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/lit/ - Literature

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12073740 No.12073740[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Following Jesus's teachings is the ultimate red pill to a good life. I've been to hell and back. I really think it is the ultimate red pill and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

>> No.12073746

Were against non-whites here

>> No.12073751

while i would agree, jesus gets a pass

>> No.12073754

The melting pot is being stirred as we speak whitey

>> No.12073943

> I've been to hell and back.
you've have intense negative experiences that drove you to 'turn your life around' and you defaulted to Christianity because you're a white man living in a western country.

If you really follow the core teachings of any major religion you can live a Good Life.

If you did try other traditions before jesusism then by all means B me TFO, and we can actually have a much more interesting conversation about comparative religion.

>> No.12073951

>implying OP's confession of faith has anything to do with you or your beliefs (wrong or not)
I would say try being a better person, anon, but it's clear that's not working out.

>> No.12073961
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>If you really follow the core teachings of any major religion you can live a Good Life

>> No.12073968

Atheists are just cold people with darkness because they are slowly trying to get themselves out of touch with the idea of God. They are running in a loop thinking that it Will eventually end but they don't realise that the loop they are currently running in can just be stepped off and they can switch over to a better, linear, path

>> No.12073971

But would Jesus give you a pass?

>> No.12073991

I don't even understand what you were going for here. OP claims Christianity is the ULTIMATE redpill. That's a really bold claim. This isn't personal for me, I am posting out of a genuine intellectual interest in this topic.

what are your claim exactly? Billions of brown and yellow people are out there faking it, secretly wishing they could just recite the hail mary 50 times to achieve grace?

A fair, if a bit heavy-handed, take. I am not an atheist, since you all insist on making this personal. I'm a sort of syncretist.

>> No.12073995

You can totally follow the teachings of Jesus without being a Christian

>> No.12073996

So what's your current, favourite, religion?

>> No.12074000


>> No.12074004
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>christianity is a white people religion

>> No.12074011

>Luke 9:23-24
>23 And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. 24 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.

So can you follow this teaching without actually being a Christian? Can you deny yourself to the point of death for the sake of someone who either doesn't exist or isn't who he says he is?

>> No.12074021

He speaks in parables so those who don't get it, won't get it

>> No.12074022

All religions (except for small tribal religions) have followers of all races. That doesn’t prove majorities don’t exist

>> No.12074024

yea, yea, sorry. I was doing 'read' on that guy, using the safest assumptions to get 'hits'. you know.

I think his point there is that Jesus doesn't have a monopoly on being a good person, loving your neighbor, etc. You can do those things without believing in the bible.
If the biblical cosmology is literally true, and Jesus doesn't let you into heaven on the technicality that you were a good person without calling yourself a christian, than he's an petty, egotistical tyrant, and you shouldn't want to go to his heaven anyways.

>> No.12074027

>I don't even understand what you were going for here.
It was an insult, you dope. You autistically asked OP (or anyone) to match wits with you. The thread isn't about you.

>> No.12074037

Your post seems like a nonsequitor. These verses aren't a parable anyways.

>> No.12074039

matching wits with people is the only reason I come on this website.
What WAS I supposed to do in this fucking thread? Accept that vague one-line testimonial at face-value, become a christian, put my pants on and close all my porn tabs?

>> No.12074043

Take up cross is parable

>> No.12074046

YES. Actually. Precisely that.

God is always calling. You just have to know how to listen.

>> No.12074050

Being a Christian == CCRROSS

Creation - God created the world
Sin - God gave humans a choice to live their lives at free will
Cross - Jesus came to Earth and died for our sins
Resurrection - He later resurrected from the dead to symbolize that our faith to resurrect
Only by faith - We can only really believe in Jesus only by faith, as science can be used to prove and disprove God, but never fully succeed
Repentance - In order to seek forgiveness for our sins, no matter how bad, we must pray to Jesus and repent
Surrender - To fully live in the glory of God we have to surrener our sinful lives and must seek change in our sinful lives, while we will still fail.

I surrendered my life since i was 17 and I wanted to share the brief explanation of Christianity. Reading the bible alone will be sufficient enough to be a Christian, no fewer. Churches are important for growth to seek advise, have healthy relationships, question more about Christianity. You have to try to surrender your life in the areas you understand. If you do something that tirns out to be a sin, you must stop doing it.

Yes, you can believe in Jesus but in order to become a Christian you have to follow what the bible teaches. Following churches traditions can be misleading, haveunnecessary baggage (e.g. Catholic fathers were or still aren't allowed to marry, hence the little boys raped memes), or cause sin and corruption.>>12073996

>> No.12074052
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>> No.12074053

This completely misses the point of Chrisitanity. It isn't about being a good person. Chrisitanity posits that all people are dead since they are separate from the source of all life, God. The only way to become alive is to be united with God, the source of life, which happens by submitting to God, declaring him Lord.

>> No.12074054

Christianity is for every soul. Genetics don't come into play when it comes to serving the Lord.

>> No.12074058

What are the experiential differences between these metaphysical 'alive' and 'dead' states? Or do I only find out when I'm physically dead?

>> No.12074059

Serious question, anon: do you feel bad often? Despair? Unfulfilled? Ashamed?

Get with the program. God is the source of goodness. If you do not feel good, it is for being separate from God. He gave you the choice to stray. I urge you to come back.

>> No.12074060
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>Bible is too philosophical for me to understand

>> No.12074063

No it's not, a parable is a story. If you mean its metaphorical, then I agree, but I still don't see how that relates to my point.

>> No.12074081

There can't be experiental data on the metaphysical. To speak of these states in such a way would be reductionary.

>> No.12074086

I feel great.
Meditation clears my mind of illusions (works great on that ol' christian guilt. You'd love it.)
Devotional Service fills me with equanimity and a sense cosmic belonging.

Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life". "The way" or the path in the Vedas is called Yoga. You say I have strayed, I feel I am on the path.
I could use Jesus' name as my beacon, my mantra. It really makes no difference to me. Another thing most traditions have in common is that God is always known by many names.

The thing is that the Vedas offer more. They are richer. They answer more questions. And they are more beautiful to boot.
It's that simple for me.

>> No.12074088

>being THIS in denial about your ego and shadow
Enjoy the hot place.

>> No.12074095

Yet another reason I tend towards Vedanta. It doesn't demand faith. There are real, experiential, consciousness changes that come with the practice.
Many Christian monks have achieved these higher states and acknowledged them. But the institutions never managed to turn this knowledge into a practical tradition in order to offer Grace to it's followers. It's very disappointing.

enjoy being reborn as a cricket. =]

>> No.12074097

>institutions never managed to turn this knowledge into a practical tradition in order to offer Grace to it's followers
You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.12074098

No other religion talks about Sin like Christianity.

It is truth.

>> No.12074102

a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, My point was that you can follow the teachings of Jesus without being a Christian

>> No.12074103

Eastern religions are fucking boring.

>> No.12074109

I was paraphrasing Jesus. Idiot.

>> No.12074110


>> No.12074118

>He speaks in parables so those who don't get it, won't get it
>I was paraphrasing. Idiot
Why insult me when you clearly indicated that some may not get his parables. Isn't this the post i replied to?

>> No.12074125

Jesus understood what you are saying.>>12074118
I'm new here. Who's side am I on. In my opinion. I have read and understood without whining about it being too philosophical. But we all think that we are the best drivers on the road.

>> No.12074159

Let thine eye be single. Thoughts?

>> No.12074167

>we all think that we are the best drivers on the road.
Don't think for me. I'm definitely not the "best driver on the road" and God Himself said that he opposes the proud. Christianity taught me to never raise myself or others above. I take your arguments with all seriousness which is why im still discussing things over. I just didn't understand what exactly you were paraphrasing?

>> No.12074170

not at all your completely wrong and 100% projecting.

>> No.12074173

Wow. Thank you. Very nice response.

>> No.12074175

Well I can speak of "conciousness changes" that directly related to my Christianity just as much as you can with your Vedanta. But ultimately what's the good of these consciousness changes if it all ends in death? From what know of Vedanta I find to be very empty, except perhaps Dvaita. In Christianity I see the way to being a true self in relation to the infinite.

>> No.12074178

yes you can, doesn't change anything op said. I'm right there with him I also believe it is the truth and the ultimate way to live as a human in our momentary existence

>> No.12074182

So what's the spiritual lesson from that passage then? Can you explain how you follow that teaching without being a Christian?

>> No.12074187

Also a figure of speech. Meaning, from our perspective, we see things as we think they should be, but from another perspective, we are wrong. To keep this kosher, (pun intended) this is a conversation about literature and not religion. There is a lost Gospel of Q. It boils down the teachings of Jesus

>> No.12074197


>> No.12074203

I am the one who refers to Q. That passage is simply saying "this is how its done boys"

>> No.12074204

>achieve grace
you have NO clue of what you speak. none.

>> No.12074206

Yes i agree but in this thread we are discussing why Christianity is the ultimate redpill and my contribution is the explanation of how Christianity benefitted my life.

>> No.12074208

I'm a formal suicidal, atheist, nihilist..you're a fool if you don't think there is something truly real and life changing following the teachings of Jesus. If you haven't given it a chance because muh "Christianity" living as an edge lord atheist I just feel bad for you and hope one day you will open your mind and heart to a life of meaning

>> No.12074214

Well, I am new here but understand that a religious discussion is prohibited. We can talk of how this book has benefitted your life. Just staying in the lines so we don't get BTFO as they say here.

>> No.12074216

they don't say that

>> No.12074220

probably, it's Jesus

>> No.12074222

Im actually to lazy to follow the community rules
>those darn subreddits
Yeah I understand but I doubt we will be reported as this whole thread still exists here. Its fine if you don't want to talk about it though.

To switch up tbe discussion i haven't found an author in a long time that has used Christianity as an important element in his works.

>> No.12074230

It is in the description of "welcome to /lit/".
I read things. It's ok. I think this is an important discussion... about literature

>> No.12074236

I'm game. Let's stay cool

>> No.12074245

The teachings of Jesus are, IMHO, similar to Hindu. Buddha was Hindu. Baptism did not happen in Old Testament but does in Hindu. Also the single eye.

>> No.12074247

The gospel of Q is an outdated theory. And "how it's done" is by declaring Jesus as your personal Lord, meaning you have no say in your own life. I have a hard time believing someone can do that while not being a Christin.

>> No.12074249

btfo, nobody says that here it's not reddit

>> No.12074256

A lot of thinking people know that they have no control in life. It can be through the omnipotence of God, or the science of causes and effects.

>> No.12074259

Noted. I learned it here probably from Reddit peeps.

>> No.12074262

very wrong but i see the general point your making and I would agree for the most part. A lot of what they both teach is similar if you boil it down to brass tax

>> No.12074267

Is there a better theory? Q collects the consistency in the New Testament. Analysis of time based on language and a bunch of smart stuff to clarify what was most likely taught by Christ. There are disagreements. Such as where he was born. It is logical to assum that things were added or altered over time.

>> No.12074270

Why did Jesus tell people to leave their families and follow him? Dude was a cult leader.

>> No.12074271

Wrong how? There is a large portion of the life of Christ that we are unaware of. Not only did he follow the laws of the Jews, but he added much.

>> No.12074274

But he specifically says deny youself to the point of death and follow him, not just give up control. Jesus says "do my will rather than your own." And the people you mention might tell themselves they have no control, but they don't ever live like it. Your interpretation cuts out so much of the actual text that there's practically no relation between the verses and your interpretation of them.

>> No.12074278

As Buddha also says. Our life is a possession. We must give up all in order to gain ourselves

>> No.12074300

Have you ever epiphanied over the fact that Jesus had access to the prophecy of the messiah and when he rode a donkey into town rubbing his stomach and patting his head or whatever, he was choosing to do as prophet predicted?

>> No.12074312

He also said that you must hate your parents. I am thinking that this can be read, "forget what you have learned if you want to redpill"

>> No.12074323

Quite a few scholars would say that there was not a written gospel of Q nowadays, but widespread oral testimonies that were eventually written down in Matthew and Luke, accounting for their similarities. Some would say that the similarities are because Luke used Matthew as a source. Honestly, the gospel of Q theory is over a hundred years old and most of the research you'll find for it is from the 1950's at the latest.

>> No.12074324

Parents are also possessions. But I am talking to myself now. I'll check back in the morning. Hopes this gets good and stays respectful.

>> No.12074325

>all the uneducated pseuds in this thread
You are embarrassing yourselves.

Christ was born without sin, but still fully man and fully God. He would prefer to not have to fulfill his destiny. He struggled in the garden of gethsemane. But He chose to fulfill His father's will.

>> No.12074326

Yes. Q is not a real thing. It is theoretical

>> No.12074343

Quit all scholars would agree that the Bible, unfortunately, is not the unmolested word of God. Q attempts to find the real Jesus. Also the Jefferson bible. There is plenty of truth and wisdom even without the magic. I believe that with enough truth and wisdom, magic may be possible. But it would still be science

>> No.12074371

If you think you can get back to a "real Jesus" through scientific/historical analysis, then you are really outdated in thinking. You're straight out of the 19th century.

>> No.12074374
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>> No.12074381

Well. We are talking about 2000 years ago. Maybe the nineteenth century is closer to the mark. Do you think the book has been unaltered?

>> No.12074403

The New Testament is probably the most textually reliable document in the entirety of human existence. That doesn't mean it's historically accurate, but it does mean that we have a very clear idea about what it originally said. So I don't think its been altered in a major way, and the few spots it was we are now aware of.