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12081429 No.12081429[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

books for this feel?

>> No.12081443
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>> No.12081463

Time is fluid around here fren.

>> No.12081520
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>being sad about something you have absolute control over

>> No.12081682

t. didn't experience the golden age of video games

>> No.12083463
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What would you do if you could turn back time /lit/?

>> No.12083962

Not smoke weed. Never pay for uni. Read Nietszche as early as possible. Fuck an easy chick from highschool and move on.

>> No.12083968

My Twisted World: The story of Elliot Rodger

>> No.12083972

should i drop out anon? going for psychology, planniing on taking the clinical track

>> No.12084043

I can't tell you, anon. Here's my dropout opinion: It depends on your ideal job, what do you value doing most?
You can get degrees from wherever online and claim your Ethos points that way, but at the end of the day, jobs are gained through persuasion as is many things. Anyone could look into a company asking for an architectural engineer with a hs degree, a pretty resume, and a week or 2 looking up blueprint analyse and general work habits of arch engineers, then call/message people constantly until they get an interview, then ask them constantly what they need and say Yes. The internet age is outpacing the old textbook standard. Tell them you don't believe you need a degree for the job, because you don't. Degrees mean almost nothing, you can learn about thermodynamics and quantum computers on youtube




>> No.12084078

my IDEAL job involves something with the arts, but I'm a shit-for-brains interested in everything, master of none. Gay as it sounds I think it would be very cool to be a museum curator or something like that. but more practically I'd be better at psychotherapy, I think. I'm good at listening carefully and getting to the heart of how someone feels, etc etc. Plus I'm more of a "big push" in terms of energy pattern, I prefer short bursts of intensity than long drawn out shit which makes school a bitch in some ways and ez in others

>> No.12084102

god, i'm such a faggot

>> No.12084111

Tell my edgy 15 year old self to work out, write less violent short stories and more poetry, and to stop locking myself up in my room.

>> No.12084116

“4469617279” by Anand Rakhmilian. He was a failed computer scientist who wasted many years of his life shitposting on forums. He briefly took up writing before suicide. Here’s a bit I liked from it:
He sat in the pale darkness of his room; the cold air filled his lungs and he leaned toward the computer. He heard the silent humming of it’s fans, and it seemed to him that he somehow felt the sounds that were produced by the delicate tapestry of resistors and transistors that composed the central processing unit as it transferred bytes from register to register. The monitor gently transfixed a cool film of whiteness upon his face. It seemed to pull at him, to suck at his consciousness as it converted millions of wild bytes into the soft whiteness that stood before him. It spread as far as he could see, now one with the darkness from which it glowed. He felt his sensation of height and depth leave him, for a moment he felt himself go out of the body that sat motionless before the screen; and as he felt himself slip away, everything—the flat whiteness of the pixels, the low humming of the fans, the countless complex arithmetic sequences on the macro scale, the ALU— seemed incredibly tiny and far away, as if they were dwindling towards a nothingness. Then he felt a vibration in his pocket, and the scene became itself.

>> No.12084156

As a knowledgeable comsci hobbyist, that prose is not impressive. At least the depiction is familiar.

>> No.12084286

If you want a book to reminisce the act of reading books, which can be inplied by applying what is shown in the comic itself + you asking for a book, stoner by john williams. If you want a book to remember good internet times, go back to your world of warcraft forums or read some mango like molester man

>> No.12084385

Apply for more scholarships, I had no idea they actually gave you the money.

>> No.12084394


>> No.12084407

I thought it was just to cover fees and research costs, I genuinely had no idea they would include living costs and fun money.

>> No.12084423

You're silly, anon.

>> No.12084446

I know, that's why I regret not applying for more :(

>> No.12084456

would go back to age 18 and tell myself to get over oneitis because the result of yearning after the loss will destroy me, then encourage younger me to throw myself into physics and math and to be nicer to my mother and spend more time with my friends and chasing pussy.

>> No.12084497

probably nothing different. it's not that I don't have regrets, I'm just such a piece of shit that I wouldn't fix my life even if I had the ability to turn back time.

>> No.12084514
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Tell my 15 year old self to stop giving a shit about what other people think of me, to forget my own feelings of inadequacy and just enjoy life for Christ's sake.

>> No.12084542

Socialising for dummies

>> No.12084560

>cleaned my keyboard earlier today
>pressed a bunch of keys while doing so
>text was appearing blurred for some reason
>really started to annoy me
>changed the screen brightness a couple times over a span of hours
>still not better
>finally figured that I should check screen resolution
>it's one setting lower than usual
>spent hours reading blurry text
any books for this feel?

>> No.12084598

Delve even deeper into neetdom and staying up late on the computer