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12075077 No.12075077[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go to uni
>some outside professor comes to give a lecture
>thirty minutes in someone stands up and walk away mid lecture
>auditorium squirms at their seat
>one by on they start to leave until there are twenty people left (out of an initial hundred)

Is this th absolute state of university? Have people got no respect? Is this what you sign up for when you get into higher education?

>> No.12075090

Maybe the lecturer was an idiot and you were too dumb to tell.

>> No.12075094

I was in a lecture room with about 300 people and some autist raised his hand and asked if he could go to the bathroom
The prof said, “by all means.”

>> No.12075101

So what if he's an idiot? How can people just start leaving en masse and feel no regret?

>> No.12075114

I thought people at my uni were shitheads for playing with their phones during lectures, what the fuck. Was the professor really really bad?

>> No.12075122

>wasting your time listening to some idiot out of "respect"

>> No.12075132

I think one mean would have been sufficient

>> No.12075134

No, not at all. It was a very standard lecture about modernism outside the US and Europe.

>> No.12075225

I walk out of all of my lectures at least ten minutes early

>> No.12075251

ahahahahah wew

>> No.12075253

I don't understand why you think sitting through something you find boring and uninteresting is more respectful than acting honestly and just leaving. I mean, I'm like you, I never leave lectures. But mostly because I'm pretty confident that with my autistic self I'm gonna need all the education I can get to even have a chance in life. But it seems to me like you sat through a lecture and are trying to derive some sort of sense of superiority from the fact that most people would have found it boring af and you manages to endure it

>> No.12075402

Because an educated mind should have more to consider than merely whether something is "boring" or not.
That's an impulsive, childish mentality.
If you can't manage to sit through an hour lecture and critically evaluate it you shouldn't be considered university material.

>> No.12075411

Farewell to arms, and my sides.

>> No.12075433

>Is this the absolute state of university? Have people got no respect? Is this what you sign up for when you get into higher education?

I don't know. Is your story true to begin with? Is it at least half-true? Are you omitting important details to manipulate us?

>> No.12075442

i got shit to do and buses to catch nigger

>> No.12075449

When is the moment you realized you were surrounded by brainlets at your university?
I'll start
>First day of Intro to Programming
>Auditorium class, around 150 people
>Professor is going over the syllabus
>University has a no smoking on campus policy
>Above the stage in the room there is a small placard that says "No Smoking"
>Autist who is seated front and center raises his hand
>"Professor....Why is there a sign that says No Smoking at the front?"
>completely smarmy tone of voice, totally irrelevant question, hatred grows
>"Because you can't smoke in here."
>"But doesn't that make the sign redundant?"
>"But doesn't the campus-wide smoking ban imply that you also can't smoke in here?"
>Professor instantly and effortlessly replies "Just because we imply it doesn't mean you infer it."
>Dudebros in the seats start whooping and hollering and ooooohing like he just landed a sick diss in a rap battle
>withdraw the next day

>> No.12075461
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>> No.12075462

because they are not a cuck like you
grow some balls you faggot

>> No.12075463

Everyone is on their phone in uni or they don’t go to classes or leave mid class. It’s always the same 20 that give a shit and go to classes.

>> No.12075474

>Professor instantly and effortlessly replies "Just because we imply it doesn't mean you infer it."

holy fuck destroyed

>> No.12075488

You can't, but I'm not omitting anything. The professor didn't have a stutter or Boring speech patterns, he didn't constantly pause or talk too slowly. It was literally a very normal lecture. After the first person left it was almost as if a dam had cracked and the water begun to spill in droves. I also sensed that many of the people who stayed kinda felt bad because they hadn't the chance to do it earlier, and were thus stuck.

>> No.12075496

>lecture about modernism outside the US and Europe.
well there ya go.

>> No.12075499

Unless you consider Borges, Garcia Marquez, Llosa and Lispector to be a bad subject, you truly aren't college material.

>> No.12075516

I believe that 20 remaining out of 100 who showed initial interest is an absolutely perfect example of the percentage of readers who keep interest in those writers.

>> No.12075525

Why is this funny

>> No.12075537

>he thinks people go to school to get educated
oh boy you're in for a rude awakening

>> No.12075543

The rude awakening is reserved for those who wash out after 3 semesters because they never understood the true purpose of university.

>> No.12075556

ie you, once you realize you're surrounded by regular people that don't give a shit about learning anything and are only there to get a career certificate. grow up kid, 99% of the people in any given university are there for one reason and one reason only: to make money.

>> No.12075558

Maybe the content was bad or irrelevant? It is true that these days a lot of students are just phoning it in to get their piece of paper, but then again we've basically turned the universities into places where you get credentials, not knowledge, so it stands to reason that they'd take the most efficient course of action.

>> No.12075560

No. You wait young man until my lecture is consummated."

>> No.12075564

Stemfag BTFO’d

>> No.12075579


I felt bad but if it's charlatanism now I don't feel bad for him at all.

>> No.12075750

Sure but "having more to consider" doesn't mean you can't also consider that thing. Unless one was to accept the ridiculous premise that every subject and intellectual material is just as "valuable" (which btw can also mean different things depending who you ask) to every mind, then there's every reason to heed the feeling that some things are more interesting and others more boring. Different subjects do have different levels of interest to different minds which are better equipped for different intellectual pursuits, thus justifying an ability to be bored to and interested so as to stimulate the creation of that criteria

>> No.12075909

>Have people got no respect?
yes... it's very sad but it's like that

>> No.12076374

But how can you look at someone in the eyes and simply fucking leave?

>> No.12076410

>So what if he's an idiot?

>> No.12076485

My question remains unchanged.

>> No.12076529

I can’t believe American universities are like this, write them down and save these fucking stupid questions for the class or tutorial, Jesus Christ

>> No.12076543

You have to realize the majority is always wrong and most people in uni are against their will just so their parents don't kick them out.

>> No.12077092

I see this too. I do not understand it. They're not even subtle about it like kids were in high school. They have the phone right up to their face, they laugh at what they see. And the professor will walk right by them and they won't even attempt to hide or pretend they aren't on the phone, nope, they just stay on their phone. It's so bizarre and makes me uncomfortable

>> No.12077300

I've done this in the past but this year I have always been too ashamed. I MIGHT leave during a break in the lecture, but usually I'll just see the whole thing through if I've actually managed to get myself out of bed and attend in the first place.

>> No.12078114

This. What's up with adulthood and abandoning feelings of shame?

>> No.12078134

Shame doesn't get you anywhere. It's effrontery that's rewarded these days, that or slinking cowardice if there's a chance of being caught and actually facing real consequences (which are few and far between).

>> No.12078175 [DELETED] 

>go to uni
>missed three lectures due needing a refill on my glaucoma medicine
>the lecturer is waits until the room is full to call me out personally in front 130 people for missing classes
>The entire lecture is written with subtle remarks about me missing classes
>Depiction of the missing link is literally three classrooms with xs on them
>Turn around to see if anyone is noticing this or are as upset as I am
>They are all staring at me with Cheshire cat grins and immediately try to look away and act nonchalant
>I pick up my backpack and run for the door
>The professor says "going somewhere?" in a vaguely demonic voice
>I open the door, but when I walk through it I'm back in the classroom again
>I turn around and the door is shut behind me
>The professor says: "What's wrong anon" in a ground shaking bellow as the peripherals of my vision fade to black as his head expands to form fill the entire room and his eyes turn glowing red
>He opens his mouth and begins to consume me as the class chants "EAT IT EAT IT" in a warped, dissonant choir comparable only to the laughter of demons one might here as he falls down into hell
>The professor consumes me and upon dabbing the corner of his mouth with a napkin, utters and single word

>> No.12078183

okay this is epic

>> No.12078212

>not leaving halfway through a doctoral seminar
Nothing personnel.

>> No.12078255
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>go to uni
>missed three lectures due needing a refill on my glaucoma medicine
>the lecturer is waits until the room is full to call me out personally in front 130 people for missing classes
>The entire lecture is written with subtle remarks about me missing classes
>Depiction of the missing link is literally three classrooms with xs on them
>Turn around to see if anyone is noticing this or are as upset as I am
>They are all staring at me with Cheshire cat grins and immediately try to look away and act nonchalant
>I pick up my backpack and run for the door
>The professor says "going somewhere?" in a vaguely demonic voice
>I open the door, but when I walk through it I'm back in the classroom again
>I turn around and the door is shut behind me
>The professor says: "What's wrong anon" in a ground shaking bellow as the peripherals of my vision fade to black as his head expands to form fill the entire room and his eyes turn glowing red
>He opens his mouth and begins to consume me as the class chants "EAT IT EAT IT" in a warped, dissonant choir comparable only to the laughter of demons one might here as he falls down into hell
>The professor consumes me and upon dabbing the corner of his mouth with a napkin, utters and single word

>> No.12078295
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everyone born after 1989 needs to be forcibly steralized

>> No.12078345

Yeah, I think this is what going to university is really about.
Take this perspective:
Some guy is giving a lecture and you decide to attend, for whatever reason.
During the lecture, you realize that the reason you had to want to attend has been invalided by something.
Regardless of what made you not want to attend anymore, you now feel like you want to leave. So what do you do?
Lets say that the lecturer decides to take a 5 minute break, and goes out for a smoke. You think that this might be your chance. You get up from your seat, and, to your surprise, you find yourself heading for the door, accompanied by 80% of the people in the room.
When the lecturer comes back, he'll find that the room is mostly empty now. And here he was, thinking that all those people were actually interested in him and what he was saying. What a fool the lecturer must feel like.
Now that you have this perspective, don't you think it would be more respectful of you to just get up and leave during the lecture? The lecturer will feel bad that people are leaving, but, in the end, he will also be spared the feeling of being betrayed, since you won't scoot out whenever you get the chance.
Of course, for you, it's also a tough move to make, because it's embarrassing to get up during a lecture and have everyone stare at you, but at university, you're an adult, and you should act like it, and make those tough moves.

>> No.12078364

You put a lot more effort than it was worth into that bit and it's why I consider you people petty

>> No.12078385

>and some autist
Not autism. Is your vocabulary so limited you only have one negative marker for everything ?

>> No.12078391

Students are customers.
Universities are part of the service industry.
I wouldn't force myself to listen to a band that sucked. I would leave. same goes for university lecturers who are basically performing monkey's at this point.

>> No.12078396

No, just someone tyring to up the professor and be an asshole. Autists don't have big ego's like that.
>things that never happened

>> No.12078400


>> No.12078411

Damn, that was actually a very thought out argument but I seem to find your conclusions thoroughly wrong. It's precisely because the people in the room will disappear that you should hold your ground and stay until the end.

>> No.12078415

>Students are customers.
>Universities are part of the service industry.

This may be the single most cancerous comment I've read this entire week, I bet you'll become one of those parents who harangue teachers in high school if your - God forbid! - your kid fails a math test or gets sent to the principal's office.

>> No.12078437

silly me, i read to the end of your post expecting something constructive to the debate

>> No.12078473


high school education is state funded.

university education costs students $$$$$$$$ in fees which they usually take on as debt. They're customers paying for a service, a product.

>> No.12078493

>go to uni
>be respectful and work hard
>pass with good standing


>> No.12078511

I never really got much out of lectures or tutorials but I'd feel a mug if i was paying course fees for someone to mark my essays and exam papers and nothing else.....so I attended them.,

>> No.12078533

In the US students are customers, most of us have to pay out the ass for higher education

>> No.12078542

So what? Seriously. The model you're advocating for would turn university into an even worse mess than it is right now. Just a bunch of normies sperging out if professors deal with anything difficult or not immediately interpreted by students as being "relevant".

>> No.12078565

>so what?

I'm not wasting my time with an inadequate lecture if I'm paying hand over fist for the "privilage" of being there. Welcome to capitalism and the market economy, you pinko bastard. If you don't like it leave.

>> No.12078582

OP identifies with the professor as he sees himself being a professor one day as it is the only job he'll ever get out of his faggot, liberal-arts degree.

>> No.12078667

lol, I appreciate your post

>> No.12078893

The majority of students in the US don't attend university to learn. Instead they are there to party and because they believe that society says that they must attend if they wish to be successful. Many people first show up wishing to major in STEM fields until they learn they cannot hack it in the programs, so they then switch to business or some bullshit humanities course. They're also easily distracted by the opposite sex and chasing fleeting feelings, which makes sense. They're at the age where theoretically they're at their most physical attractiveness, especially the women. They chase sex, drugs, and shitty top 40 rap or screechy EDM, forgetting the reason why they were there in the first place. When its all said and done they wasted their time and graduated with a meh GPA at best and realized that they fucked themselves over in life. The only way out is to hope to God that your family has a business you can get involved in, or to work in the service industry and bitch about how you have a degree but can't get a decent paying job because you fucked around while you were in school. And God forbid you learn a skill such as welding or plumbing, you're now too awakened by those bullshit humanities courses you studied and trade skills are beneath you, even though you identify with the proletariat and oppressed.

Source: my own experience at a top 10 public university in the US.

>> No.12078917

>pay thousands of dollars for college
>swamped with work
>go to one of my classes that I pay thousands for
>some random faggot is lecturing about material completely irrelevant to what I paid to learn
>don't get any refund for this hour
>wasting time when I have relevant work to do

>> No.12078931

Idiots and pseuds need institutionalized.

>> No.12079052

OP if you were any kind of man you'd be like "yo nerds why are you all leaving, sit the fuck back down"
Thats what I would do anyway but every time I interview for a university it's a no go so meh

>> No.12079060

As someone who’s also going to a top 10 public university in the US (University of Florida), might I ask which school you’re attending?

>> No.12079140

>freshman chemistry
>lab is surprisingly hard, have to work with friends to figure some stuff out
>one guy always comes up to my little study group and demands for someone to email him their finished lab reports
>tell him that they actually check for plagiarism
>"well yeah, but I already got caught for that last semester and had to retake the class, they're not going to make me retake it a second time even if they do catch me"
>tell him to fuck off, he gets super butthurt
He somehow reappeared in my senior biochem class, genuinely hard shit. Guess he got his act together.

Another somewhat relevant story is the time this guy was watching hardcore porn on his laptop in one of the middle seats during a lecture. It was some gross looking middle aged woman with horrific baseball tits and plastic surgery that made her look like a wax mannequin, and it kept showing closeups of her face. After about 30 seconds when it became clear it wasn't a practical joke, people tapped him on the shoulder and asked him to turn it off. He got mad and said "well y'all don't have to look at it if you don't want to!" and slammed the computer shut.

>> No.12079153

To be fair, a lot of undergrad classes are garbage and the professor just reads off a powerpoint word for word, and it's posted online immediately after the lecture.
There were a lot of classes where I'd do homework during the lecture, or sit in the back and wait until the attendance sheet came around then slink out when it got to me.

>> No.12079154

It’s funny you say that, because I actually went to UF. I lived near midtown for three years and spent a decent amount of time in LibWest. I posted that as a dog whistle for anyone who attends or has attended the school, since that’s something parroted by the administration and the majority of the student body.

Tbh I wish I went to FSU, but whatever.

>> No.12079163

“waste of time” and “boring” are related, but not identical qualities.

>> No.12079172

Why do state schools do this?

up here in NY, SUNY Binghamton is constantly paraded around as the 'Public Ivy', even though it wasn't even named in the original public ivy list and was only an honorable mention.

>> No.12079174

>this thing that doesn't exist happened
>i'm such a sniveling pussy that I care about what happens to a lecturer's ego from other brainlets walking out to go suck dick and sell drugs
>decide to make /lit/ worse by posting a bad thread that will attract brainlets

>> No.12079186

I wouldn't do this if 99% of professors weren't uselsss. Only there for attendance. Just give me the book and then leave me the fuck alone, I don't need some old tenured loser to regurgitate it for me

>> No.12079193

>18-22 year old guys are at their prime sexual attractive level
I agree about the girls but most dudes look like little kids at this age

>> No.12079222
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Because they want to feel important. In reality the only state schools that matter are Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina, UCLA, Berkeley, and maybe William and Mary. Wisconsin fell off, while everyone else is trying so hard to become relevant in an oversaturated market.

I don’t know much about education system, but with my basic knowledge of it I would like to see trade schools destigmatized and the US adopt a tiered school system like in Germany. Please correct me if I’m being overly symplistic.

>> No.12079247

It seriously depends on your major. For architecture for example, going to Cal Poly San Luis is more prestigious than Stanford, UCLA or Berkeley. Same could be said about UCSD's biology and chemistry programs. Do your research and don't fall for memes

>> No.12079249

No wonder you can't get into college.

>> No.12079259

Let's start with you

>> No.12079300

Fair point. A side note: when I traveling through Europe earlier this year I noticed that most people don't go to uni until they're in their twenties, while we in the US tend to go right after high school. Now I can safely say that I would've benefited from going later than earlier, partly due to the fact that I matured more. Do you think this problem could be fixed if the age of the average first year uni student was 20-22 as opposed to 17-19?

>> No.12079339

100% agree. Going from HS straight to university is like going from one incubator to another. The only people who should be doing that are those who already know what they want but unfortunately there's a social stigma about waiting so everyone follows everyone else leading to the current university crisis America is dealing with right now. I can say for myself going straight to uni at 18 would have been a disaster. I didn't care about shit except getting college pussy. You change a lot in a just a few years in the real world so now as a 21 year old sophomore I'm much more confident in my abilities and path I've chosen and can take full advantage of the resources around me. I also got to pursue all the things I wanted to pursue but couldn't being stuck in the school system like traveling, side projects and generally being a useless NEET. I'm glad I got that shit out of the way

>> No.12079414

I still remember my introduction lectures being terrible, people just straight up talked during the lecture, played games on their phones. I almost dropped out because of this, but then all those people dropped out after the first wave of exams and it has been nice since. As people have said in this thread, the majority of people aren't there to learn, but because of societal pressures and their whorish desires for consumerism which they hope a university degree will be able to fulfill.

>> No.12079420 [DELETED] 

I want to say I'm jealous but I might come off as an ungrateful ass. My parents paid for my uni back in the late 90s, and when I told them I wanted to join the military out of high school I was told to go to school first. Guess what, I fucked around and dealt with depression since I was never properly socialized and had no friends. This turned to me joining a random frat and going on drug and drinking binges 3-4 days a week to deal with my feelings of inadequacy and depression.

I wish I could go back and do uni over again. I graduated with a 3.15 GPA in history since I fucked around the entire time. And the worst part is I know I'm not alone, there are others out there who are or were in similar positions.

>> No.12079441
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I want to say I'm jealous but I might come off as an ungrateful ass. My parents paid for my uni back in the late 90s, and when I told them I wanted to join the military out of high school I was told to go to school first. Guess what, I fucked around and dealt with depression since I was never properly socialized and had no friends. This turned to me joining a random frat and going on drug and drinking binges 3-4 days a week to deal with my feelings of inadequacy and depression. I wish I could go back and do uni over again. I graduated with a humanities degree a 3.15 GPA since I fucked around the entire time. And the worst part is I know I'm not alone, there are others out there who are or were in similar positions.

And good on you, dude. Almost everyone I meet who started school later seems to have their shit together more, which makes sense. Fuck this culture of forcing kids to go to school, I've seen it backfire too often. Tbh I think it might be good for kids to join the military before going to school, because at least then it teaches you how to work with hierarchies and bullshit while you mature and develop work skills that could translate to the civilian world.

>> No.12079603
