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12078846 No.12078846 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book that could have saved him?

>> No.12078869

I a little disgusted by the notion that he needed saving. He wasn’t the victim. He was the killer

>> No.12078877
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>> No.12078879

Maybe? He was pretty far gone in possessing bad ideas.

Interestingly he was rather misled by a self help book convincing him that the "Law of Attraction" was true just months before his rampage. I think it was the summer before that school year when he became angered by not winning the lottery after focusing on it mentally.

>> No.12079217
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>> No.12079220

culture of critique

>> No.12079243

it would have just made him attack jews as well as women

>> No.12079275

From what I hear on some online page he listed 48 Laws of Power as a book he liked. Too bad he didn’t actually apply any of the laws, from what it seems. My life has sort of been inextricably tied to the incident, and sometimes I wonder if only one competent person had got ahold of him what difference it could have made.

>> No.12079295

He also liked Game of Thrones I believe.

>> No.12079451
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He was a pleb and kind of delusional, but I can't not feel bad for him after reading his manifesto. He lived with a single mother who was pampering him too much and his father basically didn't give a shit about him. He grew up in california among jocks and stacies and him being hapa (more asian looking than european) put him at the bottom of the totem pole in such a society. I feel like if his parents stayed in england and didn't divorce he would be a perfectly well ajusted individual. He was in fact a victim of cruel fate.

>> No.12079482

He should have shitposted on 4chan more often among his own kin and realized that incels are everywhere

But for a serious answer I am pretty sure Meditations would have helped, or any stoic literature (that goes for everything self-help in my opinion)

>> No.12080090

>He wasn’t the victim.
Didn't he shoot himself aha

>> No.12080095

No book would have saved him because he would have ignored all the points that couldn't be twisted to further his already set worldview.

Plenty of people have far worse upbringings and don't end up shooting a bunch of people. Maybe he was a victim as a child but he didn't die a child.

>> No.12080097

Incels weren't really a huge thing before his shooting spree. There was ironic talks of "beta uprising" and lots of whining about being a virgin, but after he became an idol it took a very strong turn towards anger

>> No.12080098

The stoics would help a lot of people

>> No.12080121

>He actually read a lot of books, even "Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand. He read A LOT of books of various types on various topics. A Song of Ice and Fire series was his favorite novel series.

>"I began a daily routine of walking to Barnes & Noble in Calabasas every day, where I would spend hours reading books that ranged from biographies of powerful leaders, histories of significant periods, self-help books, philosophy and psychology texts, and historical fiction novels. I sometimes even spent entire days there, from the time it opened to the time it closed. In the afternoons, to my extreme rage, I sometimes saw young couples strolling through the store. Sometimes they would even sit on the reading chairs, kissing and fondling each other. Whenever I saw this, I got so overcome by envy and heartbreak that I went to the bathroom to cry. The occasional couples didn’t stop me from going there, however, because it was the most beneficial thing for me to do at that moment." MTW, p.65


>> No.12080125

I had never really realized how beta this guy was until now

>> No.12080129
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No he should've just transitioned desu~

>> No.12080140

what sort of fuckwit inbred names their son jocko

>> No.12080162

Proof that consumption of books means nothing and can even be dangerous for weak minds

>> No.12080170

I really don't think so. Anyone who reads his Manifesto can tell he was very low IQ, coupled with whatever narcissistic disorder he'd spent years fueling Rodger both wouldn't and couldn't be receptive to anything that challenges his retarded world view.

>> No.12080175

>Hunger Games
>A Song of Ice and Fire
Please, anon.

>> No.12080176

>oh know, I'm so rich and safe, my life is awful, I'm a victimmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Rodger was a pathetic cretin.

>> No.12080180

I didn't find him low iq. He had a severely distorted view of the world and other humans. He could have been saved if he read something that would crush his extreme materialism. Maybe some religious text

>> No.12080183

His verbal IQ was very low and everything he says give off the impression of him imitating what he "thinks" is normal or good rather than having any internal capacity to understand or consider ideas. He can only express himself in repetitive and hackneyed sentiments, I honest to god thought it was some kind of satire at first.

>> No.12080187

He should had a hobby instead of thinking 24/7 of breeding, he was an animal, also, Epicurus.

>> No.12080190
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>he literally named it My Twisted World
Elliot Rodger is the equivalent of someone who took the "gamers rise up" meme seriously. He's a real life 'what if' Patrick Bateman had some form of mild mental retardation. This alone is why I can accept r9k treating him like a saint, because it's utterly ironic.

>> No.12080191

Yes that's mental ilness, not retardation

>> No.12080192

>mental retardation isn't a mental illness

>> No.12080196
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What are some literary works with this sort of aesthetic?

>> No.12080197
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Imagine how pathetic you have to be to admire this guy.

>> No.12080307
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>> No.12080319

almost as pathetic as frogposters

>> No.12080390

Shame chads and stacys had to go down with this absolute beta but atleast the world is rid of another omegamale

>> No.12080658

He was quite literally incredibly attractive. You even had girls on twitter saying "is it just me or was the California shooter kinda cute" and so on. It wasn't looks or shitty social status that messed him up, it was his own autism.

>> No.12080667

He's literally the result of racemixing you tard

>> No.12080671

I feel like gnosticism would've appealed to someone with his traits. He could blame his sexual frustration on the Demiurge and be done with it.

>> No.12080673

and that means he can't read a book?

>> No.12080674

Literally me but except of sexual frustration, is just frustration.

>> No.12080675

That's not Gnosticism though. A Gnostic would transcend their retarded urges and grudges.

>> No.12080683

Yeah, but I feel like Elliot wouldn't have taken gnosticism to its conclusion and instead just used it as a basic metaphysical outlook to make himself feel special and give him an outlet for his angst.

I've met a lot of people like that, people who use being imprisoned by the demiurge as an emotional crutch rather than a legitimate reason for gnosis. Still, it's better than becoming a spree shooter or a neo nazi or a terrorist or whatever else.

>> No.12080707

The Gay Science