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12079964 No.12079964[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

gib pls

>> No.12079987

god I wish that were me

>> No.12079989


>> No.12080026
File: 152 KB, 849x288, 4chan post hannah hays alternate future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or would her hypothetical children be really f-ed over in this scenario, assuming they were intellectually normal? Looking for in depth examinations of things similar to this.

>> No.12080223

Absolutely not. Children need their caregivers to have love and emotional safety, not intelligence

>> No.12080247

>Children need their caregivers to have love and emotional safety
Most important thing for a boy (especially a mulatto) is to raise them to be a man, or else they will result to crime/becoming a sissy

>> No.12080252

I don't believe in tough love it produces types like Jordan peterson

>> No.12080301

it's such a sad post because he almost gets it but then the brainwashing kicks in and and his justified anger is safely transferred onto those damn darkies or whatever. he correctly identifies economics as the root of the problem, ie that a family of means would have had the surplus wealth required to support and keep safe an unproductive daughter/wife but with all the wealth being constantly redistributed upwards toward a microscopic elite even the once affluent middle class is forced to prostitute their children. but despite having just articulated how monstrous injustices are being done to people in the name of profit he can only gesture towards the problem with the code word "jews" because direct criticism of capitalist elites is unthinkable except in some sort of castrated conditional form ("there's just too many [jews/straight white men] in power, everything will be fixed with more [whites/diversity]").

and then there's the refrain of niggers, niggers, niggers. make no mistake: these bbc dudes are the modern equivalent of freak show exhibits, born with a deformed semi-functional penis and bamboozled into degrading themselves for a pitiful pay. so you watch this obscene performance where people are reduced to meat puppets for someone else's profit but instead of being angry at the people making it happen you buy into the fictional scenario and blame the puppets: i hope that stupid whore gets aids from that filthy nigger! the challenge is to get over the contempt you were conditioned to feel and take the side of the stupid whore and the filthy nigger against the people who stole from them their chance of a dignified life. that is, if nothing else, the christian thing to do.

>> No.12080303

A string of foolish shortsighted decisions can be harmful tho. No guarantee the father would be able to compensate for this either (would be the exception rather than the rule).

>> No.12080313 [DELETED] 

>he challenge is to get over the contempt you were conditioned to feel and take the side of the stupid whore and the filthy nigger against the people who stole from them their chance of a dignified life. that is, if nothing else, the christian thing to do.

but unfortunately they are beyond saving.

>> No.12080329

That's the driving theme of Portis' novel The Dog of the South. Highly recommended.

>> No.12080331

Professors at Harvard?

>> No.12080337

University of Toronto

>> No.12080417

Thanks for the on-topic reply.

Got anything from the perspective on those affected by stupidity?

>> No.12080548

My diary desu

>> No.12080599

There wouldn't be any crime if boys weren't raised to be "men", prove me wrong.

>> No.12080704

crime is not an attitude problem. criminal institutions thrive because they fulfill community needs that are not met by their legal analogues, like jobs for the unqualified. the drug trade wouldn't become any less profitable of an industry if all the gangsters were effete.

>> No.12080716

No but it would become more tasteful, I don't have any problems with drug cartels, but their macho attitude and just plain tackiness, bad taste always come from the need to impress, and this "manly" behavior reinforces that.

>> No.12080751

in iliad we have achilles in council

in scroll XIX odysseus says "Achilles, son of Peleus, mightiest of all the Achaeans, in battle you are better than I, and that more than a little, but in counsel I am much before you, for I am older and of greater knowledge.

the book starts with achilles in council and details the fallout of his poor choices

>> No.12080787

i think that's more of a class thing than a gender thing. lower-class women who get some money will be equally tasteless and ostentatious in how they display it. me, i like gangster garishness, it makes the vulgarity of the ruthless pursuit of wealth obvious, unlike the tasteful minimalism of a banker's suit.

>> No.12080801


>> No.12080802

Because they are spooked into believing they need to fit in, and corporatism.

>> No.12080808

Ye fuck capitalism.

>> No.12080810

bless you, based dialecticposter
>tfw it's perfect except for the ad hom at the end

>> No.12080817

>the harvard of the north

>> No.12080853

That pic related is so cringe as to be physically painful
Shoo shoo retarded jew!

>> No.12080890
File: 15 KB, 254x391, PushNovel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this

>> No.12080907

Good post but fuck niggers nonetheless

>> No.12080947

What was this bitch's name? Hannah Hays or something?

>> No.12080970
File: 142 KB, 537x416, memes were a mistake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about hannah hays
>"clown world" catches my eye while skimming
So glad I grew out of pol
Yours is such a sad post because you almost get it and then the brainwashing kicks in and your justified anger is safely transferred onto those damn rich.

>> No.12080992

>Books about some vague and shallow concept that isn't specific in the slightest, but will undoubtedly stir up controversy in the thread.
Fuck off. I'm so goddamn sick of these "r thur any X licherachur???" threads.

>> No.12081143

I hope you are one day able to recover from your boredom. So sorry.

>> No.12081213
File: 139 KB, 790x756, 1542050682784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be opposed to pornography for how it affects the individual consuming it, not the willing participants profiting from it. Porn actresses deserve contempt, not lament. Pornographers are worse than drug dealers. Humanizing them legitimizes the profession, and only motivates people to push for weak measures like mandating safer conditions for "sex workers", instead of totally rejecting the cultural permissiveness of this filth.

>> No.12081324

>pretending he doesn't know her name even though his phone buzzes every time she updates her twitters and he's bought all of her videos on VHS

>> No.12081376

but that's not vanessa chase

>> No.12081533


>such a sad post because you almost get it and then the brainwashing kicks in and your justified anger is safely transferred onto those damn rich.
You're right, anon. He should blame... who. The Fed? The central banks that keep everyone in America in debt? The notion of a federal government at all? God (who forgave all debts, but isn't doing it for you now)?

>> No.12081565

You Marxists are so norrowminded because everything can only come down to economics with you people. You're incapable of seeing the broader picture. Before she started porn, Hannah was richer than almost every other person on earth. She was only comparatively poor to other people in the US and even now there are people worse off economically who will never go into porn because they're not spiritually broken shells like Hannah and this is something that your historical dialectic can't even account for in principle, let alone find a solution for.

>> No.12081630

Blame should be placed on ourselves. Our individual selves first and foremost, but also we, as the general populace.

>> No.12081725

on the contrary, what i'm interested in is precisely the broad picture of how the human spirit is mangled by growing up like this, the layers upon layers of false consciousness that cause her to confuse degradation with glamour and cause you to confuse, just like i feared you would, a vulnerable human being with an empty shell unworthy of your compassion. she's not an empty shell, anon, she's your sister. why would you let your sister down like this?

>> No.12081807

Psychoanalysis of my diary desu