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File: 2.16 MB, 1924x1008, shelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12083351 No.12083351[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

shelf thread

>> No.12083353

sure it's not a "sherf" thread?

>> No.12083364

>if i put famous works of literature behind me people will think I am smart

How can anyone with half a brain not see the illusion he is trying to craft by strategically placing his setup with a bookshelf with clearly visible titles behind him? Are people this fucking thick? I can't think of a more elementary manipulative tactic.

>place books behind me so people think I am smart

Jesus Christ. This guy is a complete and utter charlatan.

>> No.12083392
File: 139 KB, 760x487, milos editor has aneurysm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone wants a good laugh here's Milo Yiannopolous's book:
However this is an earlier version of it that came out as publicly available evidence during Milo's exceptional lawsuit with Simon and Shuster. Thing is though, it includes the editor's comments and it turns the whole thing into the farce it is. The editor starts off with constructive criticism but eventually just breaks when Milo writes a whole chapter called "Why Ugly People Hate Me."

>> No.12083398
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>> No.12083403
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>> No.12083406
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Patrician coming through.

>> No.12083409
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>> No.12083416
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>> No.12083422
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>> No.12083426
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>> No.12083428

I don't even want to read this book but I may read the editor's notes because holy fuck

>> No.12083430
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>> No.12083433

This is hilarious but so is Milo tbf

>> No.12083448
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You should read the parts the editor is talking about, it's a pretty terrible book on its own (whether or not you agree with his contradictory politics the writing style is just quite shit on its own) but with the editor's comments it becomes a comedy routine.

Also, here's my favourite bit in the book:

>> No.12083454

>Milo blocking the titles
This is why you don't leave girls near your books, OP. Selfie culture has destroyed them and our library cataloguing efforts the world over. Lock Milo out the next time you're archiving.

>> No.12083480
File: 59 KB, 1645x124, milo editor 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, here's the moment where the editor snapped:

>> No.12083501

Fair enough

>> No.12083503

Gay jew that got cornered by fucking Joe Rogan.

>> No.12083505

>Especially and above all

>> No.12083507

My sides

>> No.12083529

Milo is a silly fellow, but this editor is arguably worse. His writing style ("UGH DELETE") invokes blue checkmarks, the New York Times and low-T.

>> No.12083541

dude the editor worked for the publisher who WANTED to publish a work by him, they knew what he was about

his shit was just that bad that the editor was disgusted by his pathetic literary attempt

>> No.12083544

You've been on the internet too long if you judge the editor's character off a few words and sentences.

>> No.12083553

Yes, and he decided to express his disgust in the faggiest way imaginable.

>> No.12083555

This is the best thing ever.

>> No.12083558

>while editing a book from someone who unironically called himself a fabulous faggot
I mean you're not wrong I guess

>> No.12083559

Nah. Read the whole thing. The editor starts off with constructive criticism (even praising Milo's arguments against Black Lives Matter, only mentioning that the black dick jokes were out of place and undercut his arguments) but eventually just snaps half-way through. The "DELETE THIS" comments (and there are many more of those) all come from the "Why Ugly People Hate Me" chapter which the editor advised Milo to delete in its entirety. And reading through the whole thing I have to agree, it's a complete shitshow of a chapter.

>> No.12083562

I know nothing else of the editor. His writing style is the only datum of which I can judge his character.

>> No.12083572

Yes; faggotry begets faggotry.

>> No.12083574

thank you for this! Posters like you are the reason I still visit the board

>> No.12083577

No problem friendo

>> No.12083589
File: 59 KB, 515x821, 1542185120524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kek this is hilarious.

>> No.12083600


>> No.12083609
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Have another

>> No.12083619
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I thought I would enjoy this for the laugh, but this is just painful

>> No.12083621
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>> No.12083644
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>> No.12083647


>> No.12083649

Saved for future use

>> No.12083652
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>> No.12083654

kek is there any criticism more insulting than a straight up DUMB

>> No.12083657

Who is this editor and how do we get him to post on /lit/?

>> No.12083661
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>> No.12083668

you lack imagination my friend.

>> No.12083673
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>> No.12083679
File: 20 KB, 247x265, F19BDF70-5EA5-4E1A-9594-6629BAC80CB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you ever seen the people at a Trump rally?

>> No.12083691

Why bother editing it to make it less dumb and offensive? Give the customer what he wants.

>> No.12083705

Editor absolutely triggered. What’s the point if he isn’t going to be objective? His notes are just political differences with Milo instead of his writing

>> No.12083720
File: 561 KB, 1277x891, milo editor 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it was supposed to be a mainstream book to introduce, for lack of a better word, 'normies' to Milo. Instead he essentially wrote one of his college talks down and without the British accent, the clothes and the dozen or so dipshit students chimping out to distract you, it's pretty clear that his politics, opinions and tact are a contradictory clusterfuck.

>> No.12083729

Are you retarded? The editor works for the publication who wants to have the book published, and if you actually read it the editor gives plenty of good suggestions to strengthen the work. In fact, the editor seems better at arguing Milo's points than Milo. He's just trying to salvage the dumpster fire into something that is at least readable.

>> No.12083752

What? Milo made a joke and the editor sperged.
>leftists are ugly
>that’s pop psychology bull shit man! You can’t say this unless you have a scientific source man!

>> No.12083754

I knew I might get that reaction when I posted that line. It comes midway through the "Why Ugly People Hate Me" chapter and Milo makes the argument that the 'left' are catering their policies to get the 'ugly' demographic. I think making a joke about Trump supporters is apt there. Not because Dems or Republicans are uglier than each other but because that argument is retarded beyond reproach.

>> No.12083759

no milo was trying to make a serious point

you think it is a joke because it's that stupid

>> No.12083760

Nothing wrong with that. If the point being made is that stupid, that's all it warrants.

>> No.12083769

Youtube celebrities don't really have valuable opinions, though. Their job is to entertain people. I like watching Tucker Carlson but I wouldn't be caught dead reading one of his "books". (No offence Tucker)

>> No.12083770
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Does anyone know if the final product was anything like this?

>> No.12083771

Am I missing something?
I’ve never read the book but my understanding is that it’s not supposed to be an academic treatise on political philosophy

>> No.12083773

The editor didn't strike it because it was a joke, he struck it because it's preening and grandstanding. Again, I encourage you to read it; half of it is shitty jokes.

>> No.12083778

did he completely stop making videos?

>> No.12083786
File: 738 KB, 1207x1095, milo editor 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the beauty regime:

>> No.12083787

It's retarded bullshit to sell to retards.
It literally has no point other than to make money from sales and to generate outrage(ad rev)
It's the writings of a complete dumbass, the only reason it is being edited-and written- is to make money.

>> No.12083788

>half of it is shitty jokes
I won’t read it but that is the point. I don’t think he ever presents himself as something other than an entertainer who talks about politics.

>> No.12083793

Fucking yikes.

>> No.12083795







>> No.12083801

It's pretty much the same only Milo did take some of the editor's advice (not enough though and the book's still pretty shit). You should read this one instead though as, even without the editor's comments, this version is longer, weirder, more contradictory and confusing.

>> No.12083819

Thanks for the tip. My face has been getting chapped in this cold weather.

>> No.12083821


You sound really objective, Hillary.

>> No.12083825

Destroyed me

>> No.12083831
File: 59 KB, 1024x576, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A really bad Patrick Bateman reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjKNbfA64EE

>> No.12083873

>the editor isn't being objective!
>Milo isn't trying to be objective!
poor showing

>> No.12083879

nobody bought this book anyway.

>> No.12083916

>He thinks Kurt was skinny because he didn't lift
Might have been the heroin. Just saying.

>> No.12083955

"Not a sentence" is a political difference?

>> No.12083999
File: 214 KB, 1107x703, 1524528284121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can anyone with half a brain not see the illusion he is trying to craft by strategically placing his setup with a bookshelf with clearly visible titles behind him? Are people this fucking thick? I can't think of a more elementary manipulative tactic.
>Mfw hide all the diary of a wimpy kid books behind my head

>> No.12084201

You are a faggot, there is not point in posting a lot of these clips if you don't include the section that the edit is on as well. Also editors are supposed to be harsh even on a good book, that is their job

>> No.12084217

not trying to samefag here but if any of you ever get to this point in writing a book, there will be lots of cringey edits for different reasons. Probably not cringe in the same way but still cringe because that is how the creative process goes, if you are not willing to risk writing something bad you will never write anything good.

>> No.12084269
File: 13 KB, 421x98, dsasadada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no

>> No.12084297

'UGH DELETE' seems pretty bad. This is the kind of brutal off the cuff shit I'd put if I were editing a close friends crap though

>> No.12084302


>> No.12084342

I had saved most of these screenshots from other places - they were the ones who only included the editors comments. The 6 screenshots I actually made:
Included Milo's actual work. And it's pretty bad and I think the editor might have had a point. Plus I posted a link to the entire thing at the top so decide for yourself. I don't disagree with Milo Yiannopolous on everything, I actually think he occasionally stumbles into a really interesting point here and there. But this book is just one of his college talks translated into text. And once you divorce his words from his theatricality, his accent, his showmanship, his outfits and, of course, a crowd of dumb university students making fools of themselves on camera, it's clear that Milo's politics are fairly vapid and contradictory. The whole thing is a very entertaining act, with bits and pieces stolen from all over the show (see the Patrick Bateman routine: >>12083786
Plus he stole the whole loving black guys shtick from Lisa Lampenelli. I don't hate the guy but this book, with the editor's comments especially, is quite funny.

>> No.12084562

Christ this is funny shit