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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 88 KB, 640x483, 66400528-5D9F-499B-9F54-9AA4CB6DEF2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12063666 No.12063666 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind.

>> No.12063672

I love people who vandalise famous artworks

>> No.12063675


That's a nice looking dog, Satan.

I guess what's on my mind right now is getting fucked in my asshole by a big dock cock. I'm gonna jack off to that idea later.

>> No.12063676

Uh oh guys lookout this guy has definitely read done nihilist works

>> No.12063687

i hate them but i still laugh with their doings

>> No.12063694

Dogs not only cannot calculate the area under a curve, but they also would not even think to ask, "what is the area under that curve?"

>> No.12063717

Neither can I, am I dog?

>> No.12063722

You could learn to, but that's not the point.

>> No.12063724

I would not think to ask about the area under the curve. The evidence isn't looking in my favor

>> No.12063726

Who are you seeking validation from?

>> No.12063728
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Hey Satan.
I dunno, I'm just tired I guess. About to go to bed. Brewing my tea, browsing Channel 4, and listening to some Newage synth music. Pretty Comfy at the moment.
I miss my girl. She was a whore though, and I know I can't ever be with her. But I miss her nonetheless. I'll find another some day I guess.
These winter months make me crave affection. And alcohol. I'm 5 months sober. Who'd have thought? I have tomorrow off work. I'm thinking of rearranging my room.
I'm expecting 5 books in the mail by the end of this year. One of them I pre-ordered over two years ago. Maybe it'll be here before christmas. Like a gift for me from my past self. It's a book on herbology.
I bought 3 books at the used bookstore today. Two were hardbound focusing on esoteric philosophy. The third was a softcover text on chinese medicine that came with two poster charts.
I'm a little disappointed in my friends and family. They only discuss topics revolving around the medias they choose to use. Video games, pop politics, new release movies, crimes in far away places, the "economy". I wish I had more people to talk to about my medias. I want to talk to someone about the last book I read without getting sniggered at. I want to talk about why things are the way they are, what's causing it all, without the censored media-narrative. I can't connect with people who spend their time being hypnotized by a screen instead of reading or observing nature.
I want to go hiking tomorrow too. It's cold in the mornings which means the toadstools will be active above ground again. I like taking photos of them and editing them later.
It's 12:32am now. I'm going to get more wood for the fireplace, then see if my tea has cooled down. Goodnight senpai

>> No.12063731

>making something dumb in photoshop

>> No.12063736

Myself desu

>> No.12063741
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Working as an editor in narrative film postproduction is an absolutely godless art and as I finish up my coursework in it I don’t understabd how someone can sit and look at this monstrosity for twelve hours a day every day and still be sane. No wonder all the editors I know are shaking coke-addicted messes.

>> No.12063742
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I keep reading books that bore me. I've been trying too much to read dense philosophy and nonfiction. It's been a slog especially when I have to do a bunch of shit for school. I want to finish these books and do some fun and interesting fiction

>> No.12063747

I swing a hammer for 10 hours a day and I don't like to do it.

>> No.12063751

What's the original painting?

>> No.12063753

Ivan the Terrible

I think he might have been referencing the fact that several cyka blyats have vandalized the painting

>> No.12063766

Right, but at least you are able to move, exercise, be out in the sun and breathe. Editors, they’re these pale jittery little insects, hypersensitive manic creatures who often do drugs just to handle the workload, who waste away as their eyes and hands slowly degrade in front of a monitor. It’s not a way for an animal like us to be.

>> No.12063781

No I litterally stand in place and hammer metal plates onto boards. There's no exertion taking place, physical or mental. I'm only necessary because they can't afford to upgrade and automate their assembly line.

>> No.12063787

Try for poetry instead.
>top tier
>can pair well with your philosophy
>can easily fit any length of time you have to read, even just going over something like a sonnet once over if all you have is a moment

>> No.12063888

>last two years coped with depression by eating gigantic super hearty meals every day and gaining 20-30 pounds
>love eating shitloads of food even when i'm not depressed
>can put away a large pizza easily
>since august, appetite is completely gone, to the point that i routinely go 24 hours without eating anything, or average well under 1000 calories a day, even when trying to eat

The fuck is going on? It's like I just don't mind or notice that I'm hungry anymore, so I inadvertently go 30 straight hours without eating.

>> No.12063890

Also I've lost all that weight and I'm now almost a hungry skeleton again.

>> No.12064030

I've been thinking a lot about the Holocaust, I was at first confused, then a denier and now... There is something about this event that just makes me uneasy, like I have no idea what to believe.

What I don't understand is how people can not be doubters, or not even understanding of doubters, since most people laugh at holocaust denial as stupidity. Is it not much worse to find it easy to accept? That ordinary people under abnormal circumstances would gladly beat, starve, enslave and eventually kill millions of people simply because they were allowed to do it? To immediately accept the holocaust without resistance would be nihilistic. The most natural reaction is to see contradictions in survivors accounts, to find the whole thing totally unreasonable and to secretly suspect it's all propaganda.

But how can I say these people didn’t really survive hell? When I read survivor accounts I’m struck by how sincere some of them are, and how painful they are to read. I can’t deny or accept. I can only accept it’s possibility, and hopefully that’s enough for me to read Holocaust lit with understanding.

>> No.12064071

We can only write our own diaries.

>> No.12064110
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I'm in the process of writing an absolute masterpiece but it's for a writing contest with pretty strict rules so I cannot go as balls to the wall as I would like to. How common is it for publishers to care if fragments of something you want them to publish are already in some no name anthology? Because I'm definitely going to make this a "thing" and rewrite these 40k into 120k or more, but I'm not sure I can edit the original enough for nobody to notice without ruining it.

>inb4 don't do the contest then
2k dollerinos prize, and I'm 95% sure to win. gotta eat too y'know
>inb4 publish something else then
but this is my best yet. I've got like 200 pages worth of ideas I haven't brought to paper yet
>inb4 write something else for the contest then
deadline ends in four days and all my creative juices are focused on the story at hand

>> No.12064119


>> No.12064204

Best of luck anon.

>> No.12064217
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shit bals

>> No.12064233

I really try to be good at writing. I just want them to understand what I am writing. I don't want them to get confuse because of my poor english skills. I've been doing this for four years, practicing endlessly, writing over 2k words a day or more. I am bad about it but I never wanted to be good at something other than this. It hurts and its making me depress how shit my writing is. I don't even know what a voice is and even my attempt of just focusing on what I want to write ends up being terrible and convluted.

>> No.12064234
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thanks I guess

>> No.12064286
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Writing is incredibly hard. Not because it's a hard task, but rather because there's so many distractions. I wanna have a retreat where I only have a lamp, papers, a pencil and a chair. Everything else would be a superflous distraction.

>> No.12064342

I'm writing my first romance novel. I don't know if a fantasy romance will market well, but my therapist seems to like it so far.

>> No.12064352

I've thought of writing a short story dedicated to my short of long distance girlfriend, but I don't know if that's such a good idea. I've never written for anyone else besides myself so I'm kind of intimidated by this protect.

>> No.12064360

I want to start a /lit/ book club we could have weekly debate threads about the current work we are reading. Just 10-20 pages per day. Any interest?

>> No.12064380

been drunk for elven days I'm arow
think I gotta go tl the hot;pital because I can stop on my own
very embarrassed, very scared
ill drink another litre of gin who I can work up the courage then ill go

sorry. guys

>> No.12064386

It's okay anon get better, you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself. You can muster up the courage to go there without drinking the Gin.

>> No.12064394

no I think I'll have only three more drinks then I'll go the hospital
thank you very much for being sympathetic. this is my own fault though
starting to sober up, can stand the sweats and shakes. ufkc that. I won't stop until I get sleeping pills

but thank you anon

>> No.12064397

i think i have add or adhd or whatever. is there any routine or way to take adderal without getting addicted or have its effects diminished? honestly if only i could actually focus on something life wouldn't be so tiresome i think

>> No.12064398

i love cock

>> No.12064408

hey man. me too
fucked some brown fella last night at like 6.30 am
shit was fun

>> No.12064410

if you take it as the doctor prescribed you won't get addicted.

>> No.12064413


Eating to live, not living to eat.

>> No.12064451

>tfw all you have left is the woods

>> No.12064478

I miss time periods I haven't even lived through because life back then seemed to move a tad slower than now.
t. zommer

>> No.12064487

All you need is dubs, dubs, dubs are all you need.

>> No.12064489

I feel like shit and I don't think its ever going to get better

>> No.12064495

you're so incredible doomed you don't even understand it

>> No.12064503

You're going to remember that I told you this in 5 years if you don't listen to me now. This place is bad for you. It thrives on everything that is considered abnormal and degenerate. Leave now while you have a chance. It's better to be bored now doing nothing, than to be bored here in 5 years and having your mind rotting away from the inside.

>> No.12064511

catcher in the rye movie but holden is played by ADAM SANDLER

>> No.12064516

You're very sensitive anon. I would like to be your friend if I could :).

>> No.12064528


>> No.12064560

Heart of a Dog but instead of turning into a man the dog turns into ROB SCHNEIDER

>> No.12064796
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Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them...

>> No.12064811

Should i try to write fanfiction so that i could really get my ass working on the draft? Is this thread is dedicated for freewriting? Should i really buy that cheap thinkpad just to dump all my writing stuff on it? it's cheaper than a new smartphone after all.

>> No.12064854

I wish an online retailer sold the EXACT white mask I'm trying to describe in my book.
>Male face
>pointed but not angular chin
>razor thin eye slits
>thin unsmiling lips

>> No.12064887

Jekyll and Hyde except instead of turning into Hyde he turns into STEVE BUSCEMI

>> No.12064888

I wish smart people would take their dumb blinders off. There's so much that could be achieved if we could be on the same page and face reality.

>> No.12064904

Achieved in the eyes of whom?

>> No.12064934

Agreed anon, more people need to accept the destructive nature of capitalism and work towards building a better future

>> No.12064940

kinda scared i'm going to die in a freak accident before being able to accomplish my goals, because they're years away from being realized. i'm working towards them pretty much every day, but it's slow work

>> No.12064999

you won't accomplish your goals anyways.

>> No.12065013

Haunted post

>> No.12065020


>> No.12065037

Jesus dude, get better.

>> No.12065040

I am the only person I know who finds de Sade erotic, and it pains me so. In some sense, the debauchery and libertinage of 120 Days of Sodom was an ultimate and astounding purity, one which could never be quenched from a mere romance or innocence; instead, it required the largest, most extensive delving possible, if one were to discover the intensities of love. His works are transcendent, above a figure of wine, fragrance, or of sight itself - it is the grandest detail imaginable. His writings have given me sexual headaches, for I am unable to contain myself from reading it, and must lay a hand on my penis to continue reading.

>> No.12065093

yes to all, don't go too autistic with the ff though, and only buy the thinkpad if you have another, better pc or laptop for the rest already

>> No.12065099

You're gonna make it friend, good luck with the hospital. It happens, you know

>> No.12065233

you're not the only one beating it to de sade, brother...

>> No.12065256
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>> No.12065262

thanks anon, i honestly appreciate your post.

>> No.12065308

When do you realize it's too late?

>> No.12065320

California is going to go from paradise to hellscape in the next decades. These wildfires are just getting started.

>> No.12065437

anytime dude and back to you for giving me the opportunity for my good deed of the day, I can now go on with being a shitposting degenerate

>> No.12065578

you will either be the greatest or most deplorable writer of this generation if you go through with this
good luck

>> No.12065585

What board did the 'I'm putting together a team' meme originate from?

>> No.12065600
File: 952 KB, 4032x3024, CA14EBEE-A161-4460-AC8B-A670F83A5E76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New England is so muddy and rainy this time of year. The grime works its way into the folds of your frontal lobe and as you look out over the grey mess of branches and know the existence of other places, the roadside slush makes its way into your arteries and you feel nothing bu the urge to sleep.

I miss the desert, where beautiful red ochre dust flies in the sky and gentle winds smooth the edges of stones and men alike. Out there, where orange stone gleams beneath Bluebird skies and at night the pattering feet of commuting stars hide the whispers of mesas.

I miss the quiet stillness of massive silent things, and the pristine emptiness which cradles them. I used to be out there. I was that place, in my heart and averything else.

Why did I ever leave?

>> No.12065621
File: 246 KB, 494x257, Seinfeld-Success-Lessons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just came to the realization that what I really want most of all is a shorter life. I want to be put into old age instantly. I can't communicate with my peers, and it brings to me the deepest sadness. It's not that I am incapable of getting along with them, but I dislike their interests. They are interested in things that I find boring, while my interests are conversely considered boring to them. Can anyone else find themselves in this situation? The only people that I enjoy talking to are professors, and I am too young to be fully granted their respect. I just want old age, so that I can have the outwardly appearance necessary to discuss my interests in the sciences, philosophy, and literature. Living forever in this case would be torturous.

>> No.12065630

I know that feel anon, right down to missing the desert. At least it's sunny today, Friday and Saturday were awful. Where are from originally?

>> No.12065712

>I am too young to be fully granted their respect
I don't think becoming old instantly will gain any more respect from other old people. Maybe you will if you meet those who don't know you or haven't recognized you.
Being old is respectable for the fact that you experienced more things and, on the matter of professors, actually managed to reach high status.
Actually, what do you mean by "granted their respect"? Do they reject your opinions or just straight up ignore you?

>> No.12065717

My roommate is being interviewed by police detectives for a high profile murder mystery that has made national news. Should I be talking about this? Probably not. But it feels weird to be tangental to a crime that people have reported on in major new outlets. I had nothing to do with it of course, or the cops would be talking to me as a person of interest. Prior to this my knowledge of the event was limited to may 2 and a half seconds of having the story catch my eye while I was browsing the news.

It's kind of freaky, honestly. Before something like this happens to you you feel so dissociated from the news. Crimes always seem to happen to other people, to strangers, and there is a buffer between you.

But we live in a connected world, and a connected world is a small world. Freaky.

>> No.12065731

Just to elaborate my roommate had nothing to do with it either, at least not culpability wise. They got pulled into it incidentally, because of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. That's a freaky thing to consider about these news stories too.

>> No.12065740
File: 21 KB, 556x261, th?id=OIP.w2EHFienqhY6Ba0vKeB08wHaDe&pid=Api&w=556&h=261&rs=1&p=0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12065770

>Actually, what do you mean by "granted their respect"? Do they reject your opinions or just straight up ignore you?

No I meant more so that I believe professors would never be able to develop strong social ties with me, because of the expected social boundaries. It is considered an oddity when a professor and a student are close friends. My problem is that there are few people in my age group that I share commonalities with, while there are more older people who at least appreciate my eccentric likes.

>on the matter of professors, actually managed to reach high status.

Yes a student is an ant when compared to the accomplishments of someone with a PhD.

>> No.12065786

being interrogated by police is for some reason enjoyable to me. I think because it's a form of attention

>> No.12065845

I wanna go to Japan

>> No.12065850

Vanity of vanities, all is vanity

>> No.12065855

book a ticket and go.

what are you waiting for?

>> No.12065869

My english is not so great so I might make mistakes here.

Even if you share common opinion with some older folk, you're still a still just an ant, but somewhat of a "pet" ant aka a familiar one can talk a few things about to but nothing too significant. I think one must "grow" to gain respect from such people.
Actually, they did exactly that. Old age won't help if you have no worth behind your soul, so to speak.
Define strong social ties. Do you mean going somewhere together? Stronger discussions?

>> No.12065883

Yeah its like "look at little ole me, I'm so important the cops want to hear me dramatize on this horrible state of affairs. It's like I'm on Law & Order. Now is my time to stand center-stage and shine"

>> No.12065887

I have class then I think I'm taking a winter class
Plus I really want begin learning Japanese but I fucked myself over and started learning a language I don't care about
Maybe in the summer

>> No.12065924

you have to have inspiration from the real world anon sama.

>> No.12065980

pic sauce?

>> No.12065994

Limit your sleep to 5 hours every night, drink heavily and smoke profusely, that should give you the appearance of an old man.

>> No.12066150
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I need to write a sex scene for something, and I loathe it. It's not that I don't have the skill (I used to moonlight as a kindle smut peddler) or don't have the experience to back it up with realism (I've banged a fair share of people over the years), but in the context of a "normal" story, it's weird. I can't leave it out cause it's essential to the turn of events, but if I make it too short people will think I just put it in because I had to, if I make it too elaborate it'll put the rest of the story in the wrong light. When did fucking become so complicated?

>> No.12066197
File: 21 KB, 220x359, Sex_magicians_bookcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ripp off from this book

>> No.12066220

You seem like a really genuine guy. I wish you well in your pursuits

>> No.12066270

Is it true that you can make a decent chunk of change writing smut? Someone told me this once. I've written my share of sexy time greentexts before, and the standards are not much higher for this drivel.

But the difference is like the difference between the imagery in porn and the imagery of sex in a film. In the first case it's meant to be arousing, in the other case it's meant to advance to plot by showing that these two people fuck.

You just can't write it like it's porny. You need to write it as matter of factly.

>> No.12066286

just realized god is real

>> No.12066292

What spurred this epiphany?

>> No.12066293
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>> No.12066304

you forgot the nodding and smiling Zach Galifianakis as the camera zooms in on him and to post this in /his/ where this will be taken as evidence.

>> No.12066315

yeah i felt that

>> No.12066327

I stopped doing anything physically enjoyable for like 2 years and it came to me 3 weeks ago. Only ate healthy food that didnt have much taste (also vegetarian) didnt jerk off, didnt watch tv, didnt meet anyone, didnt use the internet, didnt read ect. My idea was to see if there was anything beyond the physical truly or if it was a human delusion. I realize we can create abstract concepts and live and die by them, so I became interested in seeing if denying bodily desire and influence would help me reach a deeper core of my mind that was not linked to my body. I cant really describe it in words obviously as they are born of the physical, but it was sort of a feeling of oneness with everything and that energy is never wasted. I then felt the looming presence of something unknowably greater than me that was part of me and inside me. Ever since then I have just been happy. I am optimistic about my future and I genuinely just want to help people. Before I would get mad when people did bad things and now I just think they are ignorant and would be better if they knew what I did. Call me insane and deluded, i may be. I just dont think anything physical really belongs to you. It goes away, social status and possessions. In the end of your life this stuff will fade to black and you will only have your soul, the only thing you owned all along. You wont have any distractions, and will have to face the raw reflection of who you are before you fade to nothing. Now i know i will be smiling, I'm so happy.

>> No.12066336


>> No.12066360

may you live the life you deserve

>> No.12066368

I remember feeling this way when I was 18. Then a week later after not sleep I went crazy and singlehandedly beat the shit out of a team of security guards. True story.

>> No.12066388
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I'm enjoying the fact that people are losing their homes and lives in California wildfires. Tragic times and reactions from the victims are very interesting to me.

>> No.12066390

It gave you power

>> No.12066399

"you are nothing"
"you should be looking out for your friend and not let him date thots"

Avoided her so much yet she told me everything I needed to hear, in spite of talking to my friend more. I don't know why I doubt her honesty, if that's purely my ongoing paranoia and nothing else

>> No.12066507

How does one stop grieving the death of their old self?

>> No.12066615

The secret to surviving a bad situation is to simply stop thinking about it and keep going. If I keep doing this, I'll survive my bad life and die of some motivation other than my own. I don't know if it's worth it, but it's the plan right now.

>> No.12066672
File: 858 KB, 200x267, fffffffffffffuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kekd so hard I peed a little

>Is it true that you can make a decent chunk of change writing smut?
definitely. you will NOT become rich off of it, but it's comfy disposable income if you got your target audience and smut subgenre
>I've written my share of sexy time greentexts before, and the standards are not much higher for this drivel
lol. yeah imagine the worst purple prose you ever read, but with sexual euphemisms of the cringiest sort
>But the difference is like the difference between the imagery in porn and the imagery of sex in a film. In the first case it's meant to be arousing, in the other case it's meant to advance to plot by showing that these two people fuck.
>You just can't write it like it's porny. You need to write it as matter of factly.
that's not what I struggle with per se, I know the difference but just lack practice for the latter, and I don't know how long it should be. either the reader will think I was forced to either shoehorn it in or cut down a longer draft, or that I put some author insert fap fantasy right before their innocent eyes. both is entirely untrue

>> No.12066702

Are you that anon who's halfway through reading German but can't bring himself to drop it and focus on Japanese?

>> No.12066714


>> No.12066806

tfw can't grow a beard

>> No.12066843

Wayland MA, but I'm going to school in Fitchburg MA, a crummy little city that gets more rainfall per year than Seattle. Sometimes it reminds me of this old short story by Asimov about a colony on Venus, where it rains all the time, and the main character is this little girl who misses the light of Earths sun. She has these massive bags under her eyes and feels so washed out about everything. I feel like that a lot living here.

Isn't it grand out there in the sun anon? Where are you from?

>> No.12067013

I'm a little bummed that the Trump admin has ruined relations with Chinese business through his trade wars.

Alibaba is one of few dream companies I would like to work at, and if I did I would be set for life. But I don't want to move to China to do it. I'd probably be suspected of being an American spy and monitored by the Chinese government. No thanks.

Alibaba was going to bring an absurd number of jobs to the US, I think 1 million. Ma drew up a whole plan. He imparted the company with a management strategy that favors hiring oddballs and creative outcasts, I'm sure I would've done well at the American branch of their business. In China the culture shock would throw me off kilter.

>> No.12067028

>Alibaba is one of few dream companies I would like to work at

imagine being this of a bug

>> No.12067187

>favors hiring oddballs and creative outcasts, I'm sure I would've done well at the American branch of their business
someone post the nightmarish adventures of chinese steel trading anon

>> No.12067192

My interest is piqued

>> No.12067203

Lol fuck u. They do some interesting stuff that actually requires some intellectual capacity, and they give their employees real cash money. If they hire your for a specialty like machine learning you're making a cool million on signing no question about it.

>> No.12067247

i know corporature culture is a popular fad nowadays but at least have some self-respect dude, only a bugman would´ve desire to be a slave for a multinational, specially if that multinational is from socialist china, how embarrassing!

>> No.12067292

I can't find the screencap anywhere, but there was this one anon who was in a thread about living and working in china on either /int/ or /pol/ I think, and he recounts how awful it was living in China for a few years trading raw steel commodities. Baiscally it was a thorough illustration of how backwards, corrupt, and conniving chinese businessmen and trade officials are, and how everyone is out to fuck everyone over there. You have to out-bribe everyone else in order to get anything done.

>> No.12067408



>> No.12067931
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>tfw realizing you'll never be a professor
>tfw realizing the old university environment is dead
>tfw we'll probably never build something like it ever again
end me

>> No.12068280
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>actually study Lit at university
>realize most posters on here are pleb retards having the same basic discussions on entry-level works over and over again

>> No.12068291
File: 5 KB, 250x188, 57DB4980-82B1-42BA-93BE-77CBED85BE55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't remember the last time i was truly happy and the only thing keeping me here is my dog

>> No.12068312

>Is it not much worse to find it easy to accept? That ordinary people under abnormal circumstances would gladly beat, starve, enslave and eventually kill millions of people simply because they were allowed to do it?

Except crimes like these happen all the time, have happened all the time throughout history. The Nazis industrialised the process to make it more efficiently cruel, but plenty of other regimes throughout history would have done similar things if they'd had the technology.

>> No.12068318

You're an edgy teen. I want money and this is the most effective and reliable way to make it.

>> No.12068320

The majority of Holocaust deniers are confused nazi "it didn't happen but if it did it would have been a good thing"-types.

>> No.12068324

I have my own apartment again after two years of homelessness and despite my insistence that I would start reading and being productive again, the main thing I've been spending all my time and energy on is cooking and sleeping in an actual bed. I've been working a little bit on my game but not enough to justify the amount of sleep and food I've done. I have a copy of "The Man who was Thursday" sitting on my bedside table and it's been sitting there for a week now without me touching it at all. Maybe tomorrow I'll actually start reading it. I dunno.

>> No.12068340

whatever bug, whatever you say

>> No.12068370

how do people live so often? you'd think they would die a lot easier but all these people in perilous positions are still alive
i'm running out of reasons for celibacy, a girl asked me out for drinks thursday night and i had to make up an excuse about waking up early friday (lie) to avoid a potentially awkward situation
i don't know if she was actually trying to sleep with me or not but i think it was likely or at least i could convert that night into a fuck session with some charisma which i do have sometimes despite my horrid posting habits displayed here
i lost a friend last year because she invited me over and then tried to get me in bed and it was embarrassing for both of us. we stayed friends for a bit but later i accidentally missed a meetup with her for a cup of coffee from sleeping in and although i apologized she stopped talking to me. which is fair. but damn she had huge milkers and i can't stop the twinges of regret every time i think about that night
it is entirely unfair that i should be at my horniest in life at the time when i'm least equipped to have a family. in a truly just world 70 year olds would be fucking like rabbits, reaping the benefits of their years of hard work. instead they just suck on werther's and decay

>> No.12068374

A cheerful disposition is a difficult thing to maintain in the face of meaninglessness, even if I've been granted a comfortable and enviable life. Anxiety over my capacity for productive, creative work; I want my main contribution in this existence to be my art, and I've been doing my part to be true to my soul's vocation, but I fear that in the end ordinary laziness and everyday necessities will slowly let passion die.

Also, horniness.

>> No.12068380

I have a novel idea in my head but no matter how I try to write it as a plot I'm never satisfied. I always hate it so much the plot never comes together.

I just want it to work

>> No.12068442

Not necessarily, but potentially yes. Alas, I cannot know for sure, because, as they use to say...

>> No.12068557

God this made me laugh for some reason

>> No.12068620

Try a more balanced approach? To life?

>The curator of the Tretyakov Gallery, the landscape painter Georgy Khruslov was so distressed by the vandalism that he threw himself under a train.

>> No.12068654

It's called developing taste. You have developed good enough taste to know when your own ideas aren't that great, as opposed to thinking you're top shit.

Don't get hung up on one story idea that you can't write. It will kill your momentum as a writer if you bash your head against this one thing for too long.

>> No.12068666

I've got my next novel planned out, but I gotta be honest: this story has been on my mind for three years now, and I haven't gone a single day without thinking about it. It's not going to leave my head without blunt force trauma

>> No.12068685

Congrats douchebag, this post has been made a thousand times in a thousand threads by a thousand 18-20something year old male introverts with no real problems exactly like you. How does that make you feel anon?

>> No.12068746

In my drive to write a classic I'm going to end up writing a bunch of garbage nobody wants to read, my next novel chief among them. I'm literally the only person I know who thinks it sounds good

>> No.12068985

I think that's the joke, anon

>> No.12068998

>4.5” penis (erect)
>average to below average face
I’m screwed aren’t I ?

>> No.12069099
File: 46 KB, 500x375, 433AF3780F284E4B9A63F786E93CA2FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

become qt trap and post butt

>> No.12069137

Debating whether I should have curry, chinese, japanese or shitty pizza for the night. Only thing left in the fridge are some pickles and rotten cheese.

>> No.12069165

just don't eat anything, trust me

>> No.12069299

I'd like to eat you up anon.

>> No.12069317

>character is extremely cowardly
>so much so that she was forced to bury her hopes and dreams of being a hero back when she was still young enough to believe anything was possible
>spends most of the story running from combat situations
>however, as the second act comes to a close, the cast comes to understand the immensity of the choice in front of them
>they can either march to a certain death they never made the choice to face, or flee and see a whole city annihilated in their place
>the optimists tear their hair out trying to find a third option
>the pessimists give in to nihilsm and try to convince themselves that the city deserves death
>as the cast struggles to handle the weight on their shoulders, they turn on each other, snapping at each other's throats
>it's then that the cowardly girl stands up, and silences them with two words
>"I'm staying"
>her shoulders are squared, and her back is straight
>there are no tears on her cheeks, or snot on her lip, her face a solid mask of determination
>despite that, the team can't help but notice that her bladder had let go as she spoke

does this dampen the impact of the scene, or amplify it? I can't tell if it makes her seem courageous, or pathetic

>> No.12069337

depends on how she's written beforehand, with the context given alone it's sorta courageous, she's scared out of her goddamn mind but she's staying, if she can muster up the balls so can the others. depends on her age too though, wetting yourself in fear is more fit for a preteen to early adolescent than a 19 yr old zoomerette. lastly, don't make it seem like some sort of comic relief, state it matter of factly and go on with the plot.

also it's kinda hot but that's just me being a degenerate lul

>> No.12069360

It's YA so naturally everyone else in the group is in high school, but she's probably somewhere around the tail end of middle school.

Honestly, while it probably wouldn't be prefaces by some internal decision not to run away anymore, it wouldn't come out of nowhere. The idea is that while it's surprising for her to actually do it, it lines up with who she spent the story wanting to be, and in pretty much every other conflict she'd chickened out of there were no moral consequences to fleeing or hiding.

>> No.12069363

no I'm just skin and bones, trust me

>> No.12069381

That's okay, I like 'em lean.

>> No.12069447
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>writing YA, literally ever
memeing aside, by all means go on, seems sound

>> No.12069708


>> No.12070234

I started getting around to watching the war miniseries The Pacific, about WW2 on the pacific front. I'm glad I did it right. No SJW bj, just the straight dope. I always liked Band of Brothers, its spiritual successor so I was optimistic. Plus the story touches closes to home; I had relatives fight in the pacific front.

War fucks my mind. Looking at some of these young guys, some 18, 20 years old, faced with this responsibility, is frightening. No wonder it's customary in war to send your veteran fighters first so as not to destroy the greenhorn's minds if it can be avoided. Shit's bad, but this is a faithful depiction of it.


>> No.12070289

I'm a complete caricature.

>> No.12070332

stop peddling vulgar kitsch

>> No.12070336

I understand doubting that mankind is capable of something like the Holocaust (allthough we as a species have proven that we are, time and again, even after the Holocaust).
That doubting on emotional level.
Doubting the Holocaust on an academic level is plain stupid and edgy contrarianism. Any history student with just a grain of academic sincerity knows this.

>> No.12070546
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moving into the depression phase of manic depression

>> No.12070560

I think the problem is something else than duration. The film analogy is good, but making the scene shorter is equivalent to cropping or blurring out a porno. It remains what it is and everyone can see it.
That's not what they do in film. You need to make it more subtle and then length won't matter as much.
Back to the analogy, when writing porno you're trying to make the reader feel involved in what's happening, as if he's participating somehow. You obviously want to avoid it here. The scene should only involve these characters and the reader won’t be invited. He doesn't see everything as it's happening, so no present tense. Same with vivid descriptions - this seems obvious, but you need to be very careful, because what would be poetic in a different context, will be porny here. Those are just details though. The important part is what I said earlier, that you should make the reader feel more like he’s spying on those characters being intimate with each other. They don’t have to be awkward, but make it awkward for the reader. Nothing kills the mood like awkwardness.
A step further is what I’m assuming you can’t do, but it would be the easiest - don’t actually write the scene. Make it happen in the story, but only refer to it as the past. Even if it’s just a few hours later, the difference in the mood would be enormous.

Why would you want one so badly?

>> No.12070591

I grew up in Taos, NM

>> No.12070609
File: 24 KB, 286x348, morrowind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this realization almost every time I visit this dang place but keep coming back and getting surprised yet again

>> No.12070639
File: 897 KB, 752x897, This image made me feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I woke up this morning to the realization that I never actually loved any of the women I've tried and failed at starting relationships with. Ultimately they shared a least a few of my interests and where attractive enough that I figured they'd be tolerable enough to date. I just wanted to escape to stigma of being single. But never have I felt true love towards any of them. Even my first boyhood crush was centered around the fact that she had massive tits for a 6th grader.
Now I both crave a relationship and have walled myself off one. I am going to work abroad in Japan in a year and the only thing that could make me question that decision is falling in love with someone. I know that the odds are stack against me attempting a relationship with a language barrier, but this point I'm willing to go all or nothing.

>> No.12070662

I am a monkey for doing things for other people. It isn't something that I enjoy, but it is something that I do of my own will anyway. I simply don't have the strength to do something of my own accord, and I don't have the will to do nothing, so being a robot is the only remaining option.

>> No.12070681

But like maybe one out of every 20 times i visit do I see something worthwhile. The signal to noise in /lit/ has always been bad but since the /pol/ infestation in 2015 it's been worse. Still, when there is quality...well, that's something.

>> No.12070697

Nietzsche is brilliant but one has to be Christian to understand him. He builds on the virtues of Christianity by enumerating its vices; if you don't possess these virtues you'll understand nothing at best and completely misunderstand him at worst.

>> No.12070714

Not him, but /lit/ and /his/ died in 2013. Literal zoomer btw

>> No.12070727

Just wait until you realise that all Americans are poorly cultured.

>> No.12070743
File: 41 KB, 268x255, C6CA551A-B477-404A-AED0-58CB0B191155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m worried I blew it with a girl I’m really in to. I’m worried I’m not smart enough to truly understand philosophy. I’m worried whether or not I’ll accomplish my goals in life.

>> No.12070752

I went to a reading by a bigshot novelist a week and a half ago. Like, this guy is in contention for the Nobel Prize every year bigshot. And another bigshot gave his introduction and said stuff like 'the originality of the language is astounding' or whatever. And I sat there during the reading wondering when he'd read out a passage, something really great and original, something that would totally blow my socks off. And then it was over, and I've been thinking about it ever since. Am I just a brainlet who can't recognize genius? Is the difference between this guy and me the same as the difference between me and a kindergartener or something, that I can't even comprehend how amazing he is? Or have I just bought too much into hype?
I can't think about anything else except this reading and how disappointed I was. I'm dragging on, like, three assignment for three different classes and might fail because of it. I just don't get it.

>> No.12070753
File: 33 KB, 364x394, FAD71B6B-9EFC-4064-A813-92809B70BD6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come here for book recommendations every once in awhile. I’m trying to go down the line of classical literature and every so often I’lö see a title I hadn’t heard before. For actual discussion etc. its pretty trash
Most of the Americans I’ve met have been fine

>> No.12070763
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it's one char's first time so there's plenty of awkwardness to be had both for them and the reader, kek
but yeah I get what you mean, thanks for the food for thought. and no, it needs to happen in the moment to work, no past reference, but I can let the narrator skim over it in a sort of annoyed "let's get this over with" way I think, would fit his general tone somewhat.

>> No.12070794
File: 7 KB, 321x157, 8daff418ae9d48271339d29715581c8190a311de63e921b2431be70c589d42a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you write what's on my mind

>> No.12070800

The holocaust is money making bullshit

>> No.12071431

Lovely. I have a friend living there right now. It's a beautiful place.

>> No.12071439

question your heroes anon, and strive to be better than they are

>> No.12071642

i need to find out how to stop caring about this story. it's been three years and I've made no progress. nothing i come up with satisfies me, and it's tearing me apart

>> No.12071753

>writing contest judge has three spelling mistakes in his final verdict and uses words like incredulouslier
>gets paid handsomely for it
this timeline sucks, and stan lee kicking the bucket is only among the better half of my top 10 reasons why

>> No.12071816

I feel sluggish and stupid more often than not. Despite that I started trying to work toward improving my writing and composition skills, hoping to spin a career out of it. I am very passionate about current events and nature conservation and think I would feel very fulfilled informing people and myself on these kind of things for the rest of my life. At the same time though I feel revolted by how pretentious it must make me to think my words and ideas could be worth the same as someone's hard work. It also seems that the industry I would be trying to insert myself into is morphing into something else as I type this, as in if I put myself into the education pipeline now will it be the same field when I come out. It feels good to vent and reach for outside opinions, organizing my thoughts helps me process them more. The simultaneous sense of excitement and revulsion when I think about working as a journalist or writer has started to occupy my mind constantly. I only have another year where my parents will help me pay for school so I need to be focused and on the fast track for a degree I can really use.

>> No.12071824

Kill it. Doesn't matter if you had a cool idea or is your life's work. You have to accept to kill your babies.
Don't start something else until you have this feeling of "ok, im done with that.". Only then move forward.

After writing and writing and writing some more you might see it in another view. Like, maybe your idea was shit all the time. Maybe you want to come back and reflect on the shitness and turn it something else. Using a phrase of that story, or a character, or changing the theme altogether.

>> No.12071845

I miss it, I want to move back.

>> No.12071920

Fuck my life.

>> No.12071994

Sometimes I think forsaking wealth, society, and love would bring me more real happiness than living in eternal mediocrity. Always saw myself getting lost in adventure, chasing scientific curiosity until my last dying breath.. not stuck dealing with corporate bigots and using my grand IQ to build trust funds for kids I don't even want. Is this what it feels like to watch yourself die?

That was a highly entertaining read, thanks for mentioning it anons. But how has no one told him.. they're obviously dicking him twice as hard because he's a foreigner.

There are a decent number of legitimate intellectuals lurking around, you can get into fairly esoteric discussions if you jump into the right threads. /lit/ is slow so it makes it hard to filter out the banal posts.

Don't pursue journalism/publishing for profit, the landscape is tumultuous and without legitimacy. You'll be fine as long as you go into it with realistic expectations. I also recommend refining your writing for clarity and focus if you want to make writing your career. You don't need to try and sound smart to be smart.

>> No.12072061

The puebloan architecture, the food, the mountains, there are endless adventures to be had on canyon or slope and its so beautiful Where are you living now anon and why did you leave?

It's funny we're having this conversation. There's this girl out there in Taos, a friend of mine who I've known for a while and we just spoke over the phone yesterday. Over winter break she wants me to come visit her, all the way from Massachusetts. We've guided backpacking trips together for the same company out there and now she's a ski instructor. I'm not sure if I'll go though because she's the kind of person who's wandering life has been a lot like mine, and I'm sure if I spent enough time with her I'd probably fall in love. Life is weird isn't it?

>> No.12072071
File: 60 KB, 680x818, 1541775354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never live in a comfy city-state with a vibrant culture of community stewardship and political engagement enjoying peaceful, cooperative relations with neighboring cities
why live?

>> No.12072085

I don't want money I want to get paid to learn things. I cringe when I think about how fluffy my word choice and tone is.

>> No.12072131

yeah, /lit/ post are shit, except for the few posts I make, they are quality

>> No.12072137

Damn, I'm constantly thinking about so many things that I can not concentrate, please, end my endless ignorance, and why you gave me the curse of an incredible universe in which nothing happens in my life time, even if you're not navigating in 4chin at this precise moment, Please at least someday tell me that all this fucking torture meant something.

>> No.12072142

Your life/experience means everything and nothing, being your benchmark for all things.

>> No.12072160

Don't come to me with all that nonsense, and tell me what in the name of Allah and all those retards are you talking about.

>> No.12072170

>you gave me the curse of an incredible universe in which nothing happens in my life time
Go outside. There are endless adventures to be had in this world, but none will be handed to you.

>> No.12072197

I wish I had money to do that, and I'm so stupidly connected to technology that my brain will start making me want to kill myself in a few days, I curse the one who gave me and all of us that curse.

>> No.12072198
File: 81 KB, 457x407, 0ya6x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking the stem off an apple and using it as an instrument to discern the chemical composition of the rest of the apple is madness. Yes you would know what the stem is like but it won't tell you about the rest of the apple. Trying to use an animal brain to decide whether existence is meaningful or not is the same path.

>> No.12072208
File: 40 KB, 500x566, xwu591lhb8c01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one interested in my book club for new friends?
we could start with Platon or maybe some /lit/ novel like the stranger or just dive on into Stirner.

>> No.12072217

I would love to join, anon, I need someone to motivate me to read more.

>> No.12072229
File: 128 KB, 500x346, 1521123121909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you're right, but in the end everything is wrong, the stem of an apple don't contain all the information an animal brain have, so yes, if it is a animal, sadly, it obviously mean it had a sense, even if it is extremely basic, the meaning of the animals is to reproduce until it evolves or it disappear, that is, you maybe are thinking why i think like i'm thinking now? well it's simple, if that's not the answer, then, there's no answer.

>> No.12072249

>the stem of an apple don't contain all the information an animal brain have, so yes, if it is a animal, sadly, it obviously mean it had a sense
I'm sorry you just completely lost me, why did you mix the two metaphors?

>> No.12072261

only if you do non lit books

>> No.12072267

I'm other interested anon, what do you mean just stuff outside the lit recommendations? Or do we just roast shitty books?

>> No.12072281

I don't know, what are supposed to mean your metaphors?

>> No.12072309 [DELETED] 

I need a new book. Ka ended up being too boring to hold my attention long enough to make progress, and The Bone Witch somehow managed to necromancy into a little girl's princess fantasy

any recs?

>> No.12072335

Using components of a greater whole as a benchmark for how the entire whole should be is irrational. Deciding that your existence/all of our existence is meaningless using a brain that is a part of that existence is at the very least unreasonable if not narcissistic. It has nothing to do with the senses of the component. It's cherrypicking I'm pretty sure.

>> No.12072354

Technically speaking, both gainful employment and higher academia are paying you to learn new things. Neither ultimately give you the control or freedom of a hobby and you will need to make sacrifices regardless of the path, it just boils down to your priorities. All in all, I think you'll be just fine as long as you keep a steady eye on your end goals.

No cringe. Learn from your mistakes and become better.

When I'm in a crisis and mentally overwhelmed, I just drop everything and brew a hot cup of coffee. The gentle aroma of a freshly roasted micro lot is the sweet earthy reminder I need that the world is bigger than me and everything moves forward eventually. Find a ritual that works for you, it'll help you find clarity in your own madness.

>> No.12072355

why do i feel like every thought kills (or makes difficult) every action. in every instance in which i act without contemplating, i feel fulfilled, regardless of the consequences of the action. anyway enough bullshit, this qt smokes a cig in front of my college building every other day and today i passed by with the intention of meeting her but since i've thought of doing this for sometime the resistance was so great I couldn't bear it and just entered the building. every time ive approached someone within 1-2 minutes of seeing them, the interaction has always been good, but i think the constant contemplating and putting off of the action has built up.

>> No.12072366

That dog is gonna get dabbed on? r-r-right?

>> No.12072373

I hate my job (software dev) but it ways very well. I am considering so many divergent alternatives, including writing, but I can't imagine being successful in any of them as I am now. Is 24 too late to change careers?

>> No.12072377

An accountant, fitness instructor, and mechanic are not paid to learn things the same way a journalist, detective, or scientist would be.

>> No.12072394

I feel the opposite. I need to find a snowy mountain to live on somewhere. One can't feel cozy if they are not cold.

>> No.12072455

Isn't that a little narrow minded? I was wrong not to specify senior management track careers in my analogy, but I wouldn't set accountants in the same bracket as a traditional trade.

Anecdotal, but all the businesses I've worked with have only hired accountants and auditors with scientific backgrounds- several of them even forked their careers from finance at some point.

>> No.12072470

anon that has literally never happened in all of history. there has always been some conflict between polities

>> No.12072472

Answering your question:you're right, that don't mean the physical or mental form of something doesn't have a correlation with the meaning of it existence, just mean that things like the place or time need to be added to the question.

>> No.12072549

It might be but I think it gets my point across about what I mean by a career where I'm paid to learn/discover things, gathering new information for other people and ensuring that information is kept unmolested by third parties. Is a different kind of learning than the kind that all people have to do to adapt and keep moving in a professional field.

>> No.12072589

I think it’s funny
Maybe youd be able to experience that tiny morsel of joy too if you got that huge stick out of your ass

>> No.12072599

Are you referring to the actual vandalism or the edit in op's pic.

>> No.12072613
File: 49 KB, 400x521, 7134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just discovered I'm narcisistic, lol
Reading the keys traits was very enlighting

>> No.12072616

>information is kept unmolested by third parties
That's going to be an uphill battle but you have my best wishes. I work for a corporate giant that has already started influencing the perception and availability of information to the masses. I don't see journalistic integrity getting very far as long as businesses like this control publishing.

>> No.12072650

Why is everyone on this board so belligerent? I frequently see people arguing back-and-forth with zero substance, and people coming into threads that have nothing do with to shit them up, instead of just ignoring them.
A prime example is discussing anything analytic philosophy or consciousness related. yeah I want to talk about it with other anons without retards who haven't engaged with the material barging in, and without le eastern metaphysics schizos ruining and derailing any thread even marginally related to consciousness and science. It's all screaming into a gaping void, mostly pasta and 2-word shitposting and strawmaning. I DON'T COME TO YOUR THREADS YOU FAGGOTS BECAUSE I HAVE NOT READ ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR SUBJECTS, AND YOU SHOULDN'T TOO.
>inb4 muh board culture
>inb4 muh this a [X] board sweetie

>> No.12072683

Moved to Massachusetts for school. It's comfy in its own way and I'm glad to have had the experience, but I think I'll leave after I graduate.

And you should go visit her anon.

>> No.12072697

I think that there will always be a demand for unfiltered information or at least I hope. It seems so simple now that you've put it like that but I think that had been what I was wrestling with. Not whether I want to do it but why it has to seem so hard.

>> No.12072712

muh board culture, this is a shit board sweaty

>> No.12072717

same, but only after several people told me

>> No.12072916

Every time I join a /lit/ chat it's always a mix of belligerent pseuds or meme spewing mouth breathers. You're either judged for not reading whatever is trendy or judged for actually reading what someone else told you to read. At the end of the day, little conversation of substance persists between the real-time shitposting.

At the same time, I've randomly creeped on an anon browsing /lit/ in public and we have since become good friends. Maybe people feel pressured to establish their immediate superiority in these threads because so many people here are quick to judge and belittle you otherwise. In person none of that matters and it makes all the difference.

>> No.12073072

you sound like the most ideal bf I would never see in public lol, I hate you

>> No.12073098

even irl i get into huge shouting matches with the people i discuss phil and lit with so it's not surprising that on here everything is usually hostile

i dont take anything here seriously i mean its 4chan, you should be expected to be called a faggot once in a while

>> No.12073121

That's crazy, your're the exact opposite of me. I'm from the greater Boston area and go to school here. When I was a young man I went out to the southwest to escape abuse and find healing in the desert, and I did. I hope we both end up out there again anon.

And you're right, I think I will go visit her.

>> No.12073124

i dream every day of leaving my bugman corporate job and getting a postgrad degree in literature, creating a circle of aspiring writers and intellectuals who push ourselves to the next level and challenge each other to hit our literary limits.

>> No.12073127

I want these feeling to go away /lit/. I’ve tried suppressing them, cbt, poetry, stoicism, self improvement, praying, living by christian principles and truly feeling love for my fellow men. I’ve been trying to be wholesome, and I swear people treat me worse than when I was apathetic. At least then I had a measure of respect. I know this isn’t an advice board, but it’s the middle of the night and I’m all alone. I didn’t even want to go back to 4chan. But I frankly don’t know what else to do. At least here someone from the other side of the world will spend a minute of their time reading this, and either give a shit or not, without reasons to pretend.

>> No.12073144

What feelings are you referring to anon? You didn't live much detail about your predicament or how you got there.

>> No.12073151

The nature of anonymity and 4chan just foster belligerence. Truthfully it's one of the reasons I come here. I don't mind a pointlessly belligerent fight-clubby exchange every once and a while, especially when the stakes are so low. It helps me get out aggression.

But I can also be very cutesy and even flirty on here lol

>> No.12073164

Try to get some sleep anon, everything always seems worse in the evening

>> No.12073170

...And a little bit better in the morning.

>> No.12073185

>Indian restaurant menu calls Beef Broccoli Beef Broo Cali

I've been repeating that to myself like a mantra for the past 5 minutes. Broo Cali. Broo Cali. Broo Cali

>> No.12073212

Brewkahlee lol

>> No.12073216

good choice anon, get those sweet taper drugs and be safe

>> No.12073226

I could write a book about it. But basically inadequacy, like nothing I do is ever enough. There’s also a lot of guilt in me, along with empathy, a direct result of how I was raised. I feel hurt all the time, I feel alone all the time. I want to love all, anon. But love hurts. Exhaustion seems inescapable and peace hasn’t come for me since 2012, during some beautiful days in a ship. I just want to be a good man, but life seems like a never ending labor, and the resilience of Job doesn’t reside in me. I feel so weak, anon, weaker than anything.

I know, but these feelings brought on by tiredness are a genuine part of me, just one that’s easier to ingore during the daylight.

Thank you both for the replies, and I wish you all the best.

>> No.12073244

Based Avid user.

I'm contemplating if I should pursue a masters in public policy so I don't end up with my dead end bachelor's degree. At least have a degree with some practical application. Then I remember I'm an intellectual lightweight and will procrastinate endlessly, along with burdening myself with more loans.

>> No.12073275

This is a good meme
>tfw you'll never challenge someone to a duel over your oneitis

>> No.12073287

I don't want to sound like a faggot but do you guys agree love is the only thing in the world worth continuing to live for

>> No.12073299


>> No.12073309

You poor babe. You seem like a genuinely well intentioned person. Honestly my advice would be to stop being hard on yourself. You're not the second coming. Try to come out of your shell more often and find your path through service.

Otherwise, do the complete opposite. Become more selfish and acquisitive. Understand that you need material power to adequately express your will and take steps to obtain it. Perhaps (although not always) dumber and less charming people than you have done it.

>> No.12073319


>> No.12073323

Depends on how you define love. If that includes family and art and appreciating the woods and looking at birds and such maybe. If you mean romantic love then you're going to have a surprise when you wake up.

>> No.12073327

Love is big but there's fine shades to it. You have your basic romantic love and platonic loves, which certainly pack a punch and give you one reason to cling to life, or at times to end it.

Romantic love though, I honestly feel cheated by. Like I bought into some valentine's day marketing scheme. I'm neither just "fuck bitches/get money" about it either, but I'm not sure I'll ever find the proverbial soul mate. That doesn't stop me from imagining one or two.

Platonic love is important and that loyalty keeps you grounded. Without it I would be less willing to keep living, but I could do it in the hope that I might find it again.

There is one other class of love that often goes unmentioned. It's a kind of world-love, a feeling of belonging in the world and a union with the order of things. A sense of fitting in in the broadest, most inclusive sense. A feeling of wholeness. This kind of love comes from many sources including spiritualism and religion and even deep philosophical or scientific understanding. This is worth living for in my book.

>> No.12073337

I'm going to throw you a bone and say yes

>> No.12073349

The reason you sound like a faggot is because putting a woman before anything in your life is what makes a beta male and sounding like a faggot is like spraying you with a water bottle until you learn to prioritize growth over coochie.

>> No.12073356

ohh I wouldn't want to be called a beta male by my 4chan friends

>> No.12073384

Nice propaganda, Chang.

>> No.12073386

Dunno what you mean by finding my path through service, but thanks for the advice. I’m going to pray and sleep. Tomorrow I’ll check this for any replies.

>> No.12073455

If by love you my love for my cat, then yes. I wouldn't have the will to live without my furball.

>> No.12073474

I just got to 20,555 words in my nano novel. It feels like shit and my prose is garbage but I keep trying to console myself that I can make it more beautiful through editing but for whatever reason in my mind that's less authentic.

>> No.12073476
File: 10 KB, 284x177, post-depressional kaczynskism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is one other class of love that often goes unmentioned. It's a kind of world-love, a feeling of belonging in the world and a union with the order of things. A sense of fitting in in the broadest, most inclusive sense. A feeling of wholeness. This kind of love comes from many sources including spiritualism and religion and even deep philosophical or scientific understanding. This is worth living for in my book.
This is what I feel in a forest or on the coast or a mountain.

>> No.12073478
File: 9 KB, 300x168, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw drinking hot chocolate with my slippers on and a blanket wrapped around me like a poncho.
sometimes life is nice. I hope to integrate some of these comfy autumn feels into my book.

>> No.12073488

fuck. Just remembered getting bullied in front of girl I liked in high school because I said I liked hot chocolate and the bully said "hah because his mommy doesn't let him have coffee"

>> No.12073490

Tomorrow I'll cut ties with the girl I'm dating. The only girl who has ever felt worth something to me. You see, it's somewhat ironic. I'm never able to get attached to women; I try to love them and it simply does not come. They end up hurt and I lonely.
Yet now faced with a girl whom I could love, she feels otherwise. She feels as I always have with others. She told me this and I, fool that I was, persuaded her to give it more time, that perhaps we need time to grow close. But I know this won't be, and I can't bear the heartache of uncertainty for longer. We are close and compatible in all ways but that indefinable spark that lights love ablaze. So I end it tomorrow, to save my heart and our time. That feel.

>> No.12073512

I'm sure that was terrible at the time anon but I can't help but laugh at the absurdity of that exchange.

>> No.12073532
File: 164 KB, 1200x801, 5be9ac31cee2a.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what naughty trolls on this website have gotten these boys into. A high school somewhere in the midwest is in uproar after a group of its boys took this prom photo of them being naughty and throwing up various "edgy" alt right signs .

Think of how sad their grandmas will be when the principal Gertrude Bergerstien refuses to let the boys attend graduation, their college applications are rejected, their names blacklisted , and their balls neutered with a hot iron poker.

It's not funny to hurt these young mens future with your immature little inside jokes!

>> No.12073545

I resonate with this post on a level I can't even describe. The wilderness and deserts of the southwestern united states healed me, saved my life. The people I've met out there and what I've done and seen in that region's wild places has had an irreversibly uplifting influence on my life. Nature heals, it collects like-minded people, and develops the critical sense of place so many modern human beings lack.

We have forgotten our mother, in a sense don't you think?

>> No.12073580

I wanna read again, i been starting books and i always drop them. Any advice on how to form a reading habit. I used to read a lot when i waa younger but now i end up wasting time on my phone instead. Anyone ever been in the same situation, i wanna find my passion for reading again.

>> No.12073654

The overreaction to this is only going to encourage more edgy kids to copy them. The powers that be don't yet understand this new generation's love for pissing other people off.
Get an ereader app on your phone, download some short books, and read those whenever you feel the need to take your phone out.

>> No.12073664

I like the absence of people the most, as long as there are others around you can't really lose your sense of self.

Do you know about the Maine Hermit?


>> No.12073671

lmao, if you're so fucking retarded you throw a nazi salute during your prom photo you deserve all the "overreaction" you're going to get. If more people copy them then so be it, I'd rather the world burn than cede any cultural ground to the zoomers.

>> No.12073676

I've been having dreams of my ex-girlfriend 8 years after we separated. Nice, carefree dreams, where we just talk and i make her laugh.
Ive been waking up with an unexplainable weight in my heart.
Part of me wants to go back go sleep so i can see her again.

>> No.12073683

That is true. I will do my best to speak for my generation but take my words with a grain of salt regardless.
Its about modern culture. With this generation, pissing of people in a way that gets you viral earns you respect from your peers. Why? Because becoming a 'meme' is highly coveted no matter what means you employ to get there. Because memes are now intertwined with our lives

>> No.12073685

I feel like the author is watching me read their book when I read. It's creepy as fuck and renders me completely unable to enjoy the book in anyway. It's like I literally hear them reacting to what I'm thinking as I'm reading and it completely kills any semblance of a want I may have had to read or be around other people.

>> No.12073687
File: 25 KB, 300x276, 1542080356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel anon. I try to mentally separate my dreamed version of her from the real one to numb the pain, as they really are different people.

>> No.12073697
File: 707 KB, 900x665, Hermit with Vegetable Garden and Distant Landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also have dreams of my ex-girlfriend 8 years after we separated. Often in the dreams we get back together and then a terrible feeling of dread and regret comes over me and I wake up panicked until I realise I'm single and sigh heavily in relief.

>> No.12073698

>anon, why are reading so slowly?
>you've only read four pages, why are you checking /lit/?
>that's not a obscure word anon
>you obviously haven't read any the philosophy I'm building off of anon
>no you're nothing like the dark and brooding protagonist anon
>maybe you'd have a gf if you talked to girls who weren't fictional characters anon
>jesus christ anon that's not what I'm saying in this passage at all

>> No.12073713

Aww anon, please let zoomers have some cultural ground. God knows we need it

>> No.12073722

I want to apply for the Community Writer (AKA Marketer) for Games Workshop but I have no experience in any of it besides dropping out of school for graphic design. The deadline is Thursday. It seems like a fun job. I'm not even in the same country as the job or headquarters. I don't know what to do.

>> No.12073737

It literally has nothing to do with becoming a meme. Causing someone to lose their composure is a form of social dominance. If you can make someone angry, you can make them look like a fool in the eyes of others and prove yourself momentairly superior by exploiting their weakness. It's created a culture of trolls where being smarter, stronger, or more socially competent than someone is no longer necessary to alleviate the biological tendency to be greater than others. Why would you improve yourself in any way when bringing others down creates the same effect as actual dominance? Put down the dumbells and start racebaiting.

>> No.12073752

I finally broke my years long writers block with fiction. It had been several years and I worried that I would've lost it by now. Happily I hadn't lost it in the slightest, and I'm good as I ever was. Not to mention I'm writing the story of a decade. If anything I ever wrote had a chance of being made into a movie it's this.

One thing you have to say about our times is that interesting times makes for interesting stories.

>> No.12073753


>> No.12073762

You really overestimate us. I believe that you are investing to much thought into zoomers

>> No.12073763

Go zoom somewhere else you cheeky little punk

It's literally just boys being boys. I think they probably deserve a tap on the wrist, but this was just them having a laff. It was their idea of a practical joke. You've never been a 14-16yo dumbass before? Wow, how'd you pull that one off?

>> No.12073799

"""ironically""" preforming nazi iconography is not just "boys being boys". I agree they don't deserve to have their entire life ruined, but they need to be punished harshly enough that they realize what morons they are

>> No.12073800

Overestimating who? I'm just boiling down the process to what it is on a human level.

>It's just a prank bro
I don't believe that people could be this malicious humorously, even teenagers. I think they're marginalized and lashing out.

>> No.12073817

>I don't believe that people could be this malicious humorously, even teenagers. I think they're marginalized and lashing out.
This is completely out of context my bad. About the nazi thing though, I think people have learned not to get nazis any leeway whatsoever out of sheer necessity and the original poster of that image was blatantly strawmanning the necessary repercussions imposed on those kids because he's a faggot and a nazi in that order.

>> No.12073822

Is there any point to learning anything? Is it possible to actually make yourself smart er or am I just stuck with the IQ God gave me?

>> No.12073923

Learning allows you to see the logical connections within ideas. The point of constantly learning at least from a general and practical perspective (following from my first statement) is to be able to make better decisions. Each subject has unique problems it wishes to solve so accordingly, unique tools are created. Exposing your brain to these methods of problem solving will sharpen your intuition.

>> No.12073946

I guess you aren’t familiar with punk rock

Jesus Christ is every person on earth an authoritarian faggoli

>> No.12073989

Ivan the Terrible was said to be one of the most evil people in history. While some turbo-autists may ask: what's "evil", the czar was unruly and beat his pregnant daughters and killed his son along with torturing innocent folk. Why would you think of him?

>> No.12074223
File: 14 KB, 236x430, 1528151035804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any board on 4chan with specific interests (so pretty much all of the sfw non-anime ones, and the less stormfront-y threads of /pol/) is 10% genuinely knowledgeable people and 90% armchair expert neets who know just enough about the subject to pretend they are part of those 10% while just trolling and arguing for the jejs of it. don't hate the player, hate the game

>> No.12074248

Your brain is functionally a muscle just like everything else. Think of anything you're good at (let's say vocabulary:) the more you exercise a given mental muscle, a given skill, the stronger it is and the easier it comes. If you were "just stuck with" the IQ you were born with you would be a retarded feral child right now.

>> No.12074322

I live with my parents. They've discussed divorce several times, but usually decide against it because they're just too old and would rather not disrupt their perceived stability of the house. They fight a lot though. I've seen my sibling, who is the person I love most in life, have nervous breakdowns and cry profusely over the situations my parents put the household in. I've also been asked by my sibling to fucking do anything. I just remain silent during these moments where my parents are doing their thing. Way too silent. I also feel a horrible lack of emotion towards these moments, except for when my sibling is overwhelmed emotionally. Inside of me, there's a painful hole where anger should be. I am not completely certain if I am autistic or depressed. I have many moments of normalcy. But generally, I am a very introverted person with some eccentricities.

>> No.12074344 [DELETED] 

I wrote this:

I also feel incredibly pretentious, in the sense that I may be acting, consciously or otherwise, abnormally because it makes me more interesting of a person, to myself. And I may be internally discussing the possibility of being autistic or depressed because it's an easy excuse for being a failure at several aspects of life. I have a hard time figuring out if my self's improvement should be ceasing this potential pretentiousness or realizing that it this self-accusal of pretentiousness is incorrect and then addressing my psychological issues as legitimate ones.

>> No.12074348

billy joels kind of underrated as an artist think, like people dismiss him as dumb pop music but i think hes actually a really good songwriter for what he is

>> No.12074353

I wrote this:
>>12074322 (You)

I also feel incredibly pretentious, in the sense that I may be acting, consciously or otherwise, abnormally because it makes me more interesting of a person, to myself. And I may be internally discussing the possibility of being autistic or depressed because it's an easy excuse for being a failure at several aspects of life. I have a hard time figuring out if my self's improvement should be centered around ceasing this potential pretentiousness or realizing that this self-accusal of pretentiousness is incorrect and then addressing my psychological issues as legitimate ones.

>> No.12074357

Gives me hope anon good work keep it up buddy

>> No.12074422

I can relate

>> No.12074424

100% this

>> No.12074443 [DELETED] 

Sounds like you were manic, which I'm not saying in any sort of condescending manner, since I'm bipolar myself.

>> No.12074459

The advance of the hierarchy of complexity becomes necessary when the existing concepts are not sastifatory for the individual.

>> No.12074466

lmao the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.12074534


>> No.12075208

you mean the genre of music known for its leftist tendencies?

>> No.12075403

There are 2 types of will. A dog's will to eat. And...

>> No.12075412

>tfw finally gave in and bought a car
Why is american public transit such a joke?

>> No.12075435

There is this 20yo girl I kind of want to not get involved with because A. She is 10 years younger and B. She has a bf.

Yesterday, a group of people were talking about various college stuff. I'm finished college a while ago so i felt left out. She seemed really into student council stuff so i decided to make her loose focus and i raised my hand wide open and she saw it and handed me her phone by reaction. She was totally interrupted and asked what did i meant with that. I just replied "i wanted your hand but whatever"
She was like "why? here, have it." and she tried to put it above mine but i already interrupted her convo so i lowered mine.
I tried to follow the conversation again ignoring her request, like the ass that i am, and the other girl didn't seem offended at all, if anything she showed more interest because i joined in.

Later in class, that 20yo took my eraser and doodle in it. She gave it back and left her hand raised. I didn't knew what she meant after she huffed and went back to pay attention in class.

After class was over (an hour and a half later, mind you), she confronted me again asking me what did i mean to by asking her hand. Since i was around a lot of other classmates i shrugged it off and said something like "i wanted to tease you, just like you normally do when you poke me".
She said "but i poked everybody, isn't that right Anon 2"?
We walked off the building and by the time Anon 2 gave her an answer, i was already going in another direction, to my car. I just said "see ya later" and waved them off.

>> No.12075828

head for a green hill
break down a few barricades
something good might happen
near amelia's lap of the cabin in the mountains

>> No.12075850
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 4DA791D6-84CA-4A76-A1B0-1D53267F7522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wot is onm y mind
Why /lit/ cann ot cheque their own trips LOLE

>> No.12075852

i wish i enjoyed going on 4chan now, as much as i did in 2007

>> No.12075879

I still find hard to believe the mental gymnastics the body goes through in order to tempt me over another cigarrette.

>> No.12075885

It did happen, but 6 million didn't die.

>> No.12075891

Just grappled with that myself a minute ago, quitting is a bitch.

>> No.12075910
File: 4 KB, 316x54, 1536658168149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who knows how to read basic mathematical equations help me out?
I'm supposed to write pic related as a function in my stupid programming language using a loop, but I don't even understand what it does. Can anyone explain the logic behind it, I think I'll be okay with the syntax

>> No.12075930

>not knowing sums
sum = 0
for i = 1, i < N, i++
sum = sum + 100*(x[i] - x[i-1]^2)2 + (1 - x[i-1])2
idk what your x are, you got them in an array?

>> No.12075941

Yeah, X is array [.2, .5, .1, .6]
What's the function supposed to return with that x?

>> No.12075943

That sigma is poorly written, it should have brackets around both of the terms of the sum

>> No.12075946


>> No.12075952

weird notation, for it to be a proper function youd need the array's entries to be somehow dependent on your input's x; like filled up earlier in the program
if that x is supposed to be a fixed vector already then just fill up your array with your entries and let it do the calculation

>> No.12075998
File: 43 KB, 640x640, 1526177960609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. I am trying to use a while loop but since I don't understand the equation I don't know what conditions it should stop at, so at the moment it looks something like this

i <- 1
x <- c(.2, .5, .1, .6)
bananas <- function(x)

while (? > ?) {


>> No.12076034

u mite b acoustic

>> No.12076095
File: 5 KB, 463x216, pseudocode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, doc.

You have to count with a variable starting = 1.
x1 = 1;
then, the loop will go from 1 up to N-1.
N is an input number defined by the person trying to run the code. Leave it 5 or 6 as default.

>> No.12076137

How would you write that loop in english?

>> No.12076178
File: 455 KB, 1512x1766, iceland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Iceland you're supposed to take your shoes off when you enter someone's home or even small village cafés, because inviting someone into your home is offering them a place in it. Icelanders in general are very friendly and welcoming people, one man I stayed with made coffee for the two of us and then shared a bunch of local cheeses with me, another took out a big map of the region and told me about local sites and folklore. At one café I stopped at in the far north west the waitress laughed at my broken Icelandic and then, since it was a quiet time and I was the only one there, sat and joined me for tea and tried to teach me some more of the language. Very comfy indeed.

>> No.12076263
File: 55 KB, 1437x639, pseudocode2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best i can do. You better off asking /g/ in the "solve me my homework" thread.