltdown? what is Meltdown? why couldn't it be stopped?
>kefka knows, and that is why he is who he is.

and other stuff. those are the things that really interest me. and what does this say about the human condition? Stiegler/Sloterdijk were talking about it too, like in the Anthropocene, problems with energy, growth, all the rest. so, things like this. some of the things i'm thinking about today. Rehab after the Age of Excess, why the Excess was necessary, what Cosmotechnics really means, YH, lots of other stuff.

>> No.12084195
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well i still think it makes sense to have a little comedown between these things. in the Mighty Cruffitan we basically linked end to end on threads that all hit the bump limit, which is fucking insane if you think about it. for two straight months there was a Cosmotech thread up, even if it wasn't really formalized as a general until #6, and every one of them went to 300, barring #3. a Mighty Cruffitan this was.

but you know, there are people complaining also. not like one or two grumpy types invalidate the outrageously awesome 30+ or so who regularly posted in those threads, plus Aminom, mystikos, Anon Who Posts Marty Glass, and others.
>i miss those marty glass scans, sigh
>and anon who was scanning negarestani's Intelligence and Spirit
>and posting oldschool techno + tumblr gifs
>this track
>my face
the CAG anthem until someone else takes the belt. Ladytron/Sugar is right there but this track basically finds the musical clitoris in my head and just sandpapers it into a crater. here's the extended version, for max feels. no video no nothing. just pure fucking Burninating goodness

Laurent Garnier: Crispy Bacon

so yeah, we'll probably do another one at some point. honestly i'd be happy to just get a little feedback on the whole thing for now, see what people are interested in, want more of, things like this. if it's just schizo-posting in the usual mode i'm fine with this also. some people hated the info dumps, some people wanted just one books, things like this. we can greentext books or key readings from the Cosmotech canon (Kojeve, Heidegger, JB, Land, whoever) or w/ev. you can't really miss with acceleration.

i'm off to bed, i'll check this thread ofc in the morning if it's still up tho. very interested in continuing of course! of course of course. though the mind is willing and the flesh weak, the Wild Ride sleepeth not.

>seriously Passion of the Postmodern Mind tho is kind of interesting.
>talking to yourself already eh girardfag
>actually no inner self. get back in your cage or i'll give you the enya

>> No.12085268


>> No.12085473

Space Taoism is terribly incomplete in the posts that I have made about it: it focuses mainly on causal efficacy and the cumulatively self-creative process, and has no soul, no passion, and no emotion - these are aspects of the instantaneous side of experience.

The emotional side of Space Taoism is the will to suffer, which is equivalent to the will to live, and to love, as love can only be defined as willingness to suffer (invest one's life) in that which is loved, not as a mere emotional upvote about something, a "good feeling." Christian morality is an insatiable aversion to suffering that seeks its infinite negation in heaven. Irony comes from a position of uninvested indifference, the opposite of love. Radical sincerity comes from a radical will to suffer, a will to suffer hell itself for the purpose of life, an infinite investment of self into the categorical other that gives birth to a limitless love of life and an inexorable courage, as all lesser fears and pains are infinitescimal compared to hell. To go over, one must go under, liberation comes through suffering, not from it.

In FF6 in the final face-off against Kefka the party members describe their reasons for being there: their personal investments into those who they love and the world around them. They have faced hell manifested as apocalypse, and posses radical sincerity, which is contrasted by Kefka's indifferent, ironic nihilism. Such heroism is timeless and universal among cultures, and the proliferation of narratives involving it speaks to our urgent need to see them realized. The world doesn't have the heroes we need, it is led by Doomsday Clowns (partyboat nihilists) and Last Men. The present is already post-apocalyptic: hell on Earth. In endless despair the future heroes of the world are incubating, the future will be saved by virally infectious radical sincerity that proliferates by the life-affirming radical altruism of millions.

>> No.12085501

why is thrre no cosmotech up bro

new land keeps on coming and nobody to doscuss with

>> No.12085515
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you are my favorite poster, Aminom.

it took me a long time to figure this out, but irony is in a kind of a psychic sense what modernity is in a cultural one. it's a thresher, or a gravity well, of some kind. that everything can have an ironic double is fascinating, and Baudrillard committed himself to the Desert of the Real as permanent nomad there. he never really returned, and neither did Nietzsche before him. Derrida founded a Ghost Kingdom in that realm, and Peterson in turn has decided to take the elevator Down now that it's turn. his elevator goes a lot further down than Harris' does.

FF6 is *that text* for me. not only because of Kefka himself, but because of what the developers intimated about how it is you go about producing a Doomsday Clown in the first place (purest, maximal Gestell, the transformation of Espers into Magicite), but to have Kefka become aware of this process in turn, and deliver up the void in his own being as World of Ruin, and to *succeed in this.* that is why it intersects so well with Deleuze/The Fold, because that is the endgame and horizon of deconstructive logic. it contains in itself both a fantasy, *and* a science-fiction, *and* a post-apoc story, all in one. the secret hero of every Star Wars film is the Death Star, which is Gestell + Death Wish. in 40K it becomes the Emprah, and all that follows from him, his awesome Undead Will.

but the developers of FF6 were on to something much more interesting, because they recognized what this portended. it's there in Annihilation also, peak BwO as genuine existential threat, the place where no void is. even the Tao has a pair of mutually opposed voids, each in one containing the secret of the other, and this is there in Hegel also, and in other places. Process and Reality gives you an alternative to the annihilating law of I AM, which is what is perfectly illustrated by Kefka, in a story even worse than Dostoevsky's, in some sense. the total command - even if it is a complete openness - binds and enslaves utterly. it paralyzes, because it admits of no question and no mystery.

McCarthy's Judge Holden is the purest form of literary evil ever represented, imho, and Kefka is not on his level. that's fine. the Judge is the Judge of all irony, and all sincerity. Kefka has more for me to work with because his is a commentary on the fundamental danger of a slippage between all signs themselves, the last laugh being both apocalyptic and humorless, and given in a world of Ruin. DFW understood this also, the impossibility of founding a new culture on a pure irony. it leads only to meltdown, and to Meltdown.

it is 100% as you say:

>In FF6 in the final face-off against Kefka the party members describe their reasons for being there: their personal investments into those who they love and the world around them. They have faced hell manifested as apocalypse, and posses radical sincerity, which is contrasted by Kefka's indifferent, ironic nihilism.


>> No.12085546
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the place to be, unfortunately, is somewhere in between *one form of sincerity and another,* which is precisely where the gravity well is at its most intense, and most destructive. as appealing as it would be to try and take the extreme Outsider position, and let everything go, it does not seem to me to be possible. *you will lose your mind.* you will wind up with a sandwich board rattling a tin cup on the corner, or retreating into a cell to make visionary art comprehensible to no one except you and your cat.

there is no clash between irony and sincerity, but between sincerities, and it is for this reason that FF6 understood the nature of heroism very well also. they were all overlapping stories of nihilism, those characters. every one of them understands, like Kefka,

>the wound is mortal, and it is mine.

that's why there is no Chosen One, and that is what makes it such a superior story, vastly better than the Matrix, which always tries to resolve dyads back into axiomatic, transcendental unities, to re-found the Law, but the Law is not. the ending of that story has the characters *escaping from the crumbling tower,* and that is all that we know of them afterwards. perhaps there is some hope for an ecologically aware thought afterwards, but it really doesn't matter. the battle with Kefka himself is anticlimactic: had they really wanted to make it interesting, they might have folded that sequence into a running battle which escapes from the tower itself, and incorporated a timer, but this is all just gilding the lily. the story is absolutely perfect as it is, for these and other reasons.

it's hard to be a hero, but if there is any story that i can think of that actually stands outside of the brutal paradigm that gives you Unironic Fascism as hero mythos, FF6 is it. i haven't done quite as much of a hermeneutic deep-dive into FF7, but certainly those eschatological themes are there, and they are certainly present in FFXV as well, which has an incredibly gothic tone about it all: Insomnia, the city of sleep and shopping malls and luxury cars. the developers know more than they know, as poets do. Phantasy Star II had some insight going on also.

FF magic is Unironic Magic, imho.

we're taking the Pause that Refreshes, as promised in Cosmotech #14. part of getting a grip, and to indulge those salty anons who kept asking us to stop. we can recap a little here i think, the last thread blazed through to its ending too fast. this was two fucking straight months. for two months i pretty much lived in this thread, every day. i was in three different cities during this time. a little Comedown and reflection is in order. will make the next one only so much more fun.

>> No.12085585
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going to leave you guys with another track here also, a truly Cosmotech-worthy remix made by some guy you have never heard of him.

if this track does not make goosebumps appear on your arms, and you do not grit your teeth at 6:53 i don't know what to say. it's just such a perfect buildup. FF6 is a much more layered world, but all of the themes were there even earlier PS2: the inherent danger of a literal Fully Automated Space Communism. vidya has all you need for textual criticism and more in the 21C, and you absolutely cannot beat the soundtrack either. purest Cosmotech. i love this one. go loud. eerrrrrrrrrrrrrgggghh

Aeroprism: Deadly Mota

>> No.12085691

warrants mentioning, i'm quite fond of Mystikos also. we seem to have been built out of the same glass beads.

>> No.12085737
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also, this is what i'm talking about here. i was going to see if anyone wanted to shoop a disco ball or a UFO or something but that would have been broken the cringe meter. this is just fine.

>it's like bro what if they had TRON in ancient athens bro
>so hostile inner self
>bro and if they were like throwing UFOs. deadly discobulus brah
>ok inner self settle we get it. you made your point

>> No.12086034
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>Space Taoism is terribly incomplete in the posts that I have made about it.
so you're saying...there's a chance we might get more Space Taoism? i want more Space Taoism also. i am expressly interested in Cosmotech as Land-compatible ethical praxis, as well as minor Holy Fool/Itinerant Wasteland Bard contribution to postmodern intellectual history, and i think Space Taoism is it, or close enough to it that i can't tell the difference. hopefully i collate my thoughts about Zen Acc enough that something more than Cosmotech generals can be contributed, but in the meantime, it's the world's greatest conversation, as far as i'm concerned. it lacks for nothing.

Hegel is seductive; he's super seductive. he may be permanently wed to Marx at this point also, with no going back. the attraction of mass politics is like that. with Whitehead (and Girard) you get all of the metaphysics you need that don't necessarily have to reproduce all of the stuff that comes with the World Spirit on Horseback. as metaphysician Whitehead ranks Girard, no question about that. but i prefer Girard to Hegel for other reasons, namely, the dangers of immanentizing the eschaton, Voegelin-style.

b/c it may be the case that if the eschaton is anything it is modernity itself, it is Capital-as-teleoplexy. here also is Uncle Nick with some of his usual gold-star brilliance to say about these things:

>Bitcoin has its own proper dispute resolution procedure – it might be more accurately said that the protocol is a dispute resolution procedure – which works through decentralized consensus production and forks, not through dialectic and political reconciliation. Its relation to argument is one of techonomic substitution, rather than politico-philosophical subordination. In this regard, it epitomizes the work-around.

>Bitcoin is thus nothing less than an escalation of multiplicity. Its potential necessarily escapes any conveniently-traced horizon.

>The greatest anti-capitalist joke known to history runs: Capital interprets morality as damage and routes around it. The rightly-celebrated maxim which this witticism plays off is discussed directly in Chapter 4.

it's going to be a fucking stupidly long time before we get Chapter 4. too long. way too long. i wants it naow. Joi is a sphinx, and there is no Oedipus this time around. but cruffitan-magic is a nightmare for deconstruction, because it feeds on precisely what tries to destroy it, that is, the reality principle: implosion. these are things that i think about.

>> No.12086099
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>In this regard, it epitomizes the work-around.

i like Girard because he is the team leader of what i would call the Bomb Squad: Heidegger, Laozi, Whitehead, Lacan, Han, whoever else. the guys who understand not only deconstruction, but *the limits of deconstruction also.* no doubt Unironic Fascism and Unironic Communism, in their fundamentally *political-experimental praxes* have a relation to shapegoating that means somebody's face has to get pushed in. that's how it works. the Jews, the kulaks, the old Imperials, whatever. remove scapegoating from 20C politics and *you lose politics itself.* the current Red Team/Blue Team mimesis happening in the US is unavoidable, and absolutely endemic to the system. it's Protestants scapegoating Protestants over Protestantism. it's not gonna work, but it will absolutely arm every cynic and douchebag fuckface who wants to score Signal Points in the meantime. very much like Krupp arming every nation in Europe with the big guns, and playing all sides against the middle.

and so i like Land for his rectification of names, and the restitution of Order in Time. i think Artificial Synthetic Kantian Time is a fucking bang-on idea. i also like it because it gives Space Taoism a completely sane project: self-defense against the self. it is like a little inner kung-fu master to spar with, to prevent you from thinking You Have The Answers. none of us have the answers, and this will make people panic and do fucking outrageous things to Restore The Cosmic Balance, which is what happens in those times of breakdown and decay that Girard writes about. or that Baudrillard writes about. or when Hegel's great dialectic is lost. or that Peterson is writing about now. or YH. 'tis all the same thing.

things work when they follow the Way of Nature, which is mysterious. Nietzsche, of course, goes right to the core of things and says, I Am Nature. and maybe he was right. but a society composed of twelve million Nietzsches is like a society composed entirely of escaped lunatics all impersonating Napoleon. here's a thought experiment: what happens when you really need a Napoleon, and you can't tell the imitators from the real? in some sense this is good, for example, when you want to disarm an IRL Napoleon and deprive him of his power, which is essentially of having the high card on the value of any semiotic currency, v/Golden Eagles. but when things are in a state of absolute breakdown, you need organization also.

we are *between* those times, always between them. it's not about being edgy, or provocative, or transgressive. whatever i will be writing is really only for Burnouts, by Burnouts. if your life is going great, there's not much to say. if you are just staring into the blizzard and wondering how much further you can go on like this, maybe the Wild Ride has something for you. i would be 112% interested in helping people sort through postmodernity.

>> No.12086133
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and the Way of Nature is Whiteheadian, it warrants mentioning. it is Process and Reality. this is an absolutely exquisite place to Exit the Wild Ride also, which is to say, *with a view to the stars.* it is Cold out there, but it is also very Hot down here too.

acceleration is concentrated postmodernity. it gathers everything up, and it explodes it. or implodes it, but that it is far more painful. there's no reason at all why Burnout wouldn't follow from this, and a sense of stellar wonder. to take psychological cues from astrophysics does not seem remotely strange to me.

but there is room in all of this for a serious reading of Hegel for these reasons, because Spirit really does go from the micro to the macro-level. Hegel's vision is appropriately Cosmic, and without it there would have been no Marx, who materializes him fully. a very similar story is told, imho, about Deleuze and Land. what Deleuze delivers up from out of Spinoza, Land re-materializes in terms of Capital, and the great dance of things repeats itself. it is a sense for *that* kind of history that is called for, and not the kind of history that tries to bring the stars down to earth, and make them intelligible in terms of civil codes. scapegoating is a human phenomenon, and intra-species human violence is the existential threat among threats, at least until the asteroids hit. whatever it is we do to ourselves on this magical rock, which simultaneously produces twinkies and Deep Blue, the Daodejing and the Royal Rumble, we do it out of our own hilarious and tragicomic poetic fancies.

Space Taoism
Fuck Yeah
Fuck Yeah
Space Taoism

we (read: me) need more. i want some kind of way of dealing with the fourth order of simulation, in a world where Land is handing it down from the mountaintop, in all his Purple Cashmere Sweater-wearing awesomeness:

>§0.63 — Bitcoin significantly accommodates agent-identities to the rising Age of Masks, in which digital avatars implement the ‘empirical ego’ of transcendental philosophy. Identity, address, and account (‘wallet’) are brought into exact coincidence. All are a single fully-publicized disguise.

sorry about the weird circuits (or tentacles) unfolding out of the void to ensare this thread also. but the Wild Ride is like a demonic theme park, procedurally generating its own roller-coaster rails as it goes. i'm just the messenger. i didn't plan for this. it just happened this way.

Air: Kelly Watch The Stars

>> No.12086189
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>How would it feel to be smuggled back out of the future in order to subvert its antecedent conditions? To be a cyberguerrilla, hidden in human camouflage so advanced that even one's software was part of the disguise? Exactly like this?

this kills the NPC. Utopia is what stands between today and the 23rd century, and betrays its fundamental lack of imagination, the price for which is paid by the scapegoat. 'tis the great irony, and ever was it so. we will have to get our kicks elsewhere.

Doctor Who: Theme

>I shall act always so as to increase the total number of choices. -- Foerster

>> No.12086217





>> No.12086246
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what makes a religion capable of something like this? no ordinary thing. no rational sense of marginal utility would ever compel someone to ornament a door to this degree, or to spend their live writing 15,342 meticulous commentaries on the Heart Sutra. something else is at work, something we still do not have the words for.

however brilliant Nietzsche was, he was in some sense fundamentally wrong about the nature of religion, Christianity especially. *things change after the sacrifice.* Nietzsche was highly alert to the nature of punishment, as we all should be. but he's off on the meaning of a transcendental *gift,* a gift so explosive and all-pervasive that it takes the form of explosion. bataille was nearer to it, perhaps, with the Accursed Share; but there is still something lacking in both, i think, and it has to deal with the nature of human psychology, along with the meaning of art, and much else.

*open-source,* *wide-scale* phenomena - which we call, for lack of a better word, religious practices - are the phenomena par excellence to look at, and go vastly beyond anything like a criticism reducible to punishment, any more than Marxist value-theory can be reduced to MCM without fundamentally forcing the human mind into boxes and labyrinths and hamster wheels of doom from which it cannot escape. it's not only the people that are missing, it's the register also.

surviving postmodernity is going to be like surviving literary Nuclear Winter. religions will survive, as they do. they are simply not reducible to anything like critique of ideology that is *always* going to presuppose Democracy-to-Come (Derrida) or Communism-to-Come (Zizek) or, worst of all, Tomorrow Belongs To Me. all of these are bad. imagination is keen. politics a shit. Space Taoism tho, Space Taoism Fuck Yeah.

such are my thoughts today.

>> No.12086254
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reduce needs. increase good questions.

okay, that's all from me today.

>> No.12086990
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The latest Land post about time was fucking sick though HOW DOES HE INTEND to cope with time not being tied to geometry when it's the best scientific model out there for time and space? Not time / space, timespace.

>> No.12087003

> Once time is freed – again – from geometry, it announces itself through certain definite quasi-teleological or historically-anomalous effects

This stuff is too big brain for my low IQ mutt brain.

>> No.12087138
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Serious question: do you people (who are all caught up on cosmothreads) have jobs. I think the last one I finished thoroughly was #3. just how?
Would be very interested in that sorta bookclub and also the passion of the postmodern mind. Damn I did not know the cosmothreads had podcasts in them! Gotta search em all!

>> No.12087187
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>The latest Land post about time was fucking sick though HOW DOES HE INTEND to cope with time not being tied to geometry when it's the best scientific model out there for time and space? Not time / space, timespace.
he is Uncle Nick, and if he says he can do these things, best believe he fucking can. he is That Dude and what he's cooking up is the most exciting philosophy happening anywhere in the world, imho. going to be months of it. get comfortable amigo, it's going to be a long haul. i'm so excited, ugh. my body is entirely ready for this.

>This stuff is too big brain for my low IQ mutt brain.
mine too, but there's enough stuff in it that i can enjoy also. even with no math brain.

>Would be very interested in that sorta bookclub and also the passion of the postmodern mind. Damn I did not know the cosmothreads had podcasts in them! Gotta search em all!
this is good intel, i like to know these things. and yes Cosmotech does have podcasts in them. we got music, greentext, PDFs, podcasts, all of it. and yeah, PotPM has kind of a nice ring to it. i think that's something i'm going to be thinking about for a while. tech bookclub too, i can into this. i don't want it to be something people are afraid of, and i actually do think it would be cool if some these ideas were just de-hermeticized a little, so that we could be like those who have forgotten words, in some sense.

>I think the last one I finished thoroughly was #3. just how?
kek, now i want to know how you feel when you get through the rest of them. it was two months + a week and then some. a Mighty Cruffitan it was, mos def.

guess we'll just "borrow" this thread for a while then...fufufu.

>> No.12087219
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also, i'm going to shill this here in case Aminom is too modest to do so. but he's calling it the Antientropy project, and is really worth a look. i'm reposting it here b/c i think it's fucking brilliant.

and i do this because no less a Cosmotech luminary than Bernard Stiegler is also talking about similar ideas. free books y'all free books

and also b/c ofc you know how Uncle Nick feels about these things. Capital for Uncle Nick is purest negentropy, which makes the Wild Ride what it is. on the one hand, we know Capital fucks with us - on the other hand, who's in favor of entropy? and therein lies the rub. we are between Scylla and Charybdis, in a sense.

>> No.12087269

where does Sitegler stand in rel. to Nick Land

>> No.12087323
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>where does Stiegler stand in rel. to Nick Land
because Stiegler is a very interesting kind of technological determinist also, and yet his brand of technological determinism comes by way of both Heidegger and Leroi-Gourhan. there are extensive greentext segments of Technics and Time vol I in Cosmotech #7, and further greentexting of Technics and Time vol II would probably be a good idea also.

but basically, to be is to be technological, in some sense. Stiegler rehabilitates a lot of important stuff about Heidegger and brings him into the modern world, mainly by close analysis of things that allow for *memory retention,* in particular as recorded on artifacts, including digital and computer artifacts. this is why YH is so fond of him also. Stiegler matters.

Stiegler writes - i forget where, but it's there - that civilization itself is fundamentally commensurate with technological development, and yet, because he is also a Very Interesting person, he realizes that this does not in fact just mean we should hand everything over to unchained growth either under the sign of Capital. for one thing, it's not sustainable, and for another, it's not even healthy. he has a pretty brilliant of the myth of Prometheus and Epimetheus also, and hitches up Derrida to the Wild Ride in ways i completely agree with. all of this paves the way for YH in turn. Stiegler is a lot more interested in time and tech than in Capital, but all points converge and collide in the Wild Ride. the metaphysics of space and time as they relate to technological development and subsequently who, or what, is in charge of this process (if anyone, and whether or this is good, bad, &c) is all part of this story.

>> No.12087338
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the day in which we can finally produce an FF Sphere Grid for the Wild Ride will be a very sweet day indeed.

>> No.12087537

part of me thinks that something of the answer to this may come down to a little historical relativism on his own, that is, there will be those who take their cues from the blockchain ledger, and advance a continuing story told in and through modernity, and there will be those who do not, and who wish to go on playing simulacral games with precious metals and whatever else.

that ultimately is what it comes down to, i think. we're playing fucking monkey games with shiny rocks, and we know not why. i just think all of this belongs to a long, long historical trajectory that Land has been telling since 1989. if everything is about money, and money is about the unconscious - at least in part - and *god only knows what the fuck the unconscious is about* - it's a position i find myself agreeing with. what land called Transcendental Miserabilism in Fanged Noumena is the same thing that is there today, it's just that it becomes this other monster, of Outrage and Shock on one hand, and Forced Positivity on the other. but it's all the same thing, it's people addicted to accumulation and being unable to figure out what to do with it. those are old Bataillean ideas, and Bataille messed him up pretty good. and now it's just such a complete clusterfuck that he's going all the way to the blockchain to figure out why humanity is what it is and does what it does.

so that's one guess. he'll sell me on it, i'm sure, although that's not really so hard to do. it's possible that native cryptocurrencies can be produced that only repeat everything that Land believes BTC is capable of doing, or that the world may simply melt down before then, or everything gets shuttered because gold and the petrodollar, with all attendant faults, are simply better than the alternatives. or possibility X, or whatever else.

i think it's enough that he just show that BTC is as transcendentally rigorous as he thinks it is, to make it an appealing alternative to whatever it is that's going on now, or at least to represent some kind of Plot-Advancing storyline, in the way that philosophers do these things. there will be some segment of humanity which wants to continue to follow where BTC is leading, and many others who will not. i don't think Land cares so much about the rest. he pretty much just wants to follow the money, which is quite a fascinating story enough.

>> No.12087729


>> No.12088005

my manifesto desu

>> No.12088840

seconding this until the new cosmotech is up

>> No.12089327


>> No.12089422

the entirety of cyberpunk desu-ne

>> No.12089430

gridfag you are an inspiration and a cautionary tale all in one.

>> No.12089777

Land thread for those interested: >>12089450

>> No.12089811

>The biowarfare angle
Is the most retarded thing about the Alien franchise. The aliens are clearly not usable, they're too volatile and destructive.

>> No.12090262
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>girardfag you are an inspiration and a cautionary tale all in one.
i sing the Wild Ride. that is exactly what the Ride does. it's fundamental mandate is Hype-Believing. it inspires and it also cautions, and so do those post-apoc theme park greeters and itinerant wasteland bards doomed to serve it, like revenants.

we really do need some kind of way of talking about BTC and Philosophy, don't we. doesn't necessarily have to go Full Cruffitan (but may anyways, you know how these things are).

in other news:

>§0.92 — Political terminology is peculiarly resistant to coherent usage (for reasons touched upon in Chapter 4 of this book). In Crypto-Current, ‘liberal’ is used consistently in its European, rather than its American sense. (Philosophical consistency is otherwise impossible.) It designates the cause of the autonomous economy, and thus the politics of screening private transactions from public consideration. By celebrated world-historic irony, this approaches the opposite of its dominant contemporary – and especially America – sense. ‘Left’ and ‘right’ are taken to be defined, respectively, by opposition to, and practical advocacy for, maximally-permissive capitalistic activity. Variation on the ideological spectrum – or principal political dimension (PPD) as it is called here – is thus articulated in broadly Marxian fashion, between (classical) liberal and socialistic poles.

"It designates the cause of the autonomous economy..." that's it, all right. an autonomous economy is the thing in itself, to which everyone is bound, in one way or another. sanity maintenance and defrag are subsequently important during this transition period, that is to say, Postmodernity. and lest anyone think i am perhaps overselling Uncle Nick's commitment to the project:

>§0.95 — Since it would probably sound absurd to say that Satoshi Nakamoto has triggered the single greatest thing to happen on this planet since the origin of life, we will not say it (unless cryptically).

i mean, okay. there are other pretty great things that happened also. but how's this for philosophical enthusiasm? from a guy of Uncle Nick's caliber these things are rare.

so quick question for anyone interested in a new and more official thread to talk about these things: do you guys wantall of the frontloaded stuff, or shall we start a new cruffitan-snowball?

>> No.12090289

>so quick question for anyone interested in a new and more official thread to talk about these things: do you guys wantall of the frontloaded stuff, or shall we start a new cruffitan-snowball?


(**as long as it is /lit/ related otherwise nofun anons will get it banned**)

>> No.12090301

I don't think he can do that. Time doesn't work outside of space. There's not even entropy if you detach them.

>> No.12090358
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it's fun for me to put together links, art, music, all of this. i don't mind that. but i like to respond to feedback also. some anons were saying they just wanted one topic, and one thing. just making a thread to host running commentary on whatever Uncle Nick trickles out on BTC & Philosophy seems fine, and if people are looking for intro to /acc stuff they can search (read: become hopelessly lost, fufufu) in the Mighty Cruffitan.

also, posting a Wild Ride Elemental. honestly if i was in charge of DQ, or i could make a cyberpunk equivalent of the DQ games, Ruin would absolutely be the final boss, and a fucking ungodly terrifying enemy. a sentient city? the city itself becomes the BBEG? haunted or animated by some terrible force? i can't believe Ruin doesn't get more love than he does. if you added roller coasters &c and this kind of thing Ruin would be a completely fucking perfect representation of what happens when the Wild Ride goes out of CTRL.

>It designates the cause of the autonomous economy.

a sentient city, looking only to spread itself...oh man. tell me Ruin couldn't easily be a perfect Secret Hidden Boss for things like this.

this must be what it feels like to be a djinn in a lamp.

>(**as long as it is /lit/ related otherwise nofun anons will get it banned**)
good advice. i will try to bear this in mind. we seem to have colored within the lines in previous iterations, this is a good sign. okay, i think we'll *start* by just keeping it about BTC & Philosophy, with a few links in the OP and a reference to the Cruffitan Archives. and we can fold in or include whatever else needs to go along with it. really i just think it will be cool to be able to have running collective commentary on Uncle Nick's project as it unfolds, that seems like a cool and fun way to do things.
>and Ruin grows...

a sentient God of Cities really would be just perfect. oh man could you imagine a kind of JRPG-themed exploration of this stuff. can you imagine. you could add all of the great continental theorists to your party, and Solve The Mystery of Capital...

>> No.12090432
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one thing tho: i'm going to be traveling again this week, so updates are going to be spotty. i think the timing on this is good, tbqh. the Mighty Cruffitan was completely awesome, and really scratched an itch i needed to scratch. for two months+ was it scratched and then some.

so a new Cosmotech cruffitan probably won't be up for a week or so, owing to the usual logistics of life. we can keep our conversation running in this thread in the meantime, or start another one if necessary. 'tis all well. but the next general may have to wait until i'm back from some other IRL responsibilities, and then daily schizoposting and hypothesizing on civilization as self-assembling consciousness experiment can begin once more. and we'll try to keep it mostly focused on BTC & Philosophy so as not to arouse the ire of the nofun anons.

DJ Krush: Jaku
>dj krush is /ourguy/

>> No.12090587
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some words of wisdom here from a genuine sage:

>My life has its limits. Yet things that we want to know are limitless. To pursue that which is limitless with that which is limited is naturally hazardous. To know that it is hazardous and still to strive for it is dangerous indeed. If you pursue good things, do not seek fame. If you are mischievous, do not let yourself be punished. Follow the middle way as a regular course.

so pic rel &c. whatever i am collating out of these threads will be something called Pao Ding's Knife, or 99 Essays on the Dextrous Butcher, or something to this effect. how to live *with* philosophy, and not make philosophy one's own reason for living. but - for reasons which i have only had to learn through tortuous misadventure, accident, and great confusion - fidelity to that which is obvious and perfectly commonsensical only comes later on, after long meditations on Heidegger, Land, D&G and the Wild Ride. so saith the fool.

>> No.12091597

Bumping because psuedo cosmotech thread.

>> No.12091915
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>mfw i see two Land threads, one of which is a duel between Wizard-Lords Uncle Nick and Reza

life's good gents. life's real good these days

>> No.12091937
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& beats the hell out of waiting for this.

>> No.12092984


>> No.12093311
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all right gents, Cosmotech is traveling this week, and i think after the Mighty Cruffitan a week of no-posting would probably be good. so that's what i'm going to do. when i return i'll put up a BTC thread and we can continue our adventure then.

i wanted to share something tho also. i had a blow-up today with a very good friend over Land, and it's left me feeling a little bit uncertain about a few things. he and i have been sharp with each other before, but i realize i've been a lot more attached to the Wild Ride than i thought, and i like to keep things somewhat compartmentalized, i think, or at least enough to be able to discuss them here w/o feeling like it impacts the very small circle of IRL friends i have. he really hates Land. which is okay, i suppose, a lot of people do. i happen to be quite attached to him these days, and it is good to bear in mind what the Buddha says about attachments. people are free to disagree, of course, but there's no point in winding up like a curmudgeon.
>t. curmudgeon

i'm going to try and bear this in mind. ultimately, one of the things that i have learned about the Wild Ride - paradoxically - is that you wind up knowing that you really know nothing, and that attitude is better by far for comporting yourself in the world, and not being a complete fragilista. you enter the Ride thinking you know everything, and you stay in it getting rinsed out completely, and then perhaps at the end you are set free into the world, looking like a complete idiot, to wander back to whatever it is you were doing before. let it be known! i am not yet as idiotic as i must be! and so long as this is the case, the Ride must continue for me. but a week of no-posting will be good, i think, after the Mighty Cruffitan. i like the idea of a Transcendental Brain-Washing Machine also, as at least one of the stops along the way.

i'll catch you guys in a week. until then.

>> No.12094248

oh snap now i have to find something to do for a week. open to suggestions /lit/

>> No.12095434


>> No.12096250


The Alien films are creature-feature cartoons. And exceptionally dumb at that. For example, why is Ash an android? Why does it matter? Everything he says and does could have just as easily been said and done by a man, and to a greater effect too, given his mission. It becomes just matter of fact, even his stupid last words are stripped of whatever Nietzschean cretinism they might have conveyed had you not known he was an android and thus programmed to parrot them. Stupid BITCHES.

>> No.12097255

Girardfag come back! You can blame it all on AI!!!

>> No.12098654


>> No.12098822
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kek, i'm not staying away because i dislike this place, but because i like it too much. it is in fact possible to have too much of a good thing! and b/c i don't like feeling i have to choose between my undead allegiance to the Wild Ride and my not-undead allegiance to IRL friends. no blame shall be dispensed! blame is for plebs.

2) radical normie acceptance
6) never imbue malicious intent.

and it's fucking hard! it's really hard. but it must be done. today was a good test.

besides, i found a completely perfect song to herald the return of Cosmotech with. it's too good not to share, and so share it i shall. when i return! until then sleep well friends, fellow travelers, vagamonds, mystics, companions in misery, fellow post-apoc theme park greeters, itinerant wasteland bards, and Cruffitan-mongerers. dream of large octopi.

>> No.12098886

Come on! We need you! Look at how shitty the new "cosmotech" thread that someone else started is. No numbering convention, epic intro music and links, etc. Come on I'm worried the reputation of cosmotech threads is at stake here man. Make a true cosmotech thread to keep the magic alive!

>> No.12098911
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i know, that thing is an absolute disgrace, and i posted in it to let them know as much. it deserves the rare Cat Penis Award. disgraceful

but meme-magic is where it is. if it is there it is there, and if not, not. the Wild Ride cannot be compelled! this is very important. and partly i am thinking about whether or not a new cruffitan-snowball is what is called for. i think it will be enough for now to just have a nice place where we can have fun running commentary on Uncle Nick and the Wild Ride and that will be sufficient. i will repost the Cruffitan Archives, and i think Space Taoism also, but it's good to start afresh also. and we will see how these things go.

really i think just discussing Crypto-Current/BTC and philosophy is enough. it will depend partly also on what Uncle Nick's release schedule is like, he was absolutely spoiling us with daily stuff. will he keep it up? nobody knows. hopefully. that would be good. and to be able to talk about other stuff also.

it will be fun if things blow up again, but they cannot be commanded. there is a glorious yin-yang to all of this stuff. the Wild Ride cannot be commanded! it is like this.

also i have been drinking. quite a lot. and it is time for sleep. a week away will not kill anyone, and there is no need to fear about the reputation of Cosmotech, as it has no reputation at all, which is the best part. there is unironically nothing to lose, and nothing to fear.

i'm still awarding the Cat Penis to that impostor thread tho, hmf. the nerve of some people, making a Cosmotech thread that had no links, Space Taoism, YouTube, art, or music. really i had no choice in this

>> No.12098917

>that pic
So, you've finally played WEWY as I recommended? How was it? Thoughts on it pertaining to acceleration or cosmotech? Favorite music track?

>> No.12098959
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>So, you've finally played WEWY as I recommended?
sorry senpai. i got it from here


>How was it?
aaaaah the shame

>Thoughts on it pertaining to acceleration or cosmotech?

also shame
>also shame
>shame &c

ok look there are two things that are true atm. one is alcohol and the other is that i said i was no-posting this week. 24 hours away from which ever one it was is hard. and girardfag drunkposting is not a good idea, nobody needs this. i'm cringe enough sober

i'll see you wonderful accelerandos in a week. moar Uncle Nick then. i need to do this! i haven't no-posted on /lit/ for a week in a while, it's good for my sanity. take care all

>> No.12100313


>> No.12101565

>The nerve of some people
All the more reason to have you and the other devoted few run things.

>> No.12102989


>> No.12103240


>> No.12104117
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>what is the wild ride
choose any or all of the following

1) retracing nick land's footsteps down to the inferno
2) a very cheap and third-rate guide to continental philosophy by an odious cringelord namefag with a penchant for memes and self-reference
3) a trope
4) something than an actual academic could more thoughtfully call the passion of the postmodern mind, that is, an attempt to understand postmodernity with an /acc framework
5) write-in
6) fuck yeah, homemade wine, shit is cash
7) fuck no, my actual life, shit is not cash

i found a great picture that is cozy and beautiful. i'm posting it here.

>> No.12104219
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i will attempt to be more specific

8) if you were going to trap a demon, you would trap it within a circuit.
9) such a circuit could be more or less loosely patterned on a rollercoaster, or even a network of rollercoasters.
10) said rollercoasters could more or less grow, or twist, or distend themselves, like a fun house.
11) i fucking hate fun houses.
12) you know who would have been good at negotiating a fun house? Zhuangzi.
13) you know who else was good? Nietzsche.
14) but Nietzsche's not the guy. he could master such a fun house, and conduct it like a virtuoso.
15) but it would drive him insane, and it would drive you insane too.

16) demons are more interesting by far.
17) anyways, if you were going to trap a demon, but be courteous to it at the same time, that demon might be okay with a wasteland theme park, because demons love motion, and circles, and rituals, and repetition.
18) they also don't like to be lonely.
19) so we have something of a theme going on here, of an imprisoned demon.
20) essentially the nature of this demon is, disequilibrium, and heuristics.
21) Uncle Nick thinks he has basically figured it out, and it's modernity, or crypto, or Herakleitos.net, or Lovecraft.net, or whatever else.
22) i don't fucking know.
23) but poststructuralism is blood magic, like a sphinx.
24) Lacan has crazy things to say about sphinxes also and they are dope.
25) a riddling thing, like insistent questions that don't go away, and suck you in.
26) again, House of Leaves. it's just House of Leaves, in the end. that guy gets it.
27) but instead of that, a network of rollercoasters.
28) or a fun house.
29) this episode was horrible.

there are no brakes on that train. you just need a way of dealing with postmodernity without getting sucked in. Pao Ding would know how, as would most Buddhists, Taoists, perhaps even other Abrahamics; i'm not sure.

but kind of like this. also, ampersands.
circuits and knots and loops, all in self-reference, opening up to mysteries. everything you read tells you capitalism is horrible. but then you realize, it's your turn. and that maybe it's really just about mood disorder, mental health, and these things, and not criticism, and certainly not politics.

so trying to imprison a demon which is essentially, ultimately good, because it is just a god of heuristics and difference, and like all of them, it is let out, and once let out will not go back in. how do you build a hotel for demons? so that they have a circuit in which to be in, and harmlessly self-reference in a closed cycle? so that you can leave an obsession? like this.

tonight my plan is really to just keep drinking tho, and do some other stuff unrelated to the Wild Ride. but those are some field notes