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/lit/ - Literature

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12083568 No.12083568 [Reply] [Original]


10 years after this hack's suicide and already he's becoming obscure

Not even a Hollywood movie could reinvigorate interest

Not surprised T B H because postmodern doorstoppers are no longer fashionable

All he will become is a niche footnote about a manic-depressive man who wrote weird kinda shitty novels and was obsessed with television


>> No.12083575

who's that?

>> No.12083581

that's mean

>> No.12083582

Literally who?

>> No.12083584

Thanks for formatting this so well so I could be blessed with such a valuable opinion

>> No.12083590

>implying all authors aren't obscure and that all things considered, David is probably one of the most famous in terms of recognizability and relation to pop culture

>> No.12083630

yet the white nationalism memetics will keep dfw's legacy secure. thanks fellow /pol/troopers to keep this postmodernistyism insanity going.

>> No.12083639

This could have been a memorial thread.

>> No.12083645

exactly, and this is why dfw is genius.

>> No.12084038

>2018, television is irrelevant and dying medium
Could one man be more wrong?

>> No.12084045

how can you say that?

literally stream services like Netflix and YouTube have taken its place

it's basically the same shit except we are given the illusion of choice

and dont forget facebook and instragram videos that people are glued to in public

>> No.12084066

Yeah his fears about entertainment came true, dumbass

>> No.12084070

>gunpowder wasn't revolutionary because we have better firearms now

>> No.12084071

Also Mary Karr tried to #metoo him but no one cared.

>> No.12084073

10 days after your death, your friends and family will have already gotten over it and you'll be forgotten forever, with not even a endnote in any history book

>> No.12084077

Wasn’t his whole thing trying to break out of the cynicism of the postmodern? I’ve heard him talk about it. He wasn’t even sure if his writing was or wasn’t post modern and I don’t think he was particularly too worried about it in the context of his novels.

Goddamn you guys are faggots.

>> No.12084080

feels good (bad)

>> No.12084135

>10 days

got a low opinion of yourself m8

>> No.12084143 [DELETED] 

Fucking kek

>> No.12084149

Every college English major idolizes the guy. Nice try, shill.

>> No.12084154

nice try, genderqueer purple haired faggot

>> No.12084158

>tfw she never gave back your copy of infinite jest

>> No.12084187

youtube is TV on steroids. i literally sit there for hours watching videos i've already seen before, then clicking on related videos

>> No.12084204
File: 473 KB, 988x605, (((DFW Literary Trust))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh no sweaty that's jews, like the ones running his literary trust and using his persona to gin up enthusiasm with their coethnics in Hollywood.

>> No.12084210

As described where?

>> No.12084215

David Foster Wallace yourself.

>> No.12084635

>Not surprised T B H because postmodern doorstoppers are no longer fashionable

what is fashionable? what should i be doing?

>> No.12084861

His fears were that the entertainment would become so good that people would no longer have a reason to maintain proper personal relationships and all things human. In reality, social media has become so good that people turned into status-obsessed attention whores and as for entertainment, instead of entertaining (and possibly enlightening and culturally improving) people though merit and artistic value it has been devalued into another asset of personality. DFW fell into the classic artist's trap of believing too much in the transformative power of art. Modern people are disillusioned with art in general, they use as yet another mirror to project their politics and identity on.

>> No.12084867

Dis is wader xD

>> No.12084872
File: 24 KB, 600x315, 323ec5498ab9e393195908ec68eff6a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post rare dfws

>> No.12084900

It's a cultural shift, blow it out your ass. It's happened consistently every like half-century or so for thousands of years

>> No.12084908

>Not even a Hollywood movie could reinvigorate interest
Well, Mishima is the only good movie about a writer.

>> No.12084912

Reddit r/showerthoughts + thesaurus = David Foster Wallace

>> No.12084920
File: 239 KB, 720x561, epic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

((DFW fans))) on suicide watch.

>> No.12084923

no it has only happened consistently for about 200 years - that's modernity for you. for most of history each generation would live like the one which preceded it and the one which succeeded it.

>> No.12084956

I've got $20 on that dude from the office attempting an IJ mini series in ~10 years.

>> No.12084980

whats his name again?

>> No.12084986


We pretty much only track things as "cultural movements" from the Graeco-Roman times on, I guess because anything before that "isn't culture" or some bullshit

Maybe I was wrong about every half century part, and true, the age of communication has changed the speed at which the collective mindset changes depending on where you are, but dynamic societal and cultural changes have been present since humans have had spoken language.

It will continue to change in ways that would seem appalling to the generations of preceding cultural alignments.

What people think is important now will not be perceived as important in the future, whether it be due to technology or other means. Youtube and TV are the same as everything else in that it can be helpful or detrimental to someone's mentality. But the same can be said about anything that one can form a habit doing.

Nobody who lives in a time period has the scope to say what exactly constitutes "Artistic Value," and moreover it would be a wild misconception that people aren't currently producing things through merit that can be enjoyed through classical means of defining artistic value, regardless of the medium they choose to use.

We've come a long way from living in shacks and tilling the fields for 14 hours a day to grow vegetables to pay the tax man, and I'm happy with where we are.

tl;dr Youtube and instagram thots won't destroy your precious "culture," and even if they do, so what? It happens.

>> No.12085034

> “Infinite Jest was just a means to Mary Karr’s end, as it were.”

>> No.12085057

well youtube can indeed be used for good and ill... and it is in fact used mostly for ill, so i contend. so what if ruins culture? well the transience of a thing does not reduce its worth. i might be a craven mortal creature, but in this moment i nonetheless think and feel and i possess the capacity to act, both for the satisfaction of the act itself and to improve the conditions for future thoughts, feelings, acts. i think it's perfectly in order to say that i want what's best for myself and those around me, that if culture pulls in one direction i can say what i think about that, whether i like it or not, and if not, perhaps what's wrong with it and what is to be done with it. i don't claim to say what is for ever true, but i do say what i like, what i take to be significant, and for me, in my life, i will undertake those tasks which i believe will improve things.

>> No.12085068


Infinite Jest Movie = smartphones/social media

>> No.12085069

at least he finished his book and got published, anon

>> No.12085076

this must be a stage adaptation of a Dostoevsky novel cos you playin the role of the biggest idiot

>> No.12085149

Nigga you don't get to pull the metaphor card because DFW was clearly fixated with television specifically.

>> No.12085231

I keep seeing this bandage-headed hipster on /lit/ and wonder why the fuck everyone is so obsessed with him. Then I conclude, since he has no reputation outside the US, he must be the sort of semi-literate hack that appeals to Murcans.

See also: Ayn Rand.

>> No.12085261


>> No.12085278

The "This is Water" speech will probably be more remembered than the doorstoppers.

Nobody reads anymore.

>> No.12085285

Did he leave a postmodern suicide note, with about 50 footnotes and the ending in the middle? I'm curious to know.

>> No.12085309

he deliberately used an accessible vocabulary you dumb illiterate hick

>> No.12085512

>10 years after this hack's suicide and already he's becoming obscure
I dunno, he comes up all the time in my English courses

>> No.12085627

I'll bet a good amount of money that more people under 30 read something from DFW than something from Dickens. You guys have no idea how insignificant the "western canon" has become in contemporary life

>> No.12085812

>I guess because anything before that "isn't culture" or some bullshit
It's because we don't know enough about bronze age civilizations and prior.

I wonder if the Greeks saw themselves in a similar situation with Atlantis.

>> No.12086140

What would you say is an example of art where none of the artist's identity is imposed onto it?

>> No.12086167

>All he will become is a niche footnote
Giggled at the b8

>> No.12086175

Failed Humor: The Post

>> No.12086231

Wring, a collection of his essays was just published in German.

>> No.12086238
File: 435 KB, 767x503, rare dfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a DFW memorial thread

>> No.12086265

>Tfw no round glasses

>> No.12086268

That's moot, he created 4chan you newfags

>> No.12086271

Me on the left

>> No.12086287

Did you forget the part where the people use fake faces on the video chat and eventually stop using it all together? Oh wait you’ve never actually read Infinite Jest

>> No.12086293

Man, ivy league parties look lame as fuck

>> No.12086297
File: 36 KB, 620x447, E6620571-18EA-42C1-819E-B457868D4334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw reading the author’s foreword in the pale king
hold me bros

>> No.12086455

please stop

>> No.12086493

Where does one begin with DFW? Obviously I'm not reading Infinitely Long Fucking Book

>> No.12086495

why not?

>> No.12086522

Spontaneous dissemination is literally netflix and yt.

>> No.12086529



>> No.12086533

>Did you forget the part where the people use fake faces on the video chat
Literally snapchat filters. He was quite spot-on on many things.

>> No.12086542

Is that water?

>> No.12086674


Consider the Lobster

>> No.12086845


>> No.12086865

this is water,
THIS is water.

>> No.12086949

David Foster "Not Appearing on Heaven's Roster" Wallace

>> No.12087011

Yeah no shit its a cultural shift, the point being that screens have fucked with our patience and conversations are weaker today than before. Retard.

>> No.12087070

David "Infinite Depressed" Wallace

>> No.12087073

This is 100% correct

>> No.12087095

*grabs your moms tits*
is water

>> No.12087106

If you're not retarded Infinite Jest takes a couple months at most

>> No.12087120

Moot looks like THAT?

>> No.12087160


>> No.12087181

David "If the relationship's too stable, punch the bitch through a coffee table" Wallace

>> No.12087200

When I reread that section recently I was blown away by how accurate it was.

>> No.12087225

David "Black belt in solace" Foster Wallace

>> No.12087293

I don’t understand people who get addicted to YouTube. I literally use it for shit like how to install a sink, or how to remove your catalytic converter

>> No.12087351

David "Disrepect the bandana, get hurled from the car like the peel of a banana" Wallace

>> No.12087429

David "Hanging from the Rafters" Wallace

>> No.12087615

This is the only good one