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1205809 No.1205809 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books dealing with modern-day hypothetical Russian invasion of the US, /lit/?

>> No.1205811


how did they get past the satellites?

>> No.1205817

some sort of radar cloaking macguffin

>> No.1205827
File: 73 KB, 800x600, operationflashpoint_screen006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick bump, a meeting engagement is fine too

>> No.1205831

Can't tell if OP just finished Modern Warfare 2...

But I'd be interested in this too, so bump.

>> No.1205835
File: 61 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you won't actually read any recommendations & just want to prove that you accept you're just a common man & appreciate "prole-ish" activities like mindless video games & fucking like a pig.

>> No.1205841
File: 22 KB, 320x388, ofp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1205849

Video games are still for children.

>> No.1205859
File: 53 KB, 354x500, mw2-cover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>just want to prove that you accept you're just a common man & appreciate "prole-ish" activities like mindless video games & fucking like a pig.

>mindless video games
Actually single-player MW2 is a narrative tour de force in video games, and I completely ignore the cookie cutter multiplayer aspect which is by far what most knuckleheads play it for

>fucking like a pig
haha just i mean wow i dont even

>> No.1205861

>implying sex isn't pig-fuck disgusting

>> No.1205863


It's not, it's fucking wonderful. It's the real motivating force.

>> No.1205864

Pig disgusting American sex

>> No.1205865

>MW2 is a narrative tour de force in video games

Oh D&E you so crazy!

>> No.1205867

sup sex-craving virgin!

>> No.1205873


I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not a virgin. It's actually as good as it's cracked up to be. You're going to have to try it someday.

>> No.1205874

Actually people who have lots of sex tend to crave sex more. I"m not just speaking from experience here, there are scientific studies

>> No.1205883

okay guys lets not derail the thread into tybrax's electra complex, how about some suggestions on speculative fiction of a russo-us conflict, which is much more interesting

captcha: reastic detente

>> No.1205892

>implying i'm a female
you obv dont deal with very many of them, broski.

>> No.1205897

switch it to oedipal if you want, I don't believe /lit/ is post-gender

>> No.1205904

cool so you were just speculating that i need therapy instead of refuting my arguments since you just got TOLD

sex is so fucking disgusting though you cockroach, i think you're just lying you do though to maintain your superiority in here.

>> No.1205915

you are making a lot of boring ol noise tybrax, not arguments

>sex is so fucking disgusting though you cockroach, i think you're just lying you do though to maintain your superiority in here.

>lying about sex to maintain superiority
careful tybrax your value system and insecurities are showing

>> No.1205922


Sex isn't disgusting. You have no basis for this. Stop being a weird virgin and get plowed.

>> No.1205927

why is tybrax so mad about sex. was tybrax raped as a child or something

>> No.1205929

not really, by lying you're had sex among sex-obsessed virigns you can seem superior to them.

its disgusting for the same reason shitting is disgusting.

>> No.1205944

Highly likely. Or maybe he's some semi-autistic fucktard who can't handle human contact.
Or he's just rationalizing his roneryness.

>> No.1205949


Get yourself fucked, boy. I suspect you're gay, which is probably part of the problem, hence why you'd like to pretend gender doesn't matter - a genderless consciousness can desire men and not be gay. Go and get plowed.

>> No.1205957

>by lying you're had sex among sex-obsessed virigns you can seem superior to them.
Why would I need to do that when it's self-evident from what I've written on the board that I am quite probably the most intelligent person on the board? And I mean, this is besides the fact that a great deal of people who do contribute on the board have had sex. It's a fairly trivial thing.

>> No.1205958


You're not, I am, you're just the most intelligent tripfag.

>> No.1205965

You're OK but there are people more intelligent than you here

>> No.1205974

You're a guy who doesn't even have the spinal cord to take responsibilty for what he's posted via adopting an author function (a tripcode)

Anyway it makes no sense to talk of attributing genius to a degenerate mass

>> No.1205973

"good" is redundant there.

>> No.1205984


No, I don't use a tripcode because I don't come here for the publication, or for a model of fame. I don't need that from a chan board. The form is anonymous, and I accept the rules of the form.

>> No.1205988

Well I mean, they can't all be good

>> No.1205990

come at me bro. prove to me that sex aint shallow & that masturbation isnt pathetic.

>identifying with a politicalparty/sexuality/etc
lol pleb. i was quite open to the possibility of liking guys but i generally dont. & by general i mean never you insensitive pig

>> No.1205992

Don't be smartass, buttring. I realise the term is entirely subjective, it is simply there for flavour.

>> No.1205997


Sex isn't shallow. Do you mean you think no-one would choose you for sex? Well then change that situation.

>> No.1206001
File: 735 KB, 1000x990, frank_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since no one appears interested in answering the actual question I'll give it a shot: The man in the high castle, Philip K. Dick. An alternate history where Nazi Germany wins world war II and conquers the US. I know it isn't the Russians but given the comparatively recent collapse of the Soviet Union there hasn't really been a Russia for long enough and they haven't been menacing the US enough for a Russian invasion to be plausible enough for a contemporary writer to publish a novel length story on those lines.

Speculating: What would it take for Russia to get into a position where it decided its best choice was to not only wage war against the US but to launch a land war with the intention of occupying the continental United States? Does Russia even have the resources to mount such a force? Wow. I'd pay to read that.

Pic unrelated (I hope, maybe it means we're unprepared and the Russians will win)

>> No.1206011

>Sex isn't shallow
prove it bitch. everything that surrounds it is.

>Do you mean you think no-one would choose you for sex?
not really. i probably dont have sex by my own choice. i only say probably because if i wanted to i might be stopped by nerves, but i dont want to.

>> No.1206019

lol tybrax can't get laid

>> No.1206024

dont want 2, you jelly of my self-control?

>> No.1206026


You have no idea what shallow even means, you pseudo-intellectual piece of subhuman garbage. Fuck off and cry some more about how daddy stuck it in your pooper.

>> No.1206030

you seem upset

>> No.1206032


You can't believe you ruined this thread with your pathetic shit. You're like a fucking disease.

>> No.1206033

>The man in the high castle, Philip K. Dick. An alternate history where Nazi Germany wins world war II and conquers the US
I happen to have that actually, haven't read it yet. The edition I have has a blank white cover with a dotted texture, doesn't seem to show up on google images at all.

>What would it take for Russia to get into a position where it decided its best choice was to not only wage war against the US but to launch a land war with the intention of occupying the continental United States?
Don't know if you're already aware but MW2 set up the scenario by having a Russia governed by ultranationalists (who are basically anti-american bad guys from MW1), a terrorist attack in a Russian airport that an undercover cia agent was involved in (derp he gets killed and it's pinned on america). Cue shitstorm etc. Maybe there are some 9-11 parallels there.

>> No.1206070
File: 7 KB, 211x211, TyBrax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once again I receive personal attacks instead of actual arguments.

good game, /lit/.

>> No.1206084

>there are people more intelligent than you here


>> No.1206088

Red Storm Rising is close, Russia invades Europe. And it's before Tom Clancy decided his books were best used to push republican ideology, so it's actually a decent read.

The EndWar novellization wasn't too bad, either, though it was just written by some anonymous underage writer on Ubisoft's staff rather than by TC himself.

As for video games, World in Conflict, bitch. And Bad Company 2 is much, much, much more fun than Modern Warfare 2. MW2's storytelling is a little better, but BC2 lasts five hours longer and has a much more fun engine.

>> No.1206096
File: 16 KB, 255x352, LaughingElfMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there are people less intelligent than you

OK, maybe some of the other tripfags on here.

>> No.1206098


...that's the reason you're tripping. Why would you complain about it?

>> No.1206113

>Red Storm Rising is close, Russia invades Europe. And it's before Tom Clancy decided his books were best used to push republican ideology, so it's actually a decent read.
Sounds good mang, thanks.

>Bad Company 2 is much, much, much more fun than Modern Warfare 2
I would say the multiplayer is way ahead of MW2, even if it's still got the token ridiculous and superficial unlock system in fashion these days. 11466 ebooks have you like played BC1, it's not like they changed a huge amount between the games.

>> No.1206115

No, it isn't.

>> No.1206126

I only played BC1's campaign, 'cause it was a rental. Also, BC2's unlock system at least unlocked weapons you actually wanted; if you prefer using, say, machine guns, doing so will unlock more machine guns, and ditto for rifles and SMGs and everything else.

Was also more fun than COD4.

>> No.1206130

>self-proclaimed wisest
sounds like someone needs to go back to their Socratic dialogues...

>> No.1206141
File: 13 KB, 300x292, 180935-preston_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BC2's unlock system at least unlocked weapons you actually wanted

>mfw when it takes me like 4 hours to unlock the barrett and it doesn't even 1-hit kill with a bodyshot lolbalance

Then I spent another 4 hours working towards the m60 + magnum ammo and all was well.


>> No.1206184

Hardcore mode; I think the GOL also kills in one shot in hardcore mode.

Really, the GOL is better than the Barrett anyway, it does no less damage in practice and it's more accurate.

>> No.1206204


>> No.1206208

There's a Tom Clancy novel covering this - Red Storm Rising. Actually it's a Russian invasion of Western Europe with the NATO being drawn in. I thought it was pretty good, always reminded me of the Operation Flashpoint game (the book is set in the Cold War era as well).

>> No.1206209

>bumps a thread to say it belongs elsewhere

>> No.1206345

There are a few Anonymouses who have made posts more intelligent and educated than anything I've read from you, sorry

>> No.1207426


I think you'll enjoy the man in the high castle.

I was not aware of the scenario you mentioned.

That said, I'll risk a short comment:

If ultra-nationalism implies a distorted sense of reality, delusions of grandeur and an unjustifiably high estimation of one's own resources then yes, ultra-nationalists may choose to launch a territorial attack on the US.

However, given the economic interdependence of the global economy, they would probably choose to spend their international 'outrage credits' on economic advantages or other financial concessions.

Why, you ask, would ultra nationalists do that? Because the weight of an airport full of citizens is not enough to threaten the sovereignty of the 'Ultras' and what's more, since ultra nationalism is essentially fascism (there is no individual will, only the will of the state, what the state wants for you IS ALL that you want for yourself) the ruling Ultra's would put up a monument to the 'great patriotic heroes' and milk the publicity since, in their eyes, the body politic hasn't even lost a finger, just a couple of hundred cells.