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12074250 No.12074250 [Reply] [Original]

How can I speak like a truly intelligent an dwell read person? I wish to radiate elegance and excellence with my every syllable.

Many thanks.

>> No.12074253

Read more, argue, be humble and learn from others.

>> No.12074290

This is good advice, I did however have something more concrete in mind.

>> No.12074297

You started a thread looking for a specific answer? You must have something in mind, so why dont you tell us so we can learn something from you. What do you think is the best way?

>> No.12074340

Perhaps listening to people whos speaking manners you admire and replicating them?

>> No.12074346

Study up on oratory, expand your vocabulary, learn the rules of grammar

>> No.12074347

You're not going to get skill by having someone tell you about it, anon. You have to sharpen your mind by putting argument into practice.

>> No.12074740

>How can I speak like a truly intelligent an dwell read person? I wish to radiate elegance and excellence with my every syllable.

You can start by not being a sarcastic twat.

>> No.12074746

Read Proust and speak in his prose

People will love you for it

>> No.12074752

Don't force it, you'll 100% sound like a faggot trust me.

>> No.12074757

I never have the right place to ask this but does anyone else notice how when people want to sound smart they start talking like an old timey Victorian caricature, or like Lukan the Witless from Arcanum

Shit like
>Mm yes, whilst I was quite amused by your post...

It always makes me cringe

>> No.12074900

>dwell read person

never going to make it

>> No.12074904

Would you recommend practicing speaking with myself while looking in the mirror? I only read and never speak to anybody because I don't know anybody except my parents and some psychiatrists.

>> No.12075124

>dwell read person
Accurate description of posters on this board

>> No.12075156

I like to freestyle rap and dance in a mirror while on alot of LSD. Highly recommended, going to have a mirror room when I build my house.

>> No.12075196

>How can I speak like a truly intelligent an dwell read person?

just to make it clear: you're asking about how to PRETEND to be intelligent and well read? if so then the obvious question is whether you need it to work on actually well read people or just other idiots, because the latter is pretty easy.

>> No.12075222

I agree it's kinda reddity.

>> No.12075287

Eliminate filler words like um and like. Replace them with silence.
Minimize cursing, except when it's needed.
Focus on using the most apt, direct word to describe something. Specifity is more important than verbosity, though.
Think before you talk.

>> No.12075351

You can practice and get a little better at it but you'll never be as great as some other people in the art of conversation. Your brain just doesn't click that way. You just have to accept your limitations and focus on your other strengths. Not everyone has the gift of gab.

>> No.12076238
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>tfw no gift of gab

>> No.12076282

That sounds like the opposite of what you're trying to achieve.

>> No.12076284

It won't be because of your big speech or your fancy words, your nature will be the one that drives you forward in that aspect. Some people even when they are silent, there is excellence surrounding them. I'm not one of them.

>> No.12076286

it's impossible in this era, you'd sound ridiculous

>> No.12076342

I want to sound like Roger Scruton.

>> No.12076377

Think before you speak.
Avoid filler words,slang, and cliches
Don't rush when you speak. Make sure people can understand what you are saying.
Use language to express your thinking, both precisely and clearly

>> No.12076381

Because even when they try to be intelligent, they can only imitate.

>> No.12076383

Step 1: Have an English accent
Step 2:

>> No.12076385

This is great advice

>> No.12076387

Listen to Mista Don't Play Everythang's Workin' by Project Pat at least 50 times and then come back to the notion

>> No.12076398
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Sure anon, here's a book with all the steps laid out:

>> No.12076409

Are we just reading to appear more intelligent and brag about it with our mommy and near friends? we are just a bunch of pseuds.

>> No.12076419

No. Talk to people here if you can't handle people irl. But don't neglect the real world. People here are smart, but the bantz makes you an animal.

>> No.12076424

>Eliminate filler words
the irony

>> No.12076554

Pretty much.

>> No.12076574

>you should be making effort posts in this shit thread!
kys copy-editing homo

>> No.12076597

Be intelligent.
Read well.
Now you are speaking like an intelligent and well read person because you are an intelligent and well read person and everything you say is how such a person would say it.

>> No.12076675

Part of being smart is recognizing how smart you aren't. If you try to sound smart without actually saying anything smart in the hopes that you "radiate elegance and excellence with my every syllable" then everyone within earshot will immediately peg you for the asshole that you are.

If you want people to think you're smart, say smart shit.

>> No.12076709

read intelligent literature. That's it. The more you do this the more your vocabulary and your understanding of grammar will improve. To speak like an intelligent and well-read person you should probably BE an intelligent and well-read person.

Another piece of advice I have for you is to stop forcing it like I can tell you are by your posts in this thread. "I wish to radiate elegance and excellence with my every syllable." No intelligent person speaks like this. In fact, it is the mark of an unintelligent or naive person to try to impersonate intelligence by using longer words where shorter more colloquial words would suffice. It is also the mark of an unintelligent/naive person to affect intelligence by pretending that what they are saying is much more important than it actually is. "I wish to radiate elegance and excellence with my every syllable" adds nothing to help narrow your original question, all it does is make you sound insufferable.

But yeah, just read. If you are reading intelligent literature it won't even be something you have to practice, it will come to you naturally over time.

>> No.12076775

>Part of being smart is recognizing how smart you aren't.
That makes me Alfred Einstien

>> No.12076801

Now you're getting it

>> No.12076802

though isn't a filler word though

>> No.12076878

>today at work
>help teach English in a school
>doing catch up session with 14 year olds
>trying to explain what a soliloquy is
>they ask me to spell it
>I write on the board "soliloquay"
>everyone tells me I've spelt it wrong
>I wipe it off and write it again, checking the spelling on Google
>I still spell it "soliloquay" despite looking right at the correct spelling
>the other English coach intervenes and spells it correctly first time
>he's far better at this job than I am despite not being nearly as well read as me nor as experienced in coaching
>all the staff and students love him
>all the staff and students think I'm genuinely retarded and want as little as possible to do with me.
>they're probably right

If you're a spiritual autist like me, books can do nothing for you.

>> No.12076975

yeesh lol

>> No.12077188
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this unironically triggered me.

>> No.12077215

This is bad advice. You use filler words for a reason. Eliminating them for silence enourages others to interrupt you and think you're retarded. Pausing in the middle of a sentence for seemingly no reason will make you look more stupid than if you'd just used a filler word

>> No.12077221

If you're ugly and have no gift of the gab what fucking hope is there?

>> No.12077667

Start with the Ancient Mediterraneans

>> No.12077684

I've noticed that too, it makes me irrationally angry. >mmm yes I felt my post twas humorous

>> No.12077859

Imitate Finnegans Wake

>> No.12077869

You sound more retarded if you're constantly saying "uh" "um" "like" "so." It's not like you're pausing for multiple seconds in the middle of talking and staring into the distance trying to think of what to say

>> No.12077879

Yes it is.

>> No.12077922

Plato's Gorgias, Sophist, and Phaedrus

>> No.12078710

> be brief when talking
> less is more
> when you speak be confident about waht you say, dont "umm" or make any sounds that make you seem like you're an idiot or like you dont know what you're talking about
> body langauge is very important
> eye contact
> this one depends on context, but adjust your vocabulary to the situation

good luck, fake it till you make it

>> No.12078749

Just learn how to talk and not sound like a socially awkward mess. Most people DO NOT CARE how well read you are or present yourself. Don't be a self important fag

>> No.12078828

Start every sentence with: "_________ once said: "