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12072584 No.12072584[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am considering joining the US Army. I'm not sure if this is a silly decision or not. I have been in college for 6 years, and I just graduated. I have a girlfriend, but I would not feel terrible if I lose her. My questions are: (a) is joining the army /lit/? I'm one of those faggots that tries to find meaning in everything. And (b) is joining the army practical?

P.S. I speak Spanish and English (plus a small bit of Italian and Korean), and I enjoy JLB more than anyone else

>> No.12072637
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join the merchant marines pussy

>> No.12072644

It's practical enough - you get relatively shit pay, but you also have most of your expenses taken care of for you.

It's not /lit/ anymore though, unless you think hanging out with a bunch of 19 year olds with 80 IQs is /lit/.

>> No.12072649

Finish college and go to officer training school

>> No.12072652

Well, since he has an education, he can apply as an officer.

>> No.12072660

Navy is /lit/ as fuck dude. You get to travel to all sorts of countries and bullshit.

>> No.12072670

Join the Navy as an officer and travel all over the world while being paid and having a job with some responsibility.

>> No.12072671

True enough. Up the age by 4 and the IQ by 10.

Still not /lit/ though.

>> No.12072692

I think you are painfully ignorant.
At least in the UK, commisioned officers are very well educated. Many of them come from elite universities or public schools (the best schools in the country).

>> No.12072696
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Why is the navy so good? I want to go into the army primarily because of family reasons. I kind of want to see combat, but I am also a pussy.

>> No.12072706

why in the fuck would you want to see combat??

>> No.12072708

>I think you are painfully ignorant.
Always a possibility.
>At least in the UK
In the US, at least, early officer ranks and enlisted are something of a cesspool. The Navy and Marines are better. Airforce and Coast Guard are somewhere in between (more intelligent on average than those in the Army, but also less interested in anything that isn't material success).

>> No.12072740
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Because I'm not afraid to die and I also feel a debt to my country. Retarded, I know. I also "know" that there is nothing better a man can do than protect his homeland

Yeah, I have no doubt that the Army is full of shitheads. I am absolutely ignorant, and I just hope that everything works out. If it doesn't, so it goes.

>> No.12072752

Yes goyim protect the (((homeland)))

>> No.12072767

>I have a girlfriend, but I would not feel terrible if I lose her

>> No.12072780

Did you know Jorge Luis Borges was against nationalism?

>> No.12072877

It isn't /lit/ being in the military. Most people are functionally illiterate, and if they aren't they have usually become insufferable from being the smartest person in the room for too long. Combat is extremely one-sided and pretty light on protecting the homeland. Usually the only thing that motivates the infantry guys that I know who've decided to make a career is basically just racism and paying debts, maybe the occasional guy who really enjoys cool guy stuff.

>Because I'm not afraid to die
How would you know?

Are you doing this because you feel lost or something? Don't try to figure your life out in a infantry training or something like that because you will probably pick up more bad habits than good.

I joined the Marines because I hated everyone I knew and felt stuck, and I'm a loser who thought that people I cared about would respect me more or something. It was really cool up until I realized that I was very alone in the service. I'm a lefty though and didn't really realize where I stood on a lot of issues until after I joined.

>is joining the army practical?
It's a job and they will pay you pretty well and give you a place to stay. You won't be treated like an adult as long as you're in, but freedom is the price to pay for job security. The main problem is that being deployed blows and you will find yourself having to do questionable things if you are part of the ground forces. If you join a different branch and aren't seeing direct combat you are still supporting morally ambiguous actions.

>> No.12072955

This is the time to do it, OP. The ayy lmaos are gonna be here pretty soon so you'll probably be a battle-hardened dudebro by the time they get here, and you'll get to go fight 'em and that would be pretty badass.

>> No.12073004
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Lol @ Jew conspiracy theory

Thanks man. You might be right, she's really cool. She's just not a child rearing type

Maybe he was against the extreme nationalism of Videla, but he was definitely a major Argentine patriot. He was at least pretty old-school

Hey man, I really appreciate your input. I definitely have a lot more thought to put into this decision. I hadn't really put much thought into moral/ethical issues of joining up. As far as being afraid to die, I don't feel that I am afraid to die now, but even if I rouse some will to survive (as a result of military situations) I think I will feel a bit better about my life in general.

>> No.12073076

you're college educated, most people in the Army wish they were you. you'd be taking a step back. what is your motivation for wanting to join?

>> No.12073112

He wants to die. He should read Tolstoy

>> No.12073187

Joining some sort of romantic resistance used to be /lit/, but hassling natives over resources for American corporations is not.

>> No.12073193
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>> No.12073200
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>> No.12073203

la fausse conscience

>> No.12073265

Can someone even become a merchant mariner without dealing with all the gay shit?

>> No.12073284
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not if you're qt. rum, sodomy and the lash

>> No.12073333

Imagine dying for Israel.

>> No.12073340
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That's true. I just feel that my college career and my life at large has been a waste. I want to help my country in some way. I suppose I would use my military service to pay off my college loans or to fund my postgrad education.

I wouldn't say I want to die, but I'm open to it. I could die in a car accident tomorrow and it would mean nothing. If I died at war it would at least make my parents and grandparents proud

It seems that all the rumors are true. No navy for me I guess

>> No.12073404
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>> No.12073454
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Hey, dude. I'm in the army right now. I'm stationed in Fort Riley, Kansas. Not the most well loved duty station but I hear it beats most others.

It's really nice, for me at least. Got away from the city and now I'm just a bit of a shut in with either my PC or the books I have. People here aren't the most /lit/ though are always open to talk about books they might've read in the past. Religion and psychology are the easiest and best I've had here (I'm not much for the latter topic though.)

Officers are a strange bunch... They're so polarizing that it stupefies me how any of them share the same series of ranks. You either get the chad Olympian who can out pace some of the strongest ncos or you get the desk jockey type who only leaves his office for mandatory training or a connex lay out, conniving, the lot of them, desu.

Pay is decent... about $1500 for a month lol? Medical care is iffy but I also don't have to pay out of pocket. I've lived in four different paces since I joined. The barracks are ok but you will hardly get a decent nights sleep on a Saturday. I don't go out lol usually so it's a bother for me, unless you're married: You basically are spoiled for choice where you want to live.

>> No.12073462

Are you religious, anon?

>> No.12073489

join the army but don't join the american army