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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 60 KB, 1280x720, b86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12082629 No.12082629 [Reply] [Original]

How do you write sexy dialogue?

>> No.12082636

I'll tell you in bed sweetie :3

>> No.12082638

you must have had sex before

>> No.12082641

I can write you a sample if you want. I have several published works touching on light erotica.

>> No.12082644

You have to be in the mood for it.

>> No.12082657
File: 1.54 MB, 2875x2138, P_20181021_162100_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you can read spanish.

>> No.12082672

>Gay Argentinian erotic literature

>> No.12082687

Playful banter.

>> No.12082792

Basically just copy the sex scenes from the visual novel Fate/Stay Night

>> No.12082815

Get drunk. Look at some titillating paintings like that nude Goya painted. Read Romantic poets like Byron, especially their works concerning the beauty of women. Try to recreate that poetry in dialogue form.

>> No.12082838
File: 128 KB, 1000x848, La-maja-desnuda-de-Goya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is that Goya painting btw

>> No.12082841

>I can write you a sample if you want.

Please do

>> No.12082843


>> No.12082845

You don't.
Renounce the flesh. Temper your desire.

>> No.12082928

Here goes:
>What the fuck sicko I'm not going to sit on your face and fart while you call me your Mommy
and then write something about the main character hanging himself.
Hope I helped.

>> No.12082991


actual guy that wrote >>12082641

>"op is a fag," stacy moaned. then chad put his hard pee pee into stacy

>> No.12083044

Qué clase de mariconada es esta

>> No.12083047

slug pussy

>> No.12083084

Jack took off his cowl. Then his other cowl. Finally the bottom lower cowl falls off the tiny elephant of his lower middle leg
"Hello, Mary" He says in a sex voice to Mary, who is sexy "I have come to..."
Jack looks away while Mary opens her mouth in an awkward lopsided ajar position, blushing, like the face of a rosy-cheeked Italian mascot on a billboard for a pizzeria place attempting to consume a slice of pizza with only smiling side of the face.
The pause goes on for a little too long. Mary starts to become unfomfortable and nearly leaves the room before the silky Latin curves of his Caucasian hair lifts and swerves back into position and he brushes her hair back with a flick for absolutely no reason.
Mary confusedly creases her eyes, the pizza ad face vanishing replaced instead with a look alternately floundering between slackened jaw and confused socially pained teeth "What are you... What?"
"...For raping you, my dear pomegranate flushed fish taco"

And then Jack rapes Mary.
The end.

>> No.12083107

Oh hang on let me do a quick edit
Jack took off his cowl. Then his other cowl. Finally the bottom lower cowl falls off the tiny elephant of his lower middle leg
"Hello, Mary" He says in a sex voice to Mary, who is sexy "I have come to..."
Jack looks away while Mary opens her mouth in an awkward lopsided ajar position, blushing, like the face of a rosy-cheeked Italian mascot on a billboard for a pizzeria place attempting to consume a slice of pizza with only smiling side of the face.
The pause goes on for a little too long. Mary starts to become unfomfortable and nearly leaves the room before the silky Latin curves of his Caucasian hair (for he is, you see, Caucasian) lifts and swerves back into position and he brushes her hair back with a flick for absolutely no reason.
Mary confusedly creases her eyes, the pizza ad face vanishing replaced instead with a look alternately floundering between slackened jaw and confused socially pained teeth "What are you... What?"
"...For raping you, my dear pomegranate flushed fish taco"

And then Jack rapes Mary.
The end.
There we go. Perfect.

>> No.12083163

That's a pretty bad painting.

>> No.12083168

I've read a lot of books but very few gave me an actual boner. Some parts of The Trial did though

>> No.12083417
File: 8 KB, 260x283, 1525378341778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a sex voice

>> No.12083435

That was a typo, but I don't regret it in retrospect.

>> No.12083442

"Well penis, looks like you're going on another adventure"
"Heh heh, let me get me coat on"

>> No.12083444

How does a "sex voice" differ from a "sexy voice" in any way?

>> No.12083468

Thank you for all the wonderful feedback. I've updated my story with some of your great suggestions

Jack took off his cowl. Then his other cowl. Finally the bottom lower cowl falls off the tiny elephant of his lower middle leg
Finally, Jack jerks his body and chin upward, like a fat, sultry, wet pelican bursting out of water as he removes the final cowl.
"Hello, Mary" He says in a sex voice to Mary, who is sex "I have come to..."
Jack looks away while Mary opens her mouth in an awkward lopsided ajar position, blushing, like the face of a rosy-cheeked Italian mascot on a billboard for a pizzeria place attempting to consume a slice of pizza with only smiling side of the face.
The pause goes on for a little too long. Mary starts to become unfomfortable and nearly leaves the room before the silky Latin curves of his Caucasian hair (for he is, you see, Caucasian) lifts and swerves back into position and he brushes her hair back with a flick for absolutely no reason.
Mary confusedly creases her eyes, the pizza ad face vanishing replaced instead with a look alternately floundering between slackened jaw and confused socially pained teeth "What are you... What?"
"...For raping you, my dear pomegranate flushed fish taco"

And then Jack rapes Mary.
The end.

>> No.12083470
File: 72 KB, 599x804, 59MOnpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12083488
File: 1.99 MB, 403x234, 1471457283020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who is a sex
Nibba what are you doing?

>> No.12083499

God fucking dammit I'm just trying to shitpost and even then I just I keep getting irritated with my mistakes

Jack took off his cowl. Then his other cowl. Then the bottom lower cowl falls off the tiny elephant of his lower middle leg
Finally, Jack jerks his body and chin upward, like a fat, sultry, wet pelican bursting out of water as he removes the final cowl.
"Hello, Mary" He says in a sex voice to Mary, who is sex "I have come to..."
Jack looks away while Mary opens her mouth in an awkward lopsided ajar position, blushing, like the face of a rosy-cheeked Italian mascot on a billboard for a pizzeria place attempting to consume a slice of pizza with only one smiling side of the face.
The pause goes on for a little too long. Mary starts to become uncomfortable and nearly leaves the room before the silky Latin curves of his Caucasian hair (for he is, you see, Caucasian) lifts and swerves back into position and he brushes her hair back with a flick for absolutely no reason.
Mary confusedly creases her eyes, the pizza ad face vanishing replaced instead with a look alternately floundering between slackened jaw and confused socially pained teeth "What are you... What?"
"...For raping you, my dear pomegranate flushed fish taco"

And then Jack rapes Mary.
The end.

>> No.12083504

Ah, Fistful of Benjamin's. A classic to be sure.

>> No.12083523

>sex voice
>a sex
What do you actually mean by this? Like what is the stylistic reasoning behind this deviation from grammatical norms?

>> No.12083564

Well, what is more sexier than sex?

>Not sure if anon realizes what I'm doing and wants to hear more of this bullshit, or if I'm just really bad at making bewildering shitposts for some reason

>> No.12084545
File: 312 KB, 734x506, 1538326162283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this hits a little too close to home

>> No.12084716

don't be real

>> No.12084735
File: 14 KB, 476x538, 1448305577625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smut is sinful, distasteful and altogether low-minded

>> No.12085367

Did pynchon write this

>> No.12085479

I have taken one course of creative writing in my life, and even i can write better than this.

>> No.12085520

If photos were not a thing, I'd buy it as something to wack off too. Better than my sisters knickers, eh?

>> No.12085621

Coleridge wrote the rime of the ancient mariner without ever traveling by sea

>> No.12085693
File: 588 KB, 1280x1920, 1538410458518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a pic you find sexy
>put it as background on freewrite text editor and set it on full screen
>free you pp from the tyranny of your pants, but abstain from touching yourself
>write freely about your pic. avoid simply describing your picture as well as too direct references to body parts & fluids (yours or theirs)
>don't exit fullscreen until you reach the desired word count
>when finished, post on s4s or similar and ask for critique. don't cum until they unanimously tell you it's good enough. redraft as many time as necessary

>> No.12085701
File: 1.74 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20181115_105943_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12085740


>> No.12085751

Implying first person narrator is female is hot. Other than that it's a dull enumeration of events and descriptive details sprinkled with dirty words.

>the baby clean areas glistened with my elegant juices
kek. I changed my mind, this is gold.

>> No.12085769

he wishes

>> No.12085800

One eyed bitch destroyer

>> No.12085888

Imagination is the best jerkoff material

>> No.12085891

She's not; 5 foot nothing goblina obsessing over TV dudes
Is it normal for a woman to write "my pussy" over and over? That's all the really sticks outs

>> No.12085904

>irl women are not thirsty for your male nectars
Frustrating but true; and probably the reason lesbian romance is so arousing to men.

>> No.12086201

plot twist she is actually a woman

>> No.12086250
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1541690815129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12086262

too big of a sick fuck to imagine while jerking off. It makes me feel like a monster.

>> No.12086266
File: 59 KB, 956x502, Francisco-de-Goya-Maja-desnuda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the original one, pleb

>> No.12086277

Me on the left

>> No.12087381

You don't have to imagine women you personally know

>> No.12087422

at least he wasn't a virgin

>> No.12087435


>> No.12088254

De qué libro salio ésta cosa???

>> No.12088477

>comments disabled
That's how you know its a good video