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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 105 KB, 1128x1002, kisspng-pol-4chan-game-anonymous-fire-emblem-fates-mind-5acdcc670cb3f7.2225537315234366470521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12060766 No.12060766[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>standing on the doorsteps of university

What major is not gonna be a waste of time, as well as provide a money security upon graduation?

>> No.12060783

Computer science, everything else is a meme and you should just resort to them in your free time

>> No.12060789

Undergrad is a waste of time. Don't go to university unless you plan on postgraduate education when you are done. You're better off learning a trade than most undergrad degrees.

>> No.12060793


>> No.12060806

>being educated is waste of time

>> No.12060817


>> No.12060825


>> No.12060827

It's not a golden ticket but it's still your best bet if you don't have an exact path planned out. Any science degree will at least get you into research/lab slavery until you have a better idea.
Business if and only if you know other businesspeople and can do a frat.
Humanities is an utter waste of time, you can learn all that on your own.

>> No.12060846

Computer Science is entirely for beta males.
Higher status males such as myself wouldn't be suitable in such an environment.

>> No.12060851
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Unironically humanities. It's certainly ticks the box on the interesting aspect more than any STEM. About security, you can land a decent basically with any mid-tier university degree, you just need to know where to look, and have the right connections.

>> No.12060857

>and have the right connections.
Well this isn't viable for almost everyone.
What fucking useless advice. You basically just wanted to tell everyone in the most obnoxious way possible "HEY EVERYONE, I STUDY HUMANITIES, AMA!"

>> No.12060895

Well if you can't make the right connections in your 4 year long stay in a university, its your loss.

>> No.12060914
File: 15 KB, 197x280, Undergrad is real education!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not receive a real education in undergrad. Most learning comes from self-study. If you stick strictly to the curriculum, you have a good 40+ general education credits (waste of time), followed by 40 credits of tangentially related material (more or less, a waste of time), followed by the rest (if that) being your core concentration, which at the undergrad level is mostly superficial, very basic overview. People who pretend this material makes them educated, are the same people who think their STEM B.S. degree makes them a real scientist (pro-tip, it doesn't).
My undergrad degree got me nowhere in life (I tried seeking employment afterward, only to find a few low paying jobs), and was nothing but a 4-year, $35,000 massive barrier to entry toward my final station station, an MD/PhD program. If I could have avoided undergrad, I would have done so in a heart beat. I learned nothing of value there. Only pseuds and mid-range IQ hacks who self-inflate their own intelligence and level of education find value in undergrad.

>> No.12060916

Get a trade.

>> No.12060935

Educate yourself.

>> No.12060937

This is the funniest shit ever. "Higher status" rich fucks throughout history have always had the best chances for high profile jobs like in law, politics, banking etc, but now, not only can any "beta male" that can type make more money in tech, the "beta males" are legitimately about to automate your jobs out of existence. All because you were "too cool" to learn how to program. I can't wait to drink Chad tears when theyre 100k in debt and about as employable as a rock.

>> No.12060987

No, high status males will just get jobs telling programmers what to do. And programming jobs can also be automated.

>HAH, stupid Pharaoh. Without us there wouldn't even be any pyramids! We could stop building any minute and you would be fucked!

>> No.12060996

These threads on /lit/ are so retarded because the answer is entirely dependent on what school you go to

If it’s a top school (and if you have to ask, it isn’t) then study whatever you want. Else, STEM or business/economics and make sure you network hard.

I’m not sure if you guys realize this, but it’s entirely possible, if you go to a top ivy/MIT/Stanford, to walk in with no connections, studying English or philosophy or whatever, and get a 6 figure job in consulting or finance. Your major is much less relevant at these types of institutions than your GPA, interview skills, extracurriculars, and social network

>> No.12061018
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4chan is the worst place to discuss education. You guys literally sound like kids from upper middle class/rich families who have no idea what it means to get even the opportunity for a degree in any field. If you have the choice, then you are better off than most. Some people have to work their ass off for 40 years to see their grandchildren get a fucking degree.

>> No.12061028

You're forgetting one condition mentioned in the original post. Computer science might land you a job but its both a waste of time and uninteresting.

>> No.12061038
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>Computer science might land you a job but its both a waste of time and uninteresting.
Thank you for the opinion. You should probably know more about computer science next time you share it though

>> No.12061043

It must actually be shit being an American.
I don't mean this as a dig, but if you have to "work your ass off" for 40 years to see your children get an education, it's just sad. What a miserable place.

>> No.12061051

Lmao, youre a beta male.
Probably a virgin, am I right?

>> No.12061055

Business major, but take courses in statistics and programming. Also a bit of focus on accounting so that you know how to read a financial sheet.

>> No.12061059

this is unrelated to literature, move this discussion to another board

>> No.12061065

I had sex yesterday

>> No.12061069

Lmao no you didn't, baby.

>> No.12061071

Okay, I guess I didn't
How did you do that

>> No.12061076

I can tell you're an incel from the insecure and serious way you type.

>> No.12061082

Okay, I guess I am
This sucks, what now?

>> No.12061092

>i can tell youre an incel by the way you type
dunning-kruger detected

>> No.12061098

Tell me how fat and stupid you are and I will laugh at you.

>> No.12061141

How fat and stupid I am doesn't seem to be something I can divine on my own anymore. My body and intellect have dematerialized and now seem to exist only as conceptual place holders, waiting to be given form by your pangenerative voice
So you tell me, anon. Just how fat and stupid am I?

>> No.12061156

You're fat AND stupid.

>> No.12061219

This day just keeps getting worse and worse

>> No.12061363

wasn't an aim at america, nice projecting your hatred for america into a post, I'm curios about how often you do that instead of trying to really understand something

>> No.12061449

Retard spotted

>> No.12061458

hey, sorry about this beating(?) you're taking. found this post to be very entertaining. think we share humor styles. kik me

>> No.12061463

Stop looking for fights to pick and so something productive with your intelligence.

>> No.12061487
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you aight, anon

>> No.12061638

Computer Science is an extremely over-saturated field.

>> No.12061644

>computer science
>not a meme

Lol. It's either miserable because you have a soul or miserable because you're always five steps behind and undervalued

>> No.12061657

College is bad. End of discussion

>> No.12061726

high tier biological sciences

>> No.12061740

This. Learn a trade and start a business.

>> No.12061763

True, but just about everything else is even more oversaturated.

>> No.12061805

Not as common, but an agriculture science degree can land you some stable employment plus you most likely won't rot in an office for the rest of your career.

Also you can be much more than just a farmer with a decent enough ag degree

>> No.12061840
File: 380 KB, 1440x1440, loomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not wrong though lmao


>> No.12061856

Pretty good pic but this is always the post that has gotten me the most panicked responses:

>flip flops between feeling superior for intelligence and hating self for feeling superior
>can't wholeheartedly subscribe to any philosophy or ideology anymore
>can imagine 4chan posts mocking him with greentext for everything he does
>is addicted to the anticipation of smoking weed but doesn't actually enjoy it anymore
>gets along fine with parents

>> No.12061860


The only good suggestions in the thread, OP.

>> No.12061905

Going for a major in Japanese myself, probably going for a job on the gov/education.
Honestly if you're picking a major because it'll get you a job have fun with your future doing things you don't enjoy.

>> No.12061906

These plus off shoots. Problem is that if you want to be a moral and ethical human being with respect for your fellow man, you will have totally wasted your time.

There is nothing beneficial that comes out of this for the soul of humanity. They will reduce people to numbers, reduce your capacity for empathy, teach you how to manipulate and deceive. The things that make you "successful" (read: rich) are the things that are the direct antithesis of being a truly good person.

Those who study these and ARE good people have to supplement with other disciplines.

>> No.12061945
File: 465 KB, 540x651, 1518106664490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not grinding shitty gen ed credits in H.S. for free
Even my opioid addiction-infested, gangfucking, school-shooting hillbilly town offered (FREE) opportunities to get shit done early if you wanted too.

>> No.12061977

Don't be a general bio major. Lab tech jobs suck ass and basically everyone I know that aimed for a B.S. ended up going back for an MD, a PhD, or something else entirely.

>> No.12062040

College is a racket.
>Bush institutes "No Child Left Behind" act, forcing a focus of standardized education to prepare students for college.
>Good state standardized exam scores increases school funding while bad ones decrease your funding (because that makes sense).
>Teachers' curriculums and schools' education direction now advises kids to prepare for college (basic level classes back in high school for me are literally called "college prep").
>College entrance rates for high schools are literal marks of success, rather than producing productive members of society
>Universities realize they can exploit this and collaborate with loan companies by reducing entrance requirements and increasing price.
>More students are entering the system with worse and worse educations and less job prospects with worse pay levels than ever before
>Students leave thousands of dollars in debt to a system with no way out.
> This destroys the American education system, American higher education integrity and quality, American job market, and American culture.

So many people are going to college with delusions of success that there are less people available for technical jobs. Linesmen (working on electrical poles and such) are being offered a $65,000 bonus and free education in my area. That's ridiculous that they have to do this!

Greed has destroyed our country. Delusion sustains it. It's all going to fall apart if the education system is not fixed.

>> No.12062055

-Free education on electrical pole shit I mean

>> No.12062110

>Linesmen (working on electrical poles and such) are being offered a $65,000 bonus and free education
Wow i'd sign the fuck up if that was in my cunt.

>> No.12062137
File: 119 KB, 1631x1571, 950B6AF0-68D3-440E-82E9-6E3A90C6A6AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I studied English Literature and took some prerequisite science/psychology courses to get into a graduate program for speech pathology, I then worked in a school district making 60-75k for 6 years, and now I’m going back for a lit PhD. I’m very happy with my path because it’s allowed me to avoid the soulless STEM hamster-wheel, allowed me to still study the humanities, and I still make good money.

I think if you major in what you like and get good grades and do career counseling with your university, you can always find a fine career path. It’s when you major in humanities and graduate with a 2.8 GPA and aren’t involved at all that you’re in hot water.

>> No.12062157

depends on how much you're paying for school too. If you got a fuck load of loans, shit might be worse even if you are doing well.

>> No.12062179

>he fell for the trade meme

>> No.12062382

>sees the world going in a direction he doesnt like, detaches himself from it since it cant be helped

Dear lord, why is this so accurate?

>> No.12062392

Just go to law or med school like any person with a 3 digit IQ

>> No.12062569

>unless you plan on postgraduate education

>> No.12062660

LMAO, of course not, computer science is fascinating, especially automata theory, discrete mathematics, lambda calculus, computability, compilers, recursion theory, metacircular evaluators. You know that sort of things that are fascinating because of their elegance, their dynamism, and their expression of process and repetition. It's a view of virtual forms of life, of their creation and of their sustenance, of how they keep their minimalist song, producing structures that few would have anticiped in what can sometimes be felt as a white world of pastel colors. It's all extremely revolutionary and you know abstract rewriting machines can be pretty good at representing the universal property of free groups, a pretty convoluted theory, but all those red, blue and yellow a's b's and c's respectively interchange for each other in words that can be reduced to smaller words so as to prove that there is a unique homomorphism between one and the other, such is the power of such notions! Also think of the paths of regular expressions, the automata that they construct, the rules of production, they always have this paradoxical feeling of transcendentality out of their self-referentiality, living within those logical systems. Inductive definitions :D, it's all amazing.. And not just that but also as one enters the realm of testing computer programs to determine correctness, it's literally like undertaking the enterprise of science within your own computer, such is the freedom, such are the connections, such are the hints to the underlying structure... all of the tinkering and probing of strange shapes... it's exciting to be part of the search for novel tests, for novel abstractions, or to keep all of the program within your mind! (and it's exhiilariting to produce programs as best as possible) And there is much more, like say, the puzzles of discrete mathematics are exquisite: just read concrete mathematics by knuth! It's a joy to solve them! the conceptual integrity of the programs! the relational algebra of databases! And just think about embodied cognition and neural networks, or formal epistemology, the algorithmic information theory, kolmogorov complexity! Free variables and bound variables they are indeed a metaphor to the infocognitive potential of the universe! Each program is a universe of its own, it's the creation of a microcosm with its own rules and its own flow, you know like continuation passing, it always feels like a cyan river descending the cascade of structures. The various ontologies of each language replenish the mind with such varieties of ways to represent knowledge feeling each distinctly in the mind, as broad inspiring wholes that motivate us to imitate their manifold expressions. Languages and abstractions being represented in terms of languages and abstractions | primtives! It's difficult to express this joy that is mostly felt and sensed, yet it remains, that Computer Science is modern witchcraft, and I commend its study!

>> No.12062784

Petroleum Industry wants Engineers, if you go with engineering or chemistry then hit that up.

>> No.12062857

>starting salary of 40k.
>needing to network to get the jobs in the first place
>competing against H1B engineers willing to work for a little less
Not worth it. Chemistry majors should consider medicine or pharmacy.

Pharmacy is pretty underrated. Starting is about 115k which isn't bad. It will take you longer to work your self up to that much from starting at 35k. White men are seldom promoted these days too. So you're going to be stuck making around 50k with any undergrad degree salary career.

>> No.12062930

Why go to university at all? Unicucks in here will seethe at this question but it's a serious one that I guarantee you haven't really even thought about.

>> No.12062954

This, though the whining about Bush is cringe. Classic example of Bush hysteria though.

>> No.12062963

This. My dad got a job working in parks after being a firefighter for 28 years. He’s been passed over for promotions 3 times in the past year because he’s white. Meanwhile women and minorities with less education and experience than him are promoted before him.

>> No.12062979

if you are of modest means with no connections nor money to play, then a degree mixed with experience is a slingshot into a respectable arrangement.

>> No.12062990

Its not whining really, I didn't mind bush. His policy would have been fine if he had thought further ahead (or more critically).

>> No.12062992

OP, if he's serious, has no plan at all. He's basically walking face first into the trap that many people have surely screamed at him to at least look at before passing into. Total disaster, a real disgrace.

>> No.12063000
File: 50 KB, 645x729, 1519343418580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all Bush's fault. no one else was involved in the decision making. He was a dictator who had totalitarian powers.

>> No.12063023

Yes, I added "he" improperly and therefor think a president that was in charge 15 years ago was a dictator. Reading through generalizations, particularly when dealing with presidential administrations in the United States, isn't that difficult.

>> No.12063144


>> No.12063159

Ah, yes, pay thousands and thousands of dollars to... talk to people.

>> No.12063170

no, you retard, networking is developing professional friendships and contacts which can serve you in your career

>> No.12063177

Funny, I wonder how I'm able to do that by actually working and not having to pay thousands of dollars to support the welfare job some lazy """professor""" coasts on.

>> No.12063182 [DELETED] 

you're not even worth replying to because you'll do anything to avoid recognising the benefits of a university education due to the emotional distress it will cause you as a non-gradutate.

>> No.12063184

forget about the degree for a second and think about your available network when you graduate and the location you'll live in/look for work. Then adjust degree accordingly.

>> No.12063192

you're not even worth replying to because you'll do anything to avoid recognising the benefits of a university education due to the emotional distress it will cause you as a non-graduate.

>> No.12063193

>replies anyway
I wonder which of us is actually mad :^)

>> No.12063197

you're using corrupted wojack so you should kys and do it quickly

>> No.12063198
File: 914 KB, 2544x4000, 1531909719447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deletes his fucking post
if that's not an admission of defeat... LMAO!

>> No.12063199

Go spend a year or two living and working on your own, THEN decide to go to college and what for.

I wasted 6 years of my life by not doing this.

>> No.12063202

oh my god you're so buttmad. It's still there if you can read with your high school diploma

>> No.12063213
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>> No.12063223

intelligent adults don't communicate in pictures, sweety.

>> No.12063227
File: 94 KB, 866x900, 1522277861081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look it's u

>> No.12063234

is the emotional distress getting to you

>> No.12063568

kek, I probably would've ignored him or just called him a faggot but this was pretty funny, nice anon

>> No.12063886

>Long tradition of gentleman scientists who were part of Darwin's motivations in studying evolution.
>long tradition of being associated with space exploration.
>easier than "muh maths"
>get to enjoy outdoors as your study area
>can work in oil and gas and make 100k starting salary.
Geology is the only stem field that is /lit/ approved.

>> No.12063901

Cons: You have to study rocks

>> No.12063917
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There are mayors that provide better job security than others but in the end it all depends on you. You can have the most relevant degree but if you are an unemployable turboautist you won't have a job, conversely you can have some flimsy social science degree and still land a decent job through connections, luck and relevant other skills.

>> No.12063936


Grandpa was a geologist, he told me he decided to study geology because he wanted to do an exact science and be outdoors at the same time. He travelled all over the world looking at rocks and drilling holes for mining and oil companies. He also told me that people who studied mining engineering were all insane and barely functional alcoholics. For some reason the outdoor earth sciences like mining and archeology have a reputation for being hard drinkers. Dunno if that is still the case, grampa is almost 90 now.

>> No.12063977

maths unironically

no brainlets allowed though

>> No.12063992
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>> No.12063994

only smart reply
college isn't for everyone

>> No.12064000

You can study applied physics in MIT and still be underpaid, underexperienced shut in with no social net to work with. Self application is atleast 50% of what matters, degree is only opening doors, not going through them. That being said, majoring in info/technology/chem/bio/physics is most demanded fields with best prospects and most flexibility when searching for employment. Self-employment is purely subjective when it comes to what major is worth it - my dad did bachelor's in radiotechnology back in USSR, from being village/farm boy he managed to make it to upper middle class while his whole life he was self employed.

tl;dr Degree is either time waste or doors opener, everything else is hustle.

>> No.12064034
File: 274 KB, 904x519, american history x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your dad is handsome

>> No.12064037


Lemme guess, you're the kind of person that derives his whole identity from being in the 'traditional' STEM field, any deviation from your definition of "science" is immediately picked up on as a personal attack upon your character. Which is in a sense understandable, since you derive your whole sense of being and selfworth from your field of studies. Apart from the fact that this is pretty sad it also makes you a boor, an uninteresting person because any attempt to a conversation is immediately stifled because everyone has to walk on eggshells as not to trigger you deep rooted insecurities. A normal conversation about things in and or outside your field becomes utterly impossible, any attempt to find a shared point of view or a broadening of horizons is met with open hostility and unpleasant hostilies. Afterwards you retreat into your specific field of autism, thinking back as to "how you sure showed those brainlets the superiority of you intellect". This whole precoccupation with the boundries of what's STEM is on par with the false sense of superiority that some vocal craft beer enthousiast has when he berates you for drinking a regular lager. It's the same as the guy that is so preoccupied with having a beard that his whole personality is derived from sporting facial hair or riding a Harley Davidson. If the most interesting thing about you or the most defining thing about you is your field of study, your hobby or your appearance you are a boring person, you lack a well rounded character, luckily not everyone in the STEM field is as insufferable. Sure, people are insufferable in other fields too , but sadly many STEM mayors on the internet tend to fall into this category. I advise you to stop acting this way if you wish to form any meaningfull realationship in life, be it with friends or family.

>> No.12064228

Psycholoy is interesting enough and gets you a decent job

>> No.12064236

>only stem field
>being this unaware of pure mathematics

>> No.12064242

You have to be a genius for that though

>> No.12064243

What should I study alongside political science?
I'm choosing between pol sci + ??? or psychology.

>> No.12064248

Tell me more about how abstract maths ain't a waste of time. It will do nothing to develop you intellectually.

>> No.12064250

>knows nothing about tech
>expects to be leading projects
Ask me how I know you're a retard.

>> No.12064282

Take psychology. If you're interested in literature, chances are you're also interested in how the human mind works. Of course, there are also tedious parts about statistics etc but everything considered it's pretty good. And contrary to pol sci, it will get you a job that pays well, especially if you stay away from social psychology and specialize in I/O psychology or neuropsychology

>> No.12064430

you're telling me the nodejs engineer is gonna automate me? shut the fuck up

>> No.12064564

Where does 4chan get such retarded notions? Try doing medicine, pharmacology, chemical or electric engineering.

>> No.12064582

Isn't psych the most oversaturated degree out there? Seems like a bad choice if, taking from your comment, good employment is a concern.

>> No.12064763

In Europe the opposite is the case. There are far too few psychologists. I don't know about the situation in the States.

>> No.12064782

Literally computer science, statistics, physics and economy in one but better.

>> No.12065669

How would familiarity with a bunch of abstract concepts help you in job field other than boring actuary sectors?