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File: 205 KB, 1024x768, Gorilla-Mindset-Mike-Cernovich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12078572 No.12078572[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.12078577

Evolutionary bullshit most likely

>> No.12078590

Why would anyone buy this book, why, why, why?

What have you done OP? Who told you to do this?

>> No.12078595

Thelf help.

>> No.12078597

I always wanted to dominate and unleash the animal inside me to live a life health, wealth and freedom and this book happened to look like a good place to start.

>> No.12078601

>What am I in for?
douchebaggery and fuckstickhood.

>> No.12078637


Being socially timid [you appreciate and grasp the depth of consciousness in others] and temperamentally meek [you would rather just get along] are very positive traits, as long as they dont lead to a nasty and festering insecurity.

>> No.12078647

Yet another self-help book.

>> No.12078670

imo just skip straight to bronze age mindset

>> No.12078685

Self help is such a joke. You want health? Go to the gym and eat more vegetables. Drink some fucking water and go to bed at a decent hour. You want wealth? Acquire a skill that society values and practice it. There, I just saved you hundreds of dollars you would have wasted on books, tapes, seminars, and apps.

>> No.12078717

You know the opposite of getting laid?
Yeah, that.

>> No.12078727

This book changed my life, I'm gaming 10's by phone and earning 25k/month from crypto now.

>> No.12078957

What even is it? I've heard of it so often but have literally no idea what it's about. I always assumed it was some bottom-of-the-barrel Trump election cash-grab about pepe memes.

>> No.12078971

>written by a lispy beta who's henpecked by his sand-nigger wife.
You're in for irony.

>> No.12078984
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>> No.12079328

screenshots or gtfo

>> No.12079427
File: 42 KB, 400x459, 1481028661847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being socially timid [you appreciate and grasp the depth of consciousness in others] and temperamentally meek [you would rather just get along] are very positive traits
Shut up faggot.

>> No.12079463

Read Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus. Stoicism is the only self help that isn't bullshit.

>> No.12079754

Sounds like chimp mindset. Gorillas are peaceful and primitive in comparison.

>> No.12080394

the guy who wrote it has a double chin and several failed marriages and all his wives are munters, why would you listen to advice made up by a person who can't do what they're telling you how to do

>> No.12080402

this made me kek, get rekt OP

>> No.12080408

>le do as you preach meme
being a bad practitioner doesn't mean you can't be a good theorist. most successful sports coaches are failed players.

>> No.12080415

He's right but with the addition that you should along with these traits be decisive, willing to take action when necessary, and physically fit.

>> No.12080419

yeah lad why not just hire people in wheelchairs as running coaches

he isn't a failed player he's someone who's never even stepped on the field

>> No.12080423

But being fit isn't cute.

>> No.12080428
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>his wives are munters

>> No.12080432

you cannot think she's attractive

>> No.12080435

Hormones fuck people's standards.
>people listen to this dude's advice

>> No.12080436

you cannot say you wouldn't fuck her

>> No.12080439

I have a gf and even if I didn't club thots are more attractive than her

>> No.12080440

i definitely do because im not a numb dicked incel only able to get off on the bland, featureless "beauty" you probably think constitutes an ideal form of woman

>> No.12080444

this entire post screams 30 year old virgin lad

>> No.12080454
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>live a life of health

>> No.12080460


>> No.12080468
File: 290 KB, 1320x1056, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always wanted to dominate and unleash the animal inside me to live a life health

be sure to read it in public, so everyone knows your "power level"

>> No.12080470
File: 16 KB, 80x60, polar bear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading Macaque Weltanschaung instead

>> No.12080474

> Being a racist cunt turned me onto Bitcoin!

>> No.12080480


>What am I in for?
>let’s ask jaded anons who haven’t read it. On 4chan.

The Internet makes no sense

>> No.12080486

Oh shit, thanks anon

>> No.12080492

the entire thread was bait. 4chan is the gutter.

>> No.12080493

>Taking advice from a lispy retard with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.12080514

>You may not like it but this is what peak masculinity looks like

>> No.12080522

More like fatass roastie from Tumblr.

>> No.12080538

Oh no, a thread I don't like, this truly is the end of 4chinks.

>> No.12080592

i looked into it and it's completely generic self-help shit with some reheated horseshit about reason vs emotion and how to talk to yourself in the mirror to be successful. straight-up pixar-level "just believe in yourself" shit except he has some invented terminology so instead of "just believe in yourself" he can write "just adopt an abundance mindset" and that sounds impressive if you're an idiot i guess.

>> No.12080634

God tier dadbod

>> No.12080771

If you're a male those traits make you a darwinian dead end.

>> No.12080795

The goal of every living being is immortality, breeding is lying to yourself, your offspring is not you, we all failed already since we weren't born in a time meat portal have invented a way to live forever yet, the only way now is hedonism.

>> No.12080800

The goal of every living thing is reproduction, anything else is just a cope.

>> No.12080806

Why is that the goal ?

>> No.12080814

Because that's what your DNA literally dictates you to do.

>> No.12080824

>the depth of consciousness in others

things that don't exist

>> No.12080831

And why your DNA dictates you that ?

>> No.12080880

Are you playing stupid in hopes of appearing smart?

>> No.12080882

weird how every womans DNA is the reason you're a virgin

>> No.12080893

>because that's what your dna literally dictates you to do

>> No.12080895

You are in for a big waste of money.

>> No.12080902

>And why your DNA dictates you that ?

>> No.12080978

Actually empathy is clearly advantageous if it helps the group survive. And plenty of studies that positive effects it has on well-being and relationships.

You're also assuming that our living conditions are the same as our distant ancestors. The kind of competition for resources that hunter-gathers engaged in doesn't really exist anymore, except in the most impoverished nations.

Ah yes, the classic pseud argument. Google the naturalistic fallacy.

>> No.12080997

you haven't thought this through. there are no "goals" in biological evolution, your body has no goal, your genes have no goal, things just happen and nothing that happens is in any way better or worse than anything else that might have happened instead. you can't say of reproduction that it's "good", only that it allows for further reproduction which allows for further reproduction and so on. it's not "better" for a species to spread than to die out, a teeming jungle is not "better" than a wasteland, these are just things that might occur in a meaningless series of physical interactions that allows no basis for any kind of judgement, only measurement. you can't examine human affairs from a physicalist perspective that admits no system of values and simultaneously retain the ability to judge them.

>> No.12080999

rationalwikiposting is still shitposting, even if done ironically.

>> No.12081003

Push a rock up a cliff fag.

>> No.12081008

>naturalistic fallacy.
I don't think anon is making a case of what we should do, just what humans do

>> No.12081020

lvl 99 fedora lord

>> No.12081037

who said i believe in any of it? it's just what any wannabe social darwinist would have to conclude if they actually took their worldview seriously.

>> No.12081110

>All wearing cargos

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12081132
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Being fit is cute. Being a hunk is handsome.

>> No.12081409

Please stop being a faggot here.

>> No.12081422
File: 14 KB, 238x192, 1478431487365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, do you dominate or unleash the inner animal?