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12062479 No.12062479 [Reply] [Original]

>I have devised a way to distinguish factual absolute truths!
>god is real because triangles

>> No.12062485

>what if there's an evil demon tricking us though
Bravo Rene.

>> No.12062514

Prove him wrong, you glib facsimile of a cocksucker.

>> No.12062519

it's a useless fucking thought
yeah maybe dude, but you know, probably not

>> No.12062527

Don't have to. I conceived my opinion very clearly and very distinctly therefore it is true.

>> No.12062563

You are all wrong. Descartes is a genius. Just think about that for a minute before you buffoons do us the disservice of belching another cheap and cheerful reply.

You are baboons with baby-rattles that are upset by the thundering words of gods and god-men who come before you, who exist over you. Descartes speaks with the virility and gnosis of a hyperborean sage. He is downright Atlantian in his wisdoms and courage to face the Absolutes.

You are insects, scattered by the piercing lightning of the great men of Mind. The high spiritual masters that have forsaken the barren plane on which you and your fellow thralls simper and slave away to the libidinally galvanized vices that come to be the broadest horizons that the myopic eyes of your underfed souls can accomplish.

Leave and never return. The river of Philosophy flows too fast for you, and you will only be swept asunder and smote upon the rocks while pissing into the crystalline waters and ruining them for those worthy to dip themselves into the ravishing beatitude of the currents, the electricity that only the eccentric and erratic may ever truly, like that great zeus, harness.

Return to your twitch streamers and wiki articles. The tomes of Descartes have rebuffed you thoroughly and you have no place here. Your opinions will garner no further attention from the rest of the initiated, no matter how gratingly they are screeched.

>> No.12062576

god i love these posts
is this how people who like bdsm feel i wonder, just being degraded for my idiocy

you could have at least addressed the fact that the thought is useless though

>> No.12062577

First out loud laugh I've had today.

>Writes with a thesaurus
>Types something the length of his goddamn thesis into 4chan without addressing a single point
Textbook midwit

>> No.12062725

Oh man this brings me back to when I was an undergrad and totally obsessed with Mr. R n D. The dude just spoke to me on such a profound level when I encountered him and I quickly bought up all of his stuff, multiple different editions for the same works etc. I even tried teaching myself French and Latin to make sure I was getting all that this madman was doing. His ideas consumed me.
Eventually it got to the point where I even started styling my hair like his and grew a similar goatee. My eyebrows weren't as defined as his so I used to sneak some of my gf's cosmetics to help fill them out. I carried Meditations and Principles of Philosophy everywhere I went, and always tried to center conversations around them no matter who I was talking to: a cashier, my parents, roommates etc. I used to be able to quote practically the whole of them by heart. I also got into really aggressive arguments with dumbasses like OP who didn't understand his genius at all.

Eventually something kind of broke in me. I guess I had already snapped to some degree looking back on it, but then everything went tits up. fast. My gf didn't like the fact that I had accumulated like fifteen portraits of Descartes on the nightstand and on the walls by the bed and the fact that I was apparently constantly looking at them during sex rather than her. Then one day she found me applying her volumizing eyebrow gel and some foundation to try and get that odd tint that Descartes has going for him in some of his portraits, while having an enthusiastic debate in the mirror between an imagined Leibniz and myself as Descartes, just responding how I imagined he would and so on, and she broke down in tears and started screaming at me for being a lunatic and about how she couldn't take it anymore. I tried to explain to her that she really couldn't know for sure that any of what she was experiencing was a true reality that ought to be defined as "Real" and therefore should maintain a rational level of skeptical detachment, but this only exacerbated things.

So she broke up with me and started spreading rumors about how I was a fag and a weirdo who wore makeup and was gay for old philosophers. My life on uni quickly plummeted as I was ostracized which only succeeded in driving me further into my obsession with Descartes and I was eventually suspended after getting into a very heated argument with one of my professors (an empericist) whose car I later desecrated.

My life is pretty shitty now teebH. I usually alternate between cycles of NEETdom and McDonald-tier wageslavery since I never finished my degree but have loads of student debt and legal fees still. I'm not into Descartes anymore but I'm kind of glad for the experience. I doubt others have ever gone quite that far into something.

>> No.12062742

>>god is real because triangles
I'd like to hear you explain geometry with a better theory, OP

>> No.12062769

Is this OC?

>> No.12062773


>> No.12062786
File: 52 KB, 1527x319, descartes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For posterity

>> No.12062813

That's a 5-paragraph essay, tops, you dingus

>> No.12062817
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You evil genius you.

>> No.12062829
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t. >>12062581

>> No.12062852


>> No.12062923

Upvoted and saved

>> No.12063348

excellent post